• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 7,120 Views, 333 Comments

Equestria Girls and The Golden Bell - Sparky Brony

The Humane Seven go to London for a school competition, little do they know that there is more to London than meets the eye.

  • ...

Chapter 18.

The chair is almost a William Mary style with a soft quilted cushion seat, fabric and cushioned arm rests curling up and around on either side of the central pad, and a high, Victorian back that could make someone sit bolt upright even with their hands chained to their ankles. The chair almost has a farm-like smell to it, and while it is old, and seems to have seen much wear, it still feels safe. Its legs, though, are much too low to the ground for Sunset to sit with her feet down, instead she had curled up in the chair, an almost undignified position to sit for a young lady.

Stroking her binder with one hand, she glances up at the back of the chair. It so reminds her of the chairs back in Equestria, in the castle and library, where she could read and study in safety and comfort. The room of requirements really can have anything you require. Even something simple as a chair to be safe in.

The sound of the door opening brings Sunset back to reality and she looks up from the binder in her hands. She smiles brightly at her friend entering the room. “Good morning, Twilight.”

Twilight yawns strongly, putting her hand over her mouth as she stretches her other arm. After a moment, she puts both her hands on her lower back and bends backwards, a soft moan escaping as she glances to Sunset. “You’re up early.”

Sunset looks at the clock. “It’s over an hour till breakfast; I’ve been up since about three.” She covers her own mouth as she finds herself yawning. When she’s finally done, she glances at Twilight, “those are contagious.” That gets a giggle from Twilight.

Walking over to a small table, Twilight picks up a carafe from the coffee machine and pours out a mug for herself. Placing the carafe back, she holds the cup in both hands and inhales deeply before smiling. “Wow, actual coffee?”

“Sort of, it’s a coffee-hickory blend, with a touch of dandelion root, I think. It’s something we, or I, used to have back in Equestria. The local donut shop sold it. I think the room is trying to make me comfortable.”

Spike bounces up on the table, “So, whatcha doin?”

Sunset picks up a scroll, pulling out her wand. “I’m learning new spells.” She places the scroll down and places the tip gently on the words. As she does so, the words glow golden, and she closes her eyes, feeling the shape and pattern of the spell as she works through it in her head. After several seconds, she opens her eyes, seeing a wide-eyed face staring up at her. She giggles, “I know kung fu.”

“Oh har, dee, har, har. That method is good for some more complex patterns. But it’s not the only way to learn spells. Sometimes, you have to really feel it, though it does work quite well at times.” She pulls out her own wand, running the tip along the spell on the parchment, getting the words to glow.

“I only taught you that absorption spell yesterday, and you’ve gotten it down already?”

Twilight giggles, “I’m pretty good at figuring out new spells. It just comes naturally for some reason.”

Sunset nods. “Either way, that’s quite impressive. Let the girls know we’re setting out after lunch.”

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

Sunset looks up. “What?”

Twilight’s wand lights and a map flies towards them, she manipulates the wand as the map settles onto the table. Buildings pop up, and the map takes on a fully three-dimensional aspect. She leans forward, pointing at an enormous building in the middle of the map. “This is Wiltshire. Malfoy Manor is here.”

Sunset leans down, looking at the map. “I don’t know exactly where the bell is in the building, but it should be easy to get it; we’ll teleport in, find the bell and ring it, then get out. Grogar will be vulnerable then.”

Twilight looks up. “Sunset, do you know anything about the floor plan of this building?” At Sunset’s shaken head, she explains, “Well, you don’t want to apparate into a wall, or with your legs fused to the floor. I believe the wizards here call it a splinch – it’s where not all your body parts end up where they are supposed be to when you teleport.”

Sunset snorts, “They must somehow have different methodology for teleportation. Well, we are going to have to come in from here.” She points outside the grounds of the Manor house. “it’s not going to be easy, but we can use the shrubbery for cover to get close, maybe get a good enough read to teleport in.”

“I agree, let’s not do this on an empty stomach.”

Sunset starts to stand before her stomach makes a rather ominous rumbling sound and quivers visibly. Blushing, she looks at her side before nodding to Twilight, "I might be a little hungry."

Sunset follows a few steps behind Twilight as they walk out of the room of requirement. She yawns expansively as she continues to walk. They make it to the main stairwell of the castle, more students are heading down to go to breakfast. Sunset nods to Ginny Weasley as she comes up next to her. They walk together as they get down to the first floor.

“Hiya, Harry,” Ginny says, getting Sunset to focus on the young man walking the other way. He seems to have a bemused expression on his face as he walks by without acknowledging them. Sunset turns to watch as he heads off, then she looks at Ginny, whose face falls a bit.

She smiles at the ginger. “I think he’s got a lot on his mind.”

She nods. “Probably.” They turn and finally enter the Great Hall. As they enter Sunset greets some of the students as she finds her customary seat. In a matter of moments, the food appears with the sound of a dinner bell ringing softly, “Ugh, seriously?” Sunset murmurs. The house elves of Hogwarts seem to be on a meat kick at the moment, or are still following their cultural rotation. Bratwurst with sauerkraut, kernbrot with slices of pork, schnitzel with Schweinfleishwurst, and brown bread with slices of cheese, and other strange dishes appear on the table. Sunset is happy about one thing quite common with breakfasts here. She picks up her plate and piles a big helping of baked beans onto it, along with several fried eggs, as well as the potato and onion hash. Even though her being pony again was in the past, it still makes her stomach queasy looking at the meats and sausages on the serving platters.

Looking around slowly at the other students, Sunset watches as more and more students start digging into their meals. In many ways, this place felt like Canterlot’s School For Gifted Unicorns. All of the students here. With their magical talents, with affinities for potions, spells, herbology and raw magical power. It was almost as if she could see the cutie marks on each of them. Hundreds of unicorns.

If Grogar captured them, turned them, each and every one would likely become a unicorn after going through the mirror. Each one would have the magical power and training. He would have an army under his hoof. A town like Ponyville would fall in moments, ad all their residents would turn to serve Grogar or be destroyed. It would be an invasion.

Gulping and almost choking on her food, Sunset quickly grabs her journal and starts writing frantically. They have to be warned;

Dear Princess Twilight,

We are going to try to stop Grogar tonight. If you don’t hear from me in the next few days. I would like for you to do something to protect Equestria. Destroy the portal mirror. It doesn’t matter if I’m stranded here, if he takes over here and comes to Equestria, he will be unstoppable. Without you being able to attack the bell that sustains him, there is no way to stop him.

She closes her book and continues eating. Though after only a few minutes, her book starts to vibrate and glow softly. She glances around quickly as she opens the book. Twilight’s flowing script is appearing on the page.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

Under no circumstances will I destroy the portal mirror. It provides a vital link to not only you, but to learn about the humans that occupy the realm on that side of the mirror. That being said, precautions will be taken, including turning off the device keeping the portal open all the time. So when the thirty moon cycle takes effect, Equestria will be ready if he does attempt to invade. I have consulted with Princess Celestia on this, and she agrees with me fully. We have discussed this quite often over the past several days. If you need, some of our best mages can come through the portal and join you on this quest of yours, and yes, I would join them.

Sunset sighs and picks up her pen,


I cannot overstate the danger he represents, our friends and I have already fought him once, and I don’t think he was serious about destroying me, for he fled as more humans arrived. He has quite a few mages under his thrall and without access to his bell, I don’t see how his power can be overcome. I do appreciate your offer of Equestrian mages to join us. But they would have to acquire wands here, and would have to be trained in how to use their magic in a human setting. I fear the time necessary to bring them up to speed would be too great. We will have to deal with him with the mages we have here. I will let you know what is going on after what happens tonight.

In only a matter of moments, the response appears,

We will wait, and continue planning. If you fail, we will have to take action ourselves anyway. He is too great a threat. You had mentioned there is a school for mages in America. We will have to reach out to them if necessary for the protection of both our worlds.

Sunset grimaces. Well, if they do fail, somepony will keep trying. She closes her book. Today is not going to be fun.


Sunset sits quietly in the room of requirement, everyone is here, but one. She had gone through her classes today with mechanical regularity. Even closing her eyes, she can’t remember even one lesson the teachers have tried to teach today. She shakes her head. The sun will be down soon.

Finally, she huffs, stands up, and starts to pace.

“Relax, Sunset. She will be here,” Rainbow Dash says. Despite her outward calm demeanor, Sunset can tell that Rainbow is just as tense as she is. Her friend is playing with her broom, running her fingers along its length, and straightening the bristles at the end of it.

“I’m here!” Rarity announces. “I’m so sorry for the delay…”

Sunset gestures to the other girls, “Alright, let’s go.” She had spent over an hour during lunch memorizing the map of the Manor. The girls silently rise and follow her. She keeps an eye out at each crossing, making sure that no one is watching them leave. She pokes her head into another corridor and puts her hand out, stopping the other girls. She has them back up a bit as the soft sound of footsteps echo down the corridor.

It’s Harry Potter, and he’s got the golden egg in his hands, as well as a towel slung over his shoulder. He turns and heads up the stairs. He seems to be so intent on what he’s doing, he doesn’t seem to notice them. Well, whatever he’s doing, he won’t notice their exit. When he’s out of sight, Sunset gestures for the girls to follow her. They are soon outside the teleportation ward.

Sunset gestures to Rarity and Twilight, and they both draw their wands, “Let’s go.” She raises her wand with the other two girls. With a surge of magic, all of them wink out of existence.


Sunset gestures for the girls to follow her. They are exactly where she planned, an alley between two streets. She didn’t want to come in where they would be too visible. The sun is down in the western horizon, only glimmers of light are there. The girls walk down the street, keeping away from the relatively sparse street lamps.

Twilight steps closer as they walk, fingering her wand. “It’s quiet, too quiet…”.

Sunset nods. “I’m scared, too.” She glances around. Two muggles, as the wizards around here call them, are walking down the street with a dog. They don’t seem to notice the girls as they continue walking. Sunset watches intently ahead, the manor has a large wall around the entire compound, though there is a large gate up ahead.

As they get close, Twilight holds up her hand. “I see a ward here. It’ll take me a few minutes to unravel it.”

Rainbow Dash crouches down as Twilight works, glancing around, “We are really exposed here – hurry, Twilight…”

“If I want to just let everyone know someone is messing with their protective ward, I could just… -- got it!”. The gate opens silently. “Come on, I can’t keep this open for too long without raising an alam.

The girls rush through the gate, Twilight keeping her wand glowing softly as they pass through. The gates close.

“Avada Kedavera!” Sunset doesn’t even have time to gasp as she embraces her magic as quick as a thought and a shield dome appears around all of them. The spell impacts the shield and she drops it instantly, sending a bolt of energy back the way the spell came from.

“Take cover! She shouts, sending off a second spell at the advancing mages. She can see them clearly now, two robed figures are advancing, their wands out as they spit out more spells at the girl They hurl to ground, making themselves the smallest targets possible..

Applejack implores, “What do I do?”

Sunset blocks another killing spell, sending out a response as she screams, “I don’t know; didn’t you bring a gun or something from stateside?”

“Nah, should’ve, though! Well, I reckon these wizards won't let me get close enough to punch them, especially with their wands! Lemme try something.” With a glance to where the mages are, she takes a knee and slams her fist into the ground, for the first time letting out her full fury and strength. The punch causes a shockwave and the ground splits open along her line of punch, buckling and rolling, forming a jagged tear right up to the mages, throwing them both back and away from the centerline of the eruption. With a smile Applejack laughs, "Well I'll be, that caused about as much damage as Granny’s line dancing at the church!" Brushing off her hands, she sees a spell bolt heading for her and reflexively bats it away. The shot slams into the dirt and kicks up debris. Giving her hand a quick shake, she narrows her eyes. Then, retaliating, she picks up a rock and hurls it with all her might.

Sunset smiles as she sends another spell at the two mages, knocking one of them down. She follows through with an entrapment spell, large vines grow from the ground covering the mage thoroughly. She can hear the loud cursing from the entrapped mage, she steps forward to send another spell at the other mage, only to let her spellform go as the mage tumbles to the ground from an impact from Rainbow Dash. Dash does a loop in the air and comes down with both feet on the mage, quieting him.

Sunset runs up to her friend, Rainbow grins, “Well, that was easy.” Black smoke fills the air as more mages start to appear. In moments, over a dozen black garbed and masked mages are standing there, their wands raised, the grin falls off her face, “Spoke too soon!” She leaps into the air, getting her broom under her as several spells converge where she had just been.

Sunset, for her part, ducks the first spells and winks back a bit, sending several spells at once at the mages. Rarity, for her part, seems to shake herself out of her initial stupor, her wand glows brightly as she gathers rocks from the gravel path, her magic changing them from mere rocks to sharp projectiles, she blasts the projectiles at the mages, who teleport away quickly, only to reappear elsewhere and continue to attack. She yelps as she has to throw up a hasty shield to deflect their attacks against her.

Sunset’s entire existence becomes one big duel, sliding from defense to offense, back to defense. She keeps an eye on her friends as they battle for their own lives as well. “Pull back!” She shouts as she takes a step back, then a second. Before she knows it, she’s directing a quick spell at the gate for the manor. She glances up as she hears a scream, Fluttershy is falling, the front of her broom splintered as she falls. Sunset sends a fusillade of spells at the advancing death eaters as she screams, “Rarity, catch her!”

Rarity, for her part, moves behind Twilight for a bit of cover and she conjures a large glowing cushion. Fluttershy bounces on the cushion before Rarity extinguishes it, then enfolds her friend in magic and yanks her closer with a yelp.

Twilight is yielding ground slowly, her eyes are glowing as she screams in defiance, sending spell after spell at the Death Eaters. She’s wrapped herself in a spell that has her floating off the ground slightly, loud explosions sound with every flick of her wand, scattering the death eaters, even though they continue to attack. Applejack has grabbed a fence pole, yanking from its concrete reinforced base and is using it like an overlarge baseball bat, even knocking the occasional spell as it’s directed at her, her face set in a snarl as she yields ground herself.

Sunset risks a glance behind her the road seems pretty clear, “We need to go!” She shouts, they need to get just a few moments of peace so they can teleport out of there. Sunset pushes Pinkie Pie, who is holding Fluttershy over her shoulder, “Go! Go! I’ll suppress!” Sunset sends a few spells behind her as she starts to run, her other friends follow. Twilight is the last to flee, though she stumbles a bit as she starts to run, her earlier magic use seemed to have taken a lot out of her.

“We need to find a safe place!” Sunset shouts as the death eaters teleport to attack them from each side. She finds herself having to wink back and forth, keeping the spells flying as she keeps up her attack. Twilight is doing the same thing, keeping the death eaters unbalanced and giving Rarity the best chance to keep the rest of their friends safe.

Sunset skids to a stop as a white light slams to the ground, another wizard stepping forward, his wand held high as he starts in on the advancing Death Eaters. Then a second form appears, then a third. Shortly nearly two dozen wizards are attacking the death eaters. Their attack falters quickly in the face of those superior numbers, and they dissolve into black smoke and streak off.

“Oh, thank you, we need to-”

“My name is Kingsley Shacklebolt; I’m an auror with the Ministry of Magic.” He flicks his wand and Sunset’s wand is jerked from her hand as her wrists are bound with some kind of magical energy. “And you all are under arrest, under the authority of the Minister of Magic.”

Sunset is barely able to sputter anything as each of the girls are gripped by an auror and they all flash out of existence.


Walking through the corridors of the Ministry of Magic is jarring for Sunset Shimmer. This time, she’s got her hands bound, her wand is tucked in the robes of the wizard leading her, and she can hear her friends as they add their own voices of protest as they are taken down the hall. Though Applejack and Pinkie are both having the roughest time, both are completely suspended in magic, with conjured manacles and shackles keeping their hands and feet occupied. Applejack was now sporting a gag over her mouth, though her muffled shouts can still be heard as they turn into an office. Sunset looks around, this office is rather large, and quite a few other wizard are here.

“What the hell were you thinking!?” You were seen by muggles!” He whirls and storms around the room, “After the debacle with the first task. I should have done something more drastic. But no, I had to be accommodating to our American guests.” He whirls towards Professor Dumbledore, “And you were supposed to be keeping tabs on them!” He stabs a finger right into the headmaster’s face.

“We have to stop Grogar, he’s gathering power…” Her mouth is suddenly magically closed, causing her to glower at the auror standing next to her.

"You had to? YOU! HAAAD TO!!!?” He explodes, “You are children, schoolgirls! There IS no Grogar, no plot to bring the dark lord back, no massive evil conspiracy!" Turning away his robes flair out behind him. “What you girls did was start a fireworks show that could be seen and heard for miles!”

“But there were Death Eaters!” Twilight blurts out, only to have her own mouth suddenly closed rather forcefully by the auror next to her.

"Death Eaters? The Death Eaters are all in Prison and have been there since the fall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-named. You children were fighting figments of your imagination, running scared from boggins and the lies you heard at school."

Sunset takes a moment to calm herself, she knows where her magic is, where that wand is. She closes her eyes and concentrates, then she snarls. “Minister, I know what I saw. They were at Malfoy Manor, where HE is!”

Fudge whirls around and glares at her, then another wizard steps forwards. “I can assure you, Minister, there are no Death Eaters on my property.” Sunset’s jaw drops, the last time she saw him, he was lying on the ground, his body broken. He continues, “Any attempt to impinge upon my family’s privacy would cause me to… reconsider who I support for Minister of Magic.”

Fudge blanches a bit, waving his hand, “Of course, of course, Malfoy Manor is respected property, there is no need for any intrusion there.”

Sunset growls low in her throat. “You were dead. I saw your body, you were dead.”

“As you can see quite well, child, I am very much alive.”

“Thanks to a necromancer.”

Fudge tuts, “Lucius Malfoy has a long history with the ministry. He’s quite trusted among the ministers here. I have already made my decision. You are to have your wands confiscated, and you will be confined to your tower in the school. No more classes, no more polluting the students there.” He turns towards Dumbledore. “And once this business with the Tri-Wizard tournament is done with, we will see about having some more direct ministry oversight over how the school is run.”

“Minister, you have to listen to me!” Sunset shouts.

“Listen to you? Listen to you? My dear girl, several muggles are having to have their memories modified due to your actions tonight.” Fudge growls, he turns away, “Just be glad I’m not having you sent back to the states and have the MACUSA take care of you.” He finishes in a huff as Sunset and her friends are dragged from the room.


Sunset tries to stop sobbing as she lies on her bed, they have failed. The ministry doesn’t believe them, and now they are essentially under house arrest. She looks out the window at the blackness, then she collapses into her blankets, renewed tears flowing down her face. They are lost. Once Grogar has taken over the mages here, he will take over her home, Equestria.

Her mattress shifts slightly as weight is added, a hand strokes her hair, and rests on her shoulder, “Darling, we knew there were risks when we decided to go with you.”

Sunset looks up at Rarity, “I’m fine with risks, but we failed, badly, Rarity. We will never get another chance, and he will have two worlds.” Snot and tears flow.

Rarity scoffs and produces a handkerchief from somewhere, she starts to gently clean Sunset’s face, “Oh darling, I do not think we are defeated just yet. We are still alive and we do still know the truth after all. And while that detestable troll of a minister doesn’t believe you, I watched the other ministers there. I do not believe they are as unified as Mister Fudge would believe. I could see it in their faces, not all of them are behind him on this. He’s terrified of losing face before them. And having not only their Dark Lord come back, but having a demonic necromancer threatening them, he is under enormous stress. We will find a way to fix this, and we will finish what we started.”

Sunset leans into Rarity’s gentle ministrations, and soon her friend pulls the soft cloth away with a smile, “Oh, Rarity, what are we going to do? This cost us our wands... Not just mine but yours too. I know I can do a little without my wand, but neither you or Twilight have any experience in wandless magic. And Fluttershy’s broom is broken, so she can’t fly anymore. Rarity, face it we are doomed.” Her face crumples, but she’s able to avoid more tears, but then none will flow.

Rarity smiles softly, “Far be it for me to collapse and proclaim that the bad guys have won. We shall find a way." Sunset offers Rarity a watery smile, and reaches up to bring Rarity closer for a hug. “Though the loss of the wand does hurt.”

“Ah don’t know much about all this magic ho he, but ah do know that when you girls are using it you look happy. Even under the hardest of times and toughest of spells,” Applejack said as she walks up and stands by the corner of the bed.

Twilight is next to come over, hugging Sunset and Rarity, “We will find another way, we have to. I trust you Sunset.”

“But without magic,” Sunset started then looked at Rarity and Twilight gulping, “Oh Celestia what have I done? In my rush I’ve cost you two your horns.”

Twilight found herself flinch once, “I know I seemed to have at natural talent with it, but that wasn’t real. Our friendship and safety is what matters. Friendship always finds a way.”

“Princes Twilight in Equestria’s talent was magic, you share that with her. For the first time, you were getting to feel that.” Sunset starts crying again, “I’ve cost us everything.”

A knock at the door gets all of them to look at it. It’s been solidly locked since they had come back to the school. Applejack glances at Rainbow Dash, who rushes to the door to open it. It opens easily when she pulls on it. A young witch is standing there. “I just came from the Headmaster’s office.” Hermione Granger pulls out three very familiar looking wands, “Dumbledore left these. We need to finish this, tonight.”

Sunset reaches out her hand, her wand flying into her hand, its tip glowing brightly as her cutie mark appears in the air above it. “Thank you, Hermione. But they overwhelmed us so easily!” She looks down, “I don’t know how we can beat them.”

Rarity gently picks up her wand, its tip flaring to life as three diamonds appear above it. With a smile, Rarity gives her wand a hug holding it over her heart.

Twilight wraps her fingers around her wand, the tip sparking to life with her cutie mark. Stars twinkling and spinning above the tip, she her whole body glows for a moment her eyes shine with white light as the tears vanish.

“This time, you have more help. We can do it, Sunset Shimmer.” She tosses Sunset a small teddy bear, “You’ll know when to use it.”

Sunset shakes her head, these wizards, at times. She gathers up her friends. “Are you ready to go again? They shook us off once, they think we won’t do anything more. They are wrong!”

“This time, we have friends.” Twilight says smiling.

“Friends!” The other girls call out.

“Umm, yay.”

Sunset stands up and leads her friends out the door and down the tower, in a matter of minutes they are outside the anti-teleportation ward around the school. She raises her wand once again, letting it glow brightly as she calls on her magic, declaring, “Let’s go!”