• Published 19th May 2016
  • 4,843 Views, 126 Comments

Dragon Quarry - Mimkage

While visiting the Crystal Empire with Twilight, Spike finds an item that'll prompt him onto an adventure that'll unveil a simple question. "Where am I from?"

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Ch 15: Choices

The boulder back in place, Crush carried both young dragons on her back through town, blending in with the crowd of dragons exiting the giant green gemstone palace. They made their way back to Crush’s home before speaking about their plan to avoid being heard.

“It is very rare for us to leave the stronghold. As of right now only Punchin has Sard’s permission to leave and enter the quarry at will for what I can only assume is recon reasons.” Explained Crush, placing a now napping Splinter back into his nest.”Even if we were allowed to go, however, doing that is much easier said than done for dragons like me as most of the major ways into the stronghold have been destroyed by Sard. The only way out for someone like me is to break through the rock to the surface but that will make a lot of noise and surely attract Sard’s attention. There used to be a way in here from the Quarry palace but it leads right into the green Palace. It’s to risky of a path.”

Spike enjoyed some gems, snacking on them as Crush thought.

“I remember when Punchin’ brought me we came through a weird door in the side of a mountain or cliff.” Explained Spike, remembering the details vaguely of when he had arrived, “I didn’t get a really good look at it since I was still out cold but…”

“Ah! Yes, the southern door. It lays just on the edge of the Dragon Quarry itself. It’s a small door, built after Sard became Emperor. But it’s only a one way door, dragons can enter but not leave.” Replied Crush, “The crystal palace door is the only way but the castle is sealed when night falls. I don’t know what other options we have…”

“Simple, I’ll just open it for you.” Punchin entered the cave, interrupting Crush and scarring Spike, causing him to jump in surprise. Crush, however, remained neutral, simply staring at the pink dragon.

“You? Sard’s right hand dragon go against his orders? How curious, why is that?” Crush’s words instantly perked Spike’s ears up.

“Yeah, usually I’d just do what gramps wants to keep him from barking at me. But, there’s been a new development that’s made me think maybe his command isn’t the best idea.” She explained, moving over to lean against Crush. Her words made Spike sweat, extreme unnerved by Sard’s orders to the point he shivered a bit as the two females discussed.

“New development?” Crush looked down at her, her face still as stern as always even when questioning.

“Yeah, believe or not those pony friends of yours are more persistent than I first thought, squirt. I found em sniffin around the ol’ quarry looking for ya.” Punchin’s words instantly brought light to Spike’s eyes, his heart enlightening with news. “Turns out they care about ya a lot more than I thought; at least enough to come sniffing their nose around here. So, if giving you to them will make em go away then I’d send ya over with a pretty pink bow. Only question is do you wanna back with em?”

Punchin’s question made him pause.

“Yeah, of course I do. Why wouldn't I?” He asked, seeing Punchin turn her head away and seemly hesitate a bit.

“Because if you try to leave and if Sard catches you… he’ll…” She tried to finish her sentence, having trouble doing so which worried Spike more. He could guess, his assumption making his heart drop.

“Well let’s just say Sard really doesn’t want you to leave. If you do manage to escape without being caught you can’t come back here, ever. So I ain’t playing when I say it’s them or us.” Explained Punchin, looking down at Spike with an oddly serious look that did not at all suit her. It made him feel unease, taking a step back from her.

“B-but… I …” He hesitated in answering, looking up at Crush who sighed and lowered her head to his level.

“Spike… I believe you should go back with them.” She said, nuzzling her nose against him gently. “Sure, you would be with your own kind down here but living in this dark, small cave is no life for a dragon like you. You should grow up under the sun, under the moon, seeing the world and enjoying life in a way we here never can. Live as the ponies who clearly love you like family under that blue sky we will likely never see.”

Spike’s eyes watered, hugging Crush’s nose as she spoke, shaking his head.

“B-but…” He clung close to her, feeling a deep grief in his heart, “I want to go back but I don’t want to lose you guys. You’re all my friends, it’s not fair!”

Crush closed her eyes, showing pain in her features as she pulled away from Spike, looking to the side.

“There was a phrase Jade would always say, something that always stuck with me. ‘May our friendship be more valued than any gemstone.’” She looks down at him, smiling “No matter where you go, young dragon, we will always be friends and we will always be in your heart. Know that no matter what you choose, I, Splinter and yes, even Punchin will always hold you in ours as well.” Punchin gagged, clearly finding Crush’s words disgustingly sweet.

“Geez Crush, that was just cheesy. But ye, you’re a hard one to forget, that’s for sure, Squirt. So, what do you say?”

Spike stared at the two, thinking and taking a deep breath.

“I want….”

Meanwhile, back on the surface Shining dug through some snow by the Dragon Quarry cliff side, using his magic to levitate it out of the way. As he did he came across an old, metal, rusted door that seemed to be recently used. He pried it open, making a loud creaking sound as he lifted the heavy door to reveal a dark tunnel leading deep into the earth.

“Hey!” He exclaimed, aiming his horn up in the air and sending magical flares up to sky above. The others, scattered along the quarry wall and alerted by the flare, made their way over to where Shining was, collecting together to where Shining was. All expect Celestia, whom lingered by her dear friend, and Luna who was searching the palace, watching her sister mourn over her friend. It brought Luna much pain, seeing her sister in such a state. In the distant, she saw Shining Armor’s flares, knowing it wasn’t a good idea to linger.

Besides, it wasn’t healthy to leave her sister here, mourning and sobbing over Jade’s crystallized body.

“Celestia, Shining Armor’s found something. We should get going.” She said, placing a hoof on her sister’s shoulder.

Celestia nods, standing up and wiping her remaining tears away.

“Yes, of course. Let use go my sister.” She made her way to a hole in the wall, flying to join the others. Luna lingered for a second, looking at Jade with deep sorrow and regret in her eyes before flying off after her sister.

“It looks like it goes pretty deep. Do you think it’s just one path?” Asked Cadence, squinting her eyes to try and see deeper.

“I don’t know, but only one way to find out.” Replied Twilight, flaring her horn, using the light from it to illuminate the way. The others did the same, following her deeper and deeper down through the tunnel.

They walked for a while, not noticing that night was already befalling them as they approach a dead end with an odd carving chipped into the wall with a hoof-sized hole in the middle. It was the same exact area Punchin had brought Spike into the quarry from.

“No, this can’t be a dead end!” exclaimed Twilight, looking around the area.

“Ugh, there has to be something here. This place was sealed off for some reason.” said Shining, also inspecting the area.

“Oh, look, it looks like this has burn marks on it.” Sunburst pointed out, pointing his hoof at the hoof sized hole. Upon closer inspection of the carvings on the walls, Twilight noticed that they were that of dragons breathing fireballs. Seeing them gave her an idea.


Back in the Quarry, Crush, Punchin and Spike snuck around the stronghold, Spike hiding under a blanket on Crush’s back as they carefully made their way. All, if not most, the dragons were now in their caves and crystal houses, preparing for sleep if they weren’t already doing so. They remained as quiet as possible, keeping their eyes peel as, if they were spotted, they would stand out like a sore thumb in the middle in all this gem light.

“Are you sure the castle will be empty, Punchin?” Whispered Spike, peaking out from the blankets.

“Shhh! Pipe down and stay under the blanket. Gramps may be old but he can hear a pin drop half a block away.” Spike instantly covered his mouth, simply doing what Punchin said without question. They snuck against the walls of the green palace, making as little noise as possible as they reach the entrance.

“Well, well, What are you two doing out here so late?”

His voice was like a cold, rough stone, scraping across the metal blade of a scythe ready to use to end someone. Their scales turned pale as they faced him, looming in the entrance of the palace with guards on either side of him.

Not like he needed them as his presence alone shook the two females to their very core.

“H-hey there Gramps. What are ya up to?” Asked Punchin, standing between him and Crush whom just backed up, trying to keep herself composed.

“I could ask the same from you.” His nostrils flared, taking deep whiffs of the area. The guard dragons swarm around them, surrounding the two dragons so they can no longer escape.

“Gramps, I know this looks bad but let me explain, please.” Punchin backed up, keeping a close eye on the guards surrounding them. Crush let out a low snarl, glaring at the guards. Spike shivered under the blanket, holding his breath as he heard all that was going on.

“Do not call me ‘Gramps’!” His voice was firm and very stern, rumbling the entire stronghold with its strength. It would make even the blood of the bravest run as cold as ice, “Never would I believe you would betray me this way, my child, betray your kin. To go behind my back this way, it’s unforgivable.”

“Look, I’m not betraying you I’m doing you a favor. We give him back, the ponies go away, it’s the best course of action. Jus-”

“SILENCE!” Sard’s powerful voice vibrated through the area, shaking the entire stronghold to the point that some dragons were even awakened from it. They peeked out of their houses, watching at their beloved leader glared down at two of their own.

“Whatever weak justification you have matters not. You have gone against my direct orders and for that there will be punishment for both of you! But, that can wait. I have another matter to attend to.” Sard looked to one of his guards, motioning to them. The moment he did they lunged at the two. Instantly, Punchin was pinned down, trying to fight them off in a futile attempt to escape only to be held down and put in shackles and muzzled. Crush, however, was a much harder challenge as she roared out, swinging her large, powerful tail to keep them at bay. However, she too would not last long as Sard reached down, holding her down with a single hand. Quickly the guards did the same to her as they did to Punchin, holding her down as Sard scooped Spike up in his blanket. He struggled in it, flopping around.

“S-Spike!” Cried the two females, trying to fight free.

Spike thought quickly, trying to think. Instantly, this reminded him of when Twilight held him back with her magic back in the Crystal Empire. Swiftly he engulfed himself in his own fire, the smoke trail bursting out from the cloth of the blanket and reforming again behind the now bewildered Sard.

Spike was dazed for a second, shaking his head as he gathered himself. The moment he did he found three guard dragons rushing at him. He let out a yelp, scampering to his feet and attempting to run away.

“SPIKE HALT! STOP NOW OR THOSE TWO WILL PAY THE PRICE!” Sard’s threat hit Spike hard, instantly making him pause.

“Spike don’t listen to him! Run! Hurry we’ll be okay!” Cried Crush, staring at Spike in both sadness and horror as he ignored her. He just stood there, hands clenched in fists, his body shivering. He ground his teeth together, closing his eyes tight. His heart felt as if it were about to explode from the fear; every muscle in his body screamed at him to run but he couldn’t do that.

So instead he turned to face Sard and three guard dragons pointing spears at him, ready to strike if he were to run.

“Spike, it pains me I must do these things. Never would I, even in my dreams, dare harm my beloved children. However, you must understand I cannot allow you to leave here. I will do what I must to protect them no matter the costs.” Slowly he approached, each time he took it rattled the earth below him but still Spike stood his ground, “If you stay then I shall forget all of this. I’ll release both Punchin and Crush. You may live happily among your kin, where you belong. However, if you leave I will have no choice but to end you. So tell me young one…

What do you choose?”