• Published 19th Apr 2016
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Equestria Wars Episode XIV: The Friendship Awakens - sonicdash123

With Charming Thunder gone for three years, Twivine hunts him down while Starlight leads a search team with the help of the princesses. The situation changes after finding out that a droid carries a map to his location.

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Chapter 10: The Ways of the Force

The dogfight continued as some of the fleet got destroyed by the Star Destroyers. The pilots noticed that the Protoss have turned against the Mephiles Alliance and targeted the enemy ships. They were surprised at first, but they are glad to have more allies with them now. The Protoss battleships targeted the other Hammerhead cruisers avoiding the one with the now sabotaged super weapon.


Lucina, Twilight, and Arcaan made arrived at the reactor room. As the doors slid open, Twivine stood in the middle of the room at the other side of the door with her lightsaber and anger in her eyes as they entered. "We're not done yet," Twivine said. "It's just us now. No one is going to save you this time, Twilight." Lucina aimed her blaster as Twilight reached for her lightsaber, but was stopped when Twivine used her vines to flick them out of their hooves and hit them across the room; knocking them out. This action also caused Twilight to drop another lightsaber to the ground that was meant for Lucina. Arcaan rushes over to them to see if they were alright as Twivine slowly approached. "TRAITOR!!!" Arcaan looked up and slowly got up after her shout echoed the room. He then turned to face her and activated his lightsaber. "I should've killed you when I had the chance."

"Well here's your chance," Arcaan replied. Twivine charges at him and lunges her trident lightsaber at him as Arcaan blocked the incoming strike. Lucina recovered as she got up to see Arcaan fighting Twivine. Their weapons clash as Arcaan was cornered to a wall. Twivine then unleashed more strikes at Arcaan. He dodged one strike and forced Twivine to slice at the wall. Arcaan attempted a lunge attack, but Twivine used her vines to grab him and pound him to the ground a few times and throw him to the wall. She then approached him and readied to strike at him, but was interrupted when a lightsaber flew past her face. She turned to see Lucina holding the lightsaber she needed from her mother to face Twivine. Twivine was shocked as Lucina activated the crimson blade with fire in her eyes. Lucina was the first to charge and strike an attack at Twivine who immediately goes on the defensive against her attacks. Twivine was kicked back by Lucina's attack and lands on a terminal. Lucina leaps in the air to go for a slice attack, but Twivine avoided the attack which caused the strike to hit the terminal. The alarm began to sound as the duel continued in the room.


The Super Star Destroyer arrived to the battle as reinforcements for the air assault as the squadron of TIEs continued their dogfight. A squadron of bombers flew out of the Hammerhead cruiser hangar and headed towards the big destroyer. Pilots of the Wonderbolt Squadron flew towards the bombers and blows them out of the sky one by one. The pilots noticed escape pods leaving the cruiser and swoops down to take them out before they could land on the ground. "Come on, princess," Spitfire said to herself. "Where are you?"


The duel continued in the reactor room as Lucina blocked the incoming strikes with her lightsaber. Twivine pushed Lucina as she laid some strikes on her. She then used her vines to whip Lucina away and hit a wall. Lucina was on the ground, panting and looking at Arcaan on the ground unconscious. She held Charming Thunder's old lightsaber that she managed to get earlier tightly as Twivine stood above her with her lightsaber, ready to end her life. "Prepare to die," Twivine said. "Its a shame, you could have been my apprentice..."

"LUCINA!!!" Twilight and her allies arrived with a squad of Protoss Sentinels. Twivine growled and raised her lightsaber to strike down Lucina. However, time seemed to freeze around Lucina. She looked up and noticed her frozen surroundings. That is when Danny appeared next to her.

"I can save you and everyone you care for and more." Danny whispered. "I have the power and skill to defeat Twivine. All I require is your body. You will still have the power to restrain me and assume control, but the only thing I will do is disarm her and weaken her considerably for you to free her from Mephiles' grip." Lucina began to think her options and nodded.

"Do it," Lucina said. "Don't kill unless its the enemy Protoss forces."

"Gladly." Time resumed as Lucina begins to feel another presence take control and she begins to feel very powerful. Danny force pushes Twivine back and gets up. She raised her left hoof to Twilight and her lightsaber leaves her and lands into Lucina's grip and he activates it. Twivine stares at Lucina before gasping, noticing the left eye of Lucina was purple while the right eye was neon green.

"Danny," Twivine whispered before chuckling. "Come back for revenge, brother?" Everyone was confused and looked at Lucina. Lucina didn't say anything but charged forward. She goes for a swing and Twivine blocks it, only to see the other lightsaber goes in. Twivine backs off but sees Lucina dashed towards her and began to spin into a blur. Twivine jumps up and takes to the air. Lucina smirks before a pair of spectral magical vampire wings appeared on her back and she dashed up to give chase. Twivine gasped in shock and Lucina came above her and brought both lightsabers down on top of her. Twivine blocked the attack but was knocked towards the ground. Lucina teleported on the ground just before Twivine made impact and performed a powerful force push and made Twivine skit across the walkway and on the ground. Lucina used the force to collect Twivine's lightsaber and he walks over to her and Twivine stares up to her. "Are you going to finish me?" Lucina felt herself regaining control and the ghost of Danny appeared besides Twivine, smiling.

"Why would I want to kill you, dear sister?" Danny said with a smile. "I love you too much to kill you," Everyone who was watching saw Danny's ghost appeared and Lucina ignited her horn and placed it on Twivine's forehead and the dark memory spell that Mephiles placed on Twivine was removed and Danny absorbed the darkness. When Lucina finished, Twivine opened her eyes.

"W-Where am I? What is this place?" Twivine asked before had a realization face. "Mephiles...he brought me back from the dead and placed a memory spell on me...I remember everything..." Twivine began to cry and she covered her eyes. "I-I've killed so many Equestrians..." Danny embraced her and Twivine looked at Danny with shock.

"Do not worry sister, I am here. I will always be here." Danny looks at Lucina. "I have done as we agreed. Now, go find my brother. I will always be here if you need any advice or need to improve your connection to the force." Danny disappeared back into Lucina and she turned to look at Twilight.

"What was that all about?" Twilight asked as she approached.

"I'll explain later," Lucina said. "For now we need to leave as this ship's reactor is disabled."

"She's right," Arcaan said as he rubbed his head from the attack he got hit by Twivine's magic. The group along with Twivine then made a run for it back to their shuttle in the hangar and boarded as the hangar began to collapsed. As they flew out, two TIE Fighters flew next to the shuttle and escorted them away from the exploding ship and jumped to lightspeed back to Canterlot.