• Published 27th Sep 2015
  • 3,531 Views, 159 Comments

Button's Date With Silver Spoon - TheOneAJ

I'm on a date with the 2nd most popular girl in school, and I don't want to be.

  • ...

Chapter 19; The Dance

Thankfully, despite my lose, it wasn’t that bad a day after that, all things considered. With nothing better to do, we all played video games, and even ordered some pizza once Scootaloo and Lily got off of practice and came over.

It was nice.

I still found it hard to enjoy myself when my best friend had just died, and it created a few awkward moments when I started to think that I had to feed him. Though, the worst came the next morning. I woke up feeling something was off. My bed didn’t feel as cramped and the room seemed to smell better. Once I realized why, I cried.

“Doing alright?” Mom asked when she saw me before I headed off to school.

“Yeah,” I quietly nodded.

She rubbed my head and gave me a hug.

I hugged her back.

“At least now we don’t have to put up with his smell.” I laughed and cried at the same time.

Mom did likewise. “Yeah, I know. Believe me, I miss him too.”

“Well,” I said pulling away, “I better get going.” I lifted up my backpack and departed. “And… sorry again about yesterday.”

“It's fine, honey.”

I weakly smiled. “Okay… I love you.”

She nodded. “I love you too, Button.”

For better or worse, the rest of that week up to Saturday passed by uneventful. No one tried anything funny around me, mostly because now they were either talking about Lily and Diamond Tiara, or were scared of them. They sure made a powerful duo, and a perfect match as well. The best part, they didn't have to tease anyone, and instead, made sure no one was a bully with their powers. Diamond Tiara with her 'influence,' Lily with her mussels.

As for me, I chose to spend most of that week heading straight home like before. I hung out with Silver Spoon once, but that was it. It took a while to convince everyone that I was okay and just wanted some alone time, but came around when I promised I would go to Scootaloo's and Lily's soccer game next week. However, I did make it a point to spend as much time online playing RP games with everyone whenever I could.

I did go to the game the whole dance was centered around on Friday after some reluctance as well. Never was much of a sport fan, and never really played any sports games either. Still, everyone else was going, so I figured it would be good for me to do likewise. Which worked out, because I did have a good enough time.

We lost, but we didn’t do poorly. While a lot of people said we lost because Tray couldn’t play, a lot more believed we would have had a more crushing defeat if he had. I guess it was one of those thing you had no way of knowing, although Silver Spoon and I happily supported the worst defeat theory.

Then came Saturday.

I woke up, tried to rub Charlie’s head again before I remembered... ate some breakfast, did some chores, then an hour before Diamond Tiara’s limo was set to show up, I showered, and mom spent the remaining time making sure I looked nice.

“Alright,” she said for the seventh time while straightening my collar, “you got the money?”

“Yes.” I grumbled, thankful I just had to wear some nice looking clothes that were a step above what I wore from my first date with Silver Spoon.

“Right, now, how about the flower? Do we need anything else? Maybe we should go to the store and—”


She chuckled. “Sorry, just, oh wow, my baby is going to a dance, with a date.”

I rolled my eyes. Even if I didn’t act like it, I was excited, too. While large crowds at dances didn’t turn me off, they usually weren’t my favorite things in the world either. Of course, what made this dance so special was the fact that I was about to go on it with one of the most beautiful girls in school, and I really wanted to be there.

We heard a knock on the door.

My mom took a deep breath. “Right.” She then eyed me. “You’ll be home around 11, right?”

I stuck my hand in my pocket. “Yes, mom.”

She then smirked. “I presume you won’t forget our talk?”

My face heated up and I deadpanned.

She laughed her head off. “Alright now, get going.” Before then, she pulled me into one last hug.

“Thanks, mom.”

“You’re welcome, Button.”

We then pulled apart and made our way to the door, where an elderly man was waiting.

“Right this way, sir,” he said gesturing to the limo out front.

I flashed my mom one last smile, said I loved her and followed the chauffeur out to the driveway where he opened the door to the limo.

Inside, Rumble and Scootaloo were playing some games on their phones while Diamond Tiara and Lily laughed at something.

All of their attention drew to me as soon as I stepped inside.

“Wow,” I said looking around at the large interior, “this is cool.”

“Why thank you.” Diamond Tiara nodded.

My attention was drawn to Scootaloo.

She raised a finger. “Yeah, I’m in a dress, not one word.”

I shrank back as the car started to move. “I wasn’t going to say anything bad! If anything, I think it suits you.”

And it did, it still caught me off guard, but Scootaloo’s dress really fit her. It was orange, but it wasn’t to girly. It seemed to strike a perfect balance with her personality.

Scootaloo blinked. “Well… thanks.”

“You don’t look bad yourself, man.” Rumble complimented.

“Shut up,” I jokingly replied.

He laughed and looked around the limo. “All of this, and to think, all I had to do was follow you and the girls two weeks ago.” He leaned back into his seat. “Totally worth it.”

I shock my head as the car came to a stop.

“Miss Belle’s place.” The driver told us.

Diamond Tiara nodded to Scootaloo. “Go get her, girl.”

Taking a deep breath, Scootaloo stepped out of the car, and we all raced to the adjacent window to see her heading up to Sweetie Belle’s front door.

“You know,” Rumble said, “I just had a thought. I mean, I get why you picked me and Button up first, being guys and wanting us to walk up to our dates’ door. Though, if that’s what you’re going for, why didn’t you pick up Sweetie Belle? Didn’t she ask Scootaloo to the dance?”

Diamond Tiara chuckled weakly. “Um… er.”

“Eh,” I said, seeing Scootaloo knock on the door, “well, technically Scootaloo kind of actually asked Sweetie Belle first. You see, when Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle on their first date—”

I shut up as the door opened, revealing Sweetie Belle in a—dare I say—kind of a knock up dress. I’m sure it wasn’t as fancy as Diamond Tiara’s or as elegant as a prom dress, but, it was a dazzling white and blue gown with a streak of purple running along one of the streams. The only thing that threw me a little off was her makeup.

Don’t get me wrong, it made her look great, and maybe a normal guy would say it was dazzling, but it was something that always turned me off. I had grown used to seeing Silver Spoon with some eyeliner. However, the more I thought about it, the more I worried that Silver Spoon was going to pile on the makeup and lipstick.

A loud giggle snapped me out of my trance. If Sweetie Belle had caused me to go starstruck, Scootaloo was KO’ed. Mouth hanging open struggling for words, Scootaloo gawked and turned red hot in the face as she stared at her beautiful date. Then when Sweetie Belle giggled, they talked for a bit till her parents came out, anxiously—mostly her father—looking over Scootaloo before giving their daughter’s girlfriend a reassuring nod.

They took their pictures, smiled, and arms locked together, made their way to the limo.

“Hey, guys,” Sweetie Belle said, stepping inside, “you ready for the best night ever?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, looking up and down her dress. “You look amazing!”

She blushed. “Thanks, Button.”

“Hey,” Scootaloo said, playfully pointing a finger at me, “what did I say about having second thoughts about, MY, girl?”

I scooted back before the entire limo erupted with laughter.

Slowly, but surely, I joined in too.

We chatted for a bit longer, mostly about where we would go for dinner and what we would do at the dance, but throughout it all, I couldn’t help but to just stare out the window.

It wasn’t very long, however, before I felt Sweetie Belle scoot over to me.

“You okay?” she asked.

I jolted up a little. “Yeah, I mean, it’s the fall formal. Why wouldn’t I be?”

She deadpanned at me.

I sighed. “Alright… I guess I am a little…”


I nodded. “Yeah. It’s not like I can’t handle large crowds, and I’m not even that bad at dancing... I think. However…” I bit my lip, before I made eye contact with my friend. “Well, I guess I’m just worried Silver Spoon will… turn me off.”

She nearly gasped.

“Not like that! But, you know…” I twiddled my thumbs, “That first kiss thing. And now I’m sure she’s all dolled up, wearing a gallon of makeup and,” I nervously looked at Sweetie Belle. “Sorry.”

She rubbed my shoulder. “Hey, don’t be, it’s just who you are.” She sounded a little uneasy, but got comfortable in the seat next to me. “Still, you love her, right?”

I shot her a look. “Of course I do!”

She put her arms behind her head. “Well, then it shouldn’t matter what she has on, or how much lipstick or blush is on her face. She’s still your girlfriend, and this is her night too. Do I need to say anything else?”

She really didn’t. In fact, I began to question what I was even worried about.

The car came to a stop.

“Button,” Diamond Tiara grinned, “your turn.”

Blinking a few times, I came to as my pupils shrank. “Um… don’t suppose we can just have your butler go get her?”

Diamond Tiara narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re not getting cold feet, are you?”

“What?! Wait a minute, it’s not like we’re getting married!” I gulped. “I mean, I’d rather save my energy for dancing… right?”

Diamond Tiara crossed her arms and nodded. “I thought as much.” She looked smugly at her date. “Lily, darling, would you be a dear and help Sir Button Mash out?”

The next thing I knew, I was being thrown out of the car, feet first, a good five yards from the limo, up Silver Spoon’s driveway, my flowers thrown at my head a moment later. I then heard the click of a lock, and after glaring at the blackened windows, I looked towards her house and made my approach.

Ringing the doorbell, flowers in hand. I took several deep breaths, wondering if I should have taken more medication before leaving home. While Silver Spoon knew I didn’t care for girls in makeup and lipstick, I did know she would go to dances just as dolled up as the other girls, if not more so. Not that I particular made an effort to look at her at a dance, but having been the second most popular girl, it was hard not to notice her. Though, it wasn’t until I thought about it, after thinking about how wonderful it was to be with her. To hold her hands, to kiss, spend nights together, to—

The door began to creak open.

I readied myself. Telling myself over and over again, ‘It won’t matter what she looks like, it won’t matter, she’s Silver… Spoon.’

The door fully opened, and I felt my heart race a thousand miles an hour.

The only way I could describe what I saw then, ‘perfect.’

While I thought Sweetie Belle’s dress was nice, Silver Spoon’s dress was a light silver, crisscrossed with a darker shade of gray with white highlights. She had a camera around her neck, and her face… dear god, her beautiful face.

She wasn’t wearing a shred of makeup. No lip gloss or lipstick, eyes non-highlighted, and while I had thought she did apply a little blush—which out of everything didn’t bother me too much—I had realized it was just the way she really looked. How she shined in the evening light, hair fixed up in her regular style with a few more braids and curls for the occasion. To me, she was everything I wanted to be with that evening.

“Hi… hey.” I stammered out.

She gulped. “Hey, Button.” She looked up and down at me. “You look stunning.” She gave me a grin.

I sighed dreamily. “Yeah, well… no makeup?”

She blinked. “I thought you didn’t like makeup?”

“What! No,no! I mean...” I held up my hands, closed my eyes and took a breath. “Sorry, I don’t. “I smiled at her. “You look absolutely beautiful, Silver. Though, if you want to put something on, that’s fine. It is your night.”

She laughed and looked at me. “Naw, it’s your night too, you know.”

I felt my cheeks warm up. “Thanks.” I then looked at her camera. “Though, are you bringing your special camera?”

She held it up. “Yeah, got to take pictures for the yearbook. Don’t worry, though,” she ran a hand up my arm.“ I’ll still make plenty of time for you.”

“Uh-hum!” her father interrupted. “If I may, shall we get our pictures made, so you kids can be on your way?”

So we did so. After a couple dozen shots—holding my beautiful girlfriend tightly in my arms for most of them—we said our goodbyes, and I led her down the sidewalk, where our friends were going gaga at just how precious we looked.

Arm in Silver Spoon’s, I ignored them and led her to the car, where we were met with a series of loud hellos until Diamond Tiara said,

“Oh, Sil, you don’t have any makeup on. Everything okay?”

Silver Spoon looked down for a moment, then said, “Um… yeah, I,” she looked nervously at me. “I sort of don’t care for it anymore.”

Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow. “Not even a little lip—”

“NO!” Silver Spoon and I cried out at the same time.

“I mean,” Silver Spoon said, leaning back, “It’s just no big deal.”

Diamond Tiara slowly nodded, and didn’t bring it up again as Silver Spoon and I shared a silent laugh.


When we got to Apple Bloom’s place, Rumble had no trouble hopping out of the limo and walking up to the house. He never lost his nerve, not even when Apple Bloom opened the door in her gorgeous yellow and purple gown.

I silently swore at his confidence, but kept it to myself as Silver Spoon rested a hand on me for support to watch the pair take pictures.

Then at last, with our little group complete, we had some dinner at some fancy place I could not pronounce with food I didn’t care for, and more or less did what we had done in the limo. Once we paid for our meals, we headed back into said limo and made our way to the school for the dance, where most of the lot had already filled up with cars and students.

We did likewise, and upon exiting the limo we were waved down by a few other students.

“Hey, Button!” Pipsqueak shouted with a few of the other guys and their dates.

After I pulled Silver Spoon out of the limo I waved to them. “Hey, guys, how you doing?”

“Us?” Featherweight asked. “Look at you, arriving in style.”

Rumble patted my back. “Yup, and I’m his best friend.”

I rolled my eyes then looked at their dates. “Well, glad to see you and Dinkey worked out well.”

The girl named Dinky giggled. “Thanks, about time this dodo asked me out.”

“Ya tell um,” a butch girl holding Featherweight's arms said. She then looked at Apple Bloom. “Oh, hey cus.”

“Babs?” Apple Bloom asked, wide eyed and gleeful. “What ya doing here?”

“Welp, this chap and I do some—”

“Hang on a sec.” Diamond Tiara said, pointing towards the end of the parking lot.

There, Tray, along with his few remaining friends—whom had all been suspended from the dance as well thanks to Principal Celestia’s new crackdown on bullies, helped by Diamond Tiara's new fame for snitching them out—were sneaking through the parking lot, carrying an assortment of cans and plastic bags full of who knows what. Though, I was sure I saw a few yellow features leak out of the bag.

Silver Spoon moaned. “Oh god, are they serious?”

Diamond Tiara held up a hand and closed her eyes. “Allow me.” She turned to one of the police officers on duty for the dance. “Oh, officer Shining! I don’t think those boys should be here!”

The officer looked at Diamond Tiara, and then to the boys whom she had been pointing towards.

“Hey!” The officer called out.

“Crap.” Tray replied.

With one loud shriek, his goons dropped everything and made a run for it. Tray held his ground for a little while, till officer Shining Armor and a few other adults chaperoning the dance rushed towards him.

We all blinked at the panicked sight of the once head shot of the school till I looked towards the school. “Right,” I said over what I thought sounded like a high pitched scream and a tazer, or I could dream. “Shall we continue on?”

I held out my elbow for Silver Spoon.

“Hang on,” she said, adjusting her camera, “let me get a shot in front of Diamond’s limo.” She then pulled a tripod out of her purse, set the camera on bench, and we all lined up—even the other guys and their dates—as the camera’s timer was set.

Once that was done, arms locked together, we headed into the gym where the music was already playing loudly.

Of course, being a school dance, no one started to dance right away. Personally, I didn’t mind because I was just happy to sit and chat with some of my closest friends while my girlfriend held onto my arm and leaned on me.

Then, once the night began to move on and more students started to show up, a few made their way onto the dance floor.

“Um, Sweetie Belle,” I heard Scootaloo say as a popular fast song started to play, “may I have this dance?”

Sweetie Belle giggled. “How sweet, of course you may.”

Blushing, Scootaloo pulled Sweetie Belle out to the dance floor, where several others followed behind them. Scootaloo put her hands around Sweetie’s waist as Sweetie’s Bell’s arms connected with Scootaloo’s shoulders.

I felt a sharp kick in my leg as I looked to Diamond Tiara, leading Lily to the flow, giving me a bemused look as I shook my head and turned to Silver Spoon. “So, ready to dance?”

Silver Spoon took another snapshot of the dance, then beamed at me. “Of course I do.”

Smile never fading, I led her out on to the dance floor. Where, at first, I just sort of shuffled my feet as everyone else just seemed to do their own thing.

“Come on,” I heard Rumble say to me over the next song, “don’t think about it too much.”

I glared at him. “I’m not!”

Apple Bloom, who was next to him, shook her head. “Chill, ya’ll,” she then demonstrated by jumping up and down a little and pulling Rumble with her, “just go!”

I tilted my head, but decided to just go with it. Though, looking at Silver Spoon for comfort, I felt confident. I began to do a few more things that I felt made me stand out, but soon found no one caring if I was making a fool of myself, because that was more or less what everyone else was doing as well.

Then the first slow song of the night started.

Having gone from a fast beat to a slow one, we all looked at our partners with red faces and awkward smiles.

“Shall we?” Silver Spoon asked as the others started to hold their dates.

I slowly nodded. “Of course.”

She smiled, and I did what half of the other guys were doing. While some had both of their hands on their date’s waist, I only placed one of my hands on Silver’s as my other held her back while she wrapped both of her arms around my neck.

I suppose, as I looked into her beautiful eyes, I should have said something. I certainly heard a few of our friends talk about how lucky they were with their dates. Although, I didn’t feel like talking then, and Silver Spoon seemed just as content to just let me dance with her as we smiled at each other.

Then the song ended, and one kiss later we were back to the faster songs of the night.


About five songs later, there was a loud tapping of the microphone as Principal Celestia spoke. “Attention, students, it’s time to select this year’s fall formal prince and princess.”

We all turned our attention to the stage while a few students cheered.

I cheered as well, until I noticed that everyone was staring at me.

“Oh right,” I blushed, remembering that I was supposed to go on the stage with the other nominees along with Silver Spoon.

“Ready for this?” Silver whispered to me.

I shrugged. “More or less. I mean, what’s a little more attention?” I emphasized by sticking out my tongue and blinking.

She giggled. “Come on, hero.”

With a sigh, we made our way onto the stage along with Diamond Tiara, who I had to feel a little sorry for. Not that she didn't always had to be paired up with some other guy because she never brought a date to a dance before, but because now when she had, she was forced to stand next to some other guy as her actual date looked on from the crowd.

However, even with all that, I saw Lily giving Diamond Tiara a reassuring nod while she helped Silver Spoon out by taking pictures for the year book.

Diamond Tiara eased up and stood confidently next to one of the football players.

“Right then,” Celestia nodded, “I just want to say, this has so far been an incredible year. For some, more so than others.” She tried not to look directly at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon when she said that, but it was hard not to, “Though, through many changes and hard work, I feel as if the rest of the year will be even better. And I hope, for your parts, you will all work harder and be the wonderful young adults I know you are. But I suppose you want me to just get to who your prince and princess are.”

There was a loud cheer from the crowd.

“Very well then, may I have the envelope?”

As her sister, vice-principal Luna, made her way to Celestia with the envelope, Silver Spoon whispered to me, “What are the odds you think our names are in there?”

I clicked my tongue, “Well, judging by my luck, and with how these stories usually go, I’d say they likely are.”

She giggled. “Well, to be honest, I couldn’t care less if it was Diamond Tiara.”

I squeezed on her arm. “So would I...”

“And,” Celestia said, speaking slowly for dramatic effect, “Your prince and princess is…” she looked over the paper a few more seconds, making sure she read the names right, then said, “Diamond Tiara,” the crowd clapped, “and Button Mash.”

The crowd went wild.

My eyes widened as I forgot how to breathe for a while until Silver Spoon nudged me.

“Wa?!” I said through the cheering crowd. “Sorry, Silver, I just had this crazy hallucination that—”

“It’s real,” she deadpanned, and began to push me forward, “now go on, princy.”

“What?” My mouth said once my brain started to catch up. “Wait, what about—”

I caught her eyes rolling. “I’ll still be here when it’s over, dork.”

I shook my head and started to make my way towards Diamond Tiara, who was just as shell shocked as myself.

Once we met in the center of the stage, Celestia, who had also realized the awkwardness of the situation, continued, “Right, then, congratulations, may I have the crowns.”

Luna did just so, and placed a crown on Diamond Tiara’s head, and on my own.

“For bravery, in the face of doubt, and for putting the ones they cared about ahead of their own needs, I give you, you fall formal prince and princess!”

There were a few more cheers and flashes before the music started to pick up and another slow song started, to witch DT and I were supposed to share the fall formal royalty dance.

“Right,” Diamond Tiara said, clicking her heels, “Shall we?”

“Um,” I stammered, “Su…sure… Not that I wouldn’t want to dance with a girl as beautiful as—”

She placed her hands on my shoulder and pulled me out on the dance floor. “Just shut up and dance.”

I nodded vigorously as the music continued.

I took Diamond Tiara into my arms, holding her with both arms at the waist as she placed both of her arms on my neck.

“So, um…” I began.

“Awkward, huh?” she asked as everyone else was either dancing or staring at us.

I shrugged. “Could be worse.”

She looked me in the eyes, and the crown above my head, and sighed. “Yeah, I guess. Though, I’m going to have a talk about allowing same sex couples to be nominated.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Well, how would that work? I mean, who would be the prince and who would be the princess? Come to think of it, what if they both want to be the same thing?”

The song picked up a bit as it reached its end.

“Not sure,” Diamond Tiara answered, “but that’s the least of our problems.”

The song ended and we pulled away, but not before the crowd cheered and there was a bright flash and click.

“Oh this is one people will remember for a long time,” Silver Spoon chuckled as she lowered the camera. “I mean, I hate to admit it, but you two make a good pair.”

Our faces heated up.

“Hey… hey now!” I stuttered.

“Ye… yeah,” Lily muttered, clicking her heals and trying to sound tough, “She’s, um... mine.”

Silver Spoon shook her head. “Just line up so I can get one more shot of you two for the yearbook,” she then stared dreamily at me, “then, you’re all mine.”

I grinned like an idiot until Diamond Tiara stomped on my foot.

“Right!” I said, offering Diamond my hand. “Shall we get this over with?”

Diamond Tiara shook her head, but was smiling stupidly at Lily. “Yes, let’s do this.” She grabbed onto my arm, and Silver Spoon took only one picture.

“Right now—” my date began began.

“Mine!” Lily said as she raced forward and pulled Diamond Tiara away from me.

“It’s alright, dear,” Diamond Tiara assured by rubbing Lily’s shoulder. “Hey, DJ, like, play something to pick up the mood!”

The DJ nodded, flipped a CD, and the music picked up.

I chuckled at the pair of arms that wrapped around me.

“Now, then, my handsome prince,” Silver Spoon teased.

I turned to face her, putting my hands into hers.

“Shall we?”

I held her tightly. “Wouldn’t want to with anyone else but you.”

I heard Rumble next to me cough.

I chuckled. “And of course my closet friends too… Oh let’s shut up and party!”

And so we did. From time to time I’d let go of Silver Spoon to dance with Rumble or Sweetie Belle, but I’d always make sure I was with Silver Spoon whenever there was a slow song.

This went on for many hours, with Silver Spoon taking as many picture. Then, right as the last song played, Silver Spoon called us all together for one last large group photo.

“Well,” she told me as she set up the camera, “I have to say, this was one of the best nights ever.”

“Don’t suppose that has to do with me being your date, would it?” I asked, unable to resist being humorous.

She laughed. “Absolutely, my dork.”

“Um,” I pointed at my crown, “that’s prince dork now, my lady.” I rubbed my chin. “Though, you do realize, that by definition, you are now dating the most popular guy in school?”

She knocked on my skull. “Oh don’t let it get to your head.” The camera gave a beep, indicating the timer was set. “Now come on.” She then pulled me to the rest of our friends, who had set themselves up in a variety of silly poses.

Rumble was flexing his elbows as Apple Bloom crossed up arms and raised her eyebrows, but not without giggling. Lily was lifting Diamond Tiara as she was posing like a model laying down in midair, while Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were standing on one foot each while their cheeks rubbed against each other.

As for Silver Spoon and I, maybe it was just because we had to rush to the photo, or perhaps because of other reasons, but, with so many things we could have done for this picture, we just smiled at each other while holding hands

Then the camera clicked.