• Published 19th May 2016
  • 4,837 Views, 126 Comments

Dragon Quarry - Mimkage

While visiting the Crystal Empire with Twilight, Spike finds an item that'll prompt him onto an adventure that'll unveil a simple question. "Where am I from?"

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Ch 17: Broken Bonds

Sparking in the moonlight, her figure showed through the slightly transparent, inky, black crystal, Spike was stunned to finally see her.

How it pained him to see her.

“Jade?” He walks over to her slowly, his eyes wide in amazement and in shock. He never imagined he would ever physically get to see her, in his mind she was buried somewhere, but no. Here she stood, frozen in the moment everything fell apart around her and it agonized him deeply.

She certainly didn’t deserve this fate.

He said nothing, only moving to stand before the large, serpentine dragon and stared at her tearful face. He felt a deep, sharp pain, almost as if he could feel the sorrow she endured for so long.

“M-mo….” He tried to speak but his voice cracked, shaken and brittle. It sounded like he was on the verge of joining his mother in tears. His lip trembled as he slipped down to his knees, stunned to the point he didn’t know how to react. He placed his shaken hands on her snout.

It felt oddly familiar, even if there was inches of cold crystal between him and her. Closing his eyes, it was almost like he could faintly hear her; remembering the echos of her voice when he was still in his egg.

“My precious gemstone… I love you…”

Her voice had a hint of roughness to it but yet, sounded so comforting and warm. It was like a crackling fire, soothing, comforting, bright, yet held a strength to it. It roused a memory in him, yelling, crying, fighting.


They echoed in his mind like far away voices, locked away in the deep recesses of his mind. They scared him, left him unsure until he heard a voice more familiar to him.

The motherly tones of Celestia ringing in his ears.

“I’m sorry, my friend… If only I had arrived sooner…”

Slowly he opened his eyes, turning to face the moonlight cascading from the hole in the wall away from Jade, unable to keep looking at her as he wore a deeply sorrowed face. He saw the dark crystals consuming the place that was once his home, Jade’s home, destroyed and abandoned. Here, there were no clouds, no cave walls, no dragons only the quarry and the sky.

Such an empty place, void of life, void of hope,to stare at this for centuries was a cruel fate indeed. As he walked to the hole he noticed some dust shifted in the shape of hooves and instantly the reason he was here returned to him.

“You know, she’s a real close friend but Twilight was kinda like a mom to me growing up.” He said, seemly speaking to no one specifically, “Well I guess more like an annoying sister but still. She was my family.”

He turned back to Jade, walking over and sitting down in front of her and looking at the ground.

“Kinda like you and Celestia.” Those words, they echoed in his mind as a realization struck him.

“We were both happiest,” he looked up at Jade, eyes wide, “with our pony friends.”

Knowing that he saw her pain in a very different light. In his mind, memories of the dragons trapped below ground flashed , doing the same thing day after day, isolated from the world.

Crush’s pleads echoed in his mind, the words holding a different meaning now. “Sard you can’t do this. Spike doesn’t belong here, trapped in this dark, tiny place. Making him stay here is just cruel! Please, just let him go!”

“With the ponies, earth dragons were happy, they were free. The crystal heart was born from their friendship, the empire built from their relationship, Equestria’s princesses chosen with you there.” He stood, his face grim as the realization struck him, “You’re crying because… that friendship was broken. Because they’re all alone down there… stuck and blind.”

He stared at Jade, his grim face evolving into into that of determination and stern. His resolve was struck and hardened, sharpened to a point. He knew now what he had to do.


The ground shook violently, shaking down weak buildings in the quarry, rubble falling from the roof of the building Spike was in, nearly crushing him. A loud roar exploded from the earth below, making it shake as if out of fear.

“W-wha is goin o-on!?” He asked, holding onto Jade’s head to keep from tumbling over. Suddenly, a giant fireball shattered through the Quarry wall, destroying several buildings and crystals in it’s way, leaving a deep trench in it’s path.


Twilight, having used context clues, used her magic to simulate a flame and shot it into the hole and opening the door Spike and Punchin had used to enter the Quarry. The moment they entered they were met with, not only the beautiful crystalline and rocky appearance of the Stronghold but also many Earth dragons collected near the center in panic and confusion. Two of them seemed to be in shackled but they couldn’t make them out well.

“Here we are.” Said Shining, letting out a nervous sigh as his eye caught the giant form of Sard. It made him and Starburst gulped in nervousness. Twilight shivered slightly but remained firm in her resolve.

“I guess we should go talk to them?” said Twilight, opening her wings to prepare to fly towards them. Celestia took a deep breath, Luna looking at her sister with a very uncertain look.

“I don’t know, they seem to be frenzied. Are you sure simply approaching them is the best course of action?” Asked Luna, not as eager to fly off to join the fray.

“Perhaps not but simply staying here isn’t going to accomplish anything.” Answered Cadence, stepping forward.

“Maybe we could just sneak around a bit, just keep an eye on the situation before we do anything.” recommended Shining, joining Luna in her hesitation.

“Perhaps, but we will need to cloak our smell if we do. Earth Dragons have an exceeding acute sense of smell. If we get too close they’ll find us for sure.” Celestia replied, her wings shaking slightly in fear though only Luna seemed to notice.

“But won’t it be worse if they catch us sneaking around? Suspicious? We should just fly up to them and have a civil conversation. What’s the worse that can happen?” Asked Twilight, instantly flying off towards the group. Celestia again took a deep breath joining her and was followed by Cadence. Luna hung back for a bit, looking at the two males with her.

“What could go wrong? How about getting burnt to a crisp. Look, you two stay here. If there’s trouble be ready to blast the door open for us to escape.” She said. Shining and Sunburst nodded.

“Yes ma’am.” They both said, watching as Luna joined her fellow princesses.

Cadence approached Twilight, seeing she had only her resolve in her eyes but still sensed a hint of nervousness.

“Scared?” She asked, whispering to her fellow purple alicorn.

“Terrified, but I have to get Spike back.” Cadence nodded at Twilight’s respond, prepared to protect her sister in law if anything goes wrong. Celestia, on the other hoof, elected to stay back, her eyes slightly dilated as she stared at the dragons they approached. They closer they got the more afraid she became to the point even her breathing reflected it. Thankfully, Luna was there to keep her calm with a reassuring hoof on the shoulder and an understanding smile.

It didn’t take long for some earth dragons to notice them, yelps and cries of fear coming from the small group that saw them. Sard was busy instructing the guards where to put Cursh and Punchin which had his attention for a few moments but the two imprisoned dragons instantly noticed them, terror written across their faces as they saw the four alicorns land.

Sard needed not turn to know they were there. His nose flared, the stench of ponies assaulting his nostrils, making his eyes dilate with both rage and absolute, soul crushing, fear as he realized he recognized two of those smells. It only took a second for the other dragons to instantly see the ponies and back away with the same terror Sard had, crying and huddling away from the tiny ponies. All four of them instantly noticed this, Celestia now sharing in their fear as her hooves trembled. All of the alicorns noticed, impossible for them to ignore it now making Twilight extremely nervous and very unsure in what she was about to do. She took a breath, slowly approaching the dragons only to have them back away and cry. Sard’s scales stood on end, his eyes becoming cat like as a loud, rumbling growl escaped his throat.

“E-excuse me, I am Princes-” Instantly Sard let out a powerful roar, shaking the caverns more as he spun around and instantly release a powerful fire blast at them. The four of them yelled, flying out of the way as the blast struck the wall of the stronghold, causing a tremendous earthquake. Sard just kept launching fire blasts in all directions, trying to shoot them down as the other earth dragons ran in terror. The guards ran towards the ponies, attempting to assist their ruler, leaving Punchin and Crush to watch, still in shackles and muzzled.

Every blast that hit the walls shook the entire area violently, causing rubble and crystals to fall from the roof above. He built up his fire into a giant fireball, seeing Celestia triggered a deep seeded hatred from within, fueling the fireball more as she tried to fly away. With a loud roar he spat the fireball directly at Celestia. Frozen by fear she simply flew there in place, petrified.

“TIA!” Cried Luna, flying over to Celesta, grabbing her and pulling the both of them out of the way. The ball flew towards the wall right towards Shining and Sunburst. Thinking quickly, Shining’s horn flared and a large, protective, powerful bubble shield enveloped the two as the ball struck em, completely shattering the wall and making a giant hole in the wall of the stronghold.

It sent the two flying to the side, completely shattering Shining’s shield and leaving them to stare, stunned at the large trench it left in it’s wake.


Spike stood, stunned and fearing the absolute worse. He could hear him, Sard yelling and roaring in an never ending, savage fury none could possibly quail. Even Jade seem to shake, the vibrations of Sard’s constant fire blasts sending shock waves through the ground. He wasted not a moment, running down towards the large, gaping hole in the stronghold.