• Published 19th May 2016
  • 4,844 Views, 126 Comments

Dragon Quarry - Mimkage

While visiting the Crystal Empire with Twilight, Spike finds an item that'll prompt him onto an adventure that'll unveil a simple question. "Where am I from?"

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Ch 19 Warmth


Yes, warm was how he felt wrapping around him protectively, lovingly, from the inky black around him. Spike laid, curled up in a fetal position with his eyes closed and specks of embers fluttering down around him from above.

How wonderful it felt, soothing and, even though he laid un-moving in his curled position, he felt oddly free. Everything was peaceful, quiet, until he heard the sound of sobbing coming from the abyss around him, echoing. It made Spike mumble, his features becoming concern as he slightly squirmed around. Quietly, his voice leaked through his lips.

“Don’t cry…. Don’t cry mo…” He ground his teeth, his closed eyes twitching as he tried to speak further only to seemly be struggling.

“I’m so sorry, my children.” Jade’s voice, broken, and full of sadness echoed, “My Sard, my precious son, my subjects, please forgive me. I couldn’t protect you. If only I had called for help sooner maybe things would be different. If I had just called Celestia sooner maybe you wouldn’t be imprisoned by fear and hate. ”

The embers sprinkling around Spike began to pitter away, less and less falling. They turned to dust, a cold wind surround Spike. He shivered, his face still grim as Jade’s sobbing returned again.

“Mom,” said Spike, clearly and loud. His eyes peered open slightly, looking into the darkness around him.

“My Son, I beg for your forgiveness. Never had I intended for all of this to happen. Never did I want you to see such a dark battle between pony and dragon. Never did I want Celestia to suffer so. Ne-”

“Mom.” Spike slowly rolled over, pushing himself up with his claws to his knees. His eyes were still mostly closed and his head and back here still curled up.

“It wasn’t your fault, you can’t blame anyone for this. You did your best, that’s all you could have done.” He said, the ash from the embers swirling around him in a vortex.

“Perhaps, but that does not change what is happening now, Sard is scared beyond reason, Celestia and Luna are suffering, my children, my precious children are trapped and there’s nothing I can do to stop it!” Her loud voice echoed through the area, her sobbing following it as the vortex of ash died down, drifting down in a circle around Spike. As the last of it finally met with the ground Spike stood up, head still down but otherwise standing tall.

“Than I will!” His reply instantly made the sobbing stop, leaving only silence as the ashes again got caught up in wind. Except, instead of swirling, the ash began to collect in mass, forming the large figure of Jade, her eyes glowing green to stand apart from dark gray ash. She stood there, looking down at her son with eyes of concern and uncertainty.

“My son, that is very noble of you but you are simply a whelpling.. You have no power, no influence among my earth children, there is nothing you can.” She said, lowering her head to Spike who still held his down.

“Maybe that’s true. But I still want to try.” He closes his eyes, lifting his head slowly to face her, “And even if I can’t by myself I’m not by myself. I have my friends by my side all the way. My pony friends taught me that.”

He opened his eyes completely, looking up at his mother with not a hint of hesitation. Jade just sighed, reaching out and grabbing him in her arms. Gently she brought him up in a hug, resting her chin in his back as he hugged her back.

“I to will always be by your side, my dear sweet Spike. I love you very much, my son.” Spike teared up, closing his eyes tight as he held his mother close. The inky blackness began to crack, breaking apart to let in the light. Jade’s body began to blow away with the wind, vanishing slowly.

“Wake up Spike, please, wake up.” Her voice seemed to change merge with another, the sound of crackling fire and falling rubble becoming clearer with the second voice. Suddenly, everything turned white then became flooded with red.


His bod hurt, aching as his eyes began to open. Around him, collapsed buildings and fire surrounded the area. Holding him weakly was a large, orange arm he instantly recognized as he heard her speak to him.

“Spike please… ugh...wake up…” Her voice was weak, her breathing heavy and labored. Instantly, Spike pulled himself out of her grasp, turning to face Crush laying in the remains of a house.

What he saw made him gasp in horror, his eyes dilated as he stared. On her side, many scales ripped clean off her was a giant bruise full of cuts and deep gashes from the massive impact.

Fire did no harm to dragons but even a species as resilient as them stood no chance in the face of a meteor. Despite how bad it looked on the surface, within it was surely much worse as it was clear that breathing caused her agony, her head flopping down as she took many, sharp, short breaths, trying not to expand her ribcage which likely had many fractures to it. It seemed her arm was broken to, seemly hanging by just the skin.

“A-ahh… thank goodness. You’re okay…” She said, her voice very gravelly and pitiful. Spike ran over to her head, seeing her wince at any motion she attempted.

“C-crush!” He cried, placing his hand on her cheek. She looked at him for a second before closing her eyes and seemly passing out.

It’s then he remembered what happened.

Sard’s fireball was headed straight for Spike, ready to consume him like everything else in his path. Just before it struck him Crush cried out for him, jumping on top of him to shield him. She took that blast with Spike probably passing out from the after effects.

He escaped with a few cuts and bruises but she did not. Spike tried to remain calm but he couldn’t help but let panic set in. She couldn’t last like this long; he had to do something.


Sard settled, his mouth re-muzzled and his body restrained. Smoke still cascaded from his nose as he glared at the ponies around him. He shivered in his scales, clearly mortified but keeping a brave face. Twilight, Shining and Sunburst soon joined the them, Sunburst using his magic to heal the small wounds the pony royalty had on them.

“You scum are lucky you posses such an ability. Without it all of you would be reduced to nothing but ash by now.” said Sard, a threatening his in his voice as he spoke. This didn’t shake any of them as Twilight approached Sard with a very serious look. She held her head high, showing not an ounce of fear to the titan before her.

“I’m only going to ask this once. Where is Spike?” Her own voice held spite that surprised even the princesses. Never has she held such hate in her tone; in a way it was frightening. However, Sard paid it no mind as he huffed at her, blowing smoke at her.

“Sorry to tell you ‘princess’ but you just missed the nasty little pest. He left just before you arrived. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was freezing his scales off in the Arctic north as I speak.” His response did nothing to quail Twilight’s rage, simply fed it as her horn flared in a purplish black , dark aura.

“Twilight, stop!” Shining approached her, placing his hoof on her shoulder which made her swing her head to glare at him. His face was stern, giving her a strong expression that seemly calmed her down slightly. Her magic died down a bit, her features becoming more neutral.

“Why stop her? It’s in her savage pony nature to attack.” Snarled Sard, growling at her.

“This coming from the dragon who attacked us without warning!” replied Twilight, calmer but still very upset.

“I simply attack before you had the chance to. The last thing I’ll do is ever give a pony the chance to act.” Sard turned his glare to Celestia, making her take a step back, “Especially considering the record you treacherous snakes have.”

Twilight turned to look at Celestia, seeing her hold an expression of sadness and guilt she couldn’t hide no matter how she tried.

“Celestia, what is he talking about?” Asked Cadence, noticing Luna also sharing a similar expression. Celestia simply looked down, biting her lip.

“Oh yes ‘princess’ why don’t you share why you erased you ‘closest friends’ from history. Do tell us why you let Jade die.” Sard’s voice held only malice towards Celestia, his glare showing clearly his deep hatred for her.

“I… I…” Celestia tried to talk, her voice shaken when suddenly Luna interrupted.

“Sister, enough. This was all my fault not yours!” Everyone looked to Luna, both confused and surprised.

“Ah! Will somepony please just explain what’s going on!?” Cried Twilight, thoroughly confused and upset when suddenly, a big fireball flew up into the sky and exploded, making a loud noise that surprised all of them.

“What the?...” Shining looked out towards it, squinting his eyes.

“Dragon fire? But no dragon should be out here except…” Sard hesitated to speak but Twilight instantly got it.

“Spike!” she took off without missing a beat, flying straight up and spotting Spike waving his arms next to another dragon.

Comments ( 8 )

Can't wait for more, ugh sooo good:heart::moustache::pinkiehappy:

:moustache: Sard? My foot your ass right fricking now!
:trollestia: Go Spike Go!
:raritystarry: Spikey Wikey language!
:moustache: Oops sorry , Your rear my foot after tea?
:raritywink: better


I can't wait for you to finish this story. It's so good.:heart: You've taken a really good concept from the show and written such a fantastic story about it. Please update this as soon as you can. :pinkiehappy:

It's sad that this amazing story hasn't been updated in a year. I feel like it was right at the climax, and we're left waiting for the end. I really enjoy this story, and I know a lot of other people do as well. I would hate to see this one become like all those other great stories that just die off and fade away before ​they can be completed. This story deserves better than that.

Plz continue

Meow 😾

Holy buck, please update this.

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