• Published 19th May 2016
  • 4,843 Views, 126 Comments

Dragon Quarry - Mimkage

While visiting the Crystal Empire with Twilight, Spike finds an item that'll prompt him onto an adventure that'll unveil a simple question. "Where am I from?"

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Ch10: Acceptance

“The few of us who remained after the tragedy began to rebuild down here underground, most of us never leaving these caverns except for a select few. I, being one of the few of Mother’s guards to survive, was appointed as one of the leaders to restore our kind. Later that lead to me becoming Emperor, a father to my dragons and as father it is my job to protect them from all harm.”

Sard stood in a large room dotted with candles, baskets full of eggs and precious gems. In the very back was a picture of Jade, looking as regal as she always did in every image. Spike listened to Sard’s story, sitting on his snout and looking at the dragoness with a sad expression. He was confused, staring at her in a thinking manner.

“So when Punchin’ said ‘except for one’ she was talking about the egg Celestia took.” Spike looked down, knowing very well what the two implied. Sard lowered his head, allowing spike to slide down as he stared at the young dragon.

“Yes. For all this time we assumed that Celestia had kept the egg as a prize, after all dragon eggs cannot hatch without a powerful magical burst such as that found in our flames. However, seeing you here now, covered in pony stench it’s hard to deny.” Gently, Sard slid his claw under Spike’s chin as he spoke, lifting his head to get a good look at the young dragon. His expression was soft, accepting and delicate as he did finally speaking again after a sigh.

“Yes, you have her eyes. There is no denying it, you are Mother’s kidnapped son.”

The moment those words left Sard’s mouth Spike back off, looking up at him with clearly conflicted eyes. Punchin watched the two, looking to the side as Spike stuttered out.

“N-no! I can’t be! Celestia would never... I mean I’m just Spike. I know who I am, I’m not some dragon Emperor’s son!” However, Punchin quickly interrupted him.

“Celestia would never what? Lie to you? She has never told you about your proud heritage has she? That is the reason you followed me here, because you wanted to know about a past those PONIES never told you about. Why do you think in all the time you’ve been their little ‘pet’ they haven’t told you about the quarry.” She looked down as him, growling as Spike tried to defend himself.

“I am NOT their pet and they DIDN’T lie to me!”

“Oh really? Then why did you follow me then if you’re so confident in them hu? Why do you think that hideous pink pigeon princess didn’t want you to come out here? Why do you think you’ve never seen an earth dragon outside here? Look around you Spike. All this, everything here is real, everything gramps said is real! You can’t deny that they, even if just a bit, lied to you about all of this.” Spike began to tear up, placing his hands on his head as he stepped back more.

In his head, everything he thought of Celestia, Cadence, Luna, even Twilight began to warp a bit. Before him was proof that everything Punchin and Sard said was true and if it were true it meant to everything Spike thought of Celestia was wrong. His life was a lie, and that shook him to his very core.

“I-I...” His eyes glued shut, his body shivering uncontrollably. Punchin, however, was dead set on making him see the truth. So, she approached him, grabbing his arm in an attempt to lead him away.

“What? You need more proof?! Fine!” She tried to pull him out of the room, only to have Sard’s tail block her path. He glared down at her, making her back up a bit.

“What’s the deal Gramps!”

“Punchin, relax young one. The poor lad has been through enough for one day. All of this must be very shocking to him. Allow him time to rest for a while.” Punchin glared back up at Sard but she knew she couldn’t argue with him. So, she released Spike, allowing him to just stand there staring at the ground blankly, lost in thought.

“Take as much time as you need Young Spike. I understand this is not something that is easy to accept. Once you have come to terms with the truth I shall be in the infirmary with Punchin.” Punchin looks up, seemly shocked.

“I-imfirmary! Why!?” He lowered his head, biting her robe and removing it, revealing the nasty bruise from before. While Spike was still zoned out he could hear everything Sard said to her.

“Did you think you could conceal it? I may be elderly but I am not blind, child. Cleary this is the work of those pony brutes.” He picks her up in the palm of his hand, turning to leave only to stop to add something else.

“It is the duty of a leader to ensure the wellbeing of his people and it is the duty of a father to take care of his children...”

With that he leaves spike alone to think, standing in the center of the room as the doors close.

Meanwhile, above ground Twilight was in tears, her forehead pressed against the forehead of Jade as both Shining and Sunburst look to the ground. They too had teary eyes, fighting back the urge to join Twilight as the Remembrance laid on the ground before them.

“I’m so sorry... I’m so sorry Jade.” Said Twilight over and over again, brushing her hoof against Jade’s cold, cheek. Her tears fell on her snout, tricking down as her whimpers echoed through the area.

“Sombra really was a heartless monster. To do something so horrible and cruel... only a beast without a soul could do that.” Muttered Shining, his voice cracked from the urge to cry. There was rage along with it along with disgust as what he saw made him want to vomit. Twilight continued to sniffle, opening her eyes to look at Jade. She had no idea the pain this poor dragon had witnessed, there was no way twilight could ever image what it was like to lose one’s children to a monster.

Slowly, her sad face turned determined as she grits her teeth and closes her eyes, whispering to her. “I promise, I’ll bring him back to you... I promise.”

Twilight looked back at the other two, wiping her tears away as she waited for them. They nod, knowing exactly what her determined look told them. Twilight and Shining Armor run, going off towards something they saw in the crystal. Sunburst took an odd, clear crystal, placing it in his saddle bag before following suit.

However, just as the exited the building Shining stopped, looking up at the sky to see something heading straight for them.

“Twilight!” Hearing her name she stopped, looking up at what he was looking at only to see the three princesses fly towards her. Her face was still in a frown, staring up at Celestia, Luna and Cadence as they hover down towards them.

At the same time Spike sat before the painting, hugging his knees as he sat deep in thought. Everything was confusing to him yet it made perfect sense but still, something plagued him. A simple questioned that both he and Twilight muttered out at the same time....


Author's Note:

After now, we find the truth