• Published 19th Apr 2016
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Equestria Wars Episode XIV: The Friendship Awakens - sonicdash123

With Charming Thunder gone for three years, Twivine hunts him down while Starlight leads a search team with the help of the princesses. The situation changes after finding out that a droid carries a map to his location.

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Chapter 5: Return to Ponyville

The YT-2000 arrived and landed at a docking bay in Ponyville where Twilight, Applejack, and Sunset waited. The ramp lowered as Ember and Lucina walked down. Lucina noticed them and rushed over to give them a group hug as Ember stood next to BB-8. "Are you alright, Lucina?" Sunset asked

"Are you hurt?" Applejack added.

"I'm fine, mom," Lucina said. "Besides, I think I found something you might be interested in." BB-8 rolled up towards them and beeped a greeting.

"It's the droid we've been looking for," Twilight said.

"I know. It holds a map, but it's not complete." Twilight lowered her head in shame. Lucina lifter Twilight's chin up and wiped a tear off of her face. "Don't worry, mom. We'll find him. We just need to share this information with the princesses.

"I'm just glad that you are not hurt." Twilight noticed Ember and smiled. "And it is great to see an old friend of Charming's."

"The honor is mine, princess."

"I will call the rest of my friends to let them know the good news and contact the princesses about the droid."


At the castle, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony were called and sat on their chairs for a meeting. Twilight informed them about the news about what Lucina found while she was away. "It's great to hear!!" Rarity shouted with excitement.

"Yay," Fluttershy said.

"It makes me so happy I could explode with confetti," Pinkie said.

"Celestia and the others have been informed about this as well and has called Starlight and the others back to recover the droid for research on the map the BB unit carries for tomorrow.

"How it ended up in the droid is a mystery," Applejack added. "But I have faith that we will find Charming. Wherever he is."

"Speaking of Lucina, where is she now?" Fluttershy asked.

"She is at the history museum with Lord Ember checking out that new exhibit that was recently opened. For now, let us hope that Starlight and the others arrive on time tomorrow morning." Everyone noticed Rainbow a little quiet after hearing the news. "Aren't you excited too, Rainbow?"

"I am," Rainbow said. "But..."

"But?" Applejack asked.

"I just feel bad about what I said to him after the murder of my husband. What if he will never forgive me. I feel like I blame myself for his absence."

"It's not your fault, sugarcube. He blames himself for his brother's death and I'm sure that he will forgive you once we find him."


Ponies looked around at the new exhibit in the museum while Lucina and Ember looked at the new exhibit labeled 'History of Charming Thunder'. The exhibit had history info about his past life and had some of the items he used during some wars. Ember was impressed when he saw armor in the glass display. Lucina walked up next to he to look at it as well and asked, "That was my father's armor he once wore during the Lunar Wars, is it?"

"Indeed it is," Ember replied. They then moved on to see the lightsabers he collected from his enemies, armor soldiers previously wore, and then they came across a life-size model of his TIE Advanced X1. Some kids took turns to go inside and look inside a cockpit and pretended to be like Charming Thunder as they sat which made Lucina giggle a little. "I'm gonna head back to the castle. You coming?"

"You go ahead. I'll meet you there once I'm done looking around more.. Ember nodded and exited the building as Lucina continued to explore the exhibit. That was when she encountered an old family photo of him with Twilight and the rest of the family. She saw a black stallion in the photo and asked the pony next to her, "Excuse me? Who is that black pegasus in the photo?"

"That my dear is, Danny Eclipse," the pony replied. "He was his brother before he died. It's a shame really to see his own brother die by his own hoof. Some ponies say that it is the reason why our king vanished."

"I could imagine how that feels." Lucina looked back at the family photo and then walked to look at more items in the exhibit to learn more about his father.


On a massive Interdictor cruiser flying past the upgraded Hammerhead cruiser, Twivine sat on her chair looking down towards the floor for a little bit. She then looked up slightly as she said, "Forgive me. I feel it again. The pull to the light. Mephiles senses it. Show me again the power of dark magic and I will let nothing stand in our way. Show me, dark king, and I will finish what you started." As her emotion builds up, she stands up and leaves the room leaving a crushed crown Sombra once wore when he returned during the Lunar Wars in the room.


As the sun began to set, Lucina returned to the castle and walked with Twilight in the hallway to her room talking. "I must thank you again to finding the droid, Lucina," Twilight said. "I promise to let the princesses give you the credit. How did you find it anyway?"

"It was during my visit with my cousin at Appaloosa," Lucina said. "Some Jawas came with some droids to sell."

"Those disgusting creatures? Ugh. I just can't stand those guys.."

"Anyways, I saw BB-8 over there and I bought it with enough bits I had. I hope you didn't mind, mom."

"No it's fine. You should get some rest. You had a long day and we have to be ready for the princesses once they get here." Lucina opened the door with her magic and gave Twilight a hug before she went into her room and levitated her hairbrush and began to brush her mane before she went to bed with a book in her hoof. She began to read her book until she felt tired so she could get some sleep.