• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 7,120 Views, 333 Comments

Equestria Girls and The Golden Bell - Sparky Brony

The Humane Seven go to London for a school competition, little do they know that there is more to London than meets the eye.

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Chapter 8.

Applejack’s eyes open of their own volition. With a glance at the clock she smiles before stretching out in bed. She’s always been used to waking up early on the farm, and even though this isn’t her farm, today is no exception. She reaches over into the pocket of her school robes, she left them hanging on the chair beside her bed, and finds a lighter. She’s always prepared, since she can’t make fire with a wand like some of her friends. She flicks the lighter open and runs a thumb along the striker wheel. She reaches over with the lighter and touches the flame to the candelabra. Lighting one candle causes the other two to light as well and she flicks the lighter to close its lid and extinguish the flame. She shakes her head, the magic in this world, it’s everywhere. She sits up and looks down at herself. The dressing gown is a bit warmer than her usual pajamas, she finds she likes it. She stands up and pads down the stairs to head to the toilet. A few minutes later, she emerges and walks slowly up the stairs back to their bedroom.

She glances over at Fluttershy, who somehow has two cats, an owl, and a dozen other birds are snuggled up with her in her covers. In stark contrast to Fluttershy’s peacefulness, Rainbow Dash is snoring loudly, she’s kicked off her covers and is spread eagle on the bed, wearing boxers and a t-shirt, completely passed out. That gets a smile from Applejack. All the rest of her friends are sleeping peacefully except for Sunset, who seems to be having a bad dream, she’s muttering in her sleep and tossing and turning. Applejack moves over and places a hand on her friend’s shoulder. The contact causes Sunset to relax and snuggle into her covers, Applejack takes a moment to pull the covers over her flame haired friend and she moves back over to her bed. She pulls one of the books from the library out and opens it, she may not understand all the magic here, but she does understand the plants in herbology, and some of the creatures she’s learning about with that giant teacher. She leans back to read. Her eyes scanning over the pages as the world around her slowly awakens.

“Hmpf…g’morning.” Twilight says as she slowly puts her feet on the floor, and in a matter of minutes, the rest of the girls are, for the most part, awake and functional. Applejack tosses aside her covers and takes a few minutes to get dressed, she pulls on her silver trimmed black robes and helps her friends getting ready. The cats from Fluttershy’s bed are joined by two ferrets and a fox that apparently were under the covers with her. Fluttershy opens the window to allow the birds to fly off. It’s time for breakfast, and Applejack can feel her stomach calling.

The walk to the grand hall is generally uneventful with several of the paintings nodding and saying ‘good morning’ as Applejack walks by. Finding an open seat, she sits down on the bench she’s been using the last couple of days for meals. Apparently, breakfast isn’t quite ready yet, even though the chatter of all the students has started. Applejack watches the bleary-eyed night owls stumble to their own seats while the morning people either sit and chatter, or nudge their tired brethren. Soon a small chime sounds and piles of food appear on the platters. Used to good ole country breakfasts, Applejack looks at the offerings and sighs. This fancy British food just doesn’t cut the mustard. There’s no grits, or dumplings and what they have for gravy just is wrong to her for breakfast, watery and dark instead of the silky cream of southern white. She pushes up the arms of her robes and grabs some bacon, though she prefers side pork bacon rather than the back bacon they have here. The fried tomatoes and mushrooms make their way onto her plate, along with thick cut toast and several fried eggs. She looks over at Rarity, who has a single poached egg along with a big glass of pumpkin juice, “That’s all you are eating, Rares?” She asks jovially.

Rarity sighs and picks up her fork daintily, “One mustn’t gorge themselves, Applejack.”

Applejack shrugs and takes a bite, watching her other friends pile on the food. Her meal disappears quickly and soon enough, the gong announces the early morning class. Most of the students get up and shuffle off for their morning classes. Those without an early class either head off for their house common rooms, or stay in the great hall. Applejack stands up after she watches most of her friends leave. She’s going to explore this strange old castle. She heads out of the great hall and walks around, looking for stairs. Finally she finds a set going in the direction she wants. She walks slowly down the stairs a couple of levels and finally walks down a narrow hall. Lights up ahead and the sound of work being done draws her forward. She blinks as she gets into a large room. Judging by the smell, it’s the kitchen, she marvels at the rows of tables all down the middle of the enormous room. The food that had disappeared from the great hall is now down here. Twilight had told her a little about the kitchens work here.

“May Dobby help you miss?” Comes a small voice. Applejack turns and looks, a short creature is there, he’s a little over two feet tall, with a big head and very large eyes, topped off with two enormous ears sticking out the sides of his head. He’s dressed in what looks like an old discarded pillowcase. She glances back at the table, and dozens more of the little creatures, all dressed in what seem to be tea towels are scurrying around, picking up the platters of food and are cleaning up after breakfast.

Applejack kneels down, “Ah’ve been told this is where the vittles are rustled up for the studen’s here.”

The creature smiles uncertainly, he shakes his head, causing his large ears to flap, “Dobby thinks he understands you mistress, are you asking if the food is prepared here? These are the kitchens for Hogwarts, so yes, it is.”

Applejack smiles, “Great, do ya do the cookin’?” She keeps trying to remember what exactly is living down here.

The creature nods, “If Dobby may ask, Mistress, you talk very different than the other students here.”

Applejack sticks out a hand, “Tha’s because ah’m from America. Name’s Applejack. Nice to meetcha.” Dobby hesitantly reaches out his hand and Applejack grabs it and enthusiastically begins to shake his hand, which has the unfortunate side effect of lifting the poor creature off the ground. Applejack flinches away, “Sorry.” She flexes her hand, quite aware of the gloves that are folded and resting in her back pocket, “Still getting used to the new magical strength.”

Dobby holds his hand with the other, “Oh, it’s quite alright, miss.” He turns and walks towards the rest of the kitchen. He goes up to another of the small creatures and pats her on her shoulder, he looks up to her with mournful eyes, “Dobby has been trying to help Winky here. But tis the life of a dismissed house-elf.” He sighs.

Applejack’s eyes widen, house-elves. That’s what they are. She kneels down, “Ah wuz wonderin, do ya house-elves know how to cook American vittles?”

Dobby cocks his head to the side, “Vittles?”

She smiles, “Food.”

Dobby shakes his head slowly, “I’m sorry mistress Applejack, but we can cook all kinds of food, but Dobby has never heard of…” He pauses for a moment, flicking his ears back and forth, “Vittles.”

Applejack stands up, “Well, I can certainly help y’all learn how to do some differen’ cookin ‘round here.” She walks up to a stove, “First thing, y’all need to learn about a little thing called gravy.” She grabs a big frying pan and sets it on the stovetop and cranks up the heat, “Let’s start with some sausage. And some milk. I’ll find the right seasoning for the gravy.” She says as one of the other house elves comes up with a package of pork sausage wrapped in white butcher paper.


The gong tolls as Applejack makes her way towards her first actual class of the day. The house-elves down in the kitchens have been extremely kind, and most seemed to be quite keen on learning a new kind of cooking. The half dozen recipes that she showed them all came off quite well. She was even able to find some corn meal to coat the tomatoes before they fry them. She grins as she thinks of the students here trying some down home southern cooking. She’s looking forward to heaping full bowls of sausage gravy. She stops at the top of a set of stairs, this Grogar that Twilight and Sunset were talking about. The creature that scared Sunset so badly is still out there, and she’s thinking about food. She shakes her head softly, she’ll be ready to deal with him if and when he shows up again. Though Dumbledore has assured them that the school itself is quite safe, she keeps her gloves with her all the time, just in case they are needed. She glances over to watch Pinkie Pie bounce along another corridor, followed by those twins, Fred and George. She shakes her head and heads towards her class.

Applejack sits down and pulls out the stack of books for this class. Five books for one class. She opens up ‘Ancient Runes Made Easy’ by Laurenzoo and flips through the pages. She loves to read, mainly fiction though. And runes have shown up in quite a few of the fantasy stories she’s read. Especially some of the Norse books she’s read. She mumbles as she reads, “Thor is so cute.”

Her reading is interrupted by the slamming of the door, she glances up to see a portly older witch greeting her students as she walks past them, she stops in front of Applejack, “Well, good morning. It’s good to see one of the American students has decided to show up to my class.”

Applejack finds herself blushing faintly, “Runes does seem to be an interesting subject, I’ve always liked old mythology.”

The teacher smiles, “Well, we have plenty to learn about that mythology, I’m Bathsheda Babbling.”

Applejack holds out her hand, “Applejack.” She’s careful to not use too much strength with shaking the teacher’s hand. Though the older woman does flex her hand a couple of times after letting go with a faint wince. Getting Applejack to sigh, this strength is actually somewhat of a hinderance since she’s gotten around all these witches and wizards.

Professor Babbling moves to the front of the classroom, “Good morning, students.”

“Good Morning Professor Babbling.” The students intone solemnly.

She smiles at the students all around, “Time for a history lesson today. In ancient times, the veil between worlds was much thinner than it is now. It was far easier for humans to see, and to accept, the magical world. But the magical world was only the beginning. For mages and even humans could travel to different realms. To realms of darkness and death, to realms of never ending light.”

“It was from these realms, creatures were summoned to act as guardians, to act as warriors, or to control vast territories. One such case was a powerful mage known as Minos from the Mediterranean. Minos discovered one of these portals, and through it, summoned a great beast. A humanoid bull the humans called a Minotaur. This creature could not speak or understand human tongues, but it was extremely cunning and strong.”

She paces slowly back and forth as she continues, “Minos trapped this creature below his castle, to act as a guardian of treasures, and at the same time, to strike fear into the muggles who worshiped him.”

“To access these other worlds took a portal, often viewed as a mirror, or some reflective surface. Even a pool of water at times. And with the right spell in the right location, a portal could be opened. Though there were cases of naturally opening portals... where during certain alignments of the planets, doorways would naturally form. These were rare, and often lasted only a few days until the alignment ended. Then one would have to wait months, years, or longer for the portal to open again. In modern times, however, no such portals are known to exist. All have been sealed by mages for security reasons.”

Applejack leans back as she listens, a bit of worry settling in her stomach, portals that are only open a short time. And then are closed for an extended period, and then others that are made by mages. Her mind flashes back to home, and the reflective surface of the portal that Sunset Shimmer had used. Could there be a connection?


Applejack pokes her head into the great hall. She’s not all that hungry, but she wants to see what’s going on with her friends. With her connection to the Earth, and her love of herbology as they call it here, she finds herself naturally drawn to the house in this school called Hufflepuff. She’s read up on the founder of the house, Helga Hufflepuff. And from what she’s seen, herbology is a big part of the house. The herbology teacher is also the house leader, she’s found out. Just like that detestable Snape is the head of the Slytherin house.

“Oh, just shut it!” Comes a voice, getting Applejack to perk up, she watches a younger red haired girl get up from the Gryffindor table. She runs off towards the main entrance to the school. Applejack looks back at where she was sitting, the other kids look a bit abashed, but no one gets up to follow. A couple of boys laugh as they walk back to the Slytherin table. One of them has bright white blonde hair. Applejack growls, those boys have been disgusting plenty of times, then she moves towards the entrance.

She turns and heads towards the long covered bridge that heads to Hogsmeade, she has a hunch. Not too much walking brings the soft sobs of despair to her ears. The girl is sitting on the floor, her arms wrapped around her legs.

“Hey.” Applejack says softly.

“Go away!”

Applejack sits down next to the girl, “I’m Applejack.”

“Didn’t you hear me? I said go away.”

Applejack sighs, “Those Slytherin boys can be real jerks. I’ve only been here a few days, but it didn’t take long to discover that.”

The girl looks up, “You are one of the American girls.” Applejack can see the tear streaks down her cheeks. The girl looks down, “I’m Ginny, Ginny Weasley.”

Applejack giggles, “I’ve met your brothers.” She nudges Ginny, “I know what you are going through.”

Ginny rubs her robe along her nose, “We don’t, you know.”

Applejack raises her eyebrows, Ginny continues, “We have enough money for real food. We don’t eat horse meat.”

“That’s what he said to you?”

She nods, Applejack looks over at Ginny, her robes seem to be a bit older, hand me down likely. Though she takes a moment to swallow a couple of times. Knowing that Sunset has equine origins, the thought of eating horse meat turns her stomach. She nudges the younger girl, “Let me tell you about someone that reminds me of that Slytherin boy.”


“Yeah, that darn scoundrel, Malfoy.” Applejack says then sighs, “Ah have a younger sister, just the cutest kin and she’s a couple of years shy of you. But there's another girl her age at school. Goes by the name of Diamond Tiara. Her kin is rich, I mean filthy stinkin' rich buy a farm just to build a shopping mall rich.” She shakes her head and huffs, “And this 'daddy's lil' princess' thinks that having all that money makes someone better than everyone else.” She looks down the length of the bridge. “She’s been making life for ma sister pretty rough ah tell you. So, ah keep telling ma baby sis that she needs to ignore the other girl. We are a farm family, simple folk, we can’t always have all the best things, or money we need to get all the fancy stuff in life. But we work hard with what we have.” She smiles at Ginny, “Ah keep telling her, more money doesn’t make someone better than another, it simply means you have more things. But money doesn’t guarantee what really matters. Now don't get me wrong, I ain't against money or the finer things. Ah have family that lives in the big city, with huge TV's, fancy cars, and all the fru fru stuff. But sometimes ah just think that all gets in the way of who we really are. You, your a nice girl. Malfoy, he's the stuff that comes out of the south end of a north facing cow. Useful, but you just don't wanna hang around it too long.”

Ginny looks at her, her tears starting to abate, “Then what matters?”

Applejack’s voice softens, “Family, and friends. Thems what matters most. When yeh have that kind of money, you have acquaintances, you have people paid to be around you. Those are not friends. Her dad is working all the time, in reality, Diamond Tiara is a very lonely girl. While she has Silver Spoon, but Silver is in the same spot that Diamond is. They are both very lonely girls.” She leans over and elbows the other girl very gently, “Which is similar to that Draco I would think.”

Ginny sniffs and offers a watery smile, “Thank you Applejack.” She says softly.

The loud gong sounds, it’s time for students to head to their next class, “What class do you have next?”

“Care of Magical Creatures.”

“What a coincidence, so do I!” Applejack beams, “let’s head over to that Hagrid’s hut, k?” She stands up and offers a hand to the younger lady.

Ginny takes the offered hand, and Applejack pulls her up easily. Ginny flexes her hand a little, “Boy, you certainly are strong.”

Applejack nods, “Yeah, it’s from being around all you magic folk.”

Ginny frowns, “But you’d be around magic folk living as a mage in the US.”

Applejack thinks furiously for a moment, “Well, muh parents were non-magical folks.”

Ginny smiles, “Here, in the UK, we call you muggle born. I think in the US, muggles are called no mags?”

Applejack nods, “That’s what I’ve been told.” She says truthfully.

They turn and walk out of the castle towards Hagrid’s hut. The enormous man is standing there, Fluttershy is standing next to him. Once all the students assemble, he leads them into the forest. Fluttershy moves over to Applejack, “I think you’ll like today’s creature.”

Applejack nods, “I’m pretty sure I will, Fluttershy.” She winks at Ginny, “most of the magical animals I’ve seen around here are pretty nice.”

They walk in silence into the forest, following their teacher. Before too long, they are in a clearing. Hagrid moves forward spryly, despite his size. His voice floats back to them, “Today you are in for a treat.” That gets a giggle from Fluttershy, “They much prefer girls, but ya gotta remember to show them respect.”

Applejack looks around at all the students, she notices one white blonde head standing a bit taller among the other Slytherins. All the Griyffindores are standing and watching. She nudges Ginny and gestures subtly towards Malfoy, the fourth year student among the third years. Ginny looks over and giggles softly.

“Alright, what we have today is a creature that inhabits many of the forests of Europe, along with Hogwarts own Forbidden Forest. They do prefer to interact with human females, and they can be rather skittish. They are also extremely fleet of hoof, and any human tends to have a lot of trouble catching them.” His voice gets closer, “They are also fast enough to outpace werewolves with ease.” He emerges with a pure white creature.

“A unicorn.” Ginny breathes softly.

"That's right Ginny, now, remember these are majestic creatures so you can not touch them unless you have permission." Hagrid smiles as he motions to the unicorn, "As you can see, their coats could make even snow look dull and grey in comparison, so tell me. Who knows what color unicorns are when they are born?"

With a smile on her face, Fluttershy moves over to Hagrid. Taking note of the girl, the unicorn nuzzles Fluttershy’s arm. With a soft giggle, Fluttershy hugs the unicorn back, wrapping both arms around its neck and rubbing her cheek against it.

Ginny holds up her hand, waving it energetically, when Hagrid points to her, she calls out, "Gold, they only turn white after the first year."

"That's right, ten points for Gryffindor." Hagrid says, "Now as I said, these creatures are very skittish and do not usually come near people."

The Unicorn looks around at the assembled students, then it seems to focus on Applejack. The horned equine lets out a squeak and high steps towards her, the other students shrink back as it stops right in front of her. Sniffing the air, the unicorn tilts her head and softly speaks, “You are Eponese?”

Applejack looks around, wide eyed. She opens her mouth, though nothing comes out. She takes a moment to swallow, “Beggen' yer pardon? Eponese?”

“Like Fluttershy, you have Equine magic in you? I can feel the harmony of it.”

Applejack looks around, she tries to read the looks on the faces around her, she considers how to respond, and finally she settles on the truth, “I’ve been touched by that kind of magic, but I don't be havin’ any of that stuff myself.”

The unicorn nods then puts her muzzle against Applejacks shoulder, so her horn is over the girls neck, “Not true, just like with Fluttershy, I can sense powerful magic in you. Your soul is Eponese.”

“What’s it saying, Applejack?” Says Ginny.

Applejack shakes her head, “I know she's talkin’ a little softly, but still. She’s talking, plain as day, like you or me. You're close enough that you should hear her just fine.” She says softly.

Ginny frowns, “I hear whickers and neighs, Applejack, not English.”

Applejack’s eyes widen even further, she looks over at Fluttershy so see her standing, eyes wide as saucers in shock.

“Well, isn’t that interesting.” Ginny says louder.

“It’s not interesting at all, its bloody boring.” Draco Malfoy says as he pushes the younger students out of the way, "Oh come on, how bright can this animal be? All you need to do is whinny to it and it walks over... No smarter than a horse. Right?"

The unicorn turns her head to face the boy, she flattens her ears stiffly against her neck as she does. Her face wrinkles almost into a scowl as she sticks her tail straight back and scuffs at the ground with a foreleg. A defiant snort of something neither Applejack nor Fluttershy cares to repeat was given

Hagrid quickly moves between the boy and the unicorn before speaking sternly, “Perhaps if you paid attention in my class, Mr. Malfoy, and had learned what I’ve tried to teach you, then you wouldn’t have to repeat some of these classes when I’m quite certain you would much prefer a free period today.”

Malfoy directs a dirty look at his teacher and moves away, muttering fiercely, Applejack makes out something about his father taking care of the big oaf. With a shake of her head she moves over to Fluttershy, she leans forward and whispers softly, “You can understand her too?”

Fluttershy nods, “Well yes, but I thought it was just because I can understand all the animals here. I’m surprised you can understand her, I’m guessing we can because we have used the elements of harmony.” She whispers back, “I’m going to have to tell Sunset about this, if they can talk to anyone that’s been touched by the magic of her home, there might be something more to unicorns here than we know.”

Applejack nods as she watches a Slytherin girl move cautiously forward under Hagrid’s instructions. The unicorn looks at Applejack, then she whickers softly as she nods her head, Applejack can hear that it was a whicker, but she also understood it’s meaning. The Slytherin girl extends a hand and the unicorn allows itself to be petted.

“Excellent.” Hagrid says, he looks around at the other students, “As I said, unicorns do prefer women, though the younger ones tend to be a little more open minded. She’s just over a year old, so…” He looks around and points, “You’re next.”

The Gryffindor boy shuffles slowly forward. Applejack watches the unicorn’s ears flick back and forth as she thinks about the boy, she looks at Applejack. Applejack looks at the boy, who seems more scared than anything else, and nods very slightly, the boy pets her gently, mentioning how soft her mane is before he backs away to the rest of the students.

Hagrid spends the rest of the class explaining more about the unicorns and their lives in the United Kingdom. Both Fluttershy and Applejack are enraptured to learn about these magnificent creatures. Every so often, Applejack would look over at Ginny, noting that she seems to be just as enthralled with the information as well. Before too long, Hagrid dismisses the class, and Applejack bids Fluttershy good bye, they’ll meet again for the Astronomy lab during the night. Dinner will be soon, and since she skipped lunch, she’s looking forward to the planned supper that she had discussed with the house-elves, chicken fried steak with cream gravy and all the fixins. She grins as she enters the castle, today has been a wonderful day.