• Published 23rd Mar 2016
  • 2,158 Views, 217 Comments

Stories in Stone, Capricorn's Curse - TDR

An unlikely group must deal with a newly awakened evil, also slice of life. Book 4 of Stories in Stone

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I Ran [so far away] [8]

Stories in Stone
Capricorn's Curse

I Ran [ so far away ]

[ Tamberlane, late afternoon]

An explosion rocked the whole island, jarring Luna awake suddenly as a series of other Equss shattering kabooms followed, the reverberations of the sound bouncing around the rock dying down just enough for the screams to be heard before there was another explosion.

Luna winced as she lifted her head feeling like she had been in a train wreck..... oh wait, she had. She kept her eyes closed a moment taking stock, she didn't seem to have any life threatening injuries , though she was quite sore though the bruises likely had long since faded. She opened her eyes next and took note of her surroundings, she was in some dark room that was most decidedly not a hospital. Moldy stone walls, strange metallic bars that seemed to be sapping her magic and a large number of chains around her neck and limbs.

The mare sighed. Yup, she was a prisoner again.

The Changeling Queen shuddered a little recalling the last time she was taken prisoner, but at least she wasn't in a hanging display cage waiting to be mounted by a dragon god this time... So far any way.

Still the explosions rocking the room sounded promising. She could feel the spice of anger, the sharp tang of rage, and the delightfully sweet and crisp taste of love. A mix she knew very well after these last six years.

Who ever had captured her had made the mistake of letting Jer'rahd know she was here. At this rate she might never actually see what had captured her... at least not intact. Still something felt off, there were other feelings too, but not nearly as many as they should be. There was a sharp bite of sour hate and spite she didn't recognize, another fiery tasting anger and love mix that was surely her sister. A grape like taste of wonder and curiosity coupled with annoyance and hint of anger, that was surely Twilight Sparkle. Luna had no idea how the purple mare managed to 'feel' grape flavored, but she wasn't the only one who tasted it. Perhaps it was the same way Applejack managed to taste like an apple.

There was an oddly minty taste mixed with love and anger and two others that she couldn't identify and were too weak to taste over the flood of other emotions in the area. She didn't see any one else here with her however. It just seemed like the one room divided by cell bars with a staircase going down on the far side of it. Perhaps they were above or below her?

All of the emotions felt muted as well. As if something was masking it, perhaps the bars or the chains she wore had traces of star metal? It didn't feel like that though, it felt like some great power was trying to quash her abilities.

Another massive explosion shook her out of her confusion as a wall on the far side of the bars collapsed in a shower of stone and dust. A figure stepped through the hole, hidden in the dust cloud, all Luna could see was it's silhouette and a two points of light glowing bright red and green.

“What kept you dear?” Luna chuckled smiling.

“Had to drop the kids off at the sitters first. You know how that goes. You alright Luna? Any holes?” Jer'rahd smirked His amber tail flicking against his legs clearing off the dust from his fur.

“No more than I had before I left. Mind getting me out of this place? The mildew's playing havoc with my nose.” Luna sighed.

“In a minute. She's in here!” Jer'rahd called out back through the hole. Luna glanced up curiously at what would be more of a priority to her husband than getting her free.

A figure stepped through the hole and at first Luna thought it her sister, though the black coated mare was decidedly not Celestia. Wavy lengths of amber mane and tail flowed around her lithe form, a long spiraled horn topped her head and a pair of green eyes studied Luna curiously as the figure entered the room. Her cutie mark was an open book with a green quill over it, the pages of the tome blank. Luna's eyes widened at the pair of wings the mare had on her back as she recognized the pony immediately.

“You?!?” Luna gasped.

“Is Celestia delt with?” Jer'rahd asked?”

“Of course my grandson.... just as promised.” The mare tittered.

“Good... Hail Avaianna...” Jer'rahd stated with a grin.

Luna blinked then narrowed her eyes, the mare let out an annoyed sigh and rolled her eyes.

“ By the stars, wow, you are REALLY bad at this.” Luna stated flatly.

The two of them blinked and looked at Luna.

“Seriously? Hail Avianna? You might as well have had Jer'rahd say 'Hail Celestia' with how stupid it sounded. What's next? Having Twilight yell 'Hail ignorance?' Oh no.. no, no I got it, Applejack saying 'Hail Pears' Do that one it'll be funnier especially if you can do the accent right.” Luna chuckled.

“What?” Jer'rahd asked.

“Oh please. I was the Princess of dreams for centuries, do you not think I can tell when some one it trying to do a fear shock nightmare on me?” Luna grumbled standing up and shaking free the chains like they were nothing, the metal links fading into dust.

“First off Avianna's trapped on the moon. Second I want you to stop wearing my husband's form, that's not even his current form it's how he used to look when he was still a pony and not a Kirin. What ever you are, you are insulting him by trying to take his visage.” Luna growled her horn flaring tuning the bars before her to dust as well. “ I might not have the full power of this realm any more, but I have always been a lucid dreamer and everything in this place is mine to command. You truly thought you could hurt me in my own dreams?.... no that's not it you want terror and fear don't you? Is that what gives you power?”

Another flare of her horn and everything fades around her, the cell the walls and the rubble, even the image of Avaianna fades leaving her looking at the form of Jer'rahd alone.

“Not that it matters as I know the feel of you now and you will not manage this again. Who or what are you?” Luna demanded.

The image of pony Jer'rahd faded away suddenly with a shimmer like that of a road on a hot day. The form underneath was a black scale armored stallion larger than she was. The creatures mane seemed to be made of fire and smoke and flowed with an unseen wind. His long horn was serrated along the top and his pale white glowing eyes spoke of a barely hidden cruelty. Draconic wings sprouted from it's back as it hissed and snapped at Luna baring fangs that would be more at home in a lamprey or leeches maw, the whipping of it's horn forced her to take a step back before the creature crouched and exploded up ward. It's wings leaving a flurry of rubble behind it as they tore through the ceiling and vanished into the void of the dream scape.

“What was that thing?” Luna questioned not liking that it still bore a slight resemblance to her husband. She would have to look into it later with Twilight once she found out what had happened. The former Princess of the Night shook her head and shrugged, forcing herself to wake up for real this time.


It took Luna a moment more to make sure she wasn't still asleep. She bit her tongue lightly feeling a bit of pain signaling the lack of dreaming. Not that she would ever tell Jer'rahd or Pip that she checked whether or not she was dreaming the same way they did. Let them think she just knew if she was asleep or not. Granted she used to know.

She opted to check simply because her situation seemed exactly the same. She was in a cell, wrapped in chains with a staircase leading down on the other side of the room.

It took her a few moments to realize things were not exactly the same. First there was a large door off to her left on the other side of the bars. The same place her dream Jer'rahd had burst through the wall. This place also didn't smell of mildew and mold, it smelled of old dust and dirt with a hint of salt, likely from the ocean though she couldn't tell how far away it was or if it was something else.

She could still sense the emotions she had before and oddly they were still muted, though she could see where the source of four of them came from. There were others in the cell with her, chained up as she was.

One was obviously Twilight Sparkle and Luna noted there were three brownish red rings around her horn. Looking closer they didn't seem to be made of any kind of metal, but oddly seemed some sort of leathery flesh, Luna could have sworn she saw them pulsate slightly.

Next to her was the only other mare she immediately recognized. A lime green unicorn who's horn also sported two of the odd rings and was chained the same as she and Twilight. Lyra Heartstrings, her niece Cadence's former bodyguard and lately a frequent sparing partner with her husband. She was also in a rather delicious relationship with the head of the Blackhoof, Agent Sweetiedrops. The pair of them together was many a Changelings favorite meal as they tasted just like a Fillyscout's thin mint cookie.

The fourth pony was one she felt she should recognize. A gray earth pony with a black mane and tail and musical notation as a cutie mark. For some reason Luna's mind wandered to Platinum Scale and Sweetiebelle while looking at the mare, but she was unsure why.

The final member of the group was one whom Luna also felt she should have recognized, but her name eluded her. A pale blue unicorn mare with white and silvery mane and tail. He cutie mark was not far off a crescent moon with a wand along one side, or perhaps it was a swish of magic. In either case she was the only other one awake and she looked like she was having a panic attack of some kind, the chains she was bound with rattled softly adding a constant metallic clinking to the room. Her horn was also wrapped with two of the fleshy rings.

Luna theorized they might be the source of the muted emotions she felt. Though she needed to take stock of everything first, and calm down the blue mare. Looking down she saw was in her Changeling Queen form, despite having been in her 'just another pegasus, nothing to see here' form while she was on the train,her husbands favorite form to tell the truth. The rings evidently canceled out changeling powers too.

She thought back to the train she recalled it crashing, she and Twilight had quickly put a bubble around the train car the moment they felt the first jarring crash of the first car hitting the shield. Less than a second later the bubble hit the back of the car ahead of it and was flung off the track. Their shields managed to make sure the cars behind the passenger car were not crushed into them nor were the occupants. Still as the car hit the ground and rolled, the group of them was bounced around rather abruptly with Twilight and Luna doing their best to shield the others in the car.

When everything had finally come to a stop Luna recalled dropping her shield to check on everyone and then …. nothing.... A sleep spell perhaps? Avery powerful one to have affected both her and Twilight. Still the rings on their horns noted something of some power.

Thinking of those things made Luna think to focus on her magic briefly. Nothing complex, just a simple light spell. She winced the moment she tried, turning green very quickly and cutting off the attempt as waves of nausea hit her like a … well like a train derailing a hitting the ground she supposed.

After a great deal of effect she managed not to revisit what she had eaten earlier, though her stomach and head still felt like they were stuffed full of pus and bile.

A groan from beside her cut off any further thought though the nausea remained. she looked over as Twilight lifted her head, her wings trying to flutter a little, though they were bound as securely in chains as the rest of her.

“Glad to see you are back among the waking world Twilight.”Luna stated softly, noting the gray earth pony opened her eyes at the sound of Luna's voice and look over at them as well. She did not seem bothered by the situation and Luna wondered if she had only been pretending to be asleep. The noise did little to ease the fidgeting and chain rattling of the blue mare however.

“I feel like I was in a train wreck.” Twilight muttered.

“You were... now don't use your magic it....” Luna began only to witness Twilight's horn glow for a moment and just as quickly dim. She took note that the rings around her horn bulged, showing flashes of purple inside them that matched Twilight's magic. Clearly they were feeding on it. Still the warning didn't come soon enough and clearly Twilight's belly was much softer than Luna's as the new Princess of the Night quite suddenly, and disgustingly, showed every one in the cell what she had for dinner.

Granted the stench of bile and vomit woke the green unicorn with a start, evidently acting like repugnant smelling salts.

“I warned you.” Luna chuckled.

“Yes, thank you loads for your timely warning as I was casting......” Twilight snarled trying to spit out the foul taste. “Where are we?”

“Far as I can tell we are at present in a dungeon or prison cell of some sort.” The gray earth pony spoke up shifting in her chains away from the pile of vomit.

“Have you seen any one yet?” Luna asked.

“No, I woke up before the rest of you, but no one has been by yet.” the earth pony stated flatly.

“Sorry if seems odd to ask, but do I know you? You seem rather familiar to me.” Luna asked.

“Octavia Melody. I'm the assistant.... I might as well say full time Dean, at the Platinum school of Music in Canterlot.”Octavia sighed softly as if bothered by the information she was giving. “I was in Gallopagos for the opening of the new school. One of your friends Bleu Scale is the primary Dean of the school. I do hope she has mentioned me at least once or twice your highness.”

“I knew I knew you from some where.”Luna admitted. “And call me Luna and call Twilight, Twilight until we can ascertain what is going on. No sense in giving who ever put us in this cell any information they may not know.”

“Given how you have five of those things on your horn, I think they may know.” Lyra muttered.” and Twilight's got three. How many have I got?”

“Two.” Twilight answered. “ Is every one alright?”

“As well as can be with a puddle of vomit on my hooves and chained to the floor.” Lyra snarked.

“Quiet. Something is coming.” The blue mare hissed suddenly pulling back as far as the chains allowed into the cells shadows, the clank of them finally going silent.

The group all turned to look at the door as it opened and a long shadow spilled out from the opening. The thud of hooves echoed in the small dungeon as a figure with solid red eyes stepped out into view.

The creature's fur was a grayish blue and at first glance it appeared to be an emaciated ram, but on closer inspection he was simply thin with whip cord like muscles under skin pulled far too tight on his frame. A pair of black gnarled horns rose from his temples, the pair of them faintly glowing sickly yellow with splotches of shadowy gray floating around in the colored mix. Prominent white eyebrows rested over his eyes in a way that seemed to give him a permanent scowl. Like his horns his hooves were jet black and in need of a trim, and every step he took seemed to kick up sparks against the stone floor. There were small sections around his joints and cloven hooves that were devoid of hair, though they seemed to have small patches of scales, like a fish or a snake, that were a inky blue black. He wore a red collar studded with gold disks and spikes with a small silver bell hanging from it over his chest.

“Oh good. I see that you have finally awoken. That doesn't always happen. You lot are the first visitors that have come here in....... eons I believe.”

Luna blinked at the voice. It wasn't the harsh sounding tones that most of the Ram's she had experience with spoke in. His voice was an eloquent baritone, with an air of class about it that screamed nobility. Captivity aside, Luna didn't like him immediately.

“ So this is how you treat all your guests? No wonder you don't get visitors.” Lyra snarked.

“Given the last six who came here caused all manner of problems.. I think this is a proper precaution.” The Capricorn smirked. “ Ah yes where are my manners? My name is....”

“Grogar the necromancer, ruler of the lost country of Tamberlane.” Twilight Sparkle stated flatly getting a odd look from the Capricorn.

“Correct... though how did you know that?” Grogar asked sounding a bit surprised.

“Trust me it's just something she does.” Luna sighed recalling her first reappearance as Nightmare Moon. “ Now that that is out of the way what do you want and why are we in this cell?”

“It's fairly simple the five of you....” Grogar blinks looking in the cell raising a brow and mouthing a number before he shook his head and muttered something about teaching Bray to count. “ The four of you are rather interesting. Two musicians and a alicorn. Yes, don't give me that look. I know the difference between a pony god and a pegicorn. I fought two of them for centuries. Then of course there is what ever you are. I cannot say I've seen your like before. The musicians I can use, I doubt my last sirens are still around and I would need to make more, they were quite useful. The alicorn could of course be held to give me what ever I wished from her subjects, as for you strange one..... It's been a long time since I've seen something new to cut apart and examine. Perhaps if you are interesting enough I might keep you around as a servant or a plaything, after I learn all I can from your corpse, I do so love the exotic types.”

“Yes, although that will not be happening.” Octavia snorted.

“Hmph. Bravado.... there is always at least one.” Grogar chuckled.” Surrender to the inevitable.”

“What was that ? Luna asked suddenly.

“.... I said, Surrender.....”

“You surrender ? Good I accept. Now the first thing you are going to do to prove you are sincere in this is to get a mop and clean up her lunch.” Luna stated crisply pointing at Twilight.” The second thing is to trim your hooves, they look ridiculous and they cannot be comfortable to walk on, a mane cut and some styling would not hurt either. After you are finally presentable we shall talk about the reparations for the destruction of the train line and then perhaps lunch.”

Grogar and the others blink at the smirking Changeling Queen, though the Capricorn growls.

“You clearly suffered some sort of head injury during that wreck....”

“And you clearly do not understand the nature of the nest of hornets you just stirred up. What ever plans you have, what ever army you have, what ever defenses you have set up, you had better hope they are very, VERY, good ones. Because you've done something you really shouldn't have and have angered the worst ponies you ever could.” Luna grins wider.

“Hmph like any would dare to come here after me. Nothing can threaten me in my land.” Grogar snorted.

“Starswirl did.” Twilight added catching on to what Luna was getting at. “ And with what's coming, you'll wish you only had to deal with him again.”

“That fool was lucky, no one can touch me here. No one is coming for yo.....” Grogar began before a massive series of booms shake the foundation of the building. The Capricorn's eyes widen at the sound as it repeats.

“Sounds like 'No one' is knocking..... I suggest you see who that is. Perhaps if you are civil the will allow you to choose your manner of execution.” Luna grinned wide showing rather prominent fangs as Twilight mimics the smile as best she can.

Grogar glares at the mares turning suddenly and storming out of the room slamming the door behind him, the sound of several locks being engaged echoing in the room.

The four of them stare at the door a moment before Lyra sighed.

“Well that was fun, so what do we do now? Wait like Princesses for our knights to rescue us?” The green mare muttered, though Luna could feel a small surge of love from her as she was clearly thinking about Bon Bon.

“I for one am not the damsel in distress type.” Luna snorts.

“Then how do you suppose we get out of here with out your magic? I am an earth pony but I'm not strong enough to break the chains.” Octavia commented.

“Maybe we didn't need to talk so much crap to him? I know you might be old hat at this Luna but this is my first foal napping thank you very much.” Twilight grumbled. “I'm freaked out about this now particularly without access to my magic....”

“I'm surprised Jer'rahd hasn't taught you how to deal with out it.” Luna commented.

“Given my connection to the Brilliant Dawn and how often I've been around the Waning Moon there's no way to mute my magic that I can't push past easily and that was before becoming a Princess. Although now there seems to be a way and I'm very curious to study one of these rings... with out it being on my horn.” Twilight muttered. “ So did we need to antagonize him?”

“In this case yes. I needed to cause a distraction.” Luna nodded.

“A distraction? For what?” Lyra questioned.

“Look to your right. Notice any pony missing?” Luna grinned.

The others glance to their right and notice little at the end of the cell but a pile of chains and opened locks.

“Wait what happened to Trixie?” Octavia blinked.

“Trixie is here?” Twilight's eyes widened. “That's who spoke earlier?”

“How did she get out of the chains?” Lyra demanded.

“A great and powerful magician never reveals her tricks...” A voice stated softly, a figure stepping up from the stair well across the room. “Besides, after everything I went through during the War of Gods do you really think I wouldn't learn every single possible escape artist trick that exists?”

The mare moved forward glancing hesitantly to the door.

“How did you get out there?” Lyra stammered.

Trixie smirked and pulled on the cell door, the door opening with out any effort.

“The door is not locked.....” Trixie smirked.

“But the rest of it , Grogar was right there.... Twilight stammered, “You've got those things on your horn too.....”

“Yes, yes, be amazed at the great and Powerful Trixie's skills. But do it later, right now we need to get out of here.” Trixie hisses.

“Agreed. Also Twilight tell us what you know of this creature?” Luna asked as Trixie started working on the locks to her chains. “We need to quickly find out luggage as well. I have a communication Crystal and I expect Twilight has her sword.”



Jer'rahd looked up at the wrecked train car Celestia was swinging in the air to beat against the yellowy shield. It had started as one of the more intact ones remaining and was now little more than a hunk of scrap iron.

“You're paying for that.” Jer'rahd stated calmly as the Princess of the Sun snorted and tossed the hunk of metal back across the beach.

“ Like any one would know that the mangled remains of the train car was not the result of the crash.” Celestia growled.

“They will because I'm gonna tell the Friendship Express head office. You should have just used a rock.” Jer'rahd threatened.

“Agreed, next time I will just use your head.” Celestia growled glaring at the Kirin.

“Seemed to work though. Look.” Jer'rahd nodded towards the shield as the formerly sickly yellow wall shifted and turned clear, showing more wrecked train cars and a single figure staring at the pair of them.

“Yet another curiosity and another alicorn. This will be quite the study session...” The Capricorn noted to himself looking Jer'rahd over with mild interest.

“What do you want?” Jer'rahd stated flatly.

“Is that not my line? You came knocking right in the middle of a rather interesting conversation I was having.” the Capricorn sighed.

“You've destroyed a trade line and are holding at least five of my citizens under this shield of yours. What do you want is a perfect opening line given the situation.” Celestia muttered.” Not exactly as polite as I suggested, but it works.”

“I don't do polite in these situations.” Jer'rahd snorted.

“You don't ever do polite.” Celestia sighed. “ If you do not wish for sudden and violent repercussions for your actions I suggest you drop your shield and allow us to retrieve those of my nation under this dome. If you comply the damage to the rail line can be considered accidental given that it is relatively new and was clearly not here the last time your island was present. This can be ended in a peaceful agreeable manner.”

“Buck are you going back to this again?” Jer'rahd sighed slapping his forehead with a hoof.

“Threats now? Alicorn or not, do you two have any idea who you are addressing?” The Capricorn snarled....” I am...”

“Grogar the necromancer, ruler of the lost country of Tamberlane.” Jer'rahd stated simply cutting him off.

Grogar blinked raising one eye brow as he looked at the Kirin. “That is twice today some one knew me and I am quite certain it has been nearly an eon since I was in this world.....”

“He does that.” Celestia sighed. “ The cutting ponies off part, not the randomly knowing what he shouldn't.“

“Regardless It seems you two have me at a disadvantage. Who are you?” Grogar stated.

“Do we have to do full titles?” Jer'rahd asked.

“We talked about this. Yes.” Celestia responds.

“I must have tuned you out, i never agreed to that.”

“Doesn't matter start naming and be sure to use the ones I gave you as well.” Celestia grinned.

“Only if you use the ones I gave you.” Jer'rahd smirked back.

“You can't give me titles.” Celestia snorted.

“Yes I can, I'm the Regent of Gallopagos. That's more than high enough rank to give you titles.” Jer'rahd smirked.

“None of those titles are suitable, nor clean enough for public record, let alone to say in the company of ….. any one.”

“You don't use what I call you , I sure as buck won't use what you call me.” Jer'rahd complained.

“You are still one of my Guard Captains, I could order you to use them.” Celestia snapped.

“And I can ignore you like I always do.” Jer'rahd snapped back.

Grogar simply stood there and blinked at the argument as it devolved into random name calling and who was more the important one of the pair. This was very very strange. Granted this whole day had been strange, prisoners acting like they were in charge and making threats and now these two.

“Umm, do you and your consort need some time alone? I can come back.” Grogar stated in a moment of silence between the two.

“WHAT!?!” They both yell out turning to glare at the Capricorn, who takes a small step back from the looks.

“Him my consort? I would rather neuter myself.” Celestia snarled.

“Seriously, that's a grievous insult. I have actual taste you know. I don't date mares with 'Wide Load ' tattooed on their flank.” Jer'rahd growled.

“For the last time Kaisur I do NOT have a fat flank!!!” Celestia roared.

“I call it like I see it and when you're in the area, that flank is all any one can see.” Jer'rahd grinned.

“Would you two get to the point?!?” Grogar yells tired of this nonsense.

“Basic Titles?” Celestia sighed after a moment.

“Basic Titles” Jer'rahd nodded.

“I am Princess Celestia of Equestria. Goddess of the Sun.”

“I'm Guard Captain Jer'rahd Kaisur, Regent of Gallopagos, better known as the Demon of Dullahan.”

“I thought you hated that title?” Celestia asked.

“It's grown on me over the years, sounds better than that Manehatten Monster. I was called that for a while there.”

“Good point. Though Monster of Manehatten rolls off the tongue better.” Celestia considered.

“Yes well that is all well and good, but I understood none of that save Goddess of the Sun and Guard Captain. I do not know either Gallopagos nor Equestria. Nor Dullahan or Manhatten for that matter. Still you two are quite foolish to have come out here without an army. Particularly after you claim to be so important of ponies..... and what ever you are.”

“Kirin.” Jer'rahd added.”Sorta.”

“Ahh Kirin... I'll have to make a note of that. Still you come and make threats in a mask of peaceful negotiation.... A thin mask at that....”

“I never claimed to be doing that peace thing, she did.” Jer'rahd stated.

“At any rate I shall not be giving up my guests and i think I shall be taking you two as well since you are here.” Grogar stated. “Capture them, but keep them alive... intact is optional.”

The Capricorn's horns glow brightly the same sickly yellow as the shield. Jer'rahd and Celestia blink their ears perking as the sound of sand shifting fills the air. Glancing back a score of skeletal creatures that looked to have once been donkeys or ponies burst out of the black sand and surround the pair. Old rusted armor of unknown heraldry clung to their forms with bits of dried flesh and blood splattered across it and clinging to the inside of it. Some of them had old weapons caked in rust and marked with chips and cracks, though most had nothing but their own boney flesh.

“This is an act of war you realize?” Celestia stated. “Foal napping and attempting to capture a ruler of a nation. And a regent of another.”

“Call it what you will, war means my armies and power grow. Next time I see you perhaps you will be more civil. If you can still speak after this.” Grogar stated turning away. A sudden blast of heat and light made him turn back just as quickly to look out the clear section of the shield again. The pair hadn't moved though the remnants of a green shield faded around the 'Kirin' and the white alicorn was brushing black ash from her back with a wing.

All around them was nothing but molten glass that was rapidly cooling, no sign of the skeletons he had summoned nor the armor they wore, most of which he knew was enchanted to deflect magic.

“What?!” Grogar stammers.

“Let me tell you what your situation is Grogar.” Celestia stated. “You have made several glaring mistakes.”

“ First off you seek war on a world sick of it. We've had more death and destruction than any one should ever experience in several lifetimes.” Jer'rahd growled. “Equss is sick of it.”

“Secondly you are holding in your land my consort, who is also the co ruler of Equestria and Goddess of the Moon. And my sister, who is his wife and Queen of the Changeling race as well as Lady Regent of Gallopagos.” Celestia listed.

“Your third mistake was thinking the pair of us even NEED an army to destroy you and Tamberlane utterly.” Jer'rahd growled flickers of flame dancing around his muzzle as one of his eyes glows a bright red.

“You have two hours to release those you have or we will be forced to come in and rescue them ourselves. Which will not end well for you.” Celestia stated her mane and tail flicking with flames.

“Two hours is just the hard limit. I suggest you let them out much much sooner.” Jer'rahd snarled as Grogar quickly turned the shield opaque again.


The Capricorn regarded the blank wall of the shield a moment. This perhaps was a bit more than he expected, though it wouldn't be the first time he was threatened by those he sought to destroy and conquer. They had to think him daft to believe they would attack when he held their loved ones at bay.

They were foolish for letting him know that he had very valuable hostages now. Still he could not help shake the feeling that it was not a slip in their intimidation,but they told him who he had for a reason. Still he could not figure out why they would, nor why they would tell him who they were fully. Were they fakes? Was it a ploy to keep the hostages alive by making them seem more important?

That had to be it.

The only other option was that they didn't care if he knew and would do exactly as they said. But that was ridiculous, nothing could break Tamberlane's shield. Not even that wizard who stopped him before had been able to get past the island's barrier Without trickery and he was aware of the fault Starswirl found and had fixed it.

This was a bluff, simple as that. Still he should question his... guests, just in case.

Trotting back to their cell he pushed open the door his eyes narrowing as he considered how to question the odd mare, that had to be that Jer'rahd's consort. She seemed the type to be attracted to a brutish warrior type........

Grogar's train of thought suddenly derailed as he stared into the now empty cell. His teeth ground together as he looked around in anger seeing no sign of any of them.

“This is a minor set back.......”

Author's Note:

Title is, I ran. Originally by Flock of Seagulls, but i like this version better.

We are finally getting this story started proper. And it's turning out a little more lighthearted than i first planned... oh well.

Also yes the 'Hail Avianna ' quote was a direct stab at Marvel's stupid 'Hail Hydra' by Cap thing. Luna showed my disgust with it.