• Published 23rd Mar 2016
  • 2,159 Views, 217 Comments

Stories in Stone, Capricorn's Curse - TDR

An unlikely group must deal with a newly awakened evil, also slice of life. Book 4 of Stories in Stone

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Rounding Origin[29]

Stories in Stone
Capricorn's Curse

Rounding Origin
(Gin-iro no kami no Agito)

[Manehatten Docks, morning, just before sunrise.]

“This has been wild.” Babs stated looking down at the city from where the Storm Cloud had finally docked.

“Yep.” Sweetiebelle admitted. “At least the Guards finally leaving us alone. I'm absolutely exhausted.”

“Yeah, ah heard you didn't have much sleep before all this started. You been working since last night haven't cha?” Babs chuckled looking over at the bleary eyed Sweetiebelle.

“I am sooo glad it's gonna take us a week to get to Trotkyo. I will sleep all the sleeps.”Sweetiebelle yawned.

Babs looked back to see a freed Button Mash and Melody fussing over something. The collection of Crystals that had been put around the ship sitting on the crate next to them as Button messed with one of his portable control boards. Oddly they didn't seem to be arguing over what was going on on the board, but something else as only Button was looking at the screen.

“What's all that about?” Babs asked.

“Those two got the bright idea to record the concert and string everything together in one big …. music video thing.” Sweetiebelle muttered.

“Ain't that something a lot of artists do? Sell crystals with them doing stuff that fits the song like mini movies or something?” Babs questioned.

“Yeah there was even talk about finding a way to broadcast those over a set crystal channel for every one. But all that will probably happen is it'll start out great and then devolve into some sort of reality game show channel or something that doesn't even play music any more.” Sweetiebelle muttered.

“Crystal receivers are still only rich pony tech. They haven't even made it possible to wide broadcast on um yet.” Babs commented.

“Mark my words that's what'll happen.”Sweetiebelle muttered.” MTV's gonna suck.”


The arguing of Changeling and the Earth pony seemed to get louder. Looking back both Sweetiebelle and Babs were surprised to see Carol, Shanty, Ditty, Aria, Captain Finch, and a few other crew members had joined Melody in arguing with Button about something.

Babs blinked in confusion looking over to Silver as he approached.

“Hey hun. What's going on over there?” Babs asked pressing up against the side of the large stallion.

“Nothing tah worry about Babs.” Silver stated as he mouthed the name 'Sweetiebelle' to her. “ Miss Reignolds you alright? You look like crap.....”

“Blargh.” Sweetiebelle commented turning to look back over the railing.

The city looked quite from up here. After the concert her fans had all gone home, finally. The Guards still patrolled the streets and a few buildings were still on fire due to the cannon blasts and the explosion of the smelting plant , but it was fairly quiet. Fortunately despite the noise of the concert most of the property damage was going to be blamed on Bray's attack and Regent Breezy Mist's liberal use of force. There was very little damage to the Storm Cloud, but there was enough that they would be delayed a few days from their departure to Trotkyo.

Discord had already some how managed to push back all the venues a few days to compensate for it. While that would cut into their down time a little, they wouldn't have to cancel any shows. Discord and Pinkie Pie had vanished some where not too long ago and Bleu Scale and Spike had gone chasing after an island or something with agent Sweetie Drops riding shotgun.

The shouting match seemed to be getting closer along with the clack of claws and hooves over the deck. Sweetiebelle ignored it until the noise was nearly on top of her.

“SHADUP!!” Button Mash yelled at the group gathered around him, shoving his way past the Griffons and Changelings he trotted up beside Sweetiebelle. He let out a long sigh as he looked down to her. ”You still mad at me Belle?”

“I'm mad cause you fell of the ship.... don't do that again and I'll be fine......don't scare me like that....” Sweetiebelle muttered her ears flattening to her head.

“Sorry. Trust me when I say that wasn't intentional.” Button muttered.

“That was a lot closer to losing you than I want.” Sweetiebelle pouted.

Button smiled sheepishly.” Yeah, sorry.... though …. about that........really all I could think about as I was falling was how bad it would upset you..... and everything we've done.....”

Button closed his eyes taking off his X-pony hat and rubbing the bridge of his nose with his hoof. He looked as tired as she felt and that made Sweetiebelle smile a little despite how hard she worked on everything, she knew Button was running around like a mad pony doing twice as much to set everything up and make sure she looked her best on stage. So when the stallion before her seemed to fall onto his knees she jerked up right off the railing focusing all her attention on him only to find that he had pulled something out of it hat hat holding it up to her.

“I'm gonna have Silver make something better, but I figured now was a good time and this was really all I could find that would work as a ring....” Button muttered holding the oddly shaped purple bracelet up to her as he exhaled.

“Sweetiebelle Reignolds will you marry me?”

The world around her seemed to fade out as she stared down at Button Mash, her eyes widening at the sight of him like that. Everything in the world seemed to freeze and Button seemed to be getting more nervous by the second as Sweetiebelle seemed to tremble.

Sweetiebelle finally exhaled softly lowering her head a bit and closing her eyes. Button's eyes widened as the mare looked away from him. He lowered his own gaze and as such didn't see the attack coming when Sweetiebelle plowed into him sending the pair of them tumbling across the deck to crash into a wall as she kissed him.

“I take it that's a yes?” Button gasped as the mare finally let him breath.

“Of course it' a yes.....” Sweetiebelle smiled both of them flinching as an explosion went off behind them and every one turned to see a huge party had appeared on the main deck, with a massive banner reading ' Happy upcoming Nuptials' written across it.'

Pinkie Pie bounced around the deck throwing confetti and trying to get every one else to cheer along with her. Discord floated above them all throwing out confetti and also what appeared to be some sort of pudding, greatly annoying the Griffon crew and Changelings that got plastered with the stuff.

Behind them however were three figures that made Button and Sweetiebelle's faces turn bright red given their position sprawled out on the deck. Discord had evidently brought Sweetiebelle's parents and Button's mom to the party. And given their managers cackling above them, he was reveling in the embarrassment, particularly when Sweetiebelle's father pulled a wrestling mask from his pocket.

Button whimpered a little at the sight, though Sweetiebelle simple stuck her tongue out at her father putting on the little bracelet.

She looked down at it a moment not moving from atop Button. “ A Power Pony Raidence bracelet? Seriously?” She giggled.

“It was all I had …...” Button muttered as Sweetiebelle kissed him again.



Twilight's hooves clicked on the bloodied stone as she made her way down the stairs. When The Beast stopped digging the pair had decided to go down and see if he had taken care of Grogar. Given what she had seen of Jer'rahd when he got in that state, he didn't stop until what ever provoked him was dead, or well beyond his reach. Granted when the target was dead he usual reverted to normal and passed out. But he had nether continued, nor reverted and while Twilight wanted to know why, she needed to make sure Grogar was dealt with first, Luna could handle her husband.

The heavier hoof falls of Celestia were right behind her, the solar goddesses' horn was wreathed in flames allowing them to see as they descended down the blood soaked corridors.

The damage the Beast had done to the Leviathan was not healing and the few undead they had come across paid them little mind as they worked to staunch the flow of blood. It was rather fascinating to watch the chunks of rent flesh turn into animate corpses, mostly diamond dogs and griffons, though a few other odd races with hands and claws were visible as well. The creatures were practically flencing themselves and using their own rotted skin to try and clot the blood flow. Once they had turned themselves into a skinless and hairless corpse, they reverted to meat only for something new to be crafted from the fallen flesh to begin the process again.

Not only did this mean the corridors were clear of chunks of flesh and surprisingly clear of blood, it also meant their decent was unrestricted and undefended as the island dead were more intent in medical application than fighting.

Twilight chocked it up to what white blood cells did , though Celestia wasn't in the mood to discuss the intricacies of necromancy on this scale.

The pair of them finally made it to the last chamber at the bottom of the stairs. It was a large open room with five stone thrones in a semi circle. The room echoed with the thrumming beat that was almost like thunder, though Twilight recognized it after a moment as a rapidly beating heart.

The room was not empty either. Standing in the middle of it were five figures. At first Twilight thought they were alive, though with how they shifted and looked back at the pair of them with glowing eyes, it was clear they were simply well persevered corpses. Two Griffons, two Unicorns and a floating Seapony.

A shield was up between Twilight and the undead the moment they were spotted, though it was Celestia who had done it, the white mares eyes were narrowed at the five her gaze glancing down to what lay between them. On the floor, his face twisted in horrific agony, was the Capricorn they had been chasing.

“Twilight can you draw air into this chamber? I can ignite it and end this quickly......” Celestia muttered.

“No, well yes I can, but hold on a moment Celestia....” Twilight stated looking back at her Princess then to the undead that had yet to move.” You're them aren't you? Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Warpick, Caestus... and Sparrow. The five Element Bearers who stopped the Black Harvest?”

The two Unicorns looked at each other then to the Seapony who slowly nodded, the Griffons remained rather stoic, though Twilight thought they took a more relaxed stance at the mention of their names.

“What is going on Twilight , Who are they?” Celestia asked.

“I'll show you later Pri... Celestia... Though I'm not sure if they are who they are supposed to be or still the will of Tamberlane.” Twilight answered.

“A bit of both really.” The Seapony spoke slipping forward a little ahead of the others.”Though who are you that knows us?”

“Twilight Sparkle... I read your fathers journal after Grogar kidnapped us...” Twilight stated.

“Princess... Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia corrected and was promptly ignored by Twilight, as usual.

”Though what do you mean, by saying a bit of both?”Twilight asked.

“My father long ago lost his mind and has been little more than a beast of burden for this island for more years than I can count. Though despite that he still felt the pull of the Element's of Harmony being activated, as did we.” Sparrow's lips didn't move though Both Twilight and Celestia heard her none the less.

“But the Element's have been activated a number of times in history. Why now?” Celestia asked.

“Grogar designed a way to pull the entire island out of time using Necromantic energy produced by my fathers massive form. With the ringing of the bell we were all pulled into a pocket dimension where time did not pass as it should. He did not create the pocket dimension, some sort of Dark Powers did. There were odd native creatures who bowed to a ruler that they called 'the Knight of the Black Rose', but there was never any encounter with anything there. All that was usually seen save the dead quiet sea we remained on was endless foreboding mists.” Sparrow explained. “If we were there we felt nothing of this world. Though we felt the gathering of them once before long ago, we have never felt them activate again until now.”

“Twilight are you writing this down?” Celestia asked with a sigh noting that her former student had gotten a notebook from some where and was jotting down everything the Seapony was saying.

“ Maybe... the time before must have been when Starswirl used them.” Twilight speculated. “ Still that doesn't explain what you are doing now, or what happened to Grogar.”

“Grogar has been killed of course. His soul drawn out to give him the chance he did not have before Bray found him.” The Seapony gestured to the side with a fin.

Across the chamber was a pair of spectral figures. A Seapony female and what looked to be a male Ram holding a small bundle between them. The figures only lasted a moment or two before fading out.

“His real parents.....”Twilight stated.

“Indeed.” Sparrow nodded.”As for us. We are simply waiting for my father to get where he was going and join us a last time. That should be soon, he has remembered finally. The pull of the Element's and the pain he has suffered due to the other touched by the Books of Orbsah has finally stirred him once again.”

The sudden lurching of the island nearly sent Twilight to the floor, Celestia's wing fanned out catching her and keeping the smaller Alicorn upright. The undead before them barely seemed phased though all of them turned to look back at the thrones. There was the sound of wet squelching and tearing and a figure walked out of the darkness behind the thrones.

The Griffon was old, he was covered in scars and his wings looked tattered, likely barely able to fly at all. Both the alicorns noted he was undead himself, formed out of the wall of the chamber. Despite that the other five moved to him the Seapony moving the fastest to embrace the old Griffon.

“I'm sorry....” He muttered under his breath tears running down his face as he sobbed.” I couldn't.....”

“It's alright father... I know... it's over now...... it's time to finally rest. We have been waiting too long as it is. It is time for us to go.” Sparrow stated.

Celestia drew back again, pulling Twilight with her. Across the room was a black alicorn. Her fur dark enough that light seemed drawn into it. She approached the gathered six slowly, her wing tips lightly touching them as she passed. The undead slowly collapsing into dust with each touch, until all that was left was Tamberlane and his daughter Sparrow, and then they too were dust.

“Harmony....” Twilight gasped, the dark alicorn looking to her with a small smile.

“I did use that name last time we met didn't I? You are a interesting one Twilight Sparkle. This will be our third meeting, perhaps our fourth in truth and I doubt it will be the last.” Bonnie stated.” Though I will say it is far, far, from our final meeting.”

“What what did you do?” Celestia asked.

“I guided them on. They had been apart from each other for far too long. What they do now is up to what ever the Spirits designed to happen to those that have passed. The realm of the dead has been quite rowdy lately, though it is only a momentary stop for most, for others they remain nearly forever waiting. Those five have been waiting for their last longer than most. They can finally move on. You too have those waiting on you Twilight Sparkle. But they do not expect you any time soon.”

The first Pony goddess sighed softly. “I will need a small favor I'm afraid. Apologize to your brother and sister in law for me. I believe our actions may have traumatized them.” Bonnie chuckled. “But what was done was necessary. Also I need you to care for this little one. She is exhausted and I have relied on her far too much already.

“Little one?” Twilight asked as Bonnie began to fade out, her form shrinking rapidly until only the form of a red striped Zebra filly remained.

“Rynthia?!” Celestia yelped darting forward to catch the filly as she stumbled forward and nearly fell on her face.

The solar princess swept up the Zebra foal checking her over before letting out a small sigh.

“She's just asleep..... what the heck is going on?” Celestia demanded.

“We just had a brush with death.” Twilight stated flatly.” Don't worry about it, okay worry about it a little, cause the first pony god needed Rynthia's body for something. But, look.”

Twilight reached up tapping at a small necklace under the small zebra's neck smiling as she felt, more than recognized, her former Element.

“Let's get out of here. We need to find out where we wound up and go home.” Twilight sighed.

“Fine but I would prefer a longer explanation later Twilight.” Celestia sighed slipping the Filly onto her back and heading back up the stairs.

Twilight followed , pausing a moment with her ears perked up listening.

There was nothing but silence. The massive beating of a giant heart had gone silent. Tamberlane was no more.

Twilight bowed her head a little in the respect for the departed before following after Celestia.


[ Earlier, in another location. ]

This was a strange sensation, the white alicorn muttered looking down at his hoof.

The hue shifting fur of the white stallions limb was splattered with a red substance that clung to his fur, but had come from a oozing mark on his limb that had quickly closed up after he brushed it against a rock as he walked. There was an odd sensation from the limb that had caused him to stop and look at it as the blood oozed from the wound.

“Ah yes...” Zachle, the first pony god muttered.”Pain... that was what this feeling was called. Most unpleasant.”

“Well expect more unpleasantness then!” shouted a voice from above him.

Looking up the alicorn's head was suddenly impacted by a set of sharp talons as a large golden Griffoness landed before him, her claws raking over his face before she flapped her great wings once and flung her self back into the air away from the magic slash of energy the alicorn flung at her.

A second attack didn't come from the white alicorn, but only because something had wrapped around his wings. Looking back, thick thorny vines had come down from the trees in the forest and wrapped around the limbs, behind him the Trolls that had been following him were in a similar state. His gaze fell on a red striped zebra mare staring at them all, though his attention was drawn quickly back to his entrapped wings as the vines started to pull away hard.

Zachle cried out with the new flash of long forgotten pain as the thorns ripped into his feathered limbs , ripping tears in his flesh and yanking out numerous feathers before they vines twisted and tore pulling the limbs into distorted and painful shapes before ripping away back up into the trees leaving his wings a rent mess. Behind him the trolls screamed out as they met more horrific ends than simple body mutilation.

“Mirth... Grace......” of course you fools would show... I will end you both!!!!” Zachle roared before a loud rumbling signaled the opening of the very earth beneath him. With his wings mangled the white alicorn could do little but fall. A last glance at the surface showed the golden Griffoness waving good bye to him as he fell.

His body struck the ground, bouncing over spiked rock as he tumbled into the earth down the oddly steep incline, his coat and body being torn from impacts of rock and jutting crystal. Eventually he crashed into a pile of gravel leaving even more of his hide spread across the ground.

The wounds were not healing. This was defiantly Bonnie's friends doing. Zachele pushed himself up to his hooves, wincing at the odd angle one of them was bent at, his gaze whipped around as a rather wolf looking Diamond Dog stood nearby starring down at him.”Forthe..”Snarled the white alicorn as the Diamond Dog smiled baring sharp fangs.

“Among others.” stated a melodic voice. Turning his head his eyes widened at the sight of the massive Seapony stallion floating over an underground lake. Pain wracked his body as Munificence cast a spell.

Blood began leaking out of his pores, the liquid being pulled from his form as the Seapony drew all water from the constructed form, the alicorn body rapidly started to turn to dust and bone as that too dried out to brittle nothings. Zachle cursed, his beautiful form turned to ash so easily.

The Gray Grimiore tumbled out of the body it had inhabited. The books form untouched by the magic, though the body it had made was no more.

“GRAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Do you fools know how long I worked on that?” The Gray Grimiore bellowed.

“I doubt they care brother.” another voice stated.

“Bonnie......” The book snarled as the void like alicorn mare strode up looking down at the fallen book. “Found new toys to play with I see.”

“The Bearers are not toys Zachle. None of them are.”

“Oh I am quite aware of your misguided views sister. The Spirits made us perfect and yet you threw that away to protect their unfinished failures.”

“We were supposed to guide them brother, not rule them, or change them.” Bonnie sighed. “ But i see you still cannot comprehend that.”

“Hah! It is you who are deluded. You will see one day. Even now you refuse to kill me and be done with it. All because that would leave those foals that house you here alone and my Trolls could easily follow the trail of blood down here and kill them long before any of them or you recover enough to do anything.”

“I know we cannot destroy like we are. But that doesn't mean we cannot keep you out of the affairs of the world for a long time. ” The black alicorn mare stated.” Did you find one Troph?”

“Indeed. A low rumbling could be heard as a massive form strides up to the others, a Zebra mare sitting on the massive Dragon's back. “It runs right to the core and there are very few vents leading directly from it. Forthe if you would bring it up, I'll keep the fire at bay.”

“Alright, but I'll need help getting back Bonnie. I've used a good bit of power getting down here.” The Diamond Dog stated.

“I understand, that's why, I've held back.” Bonnie stated before looking around.”Where is Mirth?”

“She said she had other business.” the Zebra mare Grace said.” I would not worry , she would not hurt her charge.”

“Probably went for donuts again.” Munificence chuckled.

“What are you fools talking about!” The Gray Grimiore bellows.

“Got it.” Forthe stated as a segment of rock opened up and a flow of Lava rose rapidly from the depths, bubbling and lighting up the whole cavern in a orange glow.

Bonnie's magic gathered up the book, floating it over the churning pit of Lava

“HA you think this will destroy me!? You are bigger fools than I thought!”

“No, I do not brother, but it will keep you out of the affairs of the world for a very long time. This lava will carry you to the core of the world. There you shall remain out of reach of any mortals and nearly all gods. “ Bonnie stated.

“With the way this flow works, it will be a millinia, if even then, that you return to the surface. By that time the stars may have faded and this planets life cycle ended. You will be able to do nothing but attempt to corrupt an empty dead world.” Troph growled.

“And even if you do manage to come back, we will be here to stop you.” Grace stated.

“Good bye brother. Perhaps you will reconsider your plan the next time we meet.” Bonnie stated dropping the book into the lava.

Troph mutters his spell and the lava rapidly recedes drawing the screaming book and the heat back towards the lava tube heading to the core, far below the mantel. Forthe winces a little closing up the hole in the ground before shaking his head.

“That's it I'm done. Anything more and little Elusive might have permanent damage.” Forthe sighed.

“It's fine... thank you. Bonnie smiled leaning over and kissing the Diamond Dog lightly on the cheek, getting a few gasps of surprise from everyone save Munificence who simply threw his fins in the air shouting a silent 'YES' to the sky.

“Troph, Grace, Munificence, do you have the energy to take Forthe with you back to the Crystal Empire?” Bonnie asked.

“We do. Why ?” Grace asked ignoring the dopey look on Forthe's face after he kiss.”What about you?”

“I have one more stop to make, and souls to retrieve.” Bonnie smiled. “I will see you soon my friends.”

[Manehatten, aboard the Stormcloud. ]

“I still say it counts.” Captain Finch muttered.

“Your bid was for 'on the airship over some romantic spot', Finch.” Melody muttered.”Manehatten docks near a burning factory is in no way romantic.”

“I dunno, I had a few girlfriends who would have said otherwise.” Finch responded.

“Gah, I was so sure those two geeks would get hitched in Trotkyo.” Shanty cursed.”I doubled my bid just because of that.”

“I know. I did the same when we were in Gallopagos cause with how moody I figured she would get there because of her sister.” Carol grumbled. “I figured Button would try to cheer her up with a proposal, or maybe ask the grave for permission in front of her and set everything off.”

“Her dad's still alive you know.”Aria responded.” I think he was trying to throw Button off the side of the ship again, but he's alive, and typically you ask the father.”

“What about any of this is typical?” Carol asked.

“Point.” Aria conceded.

“So who won any way Ditty? Did some one have Manhatten?” Shanty asked.

The group of them were down stairs talking, while the party was going on upstairs still. While they would have been quite happy watching Button and Sweetie's mother's embarrass the fool out of them. Or the wrestling match that Button and Sweetie's father had going on, it was mostly Button running away in terror from Sweetiebelle's father in a lucador mask, but there were bits to be had.

“Hold on I'm looking” Ditty commented, flipping through a book occasionally crossing things out.

“Whats going on?” Babs asked, trotting down that stairs looking at the group of Changelings and Griffons gathered below decks.

“We're checking to see who won the pot.” Carol explained.

“Oh, for the wedding thing?” Babs commented taking a sip from a cup she held in a hoof.” How much is it any way?”

“Last count was two thousand three hundred and forty two bits.” Ditty added.”It goes up every time some one bids on something and it doesn't come to pass.”

“Hey, I had zombies on my choice.” a Griffon female with one eye spoke up.

“Gale we went over this. You had zombie redneck murder family, not zombies. There is a big difference.” Ditty sighed.” Though I will admit so far you are the closest.”

“Nah. She's not. “ Babs stated.” Check the last entry.”

Ditty blinked flipping to the back of the book.

“You entered? When?” Carol asked.

“Melody was telling me about it earlier before all this nonsense started and ah dropped fifty bits in as it was all that ah had.” Babs stated.”She signed me in the book.”

“Fifty only allows a specific thing or location. What, did you pick Manehatten?” Aria questioned.

“Nah.” Babs grinned. “Specific thing happening.”

“Yep, she has it.” Ditty sighed. “'One of them has a near death experience or thinks they lost the other one'. She basically got it exactly. No one else was even close enough to share the pot.”

There was a chorus of groans all around as Babs grinned holding out a hoof for the bag of bits.

“So whatcha say about starting a pot for Melody and Ditty?” Babs asked hefting the bag of bits, getting a wince from Ditty and a look of interest from Melody. “ I got a hundred on her asking him and a hundred on him asking her just cause I made the first bet.”

'I'm in', everyone but the pair mentioned responded.


The rubble and dust of the dreamscape shifted and slid at the bottom of the crater. A shadowy figure pushed itself out of the rubble, the gray misty form was tiny in comparison to what it had been, though it still lived.

The Tantabus growled to itself. It had not been expecting that, the Element's of Harmony had found new hosts and had nearly killed it. Still they had failed to destroy it utterly and that would be their undoing. It already knew how to hide from the Dream Guardians and it would be even easier now that the mares thought it was dead. It would take little time to amass the power to escape again, and this time it would simply kill those that stood in it's way first, before they knew what was going on.

A noise behind the Tantabus stopped it's internal monologue. Looking up it's eyes widened at the massive form towering above it, a slightly curled trunk like nose sniffing at the diminutive nightmare.

“No.... NO!!” Tantabus screamed as the Taipar 'Charlotte' opened it's mouth to feast on the bad dream....


[Tamberlane. ]

“Rynthia?” Luna questioned as she looked down at her youngest daughter curiously. Celestia and Twilight explained what had happened in the depths of Tamberlane. The former Princess of the Night leaned in to look at Rynthia stretched out on Celestia's back taking note of the pendant around her neck and nodding a little at the thing. She smirked a little noting the cutiemark as well.

“Dawn has one of these pendants as well. She also has a cutiemark.” Luna smiled slipping the sleeping Zebra foal from her sisters back and placing her on her own, her back forming a thicker mat of fur along it, so her adoptive daughter wouldn't need to rest on her usual hard chitinous plated back. She had enough insults about it today to be honest.

“It seems we have some new Element Bearers.”Celestia chuckled.

“We should get in contact with the Crystal Empire as soon as we can.” Twilight stated.” My brother is probably pulling out his mane with these two missing. Particularly how he expects Jer'rahd will react.”

“He isn't that bad.” Luna snorted.

“Remember the 'Parkie' incident four years ago when Dawn hid herself in the sand box while they were at the playground.” Twilight commented.

“They had to demolish six blocks because they buildings were no longer stable enough for occupancy.” Celestia added.

“Indeed I do. But I also recall a temple in the Zebralands which is now one very large glass lake, and three maids on permanent disability after the mental scarring you and Twilight inflicted on them.” Luna snorted.” Not to mention the cheese incident.”

“Hey some of us are new at this.” Twilight protested.

“And some of you are not.” Luna looked at Celestia who had wisely shut up.” At any rate it seems we are slowing down.”

“Yes Tamberlane is dead... as is Grogar. I expect the island will sink before long, though that worries me as it's still saturated with necromantic energy.” Twilight grumbled.” That could cause untold amount of issues to the ecology....”

“ICEBURG!!!!” shouted a voice from the air. Looking up the trio could see the massive underbelly of the Beast as the creature tensed just as the island shook as it hit something. Luna fanned her wings out stopping herself from falling, though three magical barriers form around Rynthia to stop her if she slid as well as a few small green panels of energy.

“I see Jer'rahd's at least got control of himself. Though why is he still the beast?” Twilight commented as the green panels dissipated. “Though who yelled ?”

“He still feels there may be danger so he remained as he was. Lyra, Octavia, and Trixie are currently sitting on his back watching over Dawn. We figure when we get close enough to some sort of land mass Jer'rahd's going to try and jump to it. He is not happy with that option.”Luna explained.

“LAND HO!!!!” Lyra bellows.

“Oh here we are.” Luna nodded.

“Wait a moment... did she say iceberg before?” Celestia asked as the island jerked again, as a great fountain of water and dirt flew into the air on one side of the island. The groaning sound of rocks and bone striking each other and scraping filled the air.

Luna and the alicorns took to the air flying up to the back of the Beast looking out on a vast snowy wasteland that lay around them bathed in the moonlight. The Leviathan had beached itself on a frozen peninsula jutting out from the southeastern end of the Frozen North. The massive creature had run around hard enough that the great bulk of it slid leagues across the land mass and almost back into the water on the other side of it, crushing the ice water dunes that had risen from the crashing waves as it finally came to a stop, it's tail still in the water behind it.

The Beast lifted it's head higher letting those perched on it's muzzle survey the situation.

“So now what?” Octavia stated with a sigh.

“Trixie supposes we start walking......” Trixie muttered.

“No need for that, particularly with two foals.” Luna commented.” Twilight would you mind setting up an anchor spell for us? Jer'rahd has never been that good about fixing shields to himself.”

“Okay done and done.” Twilight stated sealing a bubble shield around the group and anchoring it to Jer'rahd's back. As the beast shook itself a little at the odd feeling she added a stabilizing spell to the shield to keep it level. “ So what's the plan, he's just going to carry us back?”

Luna grinned.” It's a hundred and six leagues to the crystal empire, we've a full powered monster, half powered unicorns, it's dark out, and it's past the foals bedtime.”

“Hit it!” Lyra cried and the Beast surged forward leaving the isle of Tamberlane behind.


“So as it turns out that little trip became the stuff of a lot of northern tribes legends. The Guard got reports on it for weeks. Every race that encountered or saw the monster galloping across the landscape spouted tales of it. And in one case a court ordered lawsuit for damages. Though Celestia did admit later that she didn't expect any one to listen to her when she said to stampede though a segment of Yakastan that had been giving her ambassadors trouble for years. Of course I told her later that that was what happened when I listened to her and was just more support for my ignoring her.”

The gray and orange scaled Kirin sighed.

“Needless to say there was a great deal of panic in the Crystal Empire when we arrived just as the sun was supposed to rise. Something Celestia held off on until she could get some coffee, lazy mare... Cadence and Shinning were in the middle of packing everything up along with their returned foals and making a run to Marexico when we showed up. I was rather impressed with the calm dignity Shining showed in not pleading for his life, but for his own foals and wife when he still thought he lost Dawn and Rynthia. Granted that lasted until his sister and Luna showed up then he was a screaming and begging wreck.”

Jer'rahd shifted a little in his position, his tail flicking at a fly.

“Orange checked everyone out before giving everyone the all clear. Aside from a few sprains, some scuffs and a bit of singed hair, the one who got of worst was me with the exhaustion that hit after turning back from the Beast. Still that run calmed me down a lot, maybe I should take up jogging... Any way every pony got a green bill of health and was put up in the Crystal Palace for a day or two for questioning and any lingering after effects that might come up from all the necromantic energy of that place. I had passed out by that point, but I was told Bleu and Spike showed up with Bon Bon a little later in the day. And no one saw either of them until it was time to leave. Sweetie Drops mission report was something to read let me tell you.”

“Celestia and Twilight did their duty with the moon and sun getting them back on schedule. They also received a messenger from the Windigo. While there was a lot of talk about what to do about Tamberlane's body and the residual energy that it still produced, it mostly boiled down to the Windigo asking' You gonna eat that?'”

The Kirin smirked at his own joke.

“For the possession of the source of strife that the Windigo feed on, they promised to transfer the entire library to the Crystal Empire in the coming weeks along with any other items of interest recovered before the whole area would be turned into an ice block from their feeding. Later measurements slated the body of Tamberlane would feed the Windigo for the next thirty to fifty thousand years before it was expended and no longer a threat to anything. A hell of a half life on that stuff. Of course this meant that the existence of the island needs to be disavowed and we have to give permission to the Windigo to kill any one who couldn't be turned away who tried to make it to Tamberlane. Current rumor is I ate the Leviathan as the Beast. More than enough blood on me when I made it to the Empire to support that theory.”

“The foals were the ones with the most explaining to do. All of them clearly had the Element's of Harmony on them, though Dawn's was covered in teeth marks, and the Elements had changed form once again. The threat it seemed was something that came about because of me, or more specifically the nightmares that have plagued me since the trip to Neighlantis. Seems all that terror took a sentient form
and wanted to be free. So chock something else up that's my fault.”

“Speaking of that, it seems Celestia is trying to blame me for the zombie attack in Manehatten. All the Orc's that I killed there were tossed in a big communal grave that every pony forgot about and built over years ago. Bray found them and brought all of them back up including Je'fray. Would have loved to kill that pig again, my hooves still hurt thinking about that fight. Twilight came to my defense at that point stating I had been relieved of the command there and sent back to Canterlot on Celestia's orders well before the mass grave was even thought of.”

Jer'rahd snorted his annoyance.

“But yeah all the foals got cutiemarks, including Dawn, though Bleu had to explain it. Turns out her cutiemark is a pair of drama masks, the happy sad face things you see in theaters sometimes, though while the expressions on Dawn's are the same, both of her's are smiling, despite how the eyes look. Dawn also was complaining about some one she calls Birdy, she doesn't know specifics but she says she's really mad at her. Rynthia's is a interesting set of scales with that medical thing on one side and a skull on the other. Still not sure what either might mean.”

Jer'rahd smirked again.

“Pip and Scootaloo tried to pull a fast one on Luna, though they got busted. Seems while they had a deal going with Berry to get a bit of vacation time alone up north, Beryl wasn't part of that deal and gave everything up to Luna without any prompting. Seems he was rather annoyed at Pip and Scootaloo for some reason due to the events of the recent days and if Berry wasn't going to stand up to the pair, for all the panic and extra work they caused, then he was. I'm probably still going to give them a bit of time off for services rendered, or at least assign them to the Crystal Guard for a little while. Shining owes them too so he'd give them space. Of course it would have to be after their vacation which should start as soon as school lets out, and they are leaving their foals with us. Thankfully it seems Glimmer isn't afraid of me any more, though Elusive still flinched at the pizza we had for dinner the other night , so small steps I suppose. Luna says that Shin is talking to the hive mind again as well so it seems there's been more progress than I thought.”

Jer'rahd sighed thinking for a moment.

“Ah yes before I forget. Sunset. Some how I ended up with another daughter, have to thank Starfall with a bouquet of poison joke for setting that up. Still I rather like the girl. She's about Berry's age and once she gets caught up she'll join her in the Crystal College. She's not a big fan of Celesita so we share that and she's only a year off from no longer being considered a minor any way. Then there's the time displacement thing and that crap took the group of us a few years to get used to. Some of the tech still surprises me. At least with Sunset it's only been twenty years, rather than a thousand, but a lot has happened in twenty years. Luna loves the sob story stuff, so she was all for it. Me I'm more amused that Sunset went along with helping me convince Twilight that she was another lost child of Celestia, the cutiemark really sold that bit. Given that Celestia wasn't informed that Sunset came back, she had no idea what Twilight was yelling at her about for a good hour, it then took two more to convince Twilight otherwise. Of course when Sunset did tell what really happened Twilight went off again, joined by Luna this time. It was glorious.”

“Jer! You out here still? Foods ready!?” shouted a voice.

“Thanks! I'm coming AJ!” Jer'rahd lifted his head as he called back to Applejack, before slowly rising to his hooves and dusting off the dirt and leaves from his fur.

“I suppose that's everything for now. I'll be sure to come by and tell you of anything else that happens.” Jer'rahd paused.” Not sure when I'll be seeing you all again... but I will, of course by that point I'll have told you all my stories. See yah.”

Jer'rahd smiled softly, turning and walking back towards the farm house, leaving the graves behind him.

Author's Note:

Title is from the Anime, Origin

I dropped a few references in here as well. One from my favorite movie, one from a D&D setting and a few others i'm rather proud of slipping in there.

2 more chapters and that's the end of book 4