• Published 19th Apr 2016
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Equestria Wars Episode XIV: The Friendship Awakens - sonicdash123

With Charming Thunder gone for three years, Twivine hunts him down while Starlight leads a search team with the help of the princesses. The situation changes after finding out that a droid carries a map to his location.

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Chapter 2: Lucina

The BB unit stood in the room full of droids as the sandcrawler came to a stop. It then activated itself and wondered why. A dozen or so Jawas began to make their way into the room, grabbing various droids and herding them towards the door, where the morning light poured into the dark space. It was led outside by the Jawas and made to stand in formation with a motley assortment of other droids at the town of Appaloosa. The townsfolk noticed the Jawas and the fillies rushed over to look at what droids they brought over as the adults followed to do the same. Out of one of the small buildings, a tall blue unicorn mare with a symbol on the pupil of her right eye and wearing a purple with yellow outlining with a cape barely covering her cutie mark which symbolizes a sword. On her belt was her sword in the sheath. Jawas sputtered a sales pitch out loud to the people of the town as she approached. She looked at the droids that are lined up in formation and noticed the BB unit. She approached one of the Jawas and asked as she pointed to the droid, "How much for that one?" The Jawa sputtered the price to the mare a price. It was enough so she gave the Jawa a bag full of enough bits to buy the droid. They shook hooves and the mare then approached the BB unit and gestured it to come with her. The droid beeped a cheer and rolled with her back to the house she was visiting. She was visiting her cousin; Braeburn from Ponyville so she could get to know him more. Braeburn noticed that she brought home her new droid and was impressed.

"Wow," Braeburn said with surprise. "That is a droid model I have never seen before. You are very lucky, cousin Lucina."

"Thanks, Braeburn," Lucina said. "It does have a head of an astromech, but I don't know what to call it." The droid beeped at Lucina and rolled in front of her. "BB-8?" The droid nodded. "Okay, BB-8. If I may ask, who created you?" BB-8 beeped as Lucina listened. "Classified, huh? I'm actually from Ponyville. I only came to Ponyville because my mom wanted to get to know one of the members of the Apple family. That's Braeburn by the way. He's one of my cousins." The droid turned its head to look at Braeburn and beeped a greeting to him.

"Pleasure to meet ya, BB-8," Braeburn greeted. Lucina levitated a bucket of water with a cloth and used it to clean the sand off of BB-8 as they talked some more.


Rarity worked on a dress and placed some gems on it while Spike organized the fabric on the shelf by color. Spike looked worried as she saw the look on Rarity's face and bothered to ask, "What's wrong, Rarity?"

"Nothing, Spikey," Rarity said as she wiped a tear off of her eye. Spike walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.


"I am worried about Twilight, Spike. She has been quiet since she heard that Charming Thunder vanished. I know that I miss him too, but..." Spike used his claw to lift Rarity's chin to his eye level.

"I'll go talk to her. See what I can find out. I am worried as much as you as well." Rarity hugged Spike tight and cried on his chest.


Arriving at the castle, Spike saw Twilight sitting on her throne looking at the map with a look of depression. She then noticed her faithful assistant enter and wiped the tears off of her eyes. "Spike, I din't see you come in," Twilight said. Spike smiled and sat on his chair next to her.

"I know, Twilight," Spike said. "I miss him, too." Twilight looked back at the map then looked down.

"If only I could see my husband again. Spike...." She then got off her throne and walked towards Spike. "What if he never comes back after all these years? What if it was because he had to kill Danny?"

"Twilight, I'm sure that's not why." Spike wiped a tear off of Twilight's cheek. "Besides, I just got off of a holo call with Dragon Lord Ember. She knows everything about what's going on, too. Let's just say that Ember and Charming knew each other before from the old days."


"It's a long story. But to be honest with you, she was raised with him just like you did when you hatched me from the egg."


Protoss soldiers along with some droids searched the desert for any clues about the droid. A Protoss looked through the binoculars while the other one found a trail left by something. "The droid must have been here," it said. "But the trail ends here with hoofprints." One of the droids found a piece of metal that was lying on the track and showed it to their commanding officer.

"Look sir, droids," the droid said. The holo communicator beeped and the Protoss answered it to reveal a holo of Thexan.

"Report, commander," Thexan ordered.

"We found a trace of where the droid might be heading," the commander said. "I believe that it is at the town of Appaloosa."

"Head to that town and bring that droid alive. Ask the townsfolk if you have to, but don't fail me."

"As you wish." The transmission ended and the search party began to get ready to go to Appaloosa.