• Published 23rd Mar 2016
  • 2,158 Views, 217 Comments

Stories in Stone, Capricorn's Curse - TDR

An unlikely group must deal with a newly awakened evil, also slice of life. Book 4 of Stories in Stone

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Stories in Stone
Capricorn's Curse


[The Crystal Empire, 23 hours after the appearance of Tamberlane ]

Shining Armor galloped after his wife as she practically flew through the palace. Scootaloo, Pip, Berry, Beryl, as well as a host of guards were hot on their hooves as they crossed the short distance between their room and the foals quarters.

While the nursery had been in the room right next to theirs at first, as Shin and Glimmer grew older Cadence and Shining decided to move their bedroom to the other side of the palace at the other end of the main residential hall. It was still close enough to matter, though it allowed the conversion of their old bedroom into Glimmer's bedroom and the nursery into a play room with one of the Guest rooms becoming Shin's new bedroom after a door was added between the room and the playroom.

Despite the short sprint down the hall, this felt like the longest gallop Shining had ever done. There was so much that could be going wrong with his daughter and adoptive son. They could be dead or suffering already and he had only put the lot of them to bed barely three hours ago.

Despite his wife's mental break down when the foals name was even mentioned, he knew Cadence was willing to destroy any one who messed with the foals, even Dawn. While she wasn't as combat trained as he was, nor as powerful as Twilight, she had been a student of Celestia. And while no pony thought a Empress with a talent for love could do much, they likely hadn't thought about, nor discussed it in hypothetical situations like he had. While she might not be able to do much herself, her powers could boost and empower, and if she turned that in on her self, or granted it to a pony like himself who did know combat, well by his calculations, even Kaisur would be hard pressed to beat him, god or not.

Still that had never been tested and this was neither the time nor the place to do so.

He caught up with Cadence as she was pushing open the door, she was making sure to be quiet, though she seemed to be struggling not to fling open the doors and storm in.

As the door opened, the room was partially illuminated. The small group of them managed to just push past the threshold when Cadence stopped, forcing all the others behind her to do the same.

The room itself was dark, though the light from the door was not the only illumination. Six sigals glowed a soft blue at the head board of each of the foals beds. Shining could see a few of the foals tossing and turning as if in nightmare.

That wasn't all that was in the room though.

Eight pairs of eyes were turned on the group as they entered, causing the lot of them to suck in a sharp collective breath as the eyes owners were revealed by the doors light.

The closest was a Diamond Dog. The creature's fur was chestnut brown and was perfectly groomed over it's tall lithe form. It's head was shaped more like a timber wolves and it had a long bushy tail that curled slightly around it's digigraded legs. A gray blue mane of hair fell from the Diamond Dog's head bound up in a number of thick braids that fell to the middle of it's back. It's lavender eyes regarded those that had rushed in, before it turned to look back at the foals.

The next figure was a Zebra mare. Clear aqua colored eyes looked up at the ponies entering the room, her attention focused on them even as the others watched the foals. The zebra's white coat shone brighter than even Celestia's and the red stripes marking her were like the red color of the sky at sunset. A delicately spiraled horn made of reddish orange crystal rose from her forehead framed by a wavy mane the color of a ripe red apple.

Despite the Diamond dog being closest to the door, the figure that commanded the most attention was next to the Zebra. The Dragon barely seemed like it would even fit in the room, yet some how the cobalt blue beast was there. The light from the door making it's scales shimmer, six crimson eyes raised slightly at the ponies entrance to the room, a small snort was offered, to which the Zebra mare pressed her fore hoof to his massive scaled leg. He spared a glance down at her before his attention returned to the foals.

There was a figure next to the Dragon, but if not for the pure white eyes the figure would have been overlooked. Even so it took Shining a moment to see the outline of the figure against the blue of the Dragons bulk. It seemed to be a mare, perhaps a Pegasus, with a coat so black that it absorbed the light around her, making her stand out in the semi darkness simply because she was darker than that even. Staring at her a moment more Shining could make out both wings and a horn.

The fifth creature had a lithe equine form with long flippers like a seal, as opposed to forelegs. It had no ears though a long set of striped fins seem to replace them along the side of it's head. A series of diaphanous fins trail along it's spine, shifting slightly as it used them to remain upright in the air. It's copper and white zebra patterned scales seem to shimmer as it's tired teal eyes remain focused on the foals from under a wavy mass of sea foam green hair.

A large female Griffon was the last in the semi circle around the foals beds. The green and blue eyed griffon grinned a little at the group that came in, her pure white fur a striking contrast to her golden feathered wings. Her orange beak clicked lightly as she lifted on taloned claw to her mouth.

“Shhhhh, the foals are sleeping.” chided Mirth.


[ Manehatten, aboard the Storm Cloud]

“Babs what are you doing?” Silver asked as the song ended looking over at his mare friend as she spins a dented frying pan with a grin.

“Well ah kinda figured something out while I was hiding out in the galley.” Babs explained with a small sigh. “ Ah know ah was worried about all the stuff going on and how ah never had ta deal with all the Crusader madness as a foal like the others did. And I thought to myself that Sweetie was right. I didn't ask to be put here, but I could do something about it..... although I think what I need to do is get rid of this pan. It's covered in undead pig blood and there's a massive dent in it.”

“Okay better question. I at least had some Guard training before I flunked out, where did you learn to fight like that?” Silver demanded.

“Remember all them stories I told you bout working fer that chef Gorgon Ramsy?” Babs sighed.

“The half Minotaur half Ram? Yea,h I do....... wait those stories were true?!?!” Silver gasped.

“Yeah, was a real kitchen nightmare....” Babs grumbled.

Any further discussion was stopped as Sweetiebelle screamed.

The pair look over to the stage as Sweetiebelle ripped herself free of the rope holding her rushing to the edge of the stage, nearly throwing herself off it before she was tackled by Ditty and Carol. Shanty and Aria both pulled free, sprouted wings, and dove off the stage as if going after something that fell.

“What happened?” Babs asked.

“BUTTON!!!!!!” Sweetiebelle screamed out again trying to claw her way free.

“Oh buck” Silver and Babs both uttered, rushing over to the group.


[Tamberlane, Inside of the shield.]

“Twilight Sparkle wait.” Luna demanded as she watched the other mare slow as she made her way through the rubble of the walls she had blown through.

Twilight slowed a little, but did not stop. The purple mares ears were flat to her skull and the anger was rolling off her in waves. The emotion was enough to make the former moon Princess ill, which was impressive considering it was her husbands usual state of mind.

“What Luna?” Twilight practically growled at the Changeling Queen forcing the mare to take a step back at the sudden flare of hostility. The flinch was clearly noted by Twilight who exhaled deeply and finally came to a stop in a long hallway at the end of her destructive tunneling.

”What is it Luna?” Twilight let out another sigh, her voice a little calmer but Luna could still feel the anger.

“I would think that would be obvious. What has happened to you that you are this angry?” Luna questioned.

“In case you forgot we trapped on a island with a undead factory half fish who wants to take over everything and kill every one.” Twilight snapped.

“Yes, but that doesn't explain the sudden spike in anger once you woke up.” Luna stated glancing back as the others enter the new hallway and started looking around. ”I may not have been able to sense much with the creatures on my horn, but the anger you are showing now would not have been hard to pick up on had it existed prior. So I ask again, what happened while you were asleep?”

To the others it might have sounded like a nonsensical question to ask what happened while you were asleep, but in this case Luna hit it dead on, she had taught Twilight everything she knew about the dream world. Twilight had just gone beyond that and found out things even Luna had not known. Likely it was the advantages of a Unicorn versus Pegasi magical upbringing and all, not to mention the age Luna was born in, but still Twilight had taken to the dream realm like a duck to water.

“Avianna escaped while we were trapped here.” Twilight said flatly noting the growl from Luna. “ Calm down. She's dead. All the way dead this time I think. Starswirl's echo gave me the whole story when the tablet worms were removed. She tried to take over the moon and got jumped, from what he said it was a pretty funny beat down.”

“If she is no more then what....?” Luna started.

“Because I was supposed to keep an eye on her and I failed that. Just like I failed to stop Tirek and just like I failed to deal with that damn nightmare.”Twilight shouted.

“Nightmare!?” Luna gasped.

“Yes, the one your idiot husband made,I told you about that. Well without me there watching it, it got out and now it's terrorizing ponies including Elusive and the other foals!” Twilight growled.” Every time I need to do something I screw it up. I shouldn't have been made a Princess I could barely handle running a library let alone a kingdom........”

“Sparkle do shut the buck up.” Trixie stated with a huff, stomping over to the purple mare. Trixie paused a moment taking note that Twilight was actually a bit taller than she was now, though the show mare ignored that, realizing she hadn't ever really compared their sizes until this moment. Of course despite the pause Twilight found her ear suddenly twisted in the glow of Trixie's magic, her head pulled down to the blue mare, so Trixie could stare at the Princess eye to eye.

“Trixie what? OW!” Twilight began though another yank on her ear shut her up.

“Don't you Trixie me, I might not know exactly what is going on, but I do recognize that for a mare supposedly as smart as you, you are acting quite stupid.”Trixie growled.

“NOW I HAVE YOU LOUTS!!!” a shrill voice screamed before there was a sound like clapping and a eww from Octavia as she looked at the mess between her hooves.

“This does wash out right?” Octavia asked to no one in particular as she wiped the remains of the Breezy lich on a rotted drapery nearby.

“As Trixie was saying. Don't you dare try to down play your accomplishments!” Trixie growled again. “ You! Twilight Sparkle, had a surge as a foal that resulted in a level six transformation of five other very powerful Unicorns, who even if surprised should have had enough natural resistance to negate a untrained out of control spell. You were chosen as Princess Celestia's personal student, graduated from that with more honors than they had to give out, then became the Element of Magic in time to defeat Nightmare Moon. A threat which I remind you Celestia herself was not able to beat! TWICE! You then proceeded to not only defeat Discord, but also to do so while under the effects of his spell. You fought off a Changeling invasion, TWICE, figured out Princess Cadence was an impostor when her own husband couldn't tell. You rescued a disaster prone town from countless enemies and monsters and attacks. You also fought off a Dragon that decimated an entire troop of Guards, then you transported the Guards, two magic nullifying swords, and a bucking tree from the Everfree forest and then dropped all of them into the throne room in Canterlot with out losing so much as a leaf from that tree! You then beat an ancient half dragon after an empire you never heard of showed up again, and then took down a Changeling hive, rescued most of Ponyvile again! Blasted aforementioned Dragon out of a god monster state, fought in the War of the Gods, defeated Avianna the first time, stopped Canterlot from crushing Ponyville! You then fought Tirek to a standstill allowing the evacuation of Gallopagos. THEN you ran about for the better part of a year and destroyed untold numbers of potential threats to Equss. AND THAT WAS ALL BEFORE BECOMEING A PRINCESS!!”

Every one stared as Trixie took a breath, Twilight was about to interject when Trixie twisted her ear again making the purple mare wince.

“After you became a Princess you ratified a number of agreements took care of even more threats, have set up peace treaties and trade agreements with nations that most didn't even know existed, you set the educational system ahead by a thousand years with a few suggestions and plans, balanced Canterlot's budget for the first time.... EVER and have made grown ponies whose lives are based around bureaucratic nonsense weep with your spreadsheets. SPREADSHEETS!” Trixie exclaimed.” Add in the fact that your greatest accomplishment was defeating me, not once, BUT TWICE. And if you think for a second Twilight Sparkle that the Great and Powerful Trixie is going to let you sulk because you suffered a few losses after you defeated her!? Well you have another thing coming! A magicians true merit is based on who their rival is and Trixie will be damned if she lets you try to diminish that status!”

“I had help with a lot of that.”Twilight muttered.

“AND!?” Trixie growled “What kind of stupid mare thinks they can do everything on their own?”

Twilight stared at the blue mare, noting she had a number of tears welling in her eyes. She flinched a little, Trixie was talking about her self there in the end. The unicorn had fought tooth and hoof against any help that was offered her for quite some time after the War of Gods. Then she found out she was pregnant and she nearly collapsed in on herself. It had taken Miss Cheerilee and a number of others to get her to recover from that and Luna had told her about the nightmares the mare had. It had been a busy time for the Guardian of Dreams after the war.

Having all her accomplishments laid out before her like that was not something she expected. There were things the mare missed, but then again not everything Twilight did was in a record the public could access.

“That explains the earlier dream. I did not put together that it might be something from outside of the island that caused it. “ Luna pondered to no one in particular. “This changes nothing aside from the speed with which we need to leave here to deal with it. Also the Breezie Lich is coming from the end of this hall if the magic signature is correct.”

The others look over to Luna, though Twilight and Trixie remained staring at each other.

“Ummm Trixie can you let go of my ear?” Twilight asked. “ It's clear we have things to do...”

“Seriously my mother used to do that to me.” Lyra chimed in.” Highly effective, though I think my left ear still droops because of it.”

“Do I need to scold you some more? My methods have worked well, as Trevor is a perfect little angel.” Trixie explained.” And trust me I can recognize when a pony is throwing a temper tantrum over nothing Sparkle.”

“No, no, I think I'm good.... or I can at least focus this anger into something.” Twilight grumbled.

“Good enough.”Trixie snorts releasing Twilight's ear.

“One point for Trixie.” Luna muttered softly smirking.


[ Dreamscape.]

Rynthia winced as Glimmer screamed out. The pink Pegicorn was doing her best to still try and reach the Taipair. The little creature had actually pushed itself up to it's hooves and tried to make it's way over to her before one of the monstrous Kirin guarding her had stormed over and kicked the little beast away from the cage bouncing it against the rock it was chained to, which had brought on the scream.

What Rynthia had not expected was for Glimmer to go on the attack. She had long known that her friend had a mean streak that she kept hidden most of the time, but to see it in action was terrifying.

When the Tantabus had made the monsters it seemed that he had made them as close anatomically correct as possible. Glimmer was rather weak with her magic, but it didn't take much force for the little Pegicorn to levitate a small rock straight up between the Kirin's legs that had kicked Charlotte.

The beasts blood red eyes seemed to bug out at the impact. It's fore limbs went immediately back between it's rear legs as it made a sound that kept going to a higher pitch until none of them could hear it. The effect was made that much worse as the creature trying to sooth the sudden impact to it's sensitive bits seemed to forget that it's claws were longer sharper and less natural than a normal Kirins and it couldn't gingerly try to recover from the impact to it's boy bits.

The screaming after it realized that was a lot more vocal and a lot bloodier.

The other beast Kirin around the cage, as well as the Changelings standing over Shin stared in sympathetic pain and even Tantabus seemed to wince.

Glimmer however had taken the distraction to gather up the Taipair and pull it into the cage with her. The other Kirin growled rushing forward and grabbing at the chain to yank it back out. Glimmer's magic wrapped around the chain and she curled it around her body to so she could try and keep them from pulling it back out or strangling the little creature.

The Kirin didn't seem to really care that the chain was around her forelimbs and yanked back hard, easily overpowering her magic.

Glimmer screamed out again as the fur on her leg was pulled the skin starting to tear against the weight of the rusted metal chain and the force being applied against her.

“GLIMMER!” roared another voice followed by a sudden burst of lightning from the middle of the swarm of bugs.

Talon roared out as he lept through the swarm, his fur standing on end as lightning danced over his body. Rynthia noticed he had his mothers claw weapons on his forelegs again, though he was also bleeding from a number of places as his exposed fur and form was covered with insect stings.

The bugs rushed right behind him ten more replacing each one that fell from his crackling energy, but the Hypogryph chick was already rushing across the ground. Before even the Tantabus could react he slammed claws first into one of the Kirin ripping open it's side with a shower of the same icor the rocks were bleeding. The other monsters reacted quickly launching themselves at the Griffon.

“THE CHAIN!” Elusive shouted still struggling to not be devoured by the cheese blob.

Talon barely spared a glance back to his friend before lashing out with the steel claws as he was tackled by the beast Kirin. His attack was still effective at cutting through a link in the chain. Glimmer took the moment it was free yanking the remaining length of chain into the cage with her trying to protect the Taipair as the Kirin beat on Talon to make sure the chick stayed down.

“>Just so you know bird. You are the least important of this group. The Griffons are nearly extinct with no pull in the world. Killing you will simply make the others more afraid of me.<” The Tantabus growled staring down at the battered griffon cub.

“You've never met his mom and dad then.” Elusive spoke up.”What the Griffon empire lacks in population and magic they more than make up for in innovation and cunning. You get free of here and half of the weapons trained on you will be of Griffon make. Kill him and they all will be. Breezy and Dusty are nothing if not vengeful. Nocturne learned that the hard way. You hurt their only foal, which means they're gonna kill you. You kill him and well, you're made of nightmares, I think you can guess what could happen.”

Rynthia blinked at that. She knew Elusive was taught by auntie Twilight and Auntie Celestia in diplomacy and other things, but what he said had made Tantabus pause. The fact it was all true just added to it. Much like Talon's attempt to rescue Glimmer, facing even his own fears and pain to help a friend. It was like the loyalty that her father showed those he respected. And despite Glimmers actions she did it to save a creature she had met once. The pink mare was practically crying over the wounded creature.... or was she crying about Talon?

>”I see the point colt. Though there are two from the Crystal Empire. I don't need both.... And the pink one seems popular enough among you.”< Tantabus growled looking to Glimmer

“No!” Shin shouted.” If you have to do that... k kill me... I'm not even their real foal... I'm just adopted....”

“Shin, NO!” Glimmer shouted.

The Tantabus opened his mouth to say something when a loud laugh cut him off.

Every creature in the area turned to the cage where Dawn was. The little battered Kirin laughing loudly despite her occasional wheeze of pain.

“Dawn...” Rynthia muttered.

“Oh wow, you are like the worse bad guy ever. 'Durr I can kill you durr durp.' “ Dawn cackled. “ I've read story books with more threatening things than you. You've already hurt some of us. That was bad enough, but if you think you are gonna get out of our dreams and get away from Mommy and Daddy after you hurt their foals and their friends foals, you're just sad, and dumb, mostly dumb.”

How was Dawn laughing at this.... how was Shin willing to sacrifice himself..... Rynthia grit her teeth and all she was able to do was stand here and listen to this.... what was wrong with her how could she let her friends get hurt like this?

Wait..... Sacrifice? Laughing? Truth? Loyalty like her fathers? To save a creature......? Why did this all sound so familiar, think Rynthia, think..........

“>So confident. I've fed from fathers nightmares for centuries, I've seen everything the dreamers know about their world. There is nothing there that can stop me.” The Tantabus raged. >” Your weapons are useless against me, your magic nothing, and your greatest weapon is dead and useless. And how would any of you stop me when I've already WON!!”

It was in a story, something her father told her, and her mother... and auntie Twilight and Auntie Tia.....

The Tantabus planted his hooves wide apart, the creature rapidly growing in size until it towered over the area like a mountain.

…..and Aunt Applejack and Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie and Discord........wait......The necklace it had something to do with that necklace she had was that the greatest weapon? Arrrgh what was it.

The monsters sword horn glowed a sicking green, the light stretching out longer than the tip of the creatures 'horn', reaching into the roiling sky. The beast jerks it's head suddenly swinging it's light touched horn like a sword. The light slashed through the sky leaving a burning trail behind it.

The line of fire widens like a tear, the moonless night sky visible outside as the creature hissed looking out it's new window over the night time sky line of the Crystal Empire.

Necklace.... five things Emotions?, Feelings, Rocks? Minerals?......that was it!

Rynthia rose to her hooves chuckling softly as she looked up at the monster. The great beast paused at that, turning away from the window and looking down at the tiny red striped Zebra foal as she laughed.

>“And what is so funny?”< Tantabus growled his eyes widening as he felt no fear from the filly.

“You believe that what you do will have no cost. “ Rynthia smiled as she looked up at him, there was a glimmer of something in her eye that made the Tantabus take a step back from the trapped foal. “What you fail to realize is you have not won, but lost.”


[Tamberlane, inside the shield]

“Well this was unexpected.” Luna sighed.

“Given how old this place is it doesn't surprise me that he might have some, though to have this much and not disrupt the island or the undead here.” Twilight whistled.

“It's not pure, it's mixed with other metals and it weakened.” Luna muttered tilting her head to look up at the massive metal door.

The door looked like it was taken from a bank, solid metal, with a number of old locks that looked perfectly polished and oiled. The door itself was fastened to the front of what seemed a metal wall. If it was like a bank it would be one large metal box.

“Okay this place is giving me a headache.” Lyra muttered. “Why am I getting a headache now?”

“Trixie as well. Though Trixie expects Trixie knows why, given she had an encounter with it once or twice.” Trixie added.

“Claymore?” Twilight asked noting Trixie's wince.” Sorry”

“Tis fine. Him as well as Rhede Pelt. Trixie wanted to know what that dagger was he used when Trixie first met him.”

“What dagger what are you talking about?” Lyra asked rubbing her head.

“Starmetal. It has a strong dampening effect on magic if you are not used to it. There are traces of it in this door.” Luna added.”If the phylacteries are in here it is likely to keep the liches from retrieving their souls and keeping them under Grogar's control. Though if they have been here long enough there is a good chance the liches might be mostly immune to Starmetal's effects on magic.”

“What's odd about this is there are wards on this thing every where.” Twilight commented. “ But none to keep any one out, they're all containment.”

“There is a gap here.” Octavia said looking at the door and a wide slot that lead into the vault.” It's dark but I can see a number of things in there glowing. I feel a bit unwell looking at them.... what? GAH!!!!!!”

Octavia dropped to the floor as a blast of dark energy flashed though the slot, charring a line on the wall on the other side of the hall. A moment later a small figure flutters out of the gap, a small globe of energy formed around it in a shield .

“NOW THEN, WHERE WAS I? OH YES, NOW DIE!” the breezy screamed out, black lightning launching from it's antenna blasting everything as it lights up the hallway. Twilight raised a shield yanking Octavia back behind it. The group watched in annoyance as the breezy fills the whole hall with electric death. The lightning carves its way through the walls and ceiling fizzling out when it got near the vault door.

“Is it my turn to kill this thing?” Luna asked calmly.

“Go ahead.” Twilight sighed. “Seriously dangerous or not he's turning into a running joke.”

“That things a boy?” Lyra asked.

“Excellent. I've got a loose tooth that wants revenge!” Luna grinned only for her expression to falter as the vault door swung open suddenly, smashing into the Breezies shield, poofing it out of existence, before the heavy metal door completes it's swing, crushing the Breezie between it and the far wall.

The group watches the dust and fluff of the crushed breezy fall to the ground as the metal door bounces off the wall a little before coming to a stop. The the four of them slowly look over at Trixie who was putting a bobby pin back in her mane,

“What?” Trixie asked.” Did you misunderstand Trixie's title of 'The master of unlocking?'”

“You made a lich sandwich.” Lyra stated.


[New Canterlot]

“….. it was at that point I kinda lost it. I mean it was pretty clear she was grooming me for something. At the time I thought it was to maybe be a Princess. I mean Princess Luna was widely regarded as a myth, Sure there was a holiday about her and history showed she existed, but not what happened to her. There were older records that I found that showed that there were always two pony gods. And she brought me to witness the ascension of a new Griffon God. The old one retired and a new one was a God with just a passage of power.....” Sunset explained sipping her tea.

“If I recall correctly that was the ascension of Feather Breeze from her great grandfather Storm Rider.” Swordtail commented taking a sip of his coco.

The five of them were still on the balcony, seated around a table brought forth for the occasion. The bone armor had been put back inside it's chest and brought back to the store room. After a time Sunset had started telling them everything that had happened since she was chosen as Princess Celestia's personal student.

“So you thought that she was going to make you the next Princess?” Starfall questioned. She was drinking something stronger than the rest of them, while Peach Blossom and Belladonna were content with water.

“She had me helping her make decisions of what to do with the kingdom. Nothing major but it was a start. Historically it's what any outgoing ruler did before they passed on their rule. Showed the new comer around, guided them before allowing them to take their place.” Sunset muttered. “ I did everything I could, studied and worked my tail off trying to be the best I could, worked to pass all her stupid tests, all her damn pop quizzes. Twenty four hours a day seven days a week all year since I was seven I was always on edge always studying for any little thing. She popped up when I was in the bath once. IN THE BATH. And by popped up I mean one second I was in the bath and the next she was in the tub with me from no where wanting to know the first six laws of of Green Beards thermostatic computation!”

Starfall raised an eyebrow before glancing over to Swordtail who simply nodded.

“After all that I thought it was what I was being groomed for. Other wise what was the point of knowing any of that. Everything made sense after the ceremony. Or so I thought.” Sunset took a sip of her tea. “Everything kinda came crashing down after that. The moment I turned eighteen she told me she planned to send me to a town called Ponyville for a while. I couldn't even find the place on the map, no trains went there it was a little dump of a town. When I did figure out where it was I was still sort of interested, I mean it was on the border of the Everfree forest, so there had to be something important there.”

“Not the case I take.” Peach Blossom commented.

“She had my living arraignments set up for the next twenty years there.” Sunset grumbled. “ I was being kicked out.”

“Nightmare Moon?” Starfall asked and Swordtail nodded. “ Celestia the chess master strikes again.”

“ What?” Sunset questioned.

“Nightmare Moon returned and showed up in Ponyville on the thousandth sun celebration.” Belladonna commented. “ She was likely sending you there that far in advance to give you a chance to settle in and make some friends so you could find the Elements of Harmony to activate them against Nightmare Moon and cure her sister.”

“ Seriously? Without telling me?”Sunset demanded. “ If I had know when she was going to send me I wouldn't have lost it like I did.”

“Consider yourself lucky. Her last student had less than twelve hours to figure it all out when she was sent.” Starfall grumbled. “ I can't believe she was still doing her diplomatic secret keeping chess master bullshit a thousand years later. I thought all the crap she did to Twilight was bad enough.”

“You keep mentioning this Twilight, who is she?” Sunset asked.

“Former personal student of Princess Celestia, Bearer of the Element of Magic, and currently Princess of the Night.” Peach Blossom responded. “ Or did she actually take the title Princess of Books?”

“She was talked out of that.” Starfall sighed noting Sunset's glare.

“So let me get this straight.” Sunset growled.” After all this... She STILL gave the gods power to some one else!?!?”

“No Celestia was highly against it. Luna gave the power to Twilight after Tirek attacked and she was forced to take up the mantle of a Changeling Queen as well. She gave it to Twilight because she was a hero in the eyes of Equestria three times over already. Meanwhile Luna had been Nightmare Moon, a target of the perpetrators of the War of Gods, and was currently a Changeling which were a hated and feared race.. they still are in some parts of the world , but there have been a number of efforts in the last years to change that. Some which are actually working.” Starfall explained. “At the time it was the best political move and Luna was tired of being a Princess any way. Now before you ask us any more questions please finish your story.”

“Huh oh... not much more to it than that. I called her out on sending me away as it looked to me like she was just getting rid of me. Finally of age, able to avoid her favorite pranks, it looked like she was tired of me and wanted to go seek a new student to play with. So I pretty much demanded to know why I was being sent away. She refused to answer saying I should just obey her and do it.” Sunset sighed.

“ And that is when you lost it.” Swordtail added.

”And that's when I lost it. I had been doing what she said and what she wanted for years. The one time I want to know something, the one time I really question her and she pulls the 'because I said so card.'” Sunset growled. “Lets just say a large number of things were said after that and few of them were suitable for polite company.”

“You also set fire to the throne room destroyed millions of bits worth of paintings , drapery , and melted the gold in her regalia.” Belladonna commented.” All without much effort from what I heard.”

“Always been good with fire magic and it wasn't like I attacked her I just let my aura build as I ranted. And she just stood there staring at me, no anger, no disappointment, she just kept the same damn impassive face she always had.” Sunset cursed.” After I let her know how I was feeling about her she simply stared at me , wiped a bit of the gold melted on her chest and plainly asked me 'if I was done yet?' I told her yes and she informed me the paper work I needed to move to Ponyville would be brought to my quarters later. The she walked off.”

“ A thousand years of peace and she still couldn't see why some one would be angry with her. “ Starfall muttered. “ Not saying it's all her fault. I doubt you remembered it that clearly while you were mad, but most of that sounds like her.”

“The story isn't far off. Princess Celestia was upset, but she chose her diplomatic face rather than her concerned teacher one.” Swordtail stated taking a sip of his coco.”She was quite distraught when you vanished.”

“Likely because her plan failed and she had to hastily make another one.” Sunset pouted.

“Probably. Though her new plan didn't work out that well for her either, Twilight eventually woke us up.” Starfall chuckled.”She wasn't happy about that.”

“So how did you get into the mirror?” Belladonna asked.

“Oh that. Well on my way out I figured maybe I should have a last look at some of the things I'd studied. Maybe even grab a few of them to sell later on down the line. I had no illusions that a ungraduated student skilled in little more than magical trivia and spells was gonna make bits easy. “Sunset sighed glaceing at Starfall to see if this admittance of a potential crime meant anything to her. The Pegasus mare's face remained impassive, so she continued.”I saw the portal in the mirror was open and I figured what the buck and went in. From my studies I knew it would reopen in three months and the other side of it had livable atmosphere and environment. I ran tests with mice and other animals before. Given a few of them came back with food or other junk I knew there was a civilization over there. What I didn't understand was how different it was....”

Starfall excused herself making her way over to Peach Blossom who was at the door with a small smirk on his face trying to wave her over. Sunset continued to explain the mirror to Belladonna and Swordtail. In truth Starfall didn't really care about what was on the other side of the mirror.

“What's wrong?” Starfall asked.

“Starlight and Orchid both want you. They had a nightmare and the babysitter is being run ragged dealing with them now that they are up.” Peach Blossom grumbled.

“Still mad they never ask for you?” Starfall chuckled.

“More mad that they only asked for me when you say no. They never ask for me when they're scared.” Peach Blosom snorted as Starfall kissed his cheek lightly. “ So what do you think?”

“She's a teenager who's mother figure practically dumped her. She's likely gonna grow to dislike Celestia even more once she gets caught up on everything. “Starfall sighed. “ Jer'rahd's gonna love her.”

“I had a Guard find her records. I thought it would be a hard task, but her name was in the pile of those missing from the Changeling invasion. Seems some one was doing a fifty year search.” Peach Blossom stated. “ Guess they forgot that the Changelings have only been free again since after Discord got loose.”

“Well it worked in our favor this time, whats on file?” Starfall asked.

“Not much. Orphan, no known family. Got scouted by one of Celestia's talent hunters and brought into her school. Stayed at the castle, no real acquaintances on record. Basically it seemed she poured everything she had into being top student. Thought of Celestia as her surrogate mother from the way she tells it.”

“Like she said. So she's all she has in the world now huh....” Starfall muttered. “ We'll need to pair her with some one who can keep up with her skills and can still show her around.”

“You were considering yourself briefly weren't you?” Peach Blossom sighed.

“Sorry, but I have a soft spot for disgruntled daughters. But yeah I'm no good for this.” Starfall muttered her ears flattening. “ Luna and Twilight could keep up with her easy, but with Celestia here.....”

“Yeah probably not the best. We could ask Cadence. Given her interest in the Crystal Ponies...” Peach Blossom considered.

“Nah too close to the artifact vault. I kinda like her , but I don't trust her yet.” Starfall. Explained.”I'll talk to Luna and Jer'rahd when they get back . See if they have any ideas. She is about Berry's age.....”

“Might work, it'll take Sunset a while to get caught up and Berry might be good for that. Berry'd need to come back here though since she's in the empire so probably not her.” Peach Blosom considered.” Any way I'll stay here, you have two of your own foals to worry about.”

“He he alright, but don't expect them to come to you for help, after all mommy is scarier than the monsters.” Starfall chuckled.

“Don't I know it.” Peach Blossom chuckled watching his wife head down the hall.


[Crystal Empire, Playroom.]

No one in the play room had time to say anything before something that sounded like tearing of fabric was heard and the entire palace began to shudder. The lights in the hall flickered briefly and went out.

Shining Armor cursed, hearing a great deal of shouting and screaming coming from down the hall as well as the thunder of ponies running down the hall screaming for him and his wife. The noise drew everyone in his groups attention as the lights went out. When they returned and Shining Armor looked back into the playroom there was no trace of the figures. Pip and Scootaloo rushed into the room and through the side door to Glimmer's room to look out the balcony there for the source of the disturbance. Cadence rushed past as well looking around the beds at the foals, a shocked gasp coming from her.

“Shining! Talon and Dawn are bleeding!” Cadence panicked as a great roaring filled the air.

“Sir, you need to come look at this!” Pip screamed out.

Shining paused looking between Cadence and the foals before snapping back to Berry and the Guards that accompanied them.” Berry look them over, figure out the spell and get them out of it, you two go get a doctor NOW!” Shining ordered.

“Orange is working tonight send Scootaloo to go get her it will be faster!” Berry shouted back over the roar as she rushed forward to look at the blue glowing inscriptions on their beds, Beryl clinging tightly to her back.

Shining nodded rushing through the other room to see what Pip was shouting about, the orders he was about to give the Pegasus with him dying on his lips.

Outside the palace was a rent in the very air before the castle. The oval rip in reality was howling as air was sucked into the colorless void around the edges of the tear. The inside of it was a nightmarish landscape of blood and wasteland. A horrendous gray plated giant equine like creature dominated the portal. It's gaze dead set on the out side.

Suddenly it stopped, it's eyes widening as it turned to look back at something behind it.

Shining only caught a glimpse of what it was looking at before the monsters body blocked his view again.

A white and red unicorn filly trapped in a cage of stone, a filly that seemed to be laughing.

“Rynthia?” Pip gaped from beside him.



>”Lost?”< Tantabus seemed rather confused by the accusation. >” My door to freedom is open and I can leave my minions here to ensure you stay trapped as a security to keep any one from so much as touching me. How have I lost?”<

“No you have admitted how you can be beat, and in this place, that is no hard feat.” Rynthia continued her blue eyes meeting the malformed orbs of the massive nightmare creature.” You say our ultimate weapon is broken, but it seems to me, you have misspoken”

>”Wordy little thing. And what might that be hmm?”< Tantabus snarled, icon dripping down on the cage over her from it's maw, though the Zebra filly barely seemed to notice the sizzling goo falling around her. She was facing a monster unlike anything they had seen or heard of , but she knew her parents would not back down from this, her real ones or her adoptive ones.

“Despite all that she says and does Glimmer is nice in a fashion. She cares for family, friends and those who need aid, that shows us her Compassion.” Rynthia stated.


Glimmer had been listening, cradling the injured Taipair as Rynthia and the monster spoke. She was crying still, in worry and terror, and she had no idea what Rynthia was talking about. The creature she was cradling made a bit of noise and the Pegicorn looked down to see one of it's hooves reaching up to bat something hanging from her neck.

She looked down at it curiously, a gold necklace, with what looked like some sort of ornate medallion in the middle of it. Three hearts showed on it in a diagnol line with the middle heart on top. The bottom was black, the middle red and the top one was white.

Glimmer blinked at it, feeling rather odd as if the thing had more weight than she could feel. She lifted her head as Rynthia said her name. The necklace started to grow warm around her neck as Glimmer slowly rose, shifting the small creature between her wings to protect it. She had to do something.


Tantabus twitched slightly it's tattered ears flicking as if it felt something, though Rynthia spoke again, her tone seeming louder and stronger.

“To aid others despite ones fear is considered a mark of royalty. But to do so and risk ones own life marks Talon as Loyalty.” Rynthia stated.


Talon shifted uneasily under the pile of Kirin. He hurt, everywhere. With the bodies piled on him he couldn't see anything save the ground and a bit of Glimmer's cage. She seemed alright and also seemed worried about him.

The Hippogryph felt oddly pleased by that. His wings hurt as did the bug stings and bites. None of them were healing like they had when he was younger and disturbed that hornets nest. He long knew that was the start of his phobia, but recognizing it and doing anything about it where two different things. He could feel the bugs crawling through his fur and feathers, likely searching for another soft spot to bite. There seemed to be a particularly large one pressed under his beak.

Wait it wasn't moving and felt to hard to be a bug. It felt warm too, comfortably so. The Hippogryph chick turned his head a little, attempting to shift it enough to get a look at what it was with his eye that hadn't swollen closed from the stings yet.

Attached to a silver chain, one that felt wrapped around his neck, was a medallion of some kind. It was decorated rather ornately and the middle of it was what looked to be wooden circular shield with silver trim around the edges, a single silver star placed in the middle of it.


>”What?”< Tantabus pondered, something in the air felt different. He was barely paying attention to the Zebra now, something felt off about this place now, there was something else here.

“Even if his own kind hate him and some of them consider him some sort of monstrosity, there is no one more giving and willing to share, thus Shin is Generosity”


The tiny Changeling foal shuddered in the ropes his captors tightened around him. He had gotten caught, Dawn had gotten hurt trying to help him and he felt completely useless. His sister was captured and all his friends were either captured, hurt, or both. He knew it wasn't his fault, but something inside him was trying to make sure that it was his fault.

They all thought he was going to be like his birth mother. Their memories showed him what sort of monster his birth parents were, but....... No one looked far enough back in those memories. They only remembered what the recent things that the pair did. Before those memories were others, Shin knew of the things his mother had done, the things she had given up in order to save every one and defeat the dangers and evils of the world. What she sacrificed for so long until she met Shin's father, a kind and just King one who lived closely with his subjects, doing his best to make sure every one had enough, helping them survive with magic or what he could give to aid them. His mother was attracted to that and the two of them married. Everything was cut short due to his grandmother, but even in her far past she had done good despite what she had done since.

Shin hadn't done anything yet and he was being judged as if he was born evil. Queen Luna had tried to explain it to him, but he didn't quite follow everything she was saying. Now in this place it seemed he wouldn't have the chance. The Tantabus didn't accept what he said, though he also hadn't killed any one. Maybe it was because of what Elusive had said, or perhaps another reason.

In either case if they didn't get out of here, he would never have the chance to give the ones who were afraid of him a reason to not fear him, to not want him destroyed. He couldn't just sit here. Neither his father mother or adoptive parents would want that.

Shin's eyes narrowed as green flame erupted around the small Changeling's body, burning the ropes that bound him and forcing the bestial Changelings off of him. When the fire stopped, the bestial changelings looked on at what he had become, their malformed gazes lifting higher to the towering mass of sharp fangs, sharper claws, and countless stars that remained.

Though barely half the size of the Tantabus, the Changeling Ursa Minor was far more than enough to tear into the minions of the nightmare. Shin roared out, his massive paw smashing the stunned Changeling nightmares to the ground before he rushed off towards the monstrous Kirin holding Talon.
The Changeling bear was far to intent on rescuing his friend to notice a large onyx pendant dangling from a chain of the same material, around his neck. The image of a green three pointed crown surrounded by jade flame adorned the pendant.


Tantabus whirled as the Ursa minor rushed his troops. The Nightmare growled summoning more of the Changeling monstrosities to get Shin back under control, though the foal was causing havoc.

“Though many doubt him when he says what he wants to be. His blunt manner and beliefs place Elusive as honesty.” Rynthia continued.


Elusive was doing his damnedest not to completely panic. He was also failing at that pretty spectacularly. He knew this couldn't be real, both because he knew this place was a dream and the Tantabus thing said he wanted them alive to use as hostages.

He also knew his fear was highly illogical. It was a food , not some sort of monster that was going to kill him.

Granted having a blob of cheese trying to devour you and had you absorbed up to your fore limbs was rather hard to work his head around with how he felt the hot goo in his fur and scales.

He really hoped the bear would come over and eat this thing before it ate him.

Due to his panic he didn't notice the platinum chain that had formed around his neck, a pendant dangling from it. A silvery gem like his mother's cutiemark surrounded by a horse shoe shaped red laurel wreath imprinted upon it.


The Tantabus was clearly adjitated now. The spells he was casting at the bear were washing off the creature like they were nothing. The Hipogryph was free now as well and the pair of them were ripping open the cage holding the pink pony. Lightning danced around the Hippogryph chick fending off most of the bugs He froze realizing the Zebra mare was still talking, his mind whirling with fragments of nightmares and memories of what she was talking about.

>” No... Shut up!”< The Tantabus screamed whirling on the Zebra filly only for the massive paw of the star bear to connect to the side of his head sending him crashing away into the bleeding rocks as Glimmer and Talon worked to free Elusive. The Taipair, Charlotte, evidently awake enough to try eating the cheese monster.

“ While subtly, tact, grace, and manners might slip past her. My sister always tends to bring about joy, and thus Dawn is Laughter.”


“Bout time you got to me Stripey.” Dawn shouted from her cage slowly pushing herself up to her claws.

She was in a lot of pain and the fact she couldn't stop giggling wasn't helping her right now, it made her chest hurt more. Still she wasn't focused on the Tantabus like the others, but something it seemed only she could see. Her image flickered a little, to the black alicorn form she had in her past life when she was known as Nocturne, before fading back to her orange and gray Kirin filly form.

A cheap plastic looking chain and pendant appeared around her neck, looking all the world like something one would win at a fair claw machine, or with skeeball tickets. The image on it was of two white masks with a gold ribbon running behind them. Any one who knew the theater knew what they were, the classic masks denoting comedy and tragedy. The only thing was, despite their eyes being happy and sad, both of the masks were smiling.

Dawn pointed a claw at necklace tapping it and growled.” We will have words birdy.”


>”No! How is this even possible?! The Elements are dead. Generosity was destroyed!”<The Tantabus roared shoving itself back up from where it had landed. >” They should not be able to work!”<

Both Rynthia and Elusive flinch at that knowing who the Bearers were he spoke of.

Elusive frowned shaking the last of the cheese from his leg as the the others worked to free Dawn and Rynthia.

“You may know our fears and our pasts that are tragic, but we will win this day because our friendship is magic.”

“Stripy that was kinda lame.” Dawn muttered.

Rynthia finished her line as a gold necklace forms around her neck, the pendent decorated with a pair of bronze scales perfectly balanced with a small white pony skull in one tray, and a brown and green Staff of Asclepius on the other.

The Tantabus panicked lashing out with magi , the very landscape around them rising up to be flung at the group which had gathered around Rynthia.

Everything flung at them smashed and dissolved against a multi-colored shield that had risen around the foals. The six pendents begin to glow softly at first then brighter and brighter, slowly lifting the foals into the air as the glow grows to cover them as well. The wounds they had received wiping away from them as the magic washed over them, like water washing away sand.

The Tantabus howled, turning to rush towards the gate as a rainbow beam of light launched from the brightly glowing group of foals, lashing through the dreamscape and cutting off the Tantabus's escape.

The ribbons of light swirled around the nightmare and wrapped around the creature. The nightmare fought and struggled trying to cut free with it's horn only for the ribbons of light to stick to it like glue and refuse to cut. The creature roared a last time as the ribbons started to constrict and pulled together shrinking down more and more as the struggles ceased. With a brilliant flash of light the constricting rainbow faded, leaving nothing of the Tantabus behind but a rock blood filled crater.

[ Crystal Empire. ]

Shining Armor, Pip, and Scootaloo stared at the glowing rent, having seen everything going on inside even if they couldn't hear more than the howl of the wind and the beasts roars. As the trio watched the rainbow ribbon made it's way to the tear, slipping between the rift and reality like a sewing needle fixing a tear and pulling it back together, before the light and the rip vanished with a pop, the air going still as the silence of the night reigned again.

“Heh.” Pip chuckled softly after a few moments of silence. “Those were my sisters.”

“They were my foals there too, Pip.” Shining snorted with a smirk. “Scootaloo go get Orange, Berry says she's at Velkorn General. I don't know if we need her now, but better safe than sorry. Oh and maybe lose the bunny suit if you want to be taken seriously.” Shining Armor added.

Author's Note:

Song is Voices by Akino Arai from Macross Plus

This is getting closer and closer to the end of this story. Though i noticed despite Capricorn's curse being smaller than my other books, it's taken longer for me for some reason. As always there should be at least two epilogues. there are perhaps one or two more normal chapters left before then however.