• Published 23rd Mar 2016
  • 2,158 Views, 217 Comments

Stories in Stone, Capricorn's Curse - TDR

An unlikely group must deal with a newly awakened evil, also slice of life. Book 4 of Stories in Stone

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Dark Horse [3]

Stories in Stone
Capricorn's Curse

Dark Horse

The winds whipped across the plains, stirring the pools of water that dotted the landscape. There was a crisp scent in the air, the sort you smell just after a rain shower in the summer, though there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

She turned her head slightly looking over the fields, far in the distance to her left was a mountain range that spanned the horizon. To her far right, she could see the start of a jungle. A massive tropical swath that ran all the way to the ocean at the end of the continent. Before her lay the empty plains and deserts that were at the very heart of the country.

Behind her....

She didn't want to look behind her.

She knew what she would see, knew what she had done, and she couldn't face it.

She felt herself turning any way, her hooves thudding on the soft earth as she spun about until her fore hooves splashed into the edge of a puddle.

Before her now was exactly what she expected to see, naught but ruin. The trees had putrefied and turned black and sickly green, the stones that were once a city had crumbled to dust, crops laying rotted in the fields far beyond saving, even if there was any one left to try. Carrion birds circled the skies, though occasionally one or more of them suddenly stopped dead in the air and fell from the sky, live taken from them as her gaze passed over them.

Littering the destitute streets, clogging the gutters with their blood and excrement,were bodies. They may once have been Ponies, Zebras,or they may have actually been neither it was difficult to tell. Bursting pustules covered a number of them, some were hairless or had patches of their flesh that necropsied and fallen free of the rest of their forms leaving rotted chunks and gaping wounds over the corpses. Still others seemed in perfect condition and they had just simply died. A few of the corpses were still standing upright, their bodies not even having realized that they had died yet. Others were little more than smears against the street, or bloated sacs of pus, disease, and maggots.

The was a faint dripping sound and she lowered her head, looking down into the puddle as a shift in the wind brought the scent of wet copper, rancid meat, and bile with it. The puddle at her hooves was patch marked with splotches of red that rapidly diluted in the still water..

Through the faint ripples of some one elses blood running down her features, Rynthia gazed upon the reflection of her blood soaked form.


Rynthia jerked awake with a start, her hooves lashing out as she flailed. One of them smacked to the side of the chariot wall. She winced with a small yelp yanking her leg back as she sat up stuffing her hoof into her mouth sucking on the injured limb where she hit it.

The royal chariot had been upgraded since Tirek's attack had destroyed the last one, now it was fully enclosed, though the window at the front could be opened to speak with the pullers. The craft was heavily enchanted as well so even a single pegasus could easily draw it though the air, and even a fall from the sky would barely rattle the occupants.

The small red striped zebra filly pulled her hoof from her mouth looking at it and seeing no damage on the saliva splattered tip. She flinched feeling a hoof press into her hair , ruffling the mop of wavy black mane .

She growled, her ears flattening as she waved her hooves over her head to drive off the offending hoof, her crystal blue eyes looking up and glaring daggers at the offender and his grinning visage, her eldest brother, Pipsqueak Kaisur.

The white and brown spotted earth pony colt grinned at her from under his helmets visor. The young Guard had already made Lieutenant in four years time and was steadily working his way higher in ranks despite what a number of ponies were muttering about favoritism. Rynthia didn't understand why, Pip worked hard for what he had, and father made it a practice to stay out of his affairs leaving him under command of Peach Blossom and the Royal Guard.

Pip was still short, barely much bigger than he had been as a teenager. At just over twelve apples high he was only a bit bigger than aunt Starfall and just under aunt Rainbow Dash. Despite that he was very well muscled, to the point he probably could have hoof wrested her uncle Big Mac to a stand still. Despite this he wasn't bulky, though it was clear he was not some pony to trifle with.

“You doing alright kid? You were thrashing around there a bit.” Pip asked with a chuckle.

“Just a nightmare, second one tonight so I guess it's a …... couple....., matched set....? “

“Pair.” Pip adds with a chuckle. “Seems like a few of those going around the castle. You think it was something you ate? Ma hasn't been cooking again has she? I get nightmares from just thinking about her Spinach Casserole. Knowledge from every Changeling Chef that ever existed and she can still burn water.”

Rynthia shook her head looking around the cabin of the chariot. The bags that had been packed the night before were strapped to the back and roof of the chariot. As always there was at least one chest that was kept in the cabin for them. Toys and books that they were only allowed to read or play with while on a trip so that they seemed new or exciting. Rynthia didn't quite fall for the tactic, but she had to admit some of the books were interesting.

Currently Dawn was half buried in the toy box, only her whipping tail and kicking back legs sticking out as she muttered something about 'missing a blue crayon' as she dug through the box, her little wings fanning madly.

The floor of the chariot had a couple of coloring books spread across it, including a number of scattered crayons. Rynthia took note that the blue one her sister was looking for was on the floor under the edge of one of the books.

Elusive sat on the bench across from her and Pip looking out the window back behind the chariot towards Canterlot Castle. It was long past out of sight though the Kirin god seemed intent to watch.

Dawn was clingy when it came to her mother and father, but she could be distracted from it. Elusive couldn't though he wasn't as clingy, he hated being away from either of his mothers for very long. Being sent out on his own like this had always seemed to bother him. Particularly after Talia and Elecktra went back to Gallopagos a few years ago.

Rynthia sat up putting her hooves on the back of the bench where she and Pip sat looking out the window to the front of the chariot.

Slowly flapping wings made of green flame filled her vision as the lightly armored mare pulling the chariot flew on.

Scootaloo was much like Pip in that she seemed all muscle, though where Pip's was readily apparent Scootaloo's was not. The orange furred mare seemed to not have an ounce of fat on her. She did just as much training on the ground as she did in the air to get that figure however. She had grown much larger than her mother and practically towered over Pip. She too had quickly risen the ranks of the Wonderbolts, though unlike Pip who simply ignored those who stated he didn't earn his position, Scootaloo went out of her way to prove she earned everything she did.

Aside from Rainbow Dash and Starfall there were none on the Wonderbolts team who could fly better than she could. Some were faster and could fly longer, but there were none more nimble in the air, and she was constantly training to better her speed and endurance. She was also the youngest member of the Shadowbolts, becoming only the seventh ever to earn that rank and position.

Rynthia glanced up feeling Pip shift next to her. The spotted earth pony had a wide grin on his face as he looked out of the window to the mare pulling the chariot. The little zebra blinked glancing up to Scootaloo then back to Pip who seemed far too interested in how the Wonderbolts uniform looked on his mare friend to notice Rynthia waving her hoof in front of his face for a few seconds.

“Hmm what is it kid?” Pip asked.

“What is going on? Why are we being sent to the Crystal Empire?” Rynthia asked in a flat tone.

“Oooh serious question, you didn't even try to rhyme.” Pip nods. “Nothing really, just some political nonsense with new territory came up and Ma, Da, Aunt Twilight and Auntie Celestia needed all their attention to go deal with it.”

“There is no trouble?” Rynthia asked skeptically as Pip rolled his eyes.

“Of course not. Other wise your big brother would be there kicking flank, not taking a vacation in the Crystal Empire with you.” Pip grins ruffling her mane again.”Don't worry about it you were all coming up here for spring break soon any way. Oh of which we have the next weeks worth of class assignments from Ms Cheerilee for you to do. You are skipping a week of school.”

“If there is no trouble why are we not on the train?” Rynthia asked flatly.

“You saying Scootaloo's not fast enough for you?” Pip raised an eyebrow his ears flattening making the small silver studs piercing each of his ears click against his helmet. “ Don't let her hear you say that.”

“That is not what I meant.” Rynthia snorts in annoyance.

“I know. Don't worry about it though. Pretty sure it's nothing since there was no evacuation of any one else. Though I will warn you. Berry and Beryl are still in the Empire so expect a great deal of chaos from those two.”

“More so than when Auntie Bleu, Pinkie, and Discord get together?”

“Maybe not that much. But you know how Berry and Dawn get. On the plus side I hear Talons visiting Shin and Glimmer already. It's been a while since all six of you have been together.”Pip comments.

Rynthia nodded glancing over to the white furred and black scaled Kirin looking out the window. Something was bothering Elusive, that was rather clear even if Pip didn't notice it. If the small colt hadn't been harassing her brother for the whole trip with questions about the Guard, then something was wrong. She would have to find out what later. If she had the time while keeping her sister out of trouble. Despite being the youngest of the Royal foals, she often felt like the eldest trying to keep the others in line.

As if the universe itself agreed with her, Dawn promptly fell all the way into the toy bin, the lid falling shut and latching with the flailing Kirin trapped inside.


Elusive stared out the back of the cart looking out at the farm and grass lands below. He could just make out the broken clouded peak of the Maneterhorn in the distance.

Cloudsdale had been rebuilt there at the top of the broken mountain, though rather than make it mobile again the city was anchored to the top of the Maneterhorn, with large cloud towns sent out from it with big weather orders. While not official part of New Canterlot, most ponies considered it the largest city in Equestria. A place where all three races of ponies architecture blended together nearly seamlessly. The soft and sturdy Earth Pony structures of Ponyville, the towering Unicorn spires of Canterlot, and the Pegasi cloud homes and sky ways of Cloudsdale. Other cities had boasted the same, but none to the degree that New Canterlot did. With Cloudsdale anchored to the mountain a more permanent spell was set on the clouds and the mountain that had many earth ponies and unicorns working in the weather factories now too.

Elusive shook his head clearing out another of his mother's factoids.

He didn't like this. Something felt very wrong about what was going on here. And it wasn't just the nightmares he'd been having... those horrid, horrid nightmares. The little Kirin god felt something else was wrong. His mom had been tense and his mother hadn't come back from her trip when she was supposed to.

Then there was uncle Jer'rahd.

Mom and Uncle Jer'rahd never got along. Elusive wasn't sure why. Uncle Jer'rahd was great.

He was brave, and strong and didn't take anything from any one. He always did his best to protect everyone and could beat all of the bad guys in no time at all.

The fact that Uncle Jer'rahd looked mad when he was talking to mom was nothing new, but that the pair of them were not arguing and were planning something together, that worried him.

He loved both his moms, but they both annoyed him too. Mom was the Princess of the Sun and Mother was Princess of the Night. The former kept treating him like he was still a baby, and the latter wanted him to learn Pi to the hundredth place as well as it's relevance in the universe before he was three. Then some day's they would switch minds and it seemed all Mother wanted to do was hug him and Mom wanted to teach him history or magic or something.

If Aunt Luna and Uncle Jer'rahd were watching him he spent most of the time learning how to properly hold a weapon or playing games like chess. When he wasn't being mauled by Dawn any way. He liked Dawn and rather enjoyed play fighting with her, but she was never serious and had the attention span of a gold fish sometimes. He liked Rynthia better. She was calm and smart and liked to read and didn't try to steal his food when she thought he wasn't looking.

Still he enjoyed that Uncle Jer'rahd was willing to teach him how to fight.

Both his Moms were really annoyed when Uncle Jer'rahd got him a small Guard spear for Hearths Warming last year.....


[ Last Hearth's Warming.]

“Kaisur what the buck are you thinking?” Celestia shouted.

“That he might like this as a gift?” Jer'rahd stated sipping a mug of mulled cider in the family area of the Apple Family's home where they had all gone for the holiday. He stared at the tree and the foals around it , a large red santa hat covering his head and drooping over one eye.

“ That is not at all safe!” Twilight ranted, her voice hissing as she tried not to yell in front of the foals.

“It's a spear, it's not supposed to be safe.” Jer'rahd commented.

“He's a foal.” Twilight growls.

“It's educational.” Jer'rahd explained.

“What if he hurts himself!” Celestia growled, having no qualms at shouting at Jer'rahd. The foals were used to it by now any way and mostly ignored it.

“Well that will be a very important lesson, won't it?” Jer'rahd snarked.

“What would you do if we gave Dawn a sword?” Twilight snorted.

“Nothing, she ate the one Luna gave her already.” Jer'rahd admitted.



Uncle Jer'rahd had been quite adamant that he know the rules of owning a weapon before he was allowed to even touch a real one. He had spent a number of months learning the care and responsibilities of having a spear and the one he was given was blunt any way. His Mom's even put a number of safeties on the spear that made it unusable at all until aunt Luna fixed it.

Of course it didn't help him now because it was still hanging on the wall back in his room in the Castle. The only time he ever took it down was when he wanted to practice, and both his Mom's did their best to find something else for him to do if they saw him with it. He hoped he didn't have to defend any one while traveling.... granted he could always throw Dawn at them, she was more dangerous than a dull spear any way.

Despite all that he never wished that Uncle Jer'rahd was his dad. He had heard a number of horror stories from Pip about training with Uncle Jer'rahd that he was scared to try himself. Besides he loved both his moms and that was part of the problem right now. He was worried about what had happened to his mother. He doubted he was going to be able enjoy this trip until he found out.


[New Canterlot]

“So that's the situation.....” Celestia sighed.

“I'm afraid so Princess.” The large purple dragon before her stated closing the book he held. Spike had grown a lot in ten years, but the last six had him hit a massive growth spurt. His natural form was now enough that he could barely fit into the throne room and even if he shrank as small as he could he was still larger than even Princess Celestia.

Bleu had grown a lot as well, She was a great deal leaner now too. She could still shrink down small enough to ride on Jer'rahd's back, but her natural size was now just smaller than Spike's. The scary part was the pair of them could still alter their size to be even bigger. Right now both of them could take forms that were nearly the same size as Forge Scale had been when he fought The Beast and both of them were still young yet.

Bleu and Spike had produced three clutches over the last six years. They hadn't hatched any of them themselves giving all of them to Celestia and Twilight for use in their school. Neither of them seemed that worried about not raising and of the eggs themselves. Given how both of their upbringings with ponies had shaped their lives to this point it made sense that they wished the same for their whelps.

In truth Dragons often were not concerned with their offspring any way and they were often raised by what ever dragon was free at the time or felt like it being family or not. Not all of them were like that of course, but Dragons seemed to follow the 'it takes a village to raise a child' mentality literally.

Still Bleu did pop up in the Crystal Empire every so often to tease one of her first to be hatched Beryl, and to steal sweet tasting crystals from Berry's research. The first batch had all been hatched by a host of unicorn students, three Zebra unicorns and in one case, a particularly gifted Diamond Dog pup with alchemy. The other two clutches were awaiting the next generation of students.

“Is this everything we know about him?”Jer'rahd asked looking over a book Spike produced.

The purple drake nodded, his coloration having darkened considerably to a royal purple and forest green rather than the bright coloration he had as a whelp. Bleu was still mostly blue, though as always she simply took what ever color suited her most at the time, Her current patten matched Spikes with sky blue scales instead of purple and green spines that matched her mates.

“If he didn't have any hostages this sounds like it might be easy for you guys to handle.” Bleu comments. “ Seems more like a reason to send out the Guard now.”

“I certainly hope not.” Celestia snorts. “ We just recovered from one massive battle we don't need another. We are handling this.”

“I thought as much.” Spike nods. “ So why did you want us here?”

“We needed a ride out to the island. And I didn't want to burden just one of you with both me and lardo here.” Jer'rahd stated.

“Shut up Kaisur....” Celestia growled.


The thing shifted in the darkness.

This would not do.

There was power to be had here, but it wasn't enough.

It wanted... no, needed to be free of this place fully.

It had nestled here for over a thousand years feeding.

Things had changed and it had been blocked from it's meal, starved.

It managed enough to keep it's meager existence, but that was not enough.

Now things had changed again.

It was no longer bound to one source of food.

It was unsure why, but the force that had kept it starved had weakened.

The power had shifted and the new power was unaware of it.

Though it was still weak.

But that was changing.

With so many sources of food presented to it, it's power was rapidly growing.

Soon it would have the power to free itself.

To be away from this place and some where it's meals couldn't escape it.

It still needed to be careful,cautious.

But not for much longer.

Very soon nothing would be able to stop it.

Soon it would be free.

Author's Note:

Title is Dark Horse by Katy Perry , no rap version cause i hate the rap intro.