• Published 19th Apr 2016
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Equestria Wars Episode XIV: The Friendship Awakens - sonicdash123

With Charming Thunder gone for three years, Twivine hunts him down while Starlight leads a search team with the help of the princesses. The situation changes after finding out that a droid carries a map to his location.

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Chapter 8: Lucina Escapes

The Millennium Phoenix along with the transports and surviving TIEs arrive at Canterlot with its shield up and the fleet protecting it. The ships went through the shield and some of them landed in the hangar at the castle. Twilight and the others exited the transport as Rainbow walked past them to her ship. There she sees a familiar face that she hasn't seen for three years. Her son; Sonic, exited the Millennium Phoenix and took notice of his mother. "Sonic," Rainbow said as she rushed over to him and gave him a tight hug. "It's been too long."

"I know, mom," Sonic said.

"What did you do to my ship?"

"Nothing, mom. No scratches or anything you should be concerned about."

"Good, boy."


In the briefing room, Celestia talked with Arcaan while Luna spoke with the other leaders of the Alliance about their next plan of attack. Twilight and the others arrived to the room while Cadance walked up to them. Cadence hugged Twilight and greeted, "It is great to see you here."

"It is, but Lucina--" Twilight said.

"I know. Arcaan told us everything. He know something about an upcoming attack to Canterlot. But for now, we need the data from the droid."

BB-rolled up while the princesses including Chrysalis gathered around a base computer. Twilight levitated out a chip from it and inserts it into the computer. "Celestia, I regret to inform you, but this map recovered from BB-8 is only partially complete," Twilight reported as the hologram of the map appeared on the computer. "And even worse, we don't even know where in Equestria that ares is on the map."

"I can't believe that we were so foolish to think that we would find Charming Thunder and bring him home," Luna said.

"Maybe there is still hope," Celestia said. "I could have some experts look at it and the whole map of Equestria so they could figure out where the piece goes, but it will take time." A changeling arrived in the room and whispered into Chrysalis' ear about something important.

"Celestia, my spies have returned to report a possible weakness on this weapon and that it is on its way," Chrysalis said.


Lucina opens her eyes and sees she is on a cliff, looking down onto Ponyville. "So, we finally meet at last, Lucina," a voice said from behind. "I heard a lot about you from everyone's memories." She looked behind her and sees a black pegasus stallion with a white mane and tail and had a black and white 'D' symbol. Around his neck was none other than the Medallion of Unicron itself. Lucina recognized him from the picture she saw at the museum.

"Are you my uncle?" Lucina asked.

"Yes, I am." Danny walks up next to Lucina and looks down onto Ponyville. "Being in the Realm of Shadows is no fun."

"Realm of Shadows?"

"It is the world of neither living nor dead. I am supposed to be dead but the force spirits that I tethered to prevents me from joining the force, magic, or all spark however you want to call it. At least I'm not alone here. Isn't that right, Unicron?" At that moment, the medallion released a sphere of purple and black and it formed the said entity as he was just a few inches higher than Princess Celestia and the creature looks down onto Ponyville.

"We have been trapped here with no way to return," Unicron explained. "When we realized that Charming had gone missing, no doubt looking for a way to return us to the living world, but the only problem is..."

"There is no normal way for me and Unicron to return to the living world. To bring us back alone would require lots and lots of Cosmic energy, something that doesn't even exist on Equestria." Danny looks at Lucina. "But we can continue on that topic later, for now, you must prepare yourself for my dark sister, Twivine."

"But to defeat Twivine is nearly impossible!" Twivine said. "I can't compete against her in battle!"

"Lucina, your father didn't even fight her. He fought me because I was under the influence of a mind control spell. However, there is one that has fought Twivine before. It is your uncle, Phantom Lord. And you mustn't fight her alone. I will be in your mind until the time comes to where I will leave you. For now, I keep your mind safe and your wounds healed with seconds. Twivine won't be able to enter your mind, control you, or even hurt you. But before you confront Twivine, you must learn of the Protoss society." Danny began to explain a few things to Lucina as she listened.


Lucina opened her eyes again to find herself restrained on a chair in a dark room. "Where am I?" she demanded.

"You're my guest," Twivine's voice said.

"Where's my family?"

"You mean the ones we call enemies of the Mephiles Alliance you call friends and family? You'll be relieved to hear that I have no idea." Lucina is now more curious. "You still want to kill me."

"Says the pony who couldn't come out of the shadows." Twivine then steps out of the shadows and into the light where Lucina can see her. She was stunned to see her as Twivine approached.

"Tell me about the droid."

"He's a BB unit with a selenium drive and a thermal hyperscan vindicator and--"

"And is carrying a section of a navigational chart and somehow you convinced the droid to show it to you. You. The daughter of Charming Thunder. You know I can take whatever I want." Twivine's horn glowed and slowly approached Lucina. Lucina quietly strains in agony as she tried to resist. "You never knew your father, did you? You see Twilight feel so desperate when she knew your father left. You were so desperate to sleep you imagine an ocean. I see it....I see the island." Tears stream down Lucina's face as she resists. "And the princesses. You feel like that they would protect you as Danny did to protect your father. If he saw you, he would've been disappointed."

"Don't listen to her," Danny's voice said in Lucina's head.

"Get out of my head," Lucina demanded. Twivine stood back a little; still using her magic on Lucina.

"I know you've seen the map," Twivine said. "It's in there...and now you'll give it to me."

"Don't give in," Danny said. "It's what she wants."

"Don't be afraid. I feel it too."

"I'm not giving you anything," Lucina said as she resisted.

"We'll see." On Twivine's face, her confidence begins to melt away as she slammed into a barrier into Lucina's mind. Suddenly, Lucina did the unthinkable and went into Twivine's mind. She was amazed at what she saw in her head.

"You're afraid." Lucina smiled. "You're afraid that you will never be as strong as my grandfather; Sombra." Twivine withdrew her magic and takes a step back. Lucina's body was released as her powerful eyes gazed at Twivine; who had the look of shock.


In the assembly room, the giant hologram of Mephiles stood as he was angry with the news he heard from Twivine. "The daughter of Charming, resisted you?" Mephiles said with anger.

"She is strong with the force like my brother," Twivine explained. "I don't know how, but she is stronger than she knows."

"And the droid?"

"Twivine thought it was no longer valuable to us," Thexan said as he entered and stood next to Twivine. "That the girl was all we needed. As a result, the droid has most likely been returned to the hands of the enemy. They may have the map already." Mephiles now looks even more furious hearing this.

"Then the princesses and the empire must be destroyed before they could reach Charming Thunder," Mephiles said.

"We already know that they are at Canterlot. The fleet is already on the move to the capital right now."

"Good. Then we will crush them once and for all. Prepare the weapon."

"Master, I can get the map from the mare," Lucina said. "I just need your guidance."

"If what you say is true about the daughter of Charming Thunder, bring her to me."


Lucina was still strapped to the chair as she struggled to break free. "Struggling won't help," Danny's voice said. "You need to make that guard release you from this cell."

"And how pray tell am I supposed to do that?" Lucina whispered.

"The force was strong with you when Twivine used her magic on you. The mind trick will be your best way." Lucina studied the guard and took a deep breath.

"You will remove these restraints. And leave this cell, with the door open." The guard turned to look at her.

"What did you say?" the guard said. Lucina's eyes are still trained on him.

"You will remove these restraints. And leave this cell, with the door open." The guard moved to the side to get a good look at the prisoner at the other side of the force field.

"I'll tighten those restraints, imperial scum." Lucina stares intently at the Protoss guard and calms herself to try again.

"You will remove these restraints. And leave this cell, with the door open."

"I will remove these restraints. And leave this cell, with the door open." The guard opened the cell and approached Lucina to free her from the restraints. He then began to walk out as Lucina forgot one thing.

"And you will drop your weapon."

"And I'll drop my weapon." The guard drops his weapon without turning back. Lucina was amazed with the power she bears. She grabs the weapon and makes her way through the hall to make her escape.

A few minutes later, Twivine entered the detention center and approached the cell that was left open. She entered with anger in her eye and activated her lightsaber furiously. "No!!" she said. In the corridor approaching the cell, two Protoss soldiers walked when they suddenly heard destruction noises and yelling. Some debris flew out when they stopped in fear as they watched the display. They slowly turned the other direction and walked away; minding their own business and avoiding the carnage.