• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 7,116 Views, 333 Comments

Equestria Girls and The Golden Bell - Sparky Brony

The Humane Seven go to London for a school competition, little do they know that there is more to London than meets the eye.

  • ...

Chapter 3.

Rainbow Dash bounces around the small room, more than an hour has passed since William left them there. Sunset watches her friend as she paces around the room, checking the door from time to time, yet every time, it’s locked. The room is set up as a waiting room, rather than some sort of cell or holding area. Several wood and fabric chairs line one wall, with a low table in front. Light is provided by old oil lamps attached to the wall by decorative iron fixtures. The wall across from the tables has a painting of a large clipper ship, slowly rocking in the waves as it sails endlessly towards an unknown destination.

On the wall across from the door, the painting of a wizard imposing looking official robes stands stoically, his eyes narrowed and arms crossed as he looks out from the wall hanging. Pinkie, on the other hand, is bouncing in front of the painting, giggling and making faces at it trying to provoke a smile. "Aww aren't you supposed to smile in paintings?"

Rarity sidles over to her, “You know, perhaps you should tell them of your…” she looks at the door warily, “Unique origins. They seems to know more about magic than anyone back home.”

Sunset huffs and blows a strand of hair out of her face, “I don’t know. Perhaps I should, but I thought we were keeping knowledge of Equestria to a minimum in this world.”

Rarity leans closer, “Sunset, they have magic here. You’ve seen it. This entire place is magic.”

Sunset huffs again, “I know that, magic that is so similar, yet so different than what I knew at home. This is so weird to me. Why have we never heard of a Ministry of Magic? Or Muggles, or bloody wands?” She looks at Rarity seriously, “Did you hear what he said? Unicorn horn in the wand! I’m sorry, but them using the horn of a unicorn to make anything to make magic turns my stomach.” She hugs herself tightly, “And I still don’t understand how it’s possible for them to use a little stick to make magic. If the magic is from them, then they don’t need the stick, if the magic comes from the stick, then anyone who picks it up can use it. But they said that was impossible.”

Rarity shivers, “Well, when I picked up that one, I felt a jolt through my arm, and it sparked. There is something about those wands.”

Sunset looks down, “I remember the spell forms, if I get a chance, I’ll grab a wand and teleport us all out of there. Then we can get back to the hotel and tell Principal Celestia.”

Rarity smiles, “If I see an opening, I’ll try to help.”

Sunset hugs her friend. Then she leans over to Twilight, who has been holding Spike pretty much the whole time, “You said you’ve seen goblins before, in a book. You remember more of that book?”

Twilight nuzzles Spike for a moment, then looks up, “It was a book on mythical creatures. Giants, dwarves, goblins, trolls. All of that.”

Sunset’s eyes flick to look at the door, then back to Twilight, “What about unicorns, or pegasi, or dragons?”

Twilight’s face scrunches a little as she thinks furiously, “All of those, and more.”

Sunset huffs as she sits down and adjusts herself in the seat, “Well, given how long the portal has been in your world, all the way since Starswirl the Bearded, I can see how some of those myths came about.” She absently reaches over and scratches Spike’s ear.

Spike, for his part, is enjoying the attention, he rolls onto his back and enjoys being scratched by two humans, “This is heaven.” He murmurs softly, getting a giggle from both girls.

Fiddling with Spike’s collar, Twilight murmurs “I don’t know if it’s good for Spike to talk around these people. She looks up at Sunset, "Have there ever been stories of human mages in Equestria?"

Sunset thinks for a moment, "Not... not that I know of, there was something about a witch creature that sought ponies for their magic but she was never described, just called a witch."

Sunset stands up and continues her pacing, “I wish they wouldn’t make us wait for so long…” She trails off as the door opens. William is standing there, he gestures for them to follow, the girls dutifully rise and start walking.

The walk is in silence, Sunset looks back at the other girls as they follow meekly. Something inside her wants to flee all of this. But William’s wand is secreted somewhere in his flowing robes, and she isn’t willing to frisk him in the hall. By the looks of him, underneath those robes is a very strong man, not someone to try anything with. She sighs, perhaps some time later.

Their walking takes them through an absolute rabbit’s warren of passages, Sunset couldn’t begin to guess where this building is located. Where would she go? How would she take care of all of her friends? Her musing is cut short as William opens a door and gestures for them to enter. This room gets a small smile out of her, two other humans are in this large office, and she had seen both of them before. The tall, white haired wizard in the long purple robes, along with the shorter man in a tweed suit.

The shorter man comes forward, “My name is Cornelius Fudge. I’m the Minister of Magic. This is my associate, Albus Dumbledore.”

The tall one, Dumbledore, steps forward, “We have interviewed several witches and wizards that were witness to the altercation today in Diagon Alley. You are dressed as Americans, and we have been in contact with both the Magical Congress of the United States, as well as the International Confederation of Wizards. None of them have heard of anyone by your names, or descriptions.”

Fudge sits down in his chair, and steeples his fingers, “So, we are trying to determine what to do with you.”

Sunset tenses, “Do with us?”

Dumbledore answers, “You seem to have some latent magical abilities, as expressed by one Mr. Ollivander. You made a shield with the wand you appropriated.” His gaze turns to Rarity, “And you caused sparks to be emitted by the wand when you picked it up off the ground, something a muggle should be completely unable to do.”

“A muggle? I still don’t know what that is.”

Dumbledore smiles, “A person without magical abilities. On the other side of the ocean, they are called no-mags, but here, we call them muggles. Our goals, as wizards, is to live among the muggles, but separate from them. Concealing our magical abilities from them.”

Sunset narrows her eyes, “And you slaughter unicorns for their horns? Is that how they became extinct on this world?”

Fudge flinches, and nervously dry washes his hands, Dumbledore continues, “Actually, Mr. Ollivander related to me how that came to be about. The unicorn he had good relations with, and had allowed him to harvest strands of his tail, had been seriously injured, and was dying when he came upon the poor creature. He asked Mr. Ollivander to harvest his horn after his death, saying that the wands he would be able to make with it would be of unprecedented power. But on the whole, I would say the unicorn population of Great Britain is quite stable and very content with their lives.”

Sunset’s mouth drops open, she looks between the two other men, “How many are there?”

Dumbledore looks at his companion then back at Sunset, “I believe the population numbers in the thousands. They live in several of the forests around the United Kingdom. But muggles have trouble seeing them anyway.” He steps forward, “Mr. Ollivander also told me more about you, young lady. I believe I might be able to temporarily reverse the spell that he mentioned, that had you transformed.”

Sunset flinches, ever since coming to this Earth, she’s missed her magic. She’s been able to do a lot of things in this world, but the absolute wonder of using her horn, using her magic, has been a constant ache. It only takes a moment for her to decide, “He was right. I’m not of this world.” She flinches at the glance that passes between the two men, “I’m from a world where magic is the norm, and the pony tribes of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies live under the rule of Princess Celestia.” She looks down, “I was her protégé, and I betrayed her in a quest for power.” She continues talking for a long time, telling of the events that ended up with the girls around her becoming friends, not only with her, but Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria.

As Sunset winds down, Dumbledore steps forward, “As you know, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. May I attempt to reverse your transformation so we can see for ourselves?”

Sunset looks back at her friends, searching out for one face, Twilight smiles softly and nods almost imperceptibly, they’ve got her back here. She smiles and looks back at Dumbledore. Then she nods.

His wand is produced as he steps towards her, she closes her eyes as she hears him mumble something. She feels a cold mist envelop her body. At first nothing happens, then she feels her body slowly change shape. As she crouches down she hears a ripping sound as the seems of her jacket give way to her barrel. She touches the ground as her hands become hooves, her tail sprouts and her head changes shape, her horn growing out. She looks around her, “I liked that jacket.”

Shaking herself out of the rest of her clothing she looks up innocently. "Human clothing and ponies don't mix I guess."

Dumbledore’s mouth twitches in almost a smile as he picks up the torn leather, a muttered “reparo” has the jacket as good as new and he hangs it on a chair, then he looks at Sunset Shimmer. A few moments later and the transformation is complete.

Her friends gasp as they see her Equestrian form for the first time, she smiles and sheepishly waves, “Hi.”

Rainbow Dash giggles, “That is so awesome!”

Pinkie Pie is standing there, her mouth dropped open on seeing Sunset in unicorn form. Finally, she smiles so big she actually squee's. Seeing this, Applejack quickly grabs Pinkies arm and braces herself, leaning backwards. Pinkie holds her other arm out as far as she can and waves it up and down, Pinkie strains to get to Sunset.

"Easy now, sugarcube, remember our talk about personal space!" Applejack says firmly.

"Must... Pat... Pretty.... Pony! She needs snuggles!"

"Dear, we are amongst strangers, please try and act with some decorum of civility." Rarity chimes in.

"But she's a pony! Look at her mane!" Pinkie whines, but stops fighting Applejack and droops.

Sunset turns and looks at Dumbledore, “This is how I was born, and lived, until I came to your world.”

“This Equestria you were talking about?”

Sunset nods, Dumbledore looks at her critically, “You are quite different from the unicorns around here. While I do wonder if there is any common ancestry there.” He looks back at Fudge, “This is remarkable.”

Sunset flinches as his last words are emitted with a soft cloud, a ripple of cold makes her fur fluff up. She turns her head and snorts, a puff of fog coming from her nostrils as she looks at her friends, who are all reacting as though a cold wind has hit them, then she notices the other human’s reaction to the sudden cold. Even Spike’s fur puffs out as he starts emitting a low growl. Dumbledore looks at Fudge, “Have you summoned dementors?”

The look on the other man’s face is enough for Sunset, she whirls and charges towards the door, her horn lighting to yank the door open. She slides to a stop in the hallway, her mouth hanging open. Two skeletal creatures are floating there, one of them has William in thrall. She watches as what looks like energy is being drawn from the young wizard. Spell forms spin into her mind instantly, and she aims an energy blast at the creature. The magic slams into the creature, which disregards the powerful blast.

“Expecto Patronum!” Comes Dumbledore’s voice from behind her and a bluish white light fills her vision as a form leaps over her head into the creature.

“A phoenix.” She breathes softly as the bird battles the creature back away from the other wizard. Then she gasps, another of those dementors is rushing at her, the bird is busy with the first one. She can see the spell forms in the spell Dumbledore was using. “Well, here goes nothing,” she grunts as she copies the spell form herself, blue white magic streams from her horn, she watches as the magic coalesces into a form, causing her eyes to widen, “Huh?”

The other dementor is being battled by a blue flame version of herself. Her sunburst cutie mark in lighter blue fire is quite visible on the flank as the other spell battles the second hideous creature. She can hear the commotion of her friends coming out of the office into the hallway as Dumbledore and her battle the two creatures back.

Quickly, the two dementors retreat, streaking down the hall, Sunset shouts, “They’re getting away!” She extinguishes the spell and gallops off, Dumbledore hot on her hooves. She glances back to see Twilight kneel down to William, checking on him. That gets a sigh of relief from Sunset as she focuses on the retreating figures.

She slides through a turn, her unshod hooves fighting for traction as she watches the two dementors. They are slowing down, are they going to attack again? Then something catches her attention, causing her to skid to a stop, “No.” She whispers.

Between the two creatures stands, or drifts, something else. Something old. A creature cloaked in shadow and dark smoke, its four legs stand spread and braced, even though they do not touch the ground. Its red eyes shining through the mists. The only other splash of color in the form, is from a golden bell hanging from its neck.

Sunset skids to a stop going wide eyed, "No, it can't be..."

"An Equestrian? Here?" The savage voice echo's through the hall. "Well this will make things all the more interesting. Drain her, my servants."

Taking a step back, Sunset sees the two dementors spiral down the hall. A blue beam streaks above Sunsets head, flying between the dementors to strike the smoke and shadows, dispersing it. As it does, the dementors slow, they seem hesitant for a moment without the shadowy form, then they fade out as well, leaving the hall cold and dark.

Sunset collapses to the floor, breathing heavily as Dumbledore walks towards her, “It can’t be.” She breathes, “That can’t be real.”

Dumbledore kneels next to her, “What was that?”

She sighs, “Something that can’t be here, in your world. Something that was defeated in the last great war. It should be locked away in the shadow realms, or in Tartarus.” She looks at where the creature was and shudders.


She shakes her head as she looks at where he disappeared, “It’s where the Princesses put those that are beyond redemption. A kind of purgatory, I guess.” She shudders again, “You’ve got to be pretty evil to be sent there.”

Dumbledore stands up, as she turns to head back to the office and her friends, she feels her hooves start to change, in a matter of seconds she’s back to the human form she’s had for the last several years, she looks down, “I think I need my clothes back.”

Dumbledore chuckles as he waves his wand over her, her clothes appear by magic, she looks up at him, “Thanks.”

His smile is more than half smirk as they walk, “Don’t mention it, young lady. Though, this attack, within the ministry itself, is very troubling.” He runs his long fingers through his beard absently as they walk, Sunset spies her friends and rushes towards them, Cornelius Fudge is standing there, more than a little befuddled, Dumbledore steps towards him, “Whomever he is, he has seen Sunset Shimmer’s equestrian form. That means he knows there are those from her world here. So, for these girl’s safety, I think we should take them to the school.”

“What makes you think they’ll be safer there?”

Dumbledore directs a withering glare at Fudge, and the other man subsides, finally he waves his hands, “The school can be protected from the dementors. As well, we don’t need the students to know too much about them. We can disguise them, for the short term, as members of the student body. Have them dressed in proper robes and given wands, it seems at least a few of them have the capability to use them. They should blend in and make it harder for this creature to find.”

Dumbledore nods, “I guess we will have to go back to Diagon Alley.”

Sunset looks at her friends, “You girls ready?”

They all nod, Rainbow comes a little closer, “Anything to get out of this ministry place.”


Sunset is once again standing in Diagon Alley, she looks up at the sign, then back at her friends, they’ve spent the last hour or so getting wizarding robes, she got one of them for herself, Dumbledore has been adamant that he pays for their clothing. She shrugs and walks slowly into the small store.

“Welcome back, young lady, judging by your company, you are going to all need wands?”

Dumbledore nods as he gestures for Sunset to step forward, Mr. Ollivander peers at her over his glasses, “It seems that unicorn horn wands seem to work best for you.” He continues to talk as he pulls small boxes from his wall, “I was able to make quite a few from that one horn. But for each of you, the wood selection would have to be paramount, I would think.” He turns and presents one, “This is eleven and a quarter inches in length, ash wood with a unicorn horn core.”

Sunset looks at it, and slowly takes it from him.

He smiles, “Now, give it a flick.”

She does, thinking of a random spell form, a few sparks sputter from the tip. She looks at the wand, “I feel like a foal,” She flinches and looks at the old wand maker, “umm, a child with this, I can make it spark, but I can't... focus... enough energy through it."

He nods, “Well, we can keep searching, pass that one along to your friends, see if any of them are suitable.”

After they have all tried the wand, none with any more success than Sunset, it’s gently placed on the counter. Another is presented, “This one.” He looks at the wand, then at Sunset, “This one is quite special, a true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. Such wizards and witches, having obtained a beech wand without having been suitably matched and yet coveting this most desirable, richly hued and highly prized wand wood, have often presented themselves at the homes of learned wand makers such as myself, demanding to know the reason for their handsome wand’s lack of power. At nine inches exactly, let us see what this one can do for you.”

Sunset hesitantly grasps the wand, as she does, she can feel a connection deep within it. The power inside the wand acting as if it were a part of her, the wand becoming an extension of her. She flicks the wand gently and the old shop keeper is lifted off the floor. Sunset’s eyes widen as she makes herself withdraw from the power, “I’m so sorry.”

Ollivander adjusts his glasses and looks at her, “I think you will surprise many with your abilities.” He smiles, “Now, on to your friends.”

Another wand is extended, “This is an eleven and a quarter inch pear wood wand, this one gives of its best in the hands of the warm-hearted, the generous, and the wise. Possessors of pear wands are, in my experience, usually popular and well respected. You, miss. I think it would be best for you.” He offers the wand to Rarity, who steps forward and gingerly picks up the wand. Sunset watches intently as she touches the wand, the soft gasp from her friend tells her that a connection has been made, Rarity flicks the wand, and an empty wand box slams into the ceiling, then spins around the shop, spitting sparks madly. Sunset smiles as she sees the look in Rarity’s eyes, she smiles at Sunset and nods.

"Oh my, it's as if..." Rarity looked at the wand in her hand.

“Excellent, I love getting it right on the first try.” Ollivander says with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"I think it's matching up with your other selves. The wands let us focus the magic we would naturally have." Sunset says as she looks at Rarity’s wand. She glances at Twilight, "That means you should be able to do it too."

Twilight steps up, bouncing on her toes, an eager look on her face, and a hunger in her eyes. He presents a wand, “This one might work, Applewood wands are not made in great numbers. They are powerful and best suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, as this wood mixes poorly with Dark magic. It is said that the possessor of an apple wand will be well-loved and long-lived, and I have often noticed that customers of great personal charm find their perfect match in an Applewood wand.” Applejack snickers as Twilight flicks the wand, a few sparks are emitted from the tip, but nothing more. A few moments of it being passed around shows none of the other girls have any aptitude for the Applewood wand.

A half dozen more wands are tried, each time, Twilight’s face falls a little bit, though Ollivander seems to be getting more determined to find a wand for her, finally he pulls one out, muttering, “I’ve had this one for a while, it was the first one I made when I acquired the horn.” He sighs as he places it on the counter, “eleven and a half inches of pure ebony, this jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters.”

Twilight looks at the jet black wand for a long moment, “Are you sure?” She asks, her voice quavering.

He nods, “You have tried every unicorn horn wand I have made, this is the last one, if it doesn’t work, I will have to find another core for you. You have been touched by magic, like your friends here, you can do it.”

She reaches out, and the gasp from her is loud, she recoils as though burnt. Sunset frowns as Twilight again reaches out, more timidly this time, and finally grasps the wand, her hair waves as if in a breeze for several seconds and she lifts off the floor as the wand glows with a strong purple aura for her, star shaped sparks fly all over as she brings the wand closer, Twilight murmurs, “This is perfect.” As her heels gently land back on the ground.

Ollivander stands there for a few moments, then he smiles, “I’ll expect great things from you, young lady.”

“Oh, what about me, I bet my wand will be totally AWSOME!" Rainbow Dash says, stepping forward.

"Ah don't be thinkin’ it will work for us." Applejack says, putting her hand on Dash’s shoulder. "Ah don't understand all this magic stuff, but it seems like the wands respond to them because they normally cast spells. We don't."

"They should still have wands though to help disguise them, it might look suspicious if they do not." Dumbledore says, nodding to the keeper.

"I do so detest giving wands to those who cannot use them, but for you, my old friend." Ollivander produces four relatively plain wands, "These are unfinished, applewood, and cherry wood, without cores. They should work well as disguises as long as no one tries to use them."

Dumbledore steps forward, producing a large purse and he counts out the large gold coins for the wand maker. Sunset had tried to pay for her own way, so have the other girls, but Dumbledore has said that their muggle money is not needed here.

Sunset looks at Dumbledore as they continue walking, “The pegasi and earth ponies have their own magics, but tend more towards the physical. They don't cast spells, so wands don't respond with them. Is there anything we can do to help them?”

He smiles, “Don’t you worry, Miss Sunset, we will find something appropriate to help each of them.”

As they walk, Sunset is thinking furiously, “These wands worked for them, because their alternates, in Equestria, are unicorns. Which means, if they go through the portal, they would be turned into unicorns.”

Dumbledore nods, “And?”

“Well, Twilight, in Equestria is an alicorn, but she was a unicorn before. But also, that’s why a unicorn horn core works for us. It’s a natural affinity.”

"An Alicorn? I'm not familiar with the term."

Sunset grimaces, and looks down, "Alicorns are the strongest among us, the posses qualities of all three pony tribes, the strength of the Earth ponies, the wings and flight of the pegasi, and the magical abilities of the unicorns.

Dumbledore smiles, “You would do good to go to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the US when you get back.”

Sunset huffs, “I’m happy with Canterlot High.”

They spend a while in an odd and ends shop, Dumbledore leading the way as they browse through the different items for sale. He stops, looking at a wall, thinking for a moment before he picks up a pair of heavy leather gloves. Blacksmith gloves, made for specialist wizards, but in this case. He looks at Applejack, a small smirk appears on his face, “You know, I think these would be perfect for you.”

Applejack cocks her head to the side, “leather gloves?”

He nods as he hands them to her, she shrugs and fits a hand into the extremely large glove, which shrinks to fit to her hand as it is placed in it, three bright red apples appear on the cuff. Her eyebrows raise as she notices the size difference, then she flexes her fingers, making a fist before spreading out her hand, the gloves appearing more as a farmer’s work gloves. She muses, “Ah don’t know, ah certainly feel something here.” Dumbledore pulls his wand out and flicks it at the large iron door of a pot belly stove. With a loud screech, it rips off of its hinges and streaks towards Applejack, who reflexively catches it.

“Ahh, good.” Dumbledore says, “Now bend it.”

Applejack looks at him hard for a few moments, then she sighs and, without apparent effort, folds the thick iron in half, then in half again. “Feels like I’m folding paper.”

“Impressive, those usually only give a moderate increase in strength to the user, they are normally used by wizards to protect their hands from the heat of the forge and to give them a bit of extra strength for metal work, but given your background, and your connection to your magic.” He smiles, “I think that they will be quite helpful for you.”

“Oh, what should I get?” Pinkie Pie squeals.

Dumbledore just looks at her as she bounces around, Sunset leans over, “It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t try to understand her.”

That gets a smile from him, “I’ve known a few like that.” He says as Pinkie picks up a brown and plaid satchel. As she does, its colors shift to a light pink with dark pink trim.

"That is just a camp and carry satchel, used for storing things." Dumbledore tilts his head, watching, as three balloons appear on the satchels trim.

Flipping open the top, she looks into the satchel, then a bright smile appears on her face. Reaching into the bag, almost to her shoulder she giggles, then sticks her head into the bag as well, "So that's where my party cannon went. Oh this is perfect,” comes her muffled voice.

"Well that is... interesting." Dumbledore muses.

Sunset rolls her eyes and sighs, then she turns back to Dumbledore, “Well, I think we’ve got them taken care of.”

Rainbow Dash skids as she turns into the shop, “Sunset! Sunset! You’ve got to see this shop! They sell brooms!”

Sunset furrows her brow, “Brooms? What’s so exciting about brooms?”

Rainbow laughs, “Because these brooms aren’t for the floor, they are for flying!”

Sunset takes a few moments to restart her brain, “Brooms…” She looks at Dumbledore, “For flying?”

He nods, “Let us take a look.”

Rainbow turns and runs faster than Sunset has ever seen her run, “Being around you wizards, I think has affected her, in Equestria, Rainbow Dash is one of the fastest pegasi ever, if not the fastest. It’s interesting that is somehow carrying over here.”

He nods, “The more magic around you, you girls seem to be showing some of your touches of Equestrian magic. Has this happened before?”

Sunset looks at him for a long moment, then decides on full disclosure, and talks about the ponying up that the girls tend to do, after talking for a while, and him stroking his beard, she ends with, “Though at times the change seems to be completely random.”

Dumbledore looks at her, “Not at all random, it’s when their true selves come out, when they are doing more than simply being honest, or loyal, or anything like that. It’s when they put their heart and soul into something. One reason why it happens when you girls play your music. You pour everything you have into the music, so when you girls are feeling it, your magic comes out. It’s not just an aspect of you girls, it’s your whole selves, there is quite a bit special about you girls. And I would really like to meet that Princess Twilight.”

Sunset thinks of the book that allows her to talk to Twilight across the portal, “Yeah, maybe that could happen, she would be utterly fascinated by the wizarding world, here and in America.”

He nods, as they get to the broom shop, Rainbow Dash is laughing, balancing a broom with a single fingertip, "It's called a Firebolt, it floats when I touch it and I can even make it go up and down to the point of lifting me off the ground, as long as I'm holding it."

Sunset smiles and looks at Fluttershy, who’s holding another of the same type, she moves over to her shy friend, “I know you aren’t much for heights.”

Fluttershy uses a finger to pull her hair behind an ear, “I know, but I backed into a rack of them. They all fell over but this one stayed against me. Something about it seems safe, like a butterfly's touch. Can I keep it? If... you don't mind, if it’s not too much trouble.” She looks up and her eyes sparkle, “There’s a shop for creatures, owls, and all kinds of other magical creatures. I talked to a couple of them, they are really nice!”

A hand is placed gently on her shoulder, she turns and looks up at Dumbledore, he smiles, “The train should be ready soon, we need to get to Kings Cross station.”

Pinkie bounces up, “Where are we going?”

He smiles, “To Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”