• Published 27th Sep 2015
  • 3,531 Views, 159 Comments

Button's Date With Silver Spoon - TheOneAJ

I'm on a date with the 2nd most popular girl in school, and I don't want to be.

  • ...

Chapter 4; Sweetie's Idenity

Not saying a word, we walked to the football field, made our way under the bleachers—where no couples seemed to be making out today—and stood in awkward silence for awhile.

“So,” I finally asked Sweetie Belle, “are you okay?”

She began to breathe through her nose, then rubbed the back of her head. “Well I… Button, do you like me?”

I nearly gagged on my own spit. “Wha… I, I mean, well…” I sighed. “Okay, what brought this on? Does it have anything to do with why you ran off on Friday?”

She put her hands in her pockets. “Just… could you just be honest with the question?”

I didn’t even know what the honest answer was. Yet, I had to answer her right here, right now.

“I… well… I…”

She lowered her head.

“What, no!” I jumped up and reached a hand out to her's. “No, you’re beautiful, and wonderful to be around, and I'd... I’d be happy to be your boyfriend if that’s what you want.”

I was ready to do whatever it took to make her happy, even if it meant a little short term discomfort for myself. However, as soon as i said I would be her boyfriend, she began crying.

“Oh, Button, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean…. I…” She turned her back towards me. “I’m a horrible person, worse than Diamond Tiara!”

I tilted my head. “What? No, no! Sweetie, why?”

She sighed, and with dead-shot eyes, said. “I’ve always known you liked me, Button. And, well, for years, I’ve… I’ve always tried to like you back, but I couldn’t, for some reason. Then I… after Tray called me gay, then I guess I looked up some stuff and, well,” she closed her eyes and gulped, “I’m gay!”

I’m sure a normal person would have felt hurt, betrayed, or even angry. Yet, when she said it, I felt, relived. If that was true, then I didn’t have to date Sweetie Belle! I didn’t have to make myself uncomfortable and risk any friendship we had being ruined.

“Sweetie," I said, "it’s okay. I never had a crush on you.”

She groaned. “You’re just saying that.”

“No, I mean it!” I put a hand on her shoulder and gave the widest smile I could muster. “Hey, if being with a girl instead of me would make you happy, then it would make me happy too!” I then chuckled nervously. “Though, we can still be friends, right? I really like talking to you and doing school projects together.”

She wiped away a tear. “And getting your butt kicked by me TF2?”

“Yes, and… HEY!”

She gave a giggle and I returned it with a playful nudge. “But yes, Button, we can still be friends.” She twirled a strand of hair around. “I like being friends.” She then raced up to me and gave me a hug.

Now normally, I’m not a huger. Since I don't like being touched beyond maybe a high five or occasional pat on the back. But for Sweetie Belle, and along with everything else I was feeling, I happily hugged back.

After we pulled away, she asked. “I suppose I acted a little immature on Friday. I mean, I guess I always knew. I was just afraid to come out because of how people would treat me. Namely you and all.”

“Hey! I won’t treat you any differently.”

She cooed. “Thanks. Though,” she clicked her heels, “now that it’s out, there is someone I think I have a crush on.”

“Oh, who?” I then said the first name that came to mind. “Scoo—” a lightbulb went off in my mind. “Wait a minute,” I grinned mischievously, “do you have a crush on—”

She threw a hand on my mouth. “Hush!” she said turning red. “Well… I, I, I…”

I moved her hand away and rolled my eyes. “Hey, I think it’s cute. Besides, you two would make a perfect couple.” I felt a tingle around my neck as my shirt collar began to itch. “If it helps, I have a strong feeling she feels the same way. If not stronger.” I scratched my neck. “Just call it a hunch.”

Sweetie Belle groaned. “Yeah, I heard from Apple Bloom. Sorry about that.” She then sighed dreamily. “Although, she must really care about me if she went through that much trouble.” Her smile began to form a frown. “Though, I’m afraid of how Apple Bloom would take it. I mean, we’ve all been close, wouldn’t two of us dating mean the other have to be left out?”

“Well,” I scratched my chin, “I’m sure she’ll understand. And I’m sure that’s something you can all work out. Though, I suppose you might want to tell her before you ask Scootaloo out?”

She nodded. “Good idea.”

I closed my eyes and grinned. “Still, I’m glad you have someone.”

She cocked an eyebrow at me. “You mean like how you have Silver Spoon?”

My blood ran cold. “What?!” I facepalmed. “Not you too! Okay, look, it’s a long story. My therapist said I should try and compliment the first girl I ran into, and it happened to be Silver Spoon. I promise, end of story!”

To my horror, she began to laugh. “I figured there was something off about that. Either you were dared too or were just trying to be nice.” She then looked at me quizzically. “You don’t’ actually have a crush on her, do you?”

“Of course not! I mean…” I took a deep breath. “Besides, you really think she’d even say yes if I asked her out?”

She rubbed her chin. “Good point.” We then heard a bell ring and she looked up at me and smiled. “Oh well, I’m just happy this drama is all over.”

I picked up my backpack and led her back inside. “Yup, I’m sure now things will only get better from here.”


To my past self’s credit, even if I had gone back in time to slap myself silly for saying that—which if I gotten the chance to time travel, I wouldn’t have wasted it to do that. Instead, I would have win the lottery, or at least have stopped myself from complimenting Silver Spoon—it wouldn’t have changed anything that had already been set into motion. When I got to my last class, I had gone in expecting it to be nothing more than asking Sweetie Belle if she had talked to Apple Bloom or Scootaloo yet. Instead, the second I sat down, a gray hand touched the corner of my desk. Looking up, I saw none other than Silver Spoon, giving me a nervous glance.

“Um…” she muttered

“Hi?” I looked around to make sure she wasn’t talking to anyone else, then back to her.

This was it, the moment she would get me back for this morning. She was probably mad at me, and just waiting for the right moment to humiliate me. She would say something mean, at the very least, or one of her friends was going to do something to me any second. Either way, I didn’t care. Silver Spoon could do whatever she wanted. I just wanted to get to it over with.

With that, she fumbled around with her braid, then asked “Did you...” she took a small breath, “did you really mean it?”

My eyes began to scan the room. “Huh?”

“About me being pretty and all?” she questioned me again.

Firstly, I just said her hair was pretty. However, seeing as how this was just some kind of trap, I figured I’d be the better person and answered. “Um, yeah. I mean, sure, you are pretty, and I like your hair style. Must take a lot of time and detail to get it how it is, and… well I guess I just think it’s really nice.”

Might have been a bit of an overkill, but then again, I had nothing to lose. Besides, I thought, aside from everything else, she did have a unique and interesting hair style. A single braided ponytail, only it went over her shoulder and in front of her.

She smiled, face flushed red. “Well, I…” we then heard the sound of some girls giggling. She turned to see her friends—and Tray—coming towards her. She snapped back to me and glared. “Well, like, you should really do something about that dorky hat then.” She then swatted my hat off my head.

This caused her friends who were watching to laugh.

“Like, later, loser,” she fished off before she headed back to her desk.

With that, each and every one of her friends gave me a wayward look while they muttered something I chose to tone out. The only person I remembered was Tray. Who made sure I knew about his presence as he bumped into my desk, nearly toppling it over.

I looked up to him, as he gave me a nasty death stare. “She’s mine, and will never be yours, got it, twerp?”

Hastily I nodded, and he made his way to the back as I kept myself facing forward.

“You okay?” Sweetie Belle asked, sitting down next to me.

I held my head with my hands. “That depends, how much did you see?”

“I saw Tray giving you a nasty look. He not taking your flirting with Silver Spoon well?”

My hand found its way to my forehead. “It would seem like it.” For comfort I began to fidget with my pencil. “Oh, what am I going to do?”

Sweetie Belle rubbed my shoulder. “Hey, it will blow over. Just you wait and see.”

I sighed, thinking for a moment about telling her about my earlier confrontation with Silver Spoon. However, I had other thing I needed to know. “I guess. Though, how’d it go with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo?”

Her face turned red and she stuttered, “Well…”

My eyes narrowed. “You haven't told either of them yet, have you?”

She bit her lip. “I’ll try after school! Though, would you go with me for some moral support?”

The pencil stood still in my hand.

I had never hung out with her, or anyone for that matter, outside of school. Though in this case, it wouldn’t be ‘outside’ of school. We could just met up at the bleachers. Besides, if it was for a good cause, why wouldn’t I do so?

“Of course,” I gave her a warm smile, "everything will be alright."

She smiled, and then class began shortly after.

Although, the whole time I was in class, I couldn’t help but feel as if I was always being watched. Sure enough, whenever I looked behind me. I would see Silver Spoon quickly avert her eyes from my direction. I couldn’t stare long without getting noticed by our teacher. So I just left it at that, and worried about how I was going to get Sweetie Belle to confess to her friends.


One thing we both decided after class was that Sweetie wasn’t going to tell Scootaloo she had a crush on her. Instead, with my help, we would tell them that she was a lesbian, and go from there.

“I’m still—” Sweetie Belle began, only to be cut off as Silver Spoon and her friends passed us. They didn’t cause us too much trouble, although they all kept looking at me funny. Most of them gave me some usually mean jesters, but when Silver Spoon caught my eye, at first, she looked disgusted. Then, when her friend’s weren’t looking, she gave me a warm smile and a wave. I caught it, but I guess Sweetie Belle, or any other student, didn't.

I turned back to Sweetie Belle, who began to fidgit. “I guess aside from them, I’m worried about my family. I haven’t told anyone, not even my sister! I mean, what if—“

“Hey,” I said as I boldly took her hand, “they will be fine with it. Just trust me, they want to see you as happy as I am.”

She blushed, but not before Tray and some of his friends bumped our hands apart and said, “Guess the retard is into chicks.”

They laughed, then went on their merry way.

I grabbed Sweetie by the shoulder and led her away from the classroom. “Come on, let’s go find the girls.”

We then headed to the top of the bleachers—the bottom was being used—where Sweetie Belle said she wanted to meet them today to tell her big secret.

When we arrived, Apple Bloom was anxiously looking at her watch while Scootaloo was in her soccer uniform, twirling a soccer ball on her finger.

“Ready?” I asked.

She nodded. “Ready.”

I suppose there wasn’t much to say about what was said up until the very end. Apple Bloom was eager to get whatever this was about done because she had to get home to get her chores done. Because of that, she just guessed that we were dating.

“What!?” Sweetie and I said together.

“No!” I said. “She told me how she felt and-, GAH!”

Scootaloo charged at me. “You dared turn down such an amazing person as— Hey, get your hands off me and let me kill him!” she hissed as Apple Bloom held her back.

“Down, girl, down!” Apple Bloom pled as she held Scootaloo back.

“He hurt Sweetie Belle! How can I—”

“Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle said, putting her foot down as she held Scootaloo in place and glared into her eyes.

Scootaloo froze, not daring to move, and not even daring to breath for a second. Somehow—and all the better for what I was hopping would soon happen—there was something about Sweetie Belle that brought out the best in Scootaloo. No matter how angry or hurt Scootaloo was, all Sweetie Belle had to do was to tell her to calm down, and that would be that.

“I’m okay.” Sweetie Belle said in her calm and soothing voice. “He didn’t hurt me, so will you please let us tell you what we have to say?”

“Alright,” Scootaloo said with a deep breath. Though she was still giving me the occasional death glance. She then looked back at Sweetie Belle. “So... you two aren’t a couple now?”

Sweetie Belle lowered her head and smiled. “We talked about it, and…” She looked at me with concern, and I gave her an encouraging nod. “I… I’m…” she closed her eyes. “I’m gay.”

Once she said it, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked to one-another in utter silence, until Apple Bloom said. “About time.”

We all looked at her, and said, “Huh?”

“Oh come on! Ah mean, if that weren’t da case, ya would have been in his pants by now.”

We all turned red—even Scootaloo—as we made various protest before Apple Bloom cut her off, laughing her head off.

“It’s okay, I think this is great. Because, funny enough,” she then pushed Scootaloo forward, “we were just talkin’, and don’t ya have something to say, Scoot?”

Sweetie Belle looked to the glowing orange girl. “Um….?”

Wide eyes, Scootaloo glared at Apple Bloom. “Bloom!”

Apple Bloom raised her hands. “What? Now we know, so ya might as well before some other gal beats ya to it.”

“Before someone else beats her to what?” I asked, not catching on like I suppose Sweetie Belle must have as she held her mouth agape as she started to shake.

Sweetie Belle, though, said, “Scoo… Scootaloo?”

With a groan, Scootaloo said, “Okay,” while taking many deep breaths.

She scratched the back of her neck as Sweetie Belle held a hand to her mouth, blushing red as my mouth dropped since my brain finally caught up to what was happening.

“Um… Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo gulped. “Would you… um… maybe, go on a date with me? And then if that works, maybe the dance—”

“YES!” Sweetie Belle cried as she threw her arms around her friend.

Apple Bloom just sat there giggling while I felt my head explode.

Once I regained scene, I shouted, “Yes!” along with Sweetie Belle and threw my arms around Apple Bloom.

“Ugh,” she moaned in my arms.

I quickly pulled away. “Sorry.”

“S’kay, least they seem happy.” With that, she looked to me. “You sure ya okay with this?”

With a smile, I said, “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? She’s happy, what more could I want?”

“Hey!” Scoots said as she fought the hug. “Easy up on the cuddling! I got a reputation to keep!”

Sweetie Belle jolted away. “Oh, um, right.” Still, she couldn’t hide her wide smile. “Can’t believe it took me this long to figure things out.”

Probably not thinking, I asked, “How did you find out anyways?”

I took an uneasy step back as they all whipped their necks at me. “I mean… never mind—”

“Actually,” Sweetie Belle said as she fished into her backpack, “when I… ran home last week, I ended up by the library and found this.” She handed me a book titled, Sexualtiy and You. “I looked in it, took one of its test near the end that is supposed to help you find out what sexuality you are, and it marked me as a lesbian.”

“Huh,” I said looking it over, wondering...

I then looked up to see Sweetie take Scootaloo’s hand. “Guess it worked.”

Scootaloo blushed and pulled her hand away. “Okay, okay. How about we save the mushy stuff for our date? How does,” she looked around briefly and whispered. “tonight sound, after practice?”

Sweetie Belle grinned and nodded her head. “It’s a date.” Her eyes widened. “Oh! I got to get ready then.”

Scootaloo moaned. “Sweetie Belle, You don’t need to doll up. I like you—”

“Oh, but,” she looked at me and the book, running in place. “Button, would you take that back for me? Got so much to do, and I don’t want anyone in my family to find it.”

With no reason not to, I nodded and said, “Of course. I imagine this is a big night—”

She threw me into a quick bear-hug. “Great, thanks, I got to go, bye!” She then swooped up her backpack and raced home.

“Well… that was fun.” I couldn’t tell if Apple Bloom meant it or was still as dazed as I’m sure Scootaloo and I were. “But Ah gotta get goin’ too.” She scooped up her own backpack. “Bye, take care!”

I was about to leave too, before Scootaloo said, “Whoa, whoa, Apples! You’re… you’re not, well, I mean, I wouldn’t want you to feel—”

She held up a hand. “It’s fine, Scoots. I know this won’t change anything between all three of us. And besides,” she began to chuckle, “guess this will give me reason to get my own guy now.”

Scootaloo crossed her arms. “Who?”

“Well…” Apple Bloom kicked a stone, “um... got to go, buy!" she then raced off, leaving just Scootaloo and I alone.

“So,” Scootaloo said in a flat tone, “sorry about… Sweetie, but,” she then glared at me, “don’t be getting any second thoughts now, got it?”

I saluted. “Crystal! I don’t think I’m even into girls anyways.”

She stayed stern for a moment, till she eased up as her face beamed. “Well, in any case, sorry about before. But, you really sure you’re okay? I mean, I guess we're friends so… Yeah, hope I didn’t hurt you.”

I winched at the F word, but said, “It’s okay. And hey, I never really had a crush on Sweetie Belle. I just liked hanging out with her.”

Scootaloo clenched her fist. “I just… I mean, I would have been happy if it was you. If it made her happy.” Her breathing began to quicken as she fought back tears. “That’s… that’s all I cared about. She’s always been there for me, and I love her so much I… I…”

I hesitantly placed an arm on her shoulder. “Hey, I know how you feel.” I chuckled. “Believe me, this is the best outcome I could have hoped for.”

She then did the last thing I expected, tears still fresh in her eyes, she quickly threw her arms around me.

I flinched and she quickly pulled away.

“Anyways,” she said as she rubbed her eyes, “I’ll see you later.”

Alright,” I called off as I saw her bound her way to the soccer field, “just tell me how it went!”

She gave me one last sarcastic grin and made her way to the field.

All alone, I found myself looking at the book Sweetie Belle had asked me to return. With nothing else better to do today, I glanced over the first fifteen questions on the quiz before i even got to my bike.

Author's Note:

Okay, this was a nightmare and took longer than I hopped to put together, with my wifi down and the less than successful release of Elsa's Snowflake was one thing, then I had to re-write this whole chapter after my pre-readers cautioned me that I made the rough draft Scootaloo too unlikable. Which, BTW, thanks, guys, your life savers :twilightsheepish:
Only a few more to my required goal of any of my fics to 30 likes! :pinkiehappy: (final like count by stories end, 69):raritystarry:
Hey, even small success is good success.