• Published 23rd Mar 2016
  • 2,158 Views, 217 Comments

Stories in Stone, Capricorn's Curse - TDR

An unlikely group must deal with a newly awakened evil, also slice of life. Book 4 of Stories in Stone

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Eye of the Storm [27]

Stories in Stone
Capricorn's Curse

Eye of the Storm

[Tamberlane inside the shield.]

“Well? “ questioned Octavia, clearly not happy with having to stand in a empty hall in the open for the last few minutes. Grogar had to know the vault had been opened and she expected a swarm of monsters at any time now. Octavia was placed on Guard duty as the Unicorns had decided to discuss magic theory or some nonsense. In any case she was getting tired of this.

“It's complicated.”Luna sighed.

“It's not complicated.” Lyra grumbled.

“There's too much information.” Trixie stated.

“There's not enough information.” Twilight said.

The four of them had spoken at the exact same time and all of them turned to stare at one another before yelling out again all at once.

“What are you talking about?!”

Octavia slapped her head with her hoof , muttering something about brains not meaning a thing any more before turning back to watch the hall.

“Look there's layers and layers of spells on these things. We can't even move one of them without pulling all the mesh tighter and we certainly can't destroy them with anything we know without causing a disaster.” Luna snapped.”these things are layered in dozens or protective spells. Nothing short of a solar impact would get past the wards.”

“Everyone of these things has at least fifty spells cast into them all intermingled and doing a billion things at once. The spell lattices alone are so overlapped I can't even tell which is the top layer to begin unwinding them!” Trixie added. “ It would take forever to sort through the meshes to figure out the core spell.”

“That's just it there's a bunch of latices. We don't know what is layered and what the original magic is. We don't know where to even begin.” Twilight growled.” Without a starting point how can we decipher this?”

“I don't know what half this crap is.” Lyra snorted.” But I do know a trap when I see one. All of these things are trapped the same way, the same mesh lattice runs through all of them and is connected to the vault. If they go past that door way over there the trap goes off and they blow up. I bet Grogar rigged that so his minions would stay in line. Specially if these things are that important to them. So all we have to do is close the door a bit and toss them all out into the hall, the door shields us from magical backlash and even if it closes it's simple to open from the inside. We toss them all out and BAM problem solved.”

The other three turn and stare at Lyra, then look to each other, and then to the phylacteries as if checking what she said before turning back to her.

“I like her idea let us go with her idea.” Octavia stated.



Well at least there was no pain, Button thought to himself.

Then he pondered a bit more.

No there was a bit of pain, mostly in the base of his tail. He didn't think it was the tacos he had for lunch though. It felt more like something was pulling his tail, hard.

Wait was he supposed to be feeling pain when he was dead?

“You know MASH, while I hear suicide is painless, there's got to be another way...” stated a voice from above him.

“He's not gonna get that joke, ain't nobody gonna get that joke.”stated another higher pitched voice, also from above him.” That joke is so old it's got a walker and wishes it's grand foals would visit more often.”

“You got the joke dear, that's enough.” the male sounding voice chuckled.

Button mash opened his eyes and yelped, the sidewalk was barely an apples length from his nose. He turned his head looking down, errrr up at whoever was talking.

Above him were a pair of figures. The male had the head of a pony with mismatched yellow eyes, a fang from a snake, a deer antler on one side, and a goat horn on the other. There was a bit of stubble on his chin which looked like he was trying to grow a beard but didn't recall how to. He had long rabbit like ears, a serpentine body with a maticore's arm and paw on one side, and a griffon's arm with it's claw on the other. A Pegasus wing and a bat wing sprouted from his back and his legs looked like a minotaurs and a cockatrice's. The draconic tail that sprouted from his rump ended in a set of fins like those from a sea pony.

Sitting on his back with her forelegs wrapped around the creatures neck , was a very very pink pony with a mop of curly darker pink hair.

“Discord? Miss Pie?” Button stammered before he was dropped to the ground with a thud as Discord let go of his tail.

“Button, Button, Button.”Pinkie Pie tisked.” I told you to call me Pinkie.”

“Seems like we missed some party.” Discord whistled before narrowing his eyes.” I say... are those Orcs?”

“OOOh that's a fun name. Orc... orc, orc, orc, mork, orc, pork, lork, tork, orc.” Pinkie Pie singsonged, hopping off Discord's back and pronking around the pair of them as she continued.

“Err, yes sir, undead Orcs at that.” Button stammered looking up as Shanty and Aria descended towards them, the pair of Changelings looking rather surprised to see Button unmashed and to see Discord and Pinkie Pie there.

“Undead huh.... well they are still green pigs......”Discord stroked his beard.

“You thinking what I'm thinking?” Pinkie Pie grinned, suddenly wearing a military pith helmet with the symbol of the Luna Republic on it.

“Indeed.” Discord grinned. “You have the sling shot?”

“Right here!” Pinkie cheered pulling a massive sling shot from her mane and slamming it down into the asphalt anchoring it in place.

Button blinked as Discord pulled a red blob that looked vaguely like a bird, in that it had feathers and a beak, out of somewhere. The grumbling creature also had a very annoyed expression on it's face.

“What ...” Button stammered.

“Oh please. Even you hard core gamer types need to realize that the casual players get some good games too.” Discord chuckled loading the blob into the sling shot and pulling it back.” Bet I can get four in one shot.”

“Ooh trying for a skill shot already. You're on Dissy. Loser buys dinner.” Pinkie Pie chimed.

“I thought I was already buying dinner?” Discord questioned.

“Yep, as I said loser buys dinner.”Pinkie Pie agreed.

“Harph.”Discord snorted with a smile, letting the annoyed blobby bird fly at the Orcs.


[Tamberlane inside the shield.]

Grogar frowned feeling something odd. A door had been opened that shouldn't have been. He suspected the mares, he already knew they had escaped the ghosts. Still he paid it no mind there were only a few places on the island that needed to be locked and warded enough to trigger his mental alarm and there was nothing of value to any living thing in any of those vaults. Likely they had opened something thinking it a way out or to find something useful. This one seemed to be the lich vault. Doom Sprinkle, he sighed, ears flattening at the self chosen name of the Breezy, was to likely finish them off by this point. Pity, though he hoped the lich left him enough of their bodies to look over.

He remained watching the battle, the two ponies had turtled under some rather impressive shields and he had a few of the Liches watching the sky for another attack from what they pair had called a 'Jupiter'. So far he had underestimated them, considerably, and he was not doing that again.

He had all four of the Gallows Gaunts he had on the island ready to move on them if they some how beat the Liches. He had also been gathering power while the pair fought. He planed to unleash it on one large wave and rip flesh and bone from Tamberlane himself to create a swarm of island dead to distract them while the gallows Guant's finished them off.

If some how that failed he still had the two Barbed Devils. The one at the bell tower would remain there, though the other was close enough to easily rouse. And he would ring the bell to retreat the island at that point as well. Better to deal with them on his time than theirs. Bray would survive until the island returned.

Though he had felt a flash of power from some where, a great deal of necromantic energy was suddenly released. It seemed Bray might have finally pushed himself far enough to shrug off the last of his mortal coil. The Donkey was a odd lich. Not surprising for his first creation. Bray clung so hard to life that he didn't see what he could fully do. He was likely on par if not a bit more powerful than the dracolich fighting the two ponies here. Had Bray been a false god instead of a mortal Grogar might have even considered him a Gallows Gaunt. He was a project body through and through, every new thing Grogar thought of was tested on the Donkey first.

Still that was neither here nor there. All this pair had done was defend. Given the issues they seemed to have with the Liches he didn't think he would need to worry about it.

At least he didn't think he needed to until the island trembled with what sounded like a massive explosion. The assault stopped suddenly when all of the liches started screaming in pain.


[Tamberlane, Inside the Shield]

“FIRE IN THE HOLE!” Lyra shouted as the gathered mass of phylacteries was flung out into the hall, prompting both Trixie and Octavia to yelp and yank shut the heavy vault door.

The five of them hit the deck and were covered in shields from all four spell casters waiting for the inevitable boom.

And they waited.

And waited some more.

And a bit more.

“Did we miss something?” Twilight asked.

“Well it was Lyra's plan.” Trixie commented.

“Now girls we did agree to it.” Luna stated

“She's still covering her ears.” Octavia commented before mimicking the mint green Unicorn's actions.

“I doubt anything is going to happen Octavia it's been five minutes already.” Twilight commented.

“Four minutes and thirty three seconds. Thirty four. Thirty five...” Lyra chimed in suddenly in a sing songy tone.

The other three go wide eyed and duck down again just as the entire vault shook from a soundless explosion, that suddenly turned into a very noisy explosion that rattled their teeth in their heads as they were bounced around under their shields from the vibration, bouncing the mares around inside of it like a foal shaking a can of beans.

After what seemed like forever the noise finally quieted down. Twilight winced as she pushed Luna off of her and glared at Lyra. “A timer really?”

“You could have said something.” Trixie muttered.

“What and miss the looks on your faces? I was a student at Celestia's School for gifted unicorns too you know.”Lyra muttered standing up with a stretch. She moved over to the door before backing away from it suddenly and waving a hoof in front of her face and blowing on it.” Woo hot!”

“Allow me....” Luna smirked her magic gave the door a shove. The whole thing groaned as it fell off it's melted hinges and crashes down what seems like three or four floors before smashing into something far below. Poking their heads out the small group stared in awe at the massive hole of obliteration that had occurred. There was nothing left in a massive sphere around the door of the vault. At least half the hall way was gone and several floors below them were revealed, though they seemed empty of anything coming to investigate.

Above them however, was a star filled sky, marred only by the yellow shield.

“Finally.” Twilight muttered closing her eyes and turning her face upward, her horn starting to glow.


[Tamberlane, outside the shield.]

“I don't know what you did but I like the results.” Jer'rahd smirked as the attack stopped and the Liches seemed to be doubling over in pain.

“I haven't done anything yet.” Celestia snorted.” But I suppose now's as good a time as any.”

Jer'rahd nodded as he felt the wave of magic release from Celestia's horn. Rather than setting everything ablaze as he thought it would , the area around them suddenly turned several degrees colder.

Frost formed on the sand at their hooves , though beyond the edge of his shield ice formed rapidly ripping across everything as the very moisture in the air was turned to ice, the liquids remaining in the liches forms doing the same as everything was flash frozen. The wave of super cold only stopping when it hit the yellow shield though it branched out across the beach all the way to the short line, freezing a little bit out into the sea water as well before the roiling waves broke up the ice and tossed it back on the beach.

“Ice?” Jer'rahd asked curiously.

“Frost field actually, amped up as high as I could make it. I'm not used to cold spells so it took me some time.”Celestia admitted shaking her head a little to recover from the energy expenditure.

“Alright I got it from here I think.” Jer'rahd smirked dropping his shields. The gray unicorn grinned, his horn began to glow green and one by one the gathered Liches were suddenly lifted from the ground and flung high into the air.

“You tossed them?”Celestia asked looking up into the sky before a large green panel of a shield formed over them and a sizable area around them like a large umbrella. “I'm impressed you got that much lift, particularly with the dragon.”

“When you only know two spells you get really good at them. Last time I checked I had no issue lifting Bleu in her largest form. That dragon was much lighter than that even with the ice.” Jer'rahd admitted.” Though she'd probably yell at me for saying that thinking it was a fat joke.... which it was.”

“Why the shield though?”

No guarantee they'd break on the sand.” Jer'rahd chuckled as the Unicorn lich he first tossed struck the top of the shield shattering to frozen chunks followed by the others soon after with only the dracolich not shattering immediately on impact. That was taken care of fully by a few strikes of the Brilliant Dawn.

“This whole place is going to smell like the after math of a Griffonese barbecue the moment they thaw.” Celestia scoffed.

“This place smelled kinda rotted any way a bit more isn't going to mean much....... hey look” Jer'rahd blinked looking up into the sky as he moved from under his umbrella shield.

Celestia blinked looking up as well, a wide smile crossing her lips.

Far in the star filled sky, the silvery moon rose properly for the first time that night.

[ Manehatten in side Sunnyside Smelting]

“GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Bray screamed out suddenly the massive form of the Donkey flailing and lashing about at random.

Sweetie Drops frowned watching the amalgamated mass of muscle and whatever else the bulging monster was made of collapse and thrash around on the stone floor of the plant, flinging anything close to it around as it spasumed and bucked wildly.

She wasn't sure what was wrong ,but she sure as buck wasn't going to miss a chance.

She fired off a line darting to swing it around the creature before firing another line , the harpoon ends of the wire stabbing and anchoring into stone floors, steel scaffolding , the massive crucibles, walls rafters, any where that could be used as a anchor point either met with the start or the end of the cable as she darted and danced around the flailing creature securing it as best she could until she ran out of wires.

She hopped back a few paces looking up at her hoof work.

Bray was still struggling and crying out in pain, but now a spider web of steel wire was wrapped around and through his bulging form anchoring him in place and keeping his hooves slightly up off the floor as he thrashed and fought on.

Sweetie Drops darted up a stair case to the scaffolding above the creature readying a few explosive bolts to toss into the monsters head as it roared and thrashed.

It was time to end this. Sweetie Drops slowed as she reached the top of the scaffolding looking down at Bray. He wasn't moving as much, and her wires seemed to be holding though all of them were stretched taut. Perhaps she had managed to capture him like she was initially ordered to.

“Sweetie Drops to control.” She spoke as she tapped her ear still hearing the crackling buzz of the broken com. “Never mind then, guess I just need to interrogate you myself.”


[Tamberlane inside the shield]

“So what's the plan now?” Octavia asked as Luna floated her over to a safer point of flooring.

“We still need to find that bell. “ Luna stated. “We know where it is, but we know what's there as well. Twilight and I should be able to float you all up to the bell when we get to the tower, but we don't want to fly just ye,t in case Grogar has some sort of flying monster we might alert.”

“I'd rather just get out of here.” Lyra muttered.

“I doubt we'd be able to get past the shield. But who ever is outside knows we're alright now... well at least that I'm alright, they likely assume the rest of you are alright.”Twilight added.” Though I hope Jer'rahd realized that because I really don't want to be around if he thinks something bad happened to Luna.”

“He's angry, but not more than usual. His current feelings are rather strong on amusement. I am quite sure he is having fun killing what ever Grogar throws at him. What is bothering me is that even though I can sense his presence and taste his emotions, they are diluted and I cannot contact any other Changlings.” Luna explained.

“Well in any case, Trixie can see the tower that we read about in the book, but she can't tell if there's a bell up there or not.” Trixie commented. “Perhaps if Twilight Sparkle would move the moon a little closer and give us more light?”

“Are you kidding just moving it this time was a work out. Dream magic doesn't seem to be affected by the barrier, but unless Jer'rahd or the others were asleep I can't do much.” Twilight stated.” I mean if.............. what!?”

Luna and Twilight both suddenly stiffened turning to look to the north, confusion etched on their faces.

“Luna what was that?” Twilight asked.

“I am not sure... but … it was, not unpleasant.... just … odd. As if something has corrected itself....” Luna muttered.

“What are you two talking about?” Lyra asked only for a unearthly wail to fill the air around them. Before they could process that the entire island began to shake once again.

“We need to get outside before something falls on us.” Octavia suggested. “ This is not a sturdy structure, even less now that Twilight put holes in it.”

[ New Canterlot]

“Hush now quiet now..........” Starfall slowly trailed off looking down at her two foals as they had fallen back asleep.

“You're better at this than I am Mrs. Silvertail.” A changeling mare whispered from the door.

“I doubt that Locust, you've managed to watch after a number of royal infants without any issue.” Starfall chuckled closing the door lightly behind her. “ Thanks for this again.”

“It's not a bother. I'm paid fairly well and you have no idea how often I'm hired to watch over some foals far less well behaved then these two. Some of the noble ponies foals are little monsters. Half the time I think every one forgets I'm even a Changeling.” Locust chuckled.” Wish they would the rest of the time so I could get my pediatric license renewed.”

“We have been trying on that, but some ponies are quite stubborn. They are trying to use the fact you were listed as dead to invalidate the schooling you received.”

Locust closes the door behind the pair as she sighed.” Trust me Mrs Silver tail I know.”

“Still I am a little leery myself of letting you back in to foal medicine.” Starfall smirked.” I mean if you became a doctor again we'd have to find a new foal sitter.”

The Changeling mare sticks her tongue out at the Pegasus as Starfall chuckled though the gray mare's eyes suddenly snap wide open and she whips her head to the side wings flaring as she stares north, quickly rushing to a window that faced that way to look out of it in confusion

“What was that?!” Starfall demanded.

“What was what?” Locust asked a bit concerned.

“You didn't feel that?” Starfall asked as the Changeling shook her head.” That felt very odd, not unpleasant, but odd.”

Starfall pondered a moment, still staring north as if calculating the direction, her ears flattening to her head as she came to a conclusion.

“I need to make a few calls.” Starfall muttered heading off to the comm area to contact the Crystal Empire.


[ Whitetail Woods.]

Applejack and Fluttershy had just put the foals to bed and were making their way through the halls of the small cottage that had been built in Whitetail woods for any visitors, something unheard of before until Applebloom took over.

“So how bad was it?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“That tree? Stripped bare of all cherries, but other wise not single leaf harmed.” Applejack chuckled. “ Almost wanna see if 'n they can duplicate it on tha farm, though with a less explosive reaction.”

“Well you could always have them practice on the crab and wild apples on the edge of the farm.” I;m sure Dandelion would be willing to give it a try.”

“Nah we're fine with it how it is.” Applejack chuckled.” Yah may have convinced me tah hire on a bit more help, but magic jus makes the apples taste odd if it's used tah pick um.”

Any further conversation was cut off as both mares shuddered and turned their heads quickly northward.

when both of them stopped suddenly as they felt something , as one the pair of them turn to look north.

“What the buck was that!?!?!” shouted some one that sounded like Rainbow Dash from the other side of the small cottage.

Fluttershy and Applejack quickly head outside as Rainbow Dash slipped out a window and flitted around in the air in a bit of a panic.

“Ya felt it too?” Applejack asked.

“Yes what the heck was that? It was like I flew into a lightning cloud full of snow!” Dash fussed.

“Oh, it did feel a little like static electricity.” Fluttershy admitted.

“Never felt any static that zapped me tah my bones.” Applejack grumbled looking north. “ Might be time tah cut this trip short and see if Princess Twilight might know something, or need some help.”

“You know you hates it when you call her that.” Rainbow Dash smirked.” She refuses to let her friends call her Princess.”

“She don't hate it, she's annoyed by it and gets all flustered when I ignore her telling me to ignore it.” Applejack grinned.

“Please stop teasing her Applejack.” Fluttershy sighed. “She gets that enough from Discord and Pinkie Pie.”

“Maybe, any way ya'll start packing ah'll go tell Applebloom.” Applejack stated, heading off to find her sister.

[ Manehatten.]

“HAVE AT THEE!!” Pinkie Pie shouted hopping onto a party Cannon and firing into the crowd of very confused undead Orcs.

Most of the undead were covered in some sort of confection, or wrapped up in streamers. Large craters dotted the street and multicolored feathers drifted everywhere.

Discord remained at the sling shot firing off a Bird every so often,though it was clear he was already bored with the joke, despite it's effectiveness. The two Changelings had brought Button Mash back to the ship so the only audience left for his antics was Pinkie and the Orcs.

Since one was the target and the other was just as jokey as he was, the effect had rather paled now.

“Honestly shouldn't the Guard have shown up by now?” Discord sighed. “ I know I promised Kaisur I'd help in a crisis ,but I didn't think it would be boring......”

“Ooh, Ooh, Ooh.” Pinkie chirped.” Wanna play the one about the princess who isn't the main character despite her name being in the games title?”

“Hmm nah, it's a switch, but Twilight's already a Princess.” Discord complained.

“Hmmm... Uno?” Pinkie asked.

“You cheat. I saw that get out of jail free card and the five of clubs you played last time.” Discord stuck his tongue out at her as she giggled.

The pair of them froze in place, eyes wide as they both start vibrating in place enough to dig up the road under their hooves and foot.

“Whooo, that was a doozey!” Pinkie gasped.” Wonder what it meant”

“Not 'it' my dear, 'who'. And I think we already know who.” Discord cackled. “ Bout time too the fics almost over.”

“Ooh, I know!” Pinkie chimed pointing at the group of Orcs who had finally gathered their senses enough to start towards them. “Pan-dimensional wildershins lacrosse!”

“Ooh that does sound fun.” Discord grinned putting on a pink cowboy hat.

Pinkie Pie smirked as well putting on a hat that looked like an old boot. Both of them brandished something that looked like a flamingo crossed with a croquet mallet, offering each other a salute before they both pronked off towards the encroaching Orcs.

[Manehatten, in the air ]

“The big guys down cutie. Want to make another pass or have the Guards gotten too close?” Bleu called as she and Spike wheeled around a large building.

“One more pass then we let them take over. Stick to the main street as I saw Discord and Pinkie off on one of the side streets last pass.” Spike called back. “ Wait cutie really? That's the tamest thing you have ever called me Bleu.”

“I'm trying to think of a pet name that fits you. Trying out a few seeing what works.” Bleu admitted.

“You could just call me Spike.” Spike growled.

“I could, but it's got no rhythm to it unless I ad a y and then make a nonsense word to rhyme it and every time I do that you get mopey so that's right out.” Bleu listed before her eyes widened and she whips her wings forward arresting her flight and shooting straight up in the air.

Spike blinks taking a bit longer to change directions but he soon manages to join the blue Dragon who had stopped above the top of the nearest sky scraper staring north.

“Bleu what is it?” Spike asked managing a vaguely stable hover near her.

“I don't know.” Bleu muttered in a serious tone that Spike had learned meant he needed to pay attention.” I just felt something. It wasn't unpleasant or anything but it was potent and felt odd from that direction.”

“North....... Can you tell where exactly?” Spike asked.

“Not specifically , but I think the Empire maybe.” Bleu responded.

“Nothing to do with Tamberlane?” Spike asked.

“Nah that's over there sweetie buns.” She gestured out towards the water before glancing down at the zombie filled street below.

Spike relaxed a little as she seemed to go back to her nicknaming again. Still it bore interest and he would report it to Celestia and Jer'rahd when he could.

“Hey! They're playing Pan-dimensional wildershins lacrosse down there. And they didn't invite me!?” Bleu gasped dropping from the sky towards a pink and brown blur in the middle of the Orc swarm. “ Does this mean I'm the bugger?”

Spike blinked slowly watching Bleu head down to meet Discord and Pinkie and shook his head.


[ Tamberlane Outside the shield.]

Jer'rahd kicked a chunk of frozen lich with mild disinterest as the pair of them start towards the fuming Grogar stopping just before the other side of the shield.

Celestia shook her head looking at the Capricorn.

“This is your last chance to surrender Grogar.” Celestia called, ignoring Jer'rahd's eye roll at the whole diplomacy thing.

The mare opened her mouth to say something else though she quickly shut it again as both she and Jer'rahd turned to the north suddenly starring wide eyed .

Grogar blinked at the sudden distraction, looking at the pair staring off into space fr a second, then risking a glance or two that way as well to see if there was anything coming.

“What the buck was that!?” Jer'rahd snapped looking over at Celestia as the Goddess of the Sun smiled.

“That is something I have felt twice before in my life. That is the feeling the former bearers of the Elements of Harmony get when new bearers have been chosen and the Element's have activated for the first time with their new wielders.” Celestia explained. “I felt that when you and your friends activated them with Luna and I felt it again when Twilight and her friends used them.”

“Which means what exactly?” Grogar snapped from the other side of his shield.

“It means that something triggered a super weapon that wasn't you goat.” Jer'rahd growled. “Which means your time is up as we have something worse that showed up.”

“You have been saying that but so far you have not managed to do anything but annoy me.” Grogar began, his mouth opening for something else when the entire island shook violently. The quake was enough to throw the three of them off their hooves to the ground.

“SIR LOOK OUT!” the com in Jer'rahd's ear buzzed loudly as one of the Neighlantis Guard shouted into it.

Turning back to the beach the three of them watched as something rose from the water in front of them, and kept rising and rising further, millions of gallons of sea water flooded off of whatever the dark mass was, sending a cascading wave crashing against the beach and radiating out from it likely to hit all shores with the sheer size of the waves.

The island lurched, sending Celestia and Jer'rahd crashing against the shield and left Grogar clawing at the other side of it to keep from falling as the whole island started to rapidly tilt as the massive mountain sized thing rose from the depths.

Jer'rahd cursed putting up a Shield of his own to stand on, anchoring it in the air only for the island to keep tilting up and shatter the anchored green panel as the ground rose to meet it.

A keening cry was heard echoing off the water, the roar of it causing every one who heard it to wince and try to cover their ears. Jer'rahd swore even louder yanking the com unit from his ear due to the feedback coming in from the Neighlantis Guard, Gallopagos Guard and the Jupiter from the powerful cry.

As the frothing water cleared, a mass of gray stone was above them reared up like a screaming mountain. From their position Jer'rahd Celestia couldn't make out anything but the wall of stone and countless collections of dead sea life and barnacles growing on it. From Gallopagos and all other points that could see the island, what they saw was a massive head, whale like in appearance, but with what looked to be dozens of large solid black eyes dotted along the sides and undersides of the leviathan's head.

It's mouth opened as it cried out, showing a cavernous void, devoid of any teeth or baleen filters, the shape of it's maw seeming more like a beak than a mouth.

After breaching the waters surface to cry out, the massive creature dropped it's head back into the water, sending up another massive tidal wave. Celestia , Grogar and Jer'rahd could feel the island start to move and they watched as the moon swung around to their right.

The island righted itself, though a wind picked up as they felt the entire island starting to move. Within moments they were in sight of Gallopagos having over taken the islands wave already and were rapidly moving past it as the creature started up the coast heading northward.

Jer'rahd and Celestia both managed to right them selves as well, looking up at the yellow shield that had kept them at bay flickered and faded from existence, leaving nothing between them and Grogar.

The Capricorns eyes widened as the shield dropped, he noticed the white mares horn glow and felt a tug at his neck. Before he could react the bell on his necklace was yanked from his throat and floated over to the mare, who melted it to a small puddle in a instant.

“I'm not sure what you did , but I'm not letting you leave just yet. “Celestia coughed lightly into a hoof.” Now then. I am offering this last chance for you to give up as of yet your worst crimes have been foal napping and destroying a train, both of which I am willing to overlook once.”

“And attacking royalty.” Jer'rahd added picking up the com piece again.

“Attacking us was more of a exercise really. It can be rolled into the self defense category.” Celestia began likely going to lecture a miffed Jer'rahd about the legalities of it all before she was cut off by Grogar bellowing in a panicked rage.

Grogar roared letting loose with all the gathered magic he had. The island slowed, shaking in pain as the ground underneath their feet started disgorging zombies and skeletons of various sizes and shapes from all around them, the ground seeming to collapse and regrow flinging rock and sand away and showing the stone white plate underneath as the island screamed out, it's flesh being converted into an army by the panicked necromancer.

Celestia's eyes widened as the zombies and other creatures kept coming climbing up from the soil and bone below them, the leviathan regenerating it's flesh as fast as Grogar was converting it to an army.

Three large individuals moved up around the necromancer. Two of them were Griffons and the third seemed to be a Minotaur. Unlike the usual zombies they seemed fully aware of their surroundings and were in fairly good shape overall, barely showing any signs of rot of decay.

A massive creature moved up behind them, it's body seemingly composed of multiple other creatures and it was nearly as large as a full grown dragon. The form of it was a blob more than anything else and it lumbered heavily over between the pair and Grogar.


“How dare you.....”Jer'rahd said.

Celestia blinked as the shouting Grogar was cut off by something that to her sounded little more than a whisper. She looked at the Capricorn taking note that despite that he was channeling power into raising his army he had taken a step back and was continuing to do so as he stared at the pair of them, the three less gruesome looking undead doing the same.

No, not at the pair of them, just to her right, Jer'rahd?

Celestia turned her head to look back at the gray unicorn as well, her own eyes widening as she took a few steps away from him like the others.

The Waning Moon was sticking out of the ground next to him, his head was lowered with his ears flat against his head, though his eyes were wide and darting around looking at the undead surrounding them. His teeth were bared, the fangs she had gotten used to seemed much sharper and there seemed a great many more of them in his mouth than there should be, his mouth was starting to froth and hiss teeth were clamped so tightly that a bit of blood was starting to ooze from around the base of them. His left eye was blazing red, the glow of it strong enough that even Celestia had to squint to look at his face.

“How dare... you do this to them....” Jer'rahd stated again, despite how flat and emotionless his voice sounded the words some how chilled Celestia far more than any threat she had ever heard.

She turned away, looking around, taking note of the zombies and skeletons that had been raised. Offering them more than the cursory glance she had spared when they climbed from the ground.

She didn't recognize any at first, though many looked familiar, most of those wore armor that seemed very similar to how her Guard armor used to look. There were some that seemed to be dressed in the armor worn by the Lunar Republic as well, noting this a rising feeling of dread began to creep into Celestia. There were Ponies, Zebras, a few Dragons, a couple Diamond Dogs, and Griffons as well, though most were Ponies and it looked to be a few....... wait... was that Griffon Talon? Celestia blinked her ears drooping as she took note of Zombie that looked like the former God of the Griffons Talon. By the stars, there was another another that looked like Rarity, two Kirins that looked like Lion Heart, junior and senior, yet another pony that looked like Platinum, a Buffalo she recognized as Three Bear....... Oh no, if this group was here then that meant... oh please don't let Grogar have been that stupid.

Celestia winced as standing at the forefront of the army were a pair of zombies that she had hoped not to see. A red pelted earth pony in ragged and rotted robes, and a Zebra mare with tattered saddlebags strewn with patches.

“Oh shit!” Celestia cursed.

[ Tamberlane]

Far below everything, something stirred, shifting centuries of dust.

Author's Note:

This is what i imagine the Leviathan looks like.... only bigger.

Title is Eye of the Storm by Watt White

This marks one step closer to the end of this Book. It looks like this will be my shortest one to date looking to have only 30 chapters and far less words than any others.

Still not bad for something that initially was just gonna be a one or two chapter Tails in Stone add on. The only part of this story that was supposed to happen was Luna's groups part. It sort of blew up from there.

Still this book feels like i'm just meandering along. The last ones i had a set goal and purpose, this one feels like i'm making t up as i go along.... granted i did that with the last ones too.