• Published 19th Apr 2016
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Equestria Wars Episode XIV: The Friendship Awakens - sonicdash123

With Charming Thunder gone for three years, Twivine hunts him down while Starlight leads a search team with the help of the princesses. The situation changes after finding out that a droid carries a map to his location.

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Chapter 9: Sabotaging the Weapon

All members of the Alliance and pilots gathered around the map table as they plan a counter strike against the Mephiles Alliance. "The data brought to us by our spy confirms our suspicions," Luna said. "They've somehow made a weapon that can penetrate our shield defenses."

"A piercing laser cannon?" Chysalis asked.

"We're not sure how it works, but we do know that it is attached to a Hammerhead-class cruiser." A hologram of the Hammerhead cruiser appears on the table.

"All we know is that after it is fired, it can instantly deactivate the shields," Celestia said

"So how do we stop that from happening?" Shining asked.

"Twilight and I will infiltrate the ship with a shuttle we stole from them years ago," Arcaan said. "Once inside, we can sabotage the weapon and destroy the reactor core."

"And hopefully find Lucina while we are in there," Twilight added.

"I can disable the shields before the battle starts. Then you can start your attack."

"So they disable the shields and the weapon, then we come in and attack while they take out the core," Spitfire said. "All right. Let's go!" Everyone began to split up and get to their stations.


At the hangar, the mechanics make adjustments as the crew fuels up the fighters. Pilots prepped their ships into take off formation. Engineers prepped the shuttle while the crew began loading explosives crates into the shuttle Arcaan and Twilight will use. "What will you do when you see your brother, Arcaan?" Twilight asked.

"Do whatever it takes to join our side," Arcaan replied. "If he doesn't, he will have to die." Twilight and Arcaan got onbard the shuttle after the cargo was loaded onto the shuttle and activated the ship's engines. The shuttle took off and made the jump to the location of the enemy fleet.


Thexan stood at the bridge as the cruiser continued to move to its destination. A beeping sound came from one of the terminals as a droid checks what's going on. "Incoming ship," the droid reported. "One of ours." The shuttle appeared out of lightspeed and slowly made its approach. Thexan began to sense something familiar on the shuttle and smiled.

"Let them come," Thexan said. "They are probably one of the late soldiers returning from the assault at Ponyville."

The shuttle landed undetected in the hangar bay of the cruiser as Twilight and Arcaan grabbed some charges from the crates. The ramp lowered and they walked out of the shuttle undetected as they entered the hallway of the cruiser. "The controls to the shields are to the right," Arcaan said. "Once there we can disable the shields and signal the fleet to begin their attack." Twilight nodded and followed Arcaan to the doors to the shield generator. Arcaan placed a breach charge on the door and stood back to let it explode. He then activated his yellow lightsaber and chopped down some droid engineers and Protoss soldiers that were in the room. Once the room was cleared, Arcaan approached the console and pressed buttons to shut down the generator. "Give me some cover." Twilight nodded as she watched the door. She heard blaster fire coming from the other side of the door and readied herself for anything that comes through. The doors opened and Lucina entered the room which startled Twilight and Arcaan.

"Lucina!!" Twilight said with glee. She then ran up to Lucina and gave her a hug. "What happened? How did you escape?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Lucina said.

"Save hugs and kisses for later," Arcaan said. "Right now our fleet is on the way as we speak. We need to disable the weapon next."

"Where to?" Twilight asked.

"I know where it is powered. Follow me." Arcaan and the others rushed through he hall and made their way to the weapon controls.


A fleet of Star Destroyers popped out of lightspeed and began to fire at the enemy fleet while fighters began to deploy from the ships. Wonderbolt sdquadron took point and focused on the Hammerhead cruiser to take out as many guns as possible. The others focused on the Protoss battleship escorts with the Star Destroyers as they made their approach. Enemy fighters came out of the cruiser and headed towards their targets. "We got company!!" Spitfire said as she piloted her fighter. The battle has begun while Arcaan and Twilight continue their sabotage mission.


Arriving at the super weapon power room, Arcaan looked around the huge room and had an idea. "Let's split up and take out the weak points of the weapon," Arcaan said. "I'll head down while you two take the above. We meet back here." Twilight and Lucina nodded as they split up to place charges some spots in the room.

Protoss soldiers stand alert as Thexan aprroaches. The doors opened as he went through followed by the soldiers as they entered the super weapon power room. Thexan comes to a stop and looks around to scan the structure. He then senses something and motions his troops to go up. "Find them," he ordered. The Protoss soldiers rush past him while he goes down to the lower level of the structure. Arcaan looked down to see Thexan enter the room as he placed another charge. Twilight and Lucina placed charges up above without knowing that they are in the room with them. Once Arcaan got to the level where Thexan is, he hid as he walked across a flat bridge over the large hole of the structure. Arcaan steps out and stood at the edge of the catwalk as Thexan walked across.

"Thexan!!" Arcaan called out. Thexan stopped as Arcaan's voice echoed the room. Twilight and Lucina were high above after finishing up placing charges and watched as Arcaan confronts his twin brother. Thexan turns and stood far away from Arcaan.

"Arcaan," Thexan greeted. "I've been waiting this day for a long time." Arcaan slowly walked across the catwalk as Thexan stood. "I was beginning to wonder when you would show up and ruin the fun. Why do you join the enemy, brother. You know we could rule Equestria at Mephiles' side together."

"That's what he wants you to believe, but I have seen the lies he brought before he returned to this world."

"Don't you see; Celestia is using you for power. When she gets what she wants, she'll cast you aside." Arcaan stopped in front of Thexan. "Come on, brother. you know it's true."

"It's too late."

"No it isn't. Come back home to us. I miss you." Arcaan wanted to believe it what Thexan is saying, but he knows that it is too late to ask him to switch sides. He then decided to play along.

"I have been torn apart. Ever since Mephiles killed our mother and father, I wanted to be free from this pain. I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?"

"Anything for my brother." Arcaan slowly unholsters his lightsaber and lets Thexan grab it. The time came for Arcaan to do the right thing as he gripped the hilt of his lightsaber tight and turned it to point it at Thexan's chest. At that moment, the blade ignited and pierced Thexan's chest. The Protoss noticed Arcaan killing their leader and stood idly by as Thexan dies within his brother's blade. "Forgive me, brother." Arcaan pulled the blade out of Thexan's chest and deactivated it. Thexan touched Arcaan's face one last time as his life slipped away. He then collapsed over the catwalk and fell deep into the depths of the structure. Arcaan turned to see the commander of the Protoss approach him and glared at it.

"You have slain our leader," the commander said. "Without him, there is no leader. You are now our leader of my kind."

"Thexan was a traitor to me and will be missed," Arcaan said. "Inform your soldiers that they work for me and the empire now."

"As you wish." Arcaan walked past the Protoss commander and gestured Twilight and Lucina to meet him down back to the starting point.

"Was that the right thing to do?" Twilight asked. "He was your brother after all."

"Traitors die," Arcaan said. "Now, shall we leave?" Twilight and Lucina nodded as they left the room. Once they got far away as possible, Arcaan pressed the button on the trigger to blow up the weapon structure powering the super weapon.