• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 7,120 Views, 333 Comments

Equestria Girls and The Golden Bell - Sparky Brony

The Humane Seven go to London for a school competition, little do they know that there is more to London than meets the eye.

  • ...

Chapter 4.

Sunset stretches as a change in the sound of the steam locomotive jostles her from her slumber. She finally stands up and looks around. Her friends are distributed among the various compartments in the train. She looks at Rainbow Dash, who had joined her in her compartment when she decided to rest. Her friend had claimed an entire seat to herself and is sprawled out on it, snoring loudly. Sunset taps her shoulder, getting a snort and a hiccup, her cerice eyes slowly open and she looks around for a moment, then she focuses on Sunset and smiles. Sunset moves to the next compartment, where Fluttershy had fallen asleep with her head in Twilight’s lap, hugging Spike tightly as she lays, curled up on the bench. Twilight is sitting up, with her legs stretched out on the floor, a book over her face to block out the lights of the train car. Sunset taps a few times on the door, and is gratified with seeing them start to stir. She moves to the next room, AJ is sitting, looking out the window and yawns as she turns to see Sunset open the door. “Mornin, Sugarcube, the sun woke me, as always. We there yet?”

Sunset smiles and nods, then she turns to look at Pinkie Pie. She is sound asleep, curled into a ball on the floor with blankets and a pillow, a few balloons tied to her wrist. Rarity seemed to have crowded into the compartment as well, she’s stretched out on the other bench, a sleeping mask over her eyes, she giggles in her sleep, “Oh yes, it is work fit for a princess. Thank you for recognizing it.” She murmurs softly.

Her thoughts are interrupted as squeal of metal on metal permeates the air. The train starts to slow down as it gets close to the station, they had spent all night on the train, and a good portion of the morning. She turns and sees Dumbledore there, “I’m guessing we are here?”

He nods as the train finally stops. The girls slowly shuffle towards the train exit. Well, most of the girls. Applejack walks, trying to prop Dash up, who just seems to want to fall back asleep. Pinky Pie, on the other hand, is bouncing around, laughing, "Oh this is great, look at all this neat stuff. Sunset, did you try all the neat candies they had on the cart?"

"Pinkie Pie, how are you so active this early?" Sunset asks curiously as she watches her friend bounce around.

"Red Bull!” She pulls out a familiar blue and silver can from her bag, “it works wonders, but it says you can't give any to Rarity, you, and especially none to Twilight!"

Sunset blinks for a few moments, her brain still trying to fully switch on, "Huh? Why?"

"Cuz it can give you wings! We don't want Twilight with wings yet, DUH!" Pinkie says as she tilts her head and shrugs. She turns and puts the can back into her bag as she bounds to the front of the group again.

Sunset shrugs as she follows the girls onto the station platform, Dumbledore gathers them up, “This is Hogsmeade Station, and we will be heading to the school shortly. But first, I need to tell you some things.”

“I could have told you on the train, but you girls needed to get some rest. After your long flight, and then all the events of the previous day, a good sleep was well in order. But now, the students here can’t know of your unique origins. I have communicated with a few I trust, and the teachers that I fully trust do know of your origins. But the students shall not find out.” He looks around at all of them, “That being said, the story for your arrival is related to the Tri-wizard cup events that are happening here. The first event of which is happening in a few days. "You seven shall be here as observers from America. You may watch the events but not participate, and will also be expected to participate in classes, to keep your cover and not attract undo attention. Any mistakes made can then be justified as you being American students from a different educational system."

Applejack looks uncomfortable, “Not to be disagreein with ya, Mr. Dumbledore, but four of us can’t use these wands at all, how can we participate in your classes?”

Dumbledore smiles, “I’m not asking you, or Rainbow Dash, to take charms, or defense against the dark arts classes. In fact, many classes here do not require wands, and we’ve chosen some classes that will fit for what you girls may be interested in. For example, Miss Applejack, I think herbology would be right up your alley.”

Applejack looks thoughtful as Dumbledore turns to Fluttershy, “Hagrid is on his way, and you will be learning mythical creatures with him in his care of magical creatures class.” That gets a big smile from Fluttershy.

He takes a moment to tell Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie their other classes, then he turns to the girls with operable wands, “For you three, you will start off with charms, and defense against the dark arts, as well as transfiguration and divination.” He starts to turn away, towards the nearby town, “Hagrid will take you in.”

The girls look at each other, then they hear a rhythmic thump behind them. Sunset turns and looks, then looks up, and up some more, the massive face breaks into a smile, “Rubius Hagrid, at your service.” Comes the enormous man’s gravelly voice.

Pinkie Pie looks up at him, she shrugs, “Meh, I’ve seen bigger.”

He blinks a few times, then composes himself, “Alright, ya. Come along.”

They follow him as he walks, and soon they are at docks on a large lake, he gestures and the girls clamber into two of the small boats. As the girls get settled in, the boats take off on their own, without the sound of an engine. Sunset looks at Hagrid for a moment, then shrugs and watches as the boats make their way along the still waters of the lake. Soon, a massive castle heaves into view. Sunset finds herself leaning forward as she watches the castle get closer. Though as the boats continue, she can see a large ship is moored out in the lake. She stares as the boats float past it, before long, the little boats carry them through a curtain of ivy which seems to hide a wide opening in the cliff face. They are carried along a dark tunnel, which takes them right underneath the castle. Emerging out of the tunnel, they reach a kind of underground harbor, where they clamber out onto the rocks. It’s a short walk up the stairs into the castle proper.

Sunset looks around as Hagrid stops and then moves in front of them, “Well, alright then. We won’t be sorting you into the houses. But you girls will be staying in guest quarters that are being arranged for you.” He points to Pinkie, Apple Jack, and Rainbow Dash, “You three will start out this morning in herbology. I’ve got a student here to take you to class.” He steps aside to reveal a young lady, wearing robes like the girls are wearing, of Asian descent, with long dark hair, brown eyes, and freckles on her nose. She smiles, “I’ll take our new guests to the greenhouses.”

Rainbow Dash looks at Sunset, then comes over and gives her a hug, “We’ll see you later.” Sunset hugs her back before letting go and watching some of her friends follow the short girl. He winks at them, “And you girls will follow me.”

Sunset looks at Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy, who shrug. The enormous man walks off, moving quite spryly despite his size, Sunset moves up next to him, “I thought we were going to be in some magic classes.”

He looks at her out of the side of his eyes for a moment, “Oh, aye, ya will. But Professor Dumbledore wanted to give you some idea of what we have around here. You seemed upset when talking about unicorns, especially since you apparently are a unicorn yourself. He wanted you to see that we treat them right around here.” He thumps his chest, “A’hm the one who takes care of the magical creatures around here. So, ah’m gonna show ya aroun here.”

Sunset looks back at her friends, then up at Hagrid, “It’s really okay. I was just surprised to know that unicorns exist at all in your world.”

His voice softens, “I understand, Miss Sunset. But tis always good to see with ye own eyes.”

Sunset looks down the path, “Where are we heading first?”

“Well, we aren’t running right into the forbidden forest first thing. But you’ll want to see some of the magical creatures that make their lives on Hogwarts’ grounds.”

They walk in silence until they get to a large stable, Hagrid stands before the door, a massive hand on the handle, “Alright, these don’t really spend their time at Hogwarts. But we have several of them right now, courtesy of Madame Maxime and her school.”

Sunset’s eyebrows climb as the door is opened. She is the first inside. It takes her a moment for her eyes to adjust, but then the equine forms become clearer to her. She’s enthralled as she walks slowly towards them.

“They are real?” She asks softly as she gets to the stall door. The stallion there fluffs his wings and hesitantly steps forward and sniffs her outstretched hand, she looks up at Hagrid, “You have pegasi here?”

He smiles and shakes his head, “In mythos here, Pegasus was the name of a single winged horse. This breed is the winged Abraxan horse. Get back, you.” He growls at the horse, who dutifully steps back a few paces, allowing Hagrid to open the stall door and escort Sunset in. He looks at Sunset, “I would offer to let you ride him. He’s actually the nicest of the bunch. The others’ll likely snap at you, they are a rough and tumble sort of horse. But Madame Maxime would likely not be too keen on that idea.”

Sunset rubs a hand along the nose of the large horse, “Oh, Hagrid, I don’t need to ride them. I just want to see, and talk to them.”

Hagrid barks a laugh, “Oye, they aren’t much for conversin’. They are smarter than the average muggle horse, to be sure. But they aren’t as smart as you or I. Sorry to say.” He comes forward with a barrel, which he pulls the bung and starts to pour an amber liquid into a trough. The horse moves closer and starts to drink.

The acrid smell hits Sunset’s nose, “What…is he drinking?”

Hagrid’s eyes widen at the revulsion in Sunset’s voice, he looks down at the barrel, then up at Sunset, after a moment, he smiles, “Oh, you didn’t know!” He chuckles, “Madame Maxime’s horses only drink single malt whiskey.”


He nods, “Remember, a lot of things are different in our world compared to yours.”

Rarity steps forward and strokes the neck of the horse, “He’s beautiful, Hagrid, what else do you have here?”

"Well I guess I am." Comes Fluttershy’s meek voice from one of the other stalls. Sunset looks up as one of the stallion’s whinnies to her, "Yes she is too."

Hagrid stands up and gestures for the others to exit the stall. He moves over and joins her as the stallion nods, then he whickers and kicks a foreleg on the ground a few times. "Oh I don't know, I don't really do that. She does that more than me."

Hagrid looks over at Fluttershy, the stallion she is with is not normally one for company. With Fluttershy, though, he seems calm. And rather more vocal than is his norm. Walking slowly, so as not to spook the large horse with his size, Hagrid first looks down at the little wisp of a girl, then at the stallion.

"Why thank you, and I guess we all are." Fluttershy says, causing the stallion to start whickering in laughter before nodding.

"You can understand them?" Hagrid asks, a little surprised.

"I guess, to me it kind of sounds like they are just talking like you or I." Fluttershy responds, then she looks down, hiding her face with her hair, "Sorry if I did something wrong."

He smiles, “Not at all dearie. It’s rather unusual, the one here has gained a reputation as a biter, and a kicker as well.” He says, rubbing his side a bit.

Her eyes widen, and a big smile appears on her face, “He’s actually upset, he wants to be with his friends, he doesn’t like being in his own stall. I think if you put him with…” She bounces on her toes, then runs out of the stall and dashes down the barn, moments later she’s walking with another of the massive horse, “him. You’ll find they get along famously!”

Hagrid watches the two stallions sniff each other for a moment. Then both of them whinny happily, causing Hagrid to lean back with a soft sigh, he looks at Fluttershy, “I think you an I need ta get a bit better acquainted.

Fluttershy pulls her hair out of her face as she giggles a bit.


Applejack finishes making room in the large pot, she reaches over and picks up the baby sapling.

“Oh, be careful, that sapling can be very dangerous!” Comes the voice of the teacher.

Applejack furrow her brows, running her gloved hand along the sapling, “It’s beautiful.”

Professor Sprout moves to stand next to Applejack “I normally wouldn’t have a brand new student work with such a dangerous and fragile plant. But you seem to have a knack for it.”

Applejack gently puts the sapling into the depression in the soil. Working quickly, she fills in the depression, giving the sapling a new home. As she finishes, the top of the sapling leans over and caresses her hand, and a large vine attached to it wraps tendrils around her fingers. She watches the expression of affection from the sapling for a long moment, then she hears Professor Sprout’s voice, “We have been trying to cultivate new heirs for the whomping willow on the grounds. But the seedlings have always resisted being transferred. This one likes you.”

Applejack strokes the sapling, “We don’t have any of them around where I live.” She says truthfully.

“Well.” Professor sprout says as she stands up to check on some of the other students, “Perhaps you should have them in the states. You get a few more planted like that, and if they thrive, I might just give you one for your flight home.”

She stands up and walks around, checking on the Ravenlaw fourth years doing their assigned work. She steps up behind Pinkie Pie.

“Blah…blah.” She says to soft laughter.

Professor Sprout leans forward, “Liking your assignment?”

Pinkie giggles, “I’ve never dealt with a pitcher plant that can talk.”

Professor Sprout finds herself giggling at the enthusiasm from Pinkie Pie, “They only repeat words they hear, I’d say about as intelligent as a parrot or other bird that can chirp your words back to you.”

She turns and walks down the aisle to check on the other students.


Nearly vibrating with energy, Rainbow Dash slides to a stop, taking her place in a line of students. They were from one of the houses, but Dash doesn't remember which one, the only thing she had heard was 'Flying Class' and that is all that occupies her mind now. She shields her eyes with one hand as she looks up at the sky. It has been a few hours since she left the other girls but this is flight class and she is ready and so is her broom.

“Since the school has decided to cancel Quidditch for the year, that doesn’t mean your flying shall be left to the dogs. We may not have access to the Quidditch pitch for this year, but there’s plenty of open ground here at Hogwarts for you to practice your flying.”

She whirls around, “Rainbow Dash!” She calls out loudly, startling Rainbow.

“Um, yes, maam?”

Professor Hooch moves right in front of her, “You play Quidditch in the United States, don’t you?”

For a moment, Rainbow is unsure how to answer, she finally takes a stab at it, “Yeah. I guess so. Never gone to a game though.”

“You’ve never been to a game?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head as Professor Hooch smiles, “It’s alright, not everyone gets to go to the games. But I did hear that the US national team did very, very, well. Will you do your nation proud today, Miss Dash?”

Rainbow blinks, “Huh?”

Professor Hooch smiles, “You are carrying that broom as though you know what to do with it. So…” She smiles evilly, “show me. Show me what you can do with that brand new broom.”

Rainbow looks at the broom, not willing to admit that she’d never actually ridden one of them before. She swallows a few times, then looks around at all the students looking at her. She smiles and slowly mounts her broom, “I’d be glad to.”

A quick kick off from the ground and she’s in the air. And she starts to scream. “Aw yeah!” She shouts as she takes off, she skims close to the ground as she accelerates. In moments she pulls up on the broom hard. Going vertical, her screams become louder as she spins in the air in a roll. Reaching the apex of her climb, she takes a moment to determine where she is going to go next. She can see Sunset Shimmer along with Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Hagrid walking up from Hagrid’s little hut. She smiles, this will be perfect.

A quick push of the broom forward and she’s zooming towards her friends. They remain unaware of her as she approaches, then she flies right over their heads, almost touching Hagrid’s hair as the wind of her passage nearly bowls them over. They look up, finally hearing her laughter as she again goes for altitude.

“This is awesome!” She murmurs to herself as she gets up among the clouds, she thinks for a moment, “I wonder how fast it can go.” She looks around, there’s only one way to find out. She leans forward and accelerates, diving for added speed, she’s on the other side of the castle from where she started, likely they are starting to wonder where she is. She’ll show them soon enough.

She streaks through the air, as she does so, she feels the power inside her, feeding into the broom, but also changing herself, her pony wings emerge as she gets over the castle proper, and her hair lengthens, becoming more like a mane. And two pony ears form magically on her head as she slams over the field where she took off, a quick glance shows all the students watching her flight. She pulls back hard and pulls the broom in a loop, ending up heading right for the ground, and at the last second, she sheds her velocity and lands hard on the ground, a ring of dust arising from her impact point. She stands up, and the broom hovers next to her, she turns as Professor Hooch rushes over to her, “Now that.” Rainbow smiles hugely, “That is flying!” She says as the effects of ponying up fade.

Professor Hooch extends her wand and a cool mist envelopes Rainbow, Rainbow flinches and tries to push the spell away, “Hey, hey, hey, what’s that for?”

Professor Hooch stops with the spell, but looks at Rainbow Dash seriously, “Were you aware that you just exceeded the speed of sound.” She says, “On a broom?”

Rainbow cocks her head to the side, “I guess.”

Professor Hooch giggles, seeing Rainbow is just fine, “Let’s just say, that is something that really isn’t done. In fact, I don’t know of any witch or wizard that’s been able to go supersonic, not without a specially manufactured broom.”

Rainbow Dash giggles, “Well, that’s because I’m just that awesome!”


Sunset Shimmer watches as Rainbow streaks towards the other side of the castle, she leans over to Twilight, “Wonder if she’s gonna go supersonic.”

Twilight giggles as Hagrid chimes in, “Yeh can’t go faster than sound on a broom, it’d be suicide.” He flinches as the sound of a sonic boom reaches their ears, “Then again, I might be wrong.” He says, looking at where Rainbow Dash had disappeared to.

They walk through the castle, and finally Hagrid stops them before a heavy wooden door, “Your teacher for this period will be Miss McGonagall. You will be learning transfiguration.”

Sunset furrows her brow, “Transfiguration, the changing from one form to another?”

He smiles, “Exactly right. Now, go ahead. I’ll keep Fluttershy with me for my fourth year Care of Magical Creatures class coming up. Well, go on in.”

The door creaks loudly as it is opened, causing all the students to look at the door. Sunset, Twilight, and Rarity stand there, the older woman standing at the head of the class clears her throat, “I’m guessing these are our new foreign students, Hagrid?”

Hagrid looks at Professor McGonagall, “Oh, aye, they are. This is Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and Rarity.” He says, pointing at each girl in turn. He sidles closer to Sunset, “Just watch and learn. Transfiguration is a really fun subject.” He says softly. With that, he closes the door behind him, leaving the girls standing there.

Rarity edges closer, “You do realize I really don’t have any idea how to use this wand other than flicking it and having sparks come out.” She whispers.

“Something wrong, ladies?” Comes the teacher’s voice.

“We’ll sit down right now.” Sunset says as she leads her friends to a set of open chairs, she moves closer to Rarity, “The magic here feels a lot like my magic, but they have different ways to activate it. These teachers should know what they are doing, I’ll try to help with the basics, but just follow their instructions.” She whispers as they get settled.

Professor McGonagall looks at them severely, then she straightens her robes, “I shall repeat myself for the tardy students.” She stops and squares herself, “For third year transfiguration students, you’ll be learning quite a bit this year. One of those subjects is a wizarding discipline, called animagus.”

Sunset’s eyes go wide she leans over to Twilight as the teacher continues to explain, “Animagus, that means there are spells to change into other animals.”

Twilight thinks furiously, “Small ones, big?”

Sunset whispers back, “I don’t think it matters, everything from a mouse or gerbil, all the way up to an elephant, I would guess.”

“Something wrong with our new students?” A loud voice rings out.

Sunset flinches, “No ma’am.” Twilight sits up straighter as the teacher turns away and continues to talk.

“In general, once a wizard chooses his animal form. That is the form they will have throughout their lives. For example…” She stops, and Sunset’s eyes widen as Professor McGonagall’s form twists and folds, until a spotted tabby cat is standing there.

Sunset gapes, “That’s amazing.” Her words are echoed in the excited murmurs of many of the other students.

The cat prances around a few moments, then the body expands back into the form of their teacher. She smiles and looks around at her students. She looks at a student with her hand up, “Ginny. A Question?”

The flame haired young lady lowers her hand and looks intently at her teacher, “How long can an animagus keep their form?”

“Five points to Gryffindor! Excellent question Miss Weasely.” Professor McGonagall exclaims, “It depends on the type of transformation as well as the witch or wizard. For partial transformations its often best not to maintain it for more than thirty minutes due to the stress and risk of it becoming permanent." She looks around at all the students, “Full transformation can last for hours, or even days, however. Some wizards have been known to be able to hold an animal form almost indefinitely... but doing so often has them permanently take on characteristics of said animal.”

“So an animagus that has taken on the form of a rat for years will have rat like qualities after returning to their human form?” The flame haired girl presses.

Professor McGonagall looks vastly uncomfortable with the direction the conversation has taken, she finally nods and then claps her hands to end the various quiet conversations that have sprung up, “Of course, you all being third years, I won’t be teaching you how to be an animagus, but for those of you who have the aptitude, we can certainly research such capabilities. For today’s lesson…” She brings out her wand and waves it towards the back of the classroom, multitudes of potted plants float towards each student, “These potted plants are much too green for my taste. By the end of class, I want them to be statues.”

Sunset contemplates the potted plant sitting before her. She’d done transfiguration as part of Celestia’s school, in fact, much of this teaching is foals work in her view. Given the age of these students, she guesses that human magical progression is a little later than pony. She pulls out her wand, as she connects with it, she can feel that power unlock in her mind, for a moment she contemplates never letting go of the wand, just holding the power inside her, something she’s missed every moment since first stepping through the portal into this world. After a long moment, she shakes herself, she has a task to do. She listens to the other students as they chant the words to change their plants. She waves her wand gently at the plant before her, “Vera Verto…” She says, picturing in her mind the shape it’s to turn into. A blue glow folds around the wand and the plant, it slowly changes shape, and in moments she has a miniature of one of the statues in the Canterlot gardens. She smiles as she turns to look at Twilight.

Twilight, for her part, says softly, “Vera Verto.” Her ebony wand glows with her power, and her plant quickly stretches and takes on a bronze sheen. In moments she’s done and she leans back happily.

“Spike?” Sunset asks, raising a single eyebrow.

Twilight giggles, “Who else?”

Sunset chuckles as she turns to look at Rarity, who huffs. She leans towards Sunset, “I hear the spell incantation, but when I say it, it doesn’t feel right. Vera Verto.” She taps a leaf of the potted plant with her wand, the plant folds and reshapes itself into a statue of a wooden cat. The wood grain apparently polished and sanded to look like real fur, along with bright orange gems for the eyes of the cat as it reclines.

“No, that’s not right.” Rarity mutters as the statue reverts back to the plant. “Vera Verto,” and, again, the plant folds and changes its form. In moments a bronze sparrow on a wooden base is standing where the plant was. Sunset gasps as she reaches out a finger to touch it. The bronze is perfectly formed, the detail of the feathers is exquisite, even with small emeralds for the bird’s eyes. Only to hear Rarity’s tongue click and the plant again to appear.

Sunset frowns as she watches out of the corner of her eye the professor walking among the students, correcting form here, spell pronunciation there. It won’t be long till she gets here, “It’s less about the word, Rarity, and more about what that word does in your mind.”

Rarity smiles, “Exactly, I’m using the wrong word. Which makes the wrong spell form.” Her body begins to glow softly as she again reaches out her wand, “Decoris Vero.” Rarity says as her pony ears emerge and her long indigo hair extends even further, the Equestrian magic flowing through her. The plant reforms once again, this time into a beautiful silver dragon lying on its side, partly curled around an egg made of emerald, its eyes are deep blue sapphires, its horns spiral backwards, made out of cloudy pink diamond. Even the dragons face carries emotions, a mix of joy and contentment, as if it's found its place in the world. The base is chiseled obsidian, glass like in texture, but a deep black color. Rarity leans back, a bead of sweat slowly making its way down her cheek, “That’s what I wanted.” She says with immense satisfaction.

“Well, Miss Rarity, I didn’t know they taught animagi to your year in the states.” Comes the voice of Professor McGonagall, “And what do we have here?” She picks up the statue as Rarity touches a pony ear, a frown on her face. Professor McGonagall inspects the statue for a long moment, then looks at Rarity, “If you lived here, I would be asking you to be in my N.E.W.T. transfiguration class. Very well done.” She sets down the statue and moves on.

The magic slowly drains out of Rarity as she watches the teacher work with her other students…then she looks at her creation, “Oh my!”


After dinner, the girls are all in their set of rooms. There are seven four post beds arranged in a large room, and they have a small makeshift common room next to it. Spike barks happily as he runs around, getting attention from everyone. Sunset looks at the girls, “You know, I need to get back to our hotel room.” She pulls out her wand, “I can teleport there and back. I’ll just be gone for a few minutes.”

Twilight looks at her, "With that creature, wouldn’t it be dangerous to be away from the grounds of the school?”

Sunset huffs, “There’s no possible way it could know where the hotel is. And I just have to grab my bag.” Closing her eyes she remembers where the hotel is. The spell form comes to her mind readily and she raises the wand.

Only to have nothing happen, she looks around, “Well, that’s odd.”

Twilight smiles, “I guess they have a charm to prevent teleportation here.”

Sunset scowls, “It makes sense.” She stands up and walks over to the window, they are in a very high tower of the school, she can see all around the grounds, “But I really need my book.”

Pinkie Pie has somehow found roller skates, and is rolling around the common room, she stops next to Sunset, holding out a familiar book, “Here ya go.”

Sunset looks at the book in shock, “How do you have it, Pinkie?”

Pinkie giggled with a bright smile on her face, "It was filed under D for Diary of course.” She sticks her head into the satchel, “I think there’s a computer in here under F." After a moment, she pulls her head out and giggles.


"Yeah, F for fun, what else is a computer for?"

Sunset smirks, “Oh, look at your phone.”

Pinkie reaches into a pocket and pulls out her phone, she looks at it, “I wondered why it was so quiet today.”

Sunset sighs, “All the magic around here, I don’t think anything electronic is going to work.” She cradles the book, “But this book will. Now all I have to do is talk to Princess Twilight.”

Twilight sidles up next to Sunset as she opens the book, “You going to ask her to come here?”

Sunset shakes her head, “Without a wand, or any other ability to use her magic, it would take her at least a day to get here. And that’s assuming the magic folk here will allow her to just come on over. But that creature recognized me as Equestrian. That means he’s likely Equestrian. She has a huge library, maybe she can help.”

She pulls out a pen, “Dear Princess Twilight…”

Author's Note:

It wouldn't be Equestria Girls without a music montage.... so here we go, courtesy of Kitsy-Chan

Pinkie taps her drum sticks together above her head, "One, two, one two three four."

Twilight smiles holding her wand like a microphone, "How you choose to express yourself, it's all your own and I can tell it comes naturally. mmmm naturally."

Rarity twirls her wand as it glows a soft blue. She smiles brightly as she starts to get the hang of her telekinesis with the wand. The blue aura around the needle and thread matching her eye colors as she stiches an old robe back together adding some embellishments, adding some of her personality and fashion to the robe.

Sunset giggles turning to face Twilight as she holds her wand mimicking Twilight, "You follow what you feel inside, its intuitive, you don't have to try. It comes naturally... ooooooo Naturally..."

Rainbow Dash does a very tight roll on her broom hugging it tight as she shoots across the field by the trees. Making herself as small as she can she threads the needle though a bridge before pulling an insane turn. The speed and agility she has only matched by the pegasus Dash herself in flight. Climbing straight up she hits a cloud causing it to explode before doing a snap turn and dive straight down screaming with the pure love of speed and flight.

Both Twilight and Sunset turn so they are back to back leaning against each other... "And it takes.... my breath... away..."

Applejack laughs as she gives an Apple tree a kick causing all the apples to drop from it at once.

"What you do so naturally."

The griffin lowers his head as Fluttershy puts her hand gently on her beak.

Sunset Sings out holding one hand up her body glowing as her ears grow in and tail forms, "You are the thunder and I am the lightning!"

Twilight holds her wand straight out in the defense against the dark arts class, a thunder shockwave launching from the tip of her wand in a cone, blasting everything it touches out of the way. A smoking column of debris lines the sides of the channels she's cut.

Sunset unleashes a powerful lightning bolt into a static dummy that sets its on fire. Quickly the teacher extinguishes it shaking his head looking sternly at the two.

Twilight turns pointing at Sunset as she sings, "And I love the way you know who you are and to me it's exciting"

Sunset stands looking at a mirror, seeing it reflecting her unicorn self, her horn glowing, and with a smile she holds up her wand letting it glow the same aura as her horn.

All of the girls singing out in chorus, "When you know it's meant to be, Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally."

Standing with pony ears up, the girls cross their arms with their wizards robes on. Each has their cutie mark stitched on the inside of their robe coats. And each has a golden badge, a stylized blue phoenix with an American flag on it, the symbol of the wizards of America. The wind blowing back their over robes as the stand together.

"When you're with me, baby, Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally," Pinkie thumps her drums as the girls sing out, ponying up in the love of singing.

Twilight sings out, looking back at Sunset, pointing at her and the other girls, "You have a way of moving me, a force of nature, an energy."

Twilight sparkle face plants into a book in class, looking depressed. Sunset smiles as she pulls her up, and shows her something in another book.

Sunset turns and sings to Twilight, "It comes naturally you know it does, it comes naturally"

Twilight holds her hand up in class, then walks up to the blackboard, making a correction in a mathematical formula.

Both girls lean against each other again, singing, "And it takes my breath away"

Twilight smiles holding her wand like a microphone, "How you choose to express yourself, it's all your own and I can tell it comes naturally. mmmm naturally."

Rarity twirls her wand as it glows a soft blue. She smiles brightly as she starts to get the hang of her telekinesis with the wand. The blue aura around the needle and thread matching her eye colors as she stitches an old robe back together, adding some embellishments, adding some of her personality and fashion to the robe.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy close their eyes, feeling the sun on their faces, wind in their hair as they climb. Below them the castle walls and towers of Hogwarts, above them the sun. All around them, though, is the freedom of clouds. Their feet dipping into the clouds, dragging cloud matter behind them and forming it into tighter clumps.

"What you do, so naturally." Twilight and Sunset glance at each other again.

Applejack kneels on the ground, dirt on her cheeks, a she works. No sooner does she plant a seed in the earth than it sprouts up with a single leaf. Kneeling down, her teacher nods at her and claps lightly.

All the girls chip in for the chorus this time, "You are the thunder and I am the lightning"

Pinkie Pie smiles huge as she pulls a party cannon from her bag, sending an explosion of confetti off behind Twilight, causing her to jump. This causes Fred and George Weasley to start laughing and check out her cannon.

"And I love the way you know who you are and to me it's exciting!"

Rainbow Dash spins her broom in tighter and tighter circles as she dives for a thunderstorm cloud, creating a vorticeses like the tip of a sword. Straitening out at the last moment, she pierces through the thundercloud, dragging the spiraling winds behind her. As she comes out the other side the cloud explodes into sparkles, a rainbow forming in her wake.

"When you know it's meant to be"

Fluttershy walks though the stables, each of her hands on the neck of a different winged horse. Smiling she leads them to a stall, both of then whickering and laughing as Fluttershy giggles.

"Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally"

Rarity, Sunset, and Twilight sit in class writing their wands sitting in a row in front of their books as they work.

"When you're with me, baby"

All seven of the girls lay relaxing in the dorm. Papers strewn across the floor as they compare notes.

"Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally, Bay bay baby."

Sunset giggles, turning to face Twilight as she holds her wand mimicking Twilight, "You follow what you feel inside, its intuitive, you don't have to try. It comes naturally... ooooooo Naturally..."

Rainbow Dash does a very tight roll on her broom hugging it tight as she shoots across the field by the trees. Making herself as small as she can she threads the needle though a bridge before pulling an insane turn. The speed and agility she has only matched by the pegasus Dash herself in flight. Climbing straight up she hits a cloud causing it to explode before doing a snap turn and dive straight down screaming with the pure love of speed and flight.

Both Twilight and Sunset turn so they are back to back leaning against each other... "And it takes.... my breath... away..."

Applejack laughs as she gives an apple tree a kick, causing all the apples to drop from it at once.

"What you do so naturally."

The griffin lowers his head as Fluttershy puts her hand gently on her beak.

Sunset Sings out holding one hand up her body glowing as her ears grow in and tail forms, "You are the thunder and I am the lightning!"

Twilight holds her wand straight out in the defense against the dark arts class, a thunder shockwave launching from the tip of her wand in a cone, blasting everything it touches out of the way. A smoking column of debris lines the sides of the channels she's cut.

Sunset unleashes a powerful lightning bolt into a static dummy that sets its on fire. Quickly the teacher extinguishes it shaking his head looking sternly at the two.

Twilight turns, pointing at Sunset as she sings, "And I love the way you know who you are and to me it's exciting"

Sunset stands looking at a mirror, seeing it reflecting her unicorn self, her horn glowing, and with a smile she holds up her wand letting it glow the same aura as her horn.

All of the girls singing out in chorus, "When you know it's meant to be, Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally."

Standing with pony ears up, the girls cross their arms with their wizards robes on. Each has their cutie mark stitched on the inside of their robe coats. And each has a golden badge, a stylized blue phoenix with an American flag on it, the symbol of the wizards of America. The wind blowing back their over robes as the stand together.

"When you're with me, baby, Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally," Pinkie thumps her drums as the girls sing out, ponying up in the love of singing.

Taking a breath at the end of the song, the girls look at each other and start to laugh. Dumbledore smiles and claps his hands appreciatively, "So that is what you mean by ponying up. Intriguing."