• Published 19th May 2016
  • 4,837 Views, 126 Comments

Dragon Quarry - Mimkage

While visiting the Crystal Empire with Twilight, Spike finds an item that'll prompt him onto an adventure that'll unveil a simple question. "Where am I from?"

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ch:5 Never leave a friend

It didn’t take long for Spike and his new friends to reach the green gem riding on Crush’s back. Splinter and Spike had played the entire time, enjoying a small game of tag. For them time seem to go by in the blink of an eye.

“We’re here” said Crush, calling the attention of both of the little ones. Spike, still curious, slowly climbed up to Crush’s head to see what was going on. To his surprise, the crystal appeared to have an opening which clearly hinted that it was hollow inside. Dragons entered it, seemly taking their places in front of a pedestal with a curtain behind that. From far away the crystal indeed looked huge but Spike didn’t think it would be big enough to hold so many dragons. Most sat on the floor with the baby dragons playing in an open area near the front and the teenagers sitting just beyond them, closest to pedestal. The rest sat on outcroppings placed on the sides of the crystal above but those seemed to be much older dragons than the ones bellow. Spike was in awe as seeing so many of his own kind, it felt so odd to him.

“What’s going on?” He asked, confused out of his mind. Splinter tilted his head, finding that question both dumb and odd.

“Why do you think? We’re here to see the Empress! She’s gonna burn the teenagers!” Spike panicked, finding what Splinter said to be horrible and momentarily forgetting that dragons are fire proof. Thankfully, Crush explained further.

“They’ll be fine; fire is harmless to us. It’s just a ceremony to introduce the tykes to adulthood. Every dragon knows that.” It appeared Splinter still wanted to freak Spike out further as he hops around.

“She’s also gonna light the babies to!” Of course, Spike already expected Crush to explain.

“That’s to release their magical potential. All earth dragons have a magical quirk that we’re born with. We just need a kick start to get it into gear. Speaking of which…” Crush looks back at Splinter.

“Yeah I know mom! Common Spike!” He grabs Spike’s tail, dragging him down with him as they side down Crush’s back. Spike, digging his claws into the ground to prevent Splinter from just pulling him away, resisted.

“W-w-what?! Let me go! What are you doing!?” He cried, pulling his tail away. Splinter just stood, looking at Spike confused. This behavior made Crush frown, a light, displeased growl emanating from her as she thought.

“All baby dragons are to go through this ceremony. It is law of the land!” Spike looked up at Crush, seeing her glare was enough to make him jump. Her voice became menacing as she spoke her next line.

“Go, now.” Splinter, knowing very well what his mom was like, grabbed Spike’s arm and chuckled nervously.

“Yes mom! We’re just playing around! Come on Spike, let’s go!” With that he pulled Spike away in a hurry, bringing him over to the rest of the kids. Once away from earshot Splinter let Spike go and whisper-yelled at him.

“Stupid! Don’t play jokes like that around mom! She doesn’t like it when you mess around with traditions!” It seemed Splinter thought of it as just a big joke but Spike honestly didn’t know. But he decided to play along. After all, he didn’t know how they would react to someone who isn’t from here so better safe than sorry.

“O-oh! Sorry…” He followed Splinter to the circle of baby dragons around his age. The played together, tag, play fighting, and all the other normal things kids his age did. Watching them made Spike tilt his head slight.

To him this behavior was fine every once in a while but it all them playing this much seemed foolish to him. Maybe it’s because he grew up around adult ponies and matured faster from everything he’s been though. Either way, he wasn’t exactly sure what to make of this.

“Hey! Why don’t I show ya some of my buddies! Then you can show me yours and we can all play tag!” Spike panicked. He didn’t know anyone here besides Splinter, Crush and that one Pink dragon that brought him here. But before Spike could do or say anything further Splinter was off, running towards the open area on all fours.

“Splinter!” Cried Spike as he chased after him.

Meanwhile, as Spike dealt with his crash course of dragon culture Twilight paced around the throne room of the crystal palace with a look of distraught on her face. Her breathing was heavy, her wings trembled, as she walked around like a mad mare mumbling to herself. Suddenly, she slammed her hoof against the ground, snorting as she glared at the door.

“That’s it! I’m not waiting anymore!” She cried out as she galloped off towards the doors square in her sight. She used her magic to fling them open only to find Cadence, Sunburst and Shining standing only inches away. They were so close they were nearly smacked by the doors. But they didn’t have much time to linger on that as Twilight came charging towards them like an angry hippo. Sunburst and Shining stepped back, fearing the glaring eyes they’ve never seen from Twilight before but Cadence stood firm. Twilight stopped just before Cadence, staring at her unphasing eyes with her own anger filled ones.

“Twilight, please calm down.” She said in a monotone voice. This only fueled to fill Twilight’s rage more as she slammed her hoof hard against the crystal.

“Calm down?! Spike is out there probably frozen into an ice cube and you want me to CALM DOWN?! No Cadence, I won’t calm down! I’m going out there and I’m going to bring Spike back now!” She attempts to run around Cadence only to be stopped by Cadence’s wing. Utterly frustrated and seemly ready to tackle Cadence, Twilight’s predator eyes glued straight on her.

However, Cadence paid it no mind.

“Twilight, I know you’re worried sick about him but I need just a bit more time to gather a larger team. With more ponies we can look further and faster through the Arctic North. Please, just wait a bit lo-“

“I can’t!” Twilight yelled, but her voice cracked as she shivered. Her mane may have covered her face but everypony could see the tears tricking down Twilight’s face. Her head hung low, small whimpers leaving her mouth as she tried to get her next words through.

“Back even when I was a unicorn, when I felt lonely or afraid Spike was always there to remind me I was never alone. No matter how bad I mess up or how crazy I got Spike would always be there to pull me back. Whenever I have a job to do, as a princess or not, Spike is always there ready to help me with anything I need. He’s never left me from the day he was born, never turned his back on me, always there for me, always had a smile when I need one, always had a shoulder for me to cry on and was always there to listen to my problems.” Twilight’s ears drop as more tears flood down her face. It was hard for her to form words passed her tightening throat but she still talked.
“Spike... he’s my first and closest friend... I will not lose him now! I won’t let Spike freeze alone out in that winter waste land! So say what you will! I am not waiting a minute longer!” her head flung up, staring directly at Cadence with red, puffy eyes. Looking at them, cadence couldn’t reply as what she saw left her speechless.

In her eyes, Twilight begged, in her eyes, she showed unwavering determination and love just screaming at Cadence to let her go. How could anypony say no to that? With a heavy sigh, Cadence wiped away Twilight’s tears with her hoof and looked at her softly.

“You’re right Twilight. Spike is an invaluable friend that needs our help.” She pulls Twilight into a hug, holding the dumbfounded mare close.

“Take Shining armor and Sunburst with you out into the arctic north. Shining’s magic and Sunburst’s spell knowledge should buy you some time to go searching for Spike. I’ll stay here and wait for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Cadence’s words made Twilight go “hu?” in confusion.

“Cadence wrote a letter to the other princesses the moment you two came back to the palace. Luna and Celestia should be on their way now to help us.” Explained Shining armor.

“I wanted all four of us to go together since all our magic should stay the storms longer. But we don’t have time to be ideally standing by as long as Spike is out there. The moment the other Princesses get here we’ll go after you guys to help.” Twilight didn’t know what to say, hear heart was just so overwhelmed with happiness at that moment. But she knew she didn’t have time to drink in the sentiment. So, she just hugged Cadence back.

“Thank you so much.” She whispered before pulling back, smiling at Cadence for a second before trotting off. Shining Armor and Sunburst were right behind her, leaving Cadence alone in the empty throne room.

“Be careful...”

Unknown to them, Spike was completely safe at this moment as he approached the open area. There, he saw Splinter play fighting with other baby dragons he knew. While to them this was all in good fun it seemed a bit to crude for Spike as he just stood near the back of the area. All this was just so hard for him to process, this new information. Dragons who were genuinely kind, dragons who had no wings and lived under ground, who would have thought anything like this was even a possibility? It was just amazing.

As far as his eyes could see dragons just acted civil and happy with the adults having conversations, the children playing and the teenagers just sharing a laugh. To him, it all seemed too good to be true. He didn’t have much time to soak it all in though as Splinter finally spotted him.

“Hey Spike! Over here!” He waved his claw in the air, an inviting smile scribbled across his orange face. While this was all new to Spike it all just felt so familiar, so right, to him and it made odd feelings rise in his little body. Running over to join Splinter and his friends Spike ran on all fours, feeling his heart pumping for joy within him. His body felt free, it made him want to burst out into a song but of course, that would be totally weird. So, instead, he just tackled Splinter playfully, rolling over him and landing on his back with a laugh. Splinter to laughed, with other baby dragons joining in as they approached him.

The moment was cut short however as a loud roar blasted through the curtains. The sound, it was so loud Spike covered his poor ears to shield them from the sound but, to his surprise, the other dragons seemed completely unaffected. The moment the roaring stops Spike notices the dragons begin to line up into neat rows, even the babies, and sit down before the pedestal before them. Spike, confused still, just followed Splinter and copied him. They sat next to each other three rows back.

“What’s going on?” Asked Spike, making Splinter groan.

“Did your mommy dragon not teach you anything? The Empress is coming! Shh!” Splinter attempted to silence him but Spike’s heart fun filled with glee as his eyes widen with excitement. He looked to be a little fan boy as he stared up at the stage.

“We’re going to see Empress Jade?” He asked, whispering but in an exciting way. This completely took Splinter a back as he stared at Spike completely shocked.

“Jade? B-but Jade was...”

He didn’t have time to finish his sentence, however, as the elder dragons above began to roar together. Something was happening and Spike couldn’t wait to see what.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay. Some big things are going to happen and I had to figure out how I was going to balance out the chapters.