• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 7,120 Views, 333 Comments

Equestria Girls and The Golden Bell - Sparky Brony

The Humane Seven go to London for a school competition, little do they know that there is more to London than meets the eye.

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Chapter 19

The outer wall of Malfoy Manor stretches out for hundreds of meters in both directions. The gate itself is forged from dark iron into elaborate twists and forms, with each side of the gate having a gargoyle’s head on it. Blocking the gate, however, is a single house elf, his arms spread wide.

“Girls must wait,” the little creature says pleadingly, “Dobby help, Dobby know better way into Malfoy Manor.”

“Dobby?” Applejack asks and gives her head a little tilt as she kneels to Dobby’s level.

“Dobby make promise to Harry Potter. Dobby promise not to save him again. Girls going to defeat the ram. Ram wants Potter dead, and helping girls isn’t helping Potter. If girls defeat ram, then it girls who save Potter, not Dobby!”

Stepping forward quickly Sunset takes a knee as well. “Wait, you know a way into there?”

“Servants’ entrance, that way,” Dobby says as he points off into the distance, “Masters not look there, not watch there. Servants’ below masters so masters not want to see them.”

Applejack smiles. “Tarnation, that’s mighty nice of you to come help.”

Smiling, the house elf holds out his hands. “Come close, take Dobby’s hands.”

With a nod, the girls quickly put their hands on Dobby’s. With a quick check to make sure the girls are holding on, Dobby nods before starting to fold reality in on itself. Apparition, unlike the winking the girls use, distorts reality making it look like everyone’s being sucked into a pinhole at the center of the spell then spat out somewhere else.

Wobbling a little, Sunset puts her hand to her head. “Wow, that’s old school.”

“Old school?” Twilight asks as she gives her own head a quick shake.

“That teleport, unicorns used to use a spell like that for winking in the old days. Very few still use that version, the one I taught you though is the modern day winking we use in Canterlot. Dobby’s style dates back to the tales of Fizzy.”

“That all be mighty interesting now, but we are on a time crunch.” Applejack said.

Turning, Dobby points to a small gate. In reality, this wouldn’t even be considered a postern gate. Instead it is little more than a quarter-sized gate with bushes on either side of it to keep it out of sight. Almost akin to a doggy door, it is obviously only meant to be used by house-elves. The idea that such creatures would use the front gate and door must have been offensive to some mages.

“It still warded, but Dobby have faith in you. Must go now. Evil Malfoy’s do bad things to Dobby if they find him here.”

She gestures for Twilight to start on the ward, her friend moves over and her wand lights as she starts to untangle the energy around the door. Sunset glances around, what seems to be decorative crystals would have to be focusing points for this ward. She can feel the energy in them, maintaining the barrier. “Hurry.” She whispers.

Twilight grimaces. “They may not be expecting us to be back, but they did upgrade the security here.” She groans softly, “Sunset, I need help here.”

Sunset whips out her wand, letting it glow softly a circle with Equestrian runes appearing on the wall and ground around the door. Once complete, she joins Twilight in disentangling the mystical energy field over the portal. Twilight was right, this ward is an order of magnitude more complex than it was before. She grunts as she keeps the magic tunneling a hole into it while the circle is keeping the vibrations from being felt inside. After what seems like an eternity, she gestures for her friends to move through the barrier as the tiny gate slowly swings open. Her and Twilight concentrate as they step through the barrier one at a time, and the gate closes as they slowly let the hole they had created close without causing more disruption. Sunset can feel the sweat run down her face as the spell is finally left whole. She turns to Twilight and smiles brightly. “That was not easy.”

One by one the girls begin to line up in a small rotunda, though the low ceiling and the narrow walls are better sized for a house elf rather than a human. Rarity mutters softly and her wand is illuminated with a bright, white, concentrated beam. She plays the beam around before stopping to look at Pinkie.

Pinky tilts her head, wearing a black body suit that looks somewhat like a cross between a ninja costume and SWAT gear, on her head is what looks like a steampunk version of night vision goggles, with thick leather bands attached to a pair of goggles and an infrared emitter eye on the center top. She has combat webbing and police body armor on with Manehatten S.R.U. written across the front.

Covering her face at the fashion offence Rarity turns and starts to lead the group further inside.

Sunset keeps an eye behind them as they walk, the cobwebs gets her flinching from time to time. “I’m guessing they don’t clean the servant areas very much.”

“I would say the servants should clean their own areas as well,” Rarity said firmly as she picked a cobweb out of her hair, “Being slaves is no reason to live in a pig sty.”

Fluttershy leans back a bit. “This is a good thing, Sunset,” she whispers, “I would be concerned if these areas were clean, that would mean they have someone to maintain them or enters them often. Though I don’t think even house-elves have been through here in… Eeep,” She squeaks as she almost runs into Pinkie Pie as all of them stop abruptly.

Sunset moves up, sliding closely past her friends as she ends up next to Rarity. “What’s going on?”

Rarity plays her wand light beam over the wood in front of her. “I think it’s some kind of door, but I’m not certain how to open it.”

Sunset reaches out her hand, extending her senses while trying to keep her impingement on the world around her to a minimum, she inspects the apparently blank piece of wood before them. After a few moments she smiles as a nearly imperceptible click announces to her the unlocking of the door. She glances back at her friends. “It might get hot quickly; be ready.” Twilight and Rarity nod, holding their wands at the ready. Sunset draws her own and holds her breath as she pushes the door open.

Apparently, the hidden hinges are kept well oiled. The idea of listening to a squeaky door opening and closing might draw attention to the servant, and thus would not be tolerated. Out of sight, out of mind, seems to be the motto of the Malfoys. It opens silently, and she steps into a proper corridor. She glances to each side. Seeing nobody somehow only makes it worse as the dread of discovery weighs on them all.

She turns back and helps her friends through the small doorway. Looking around really doesn’t tell her where they are, and where she needs to go. She closes her eyes, calming her mind as much as possible before she opens herself and embraces her magic. She knows her wand is glowing even with her eyes closed. She still doesn’t want them to know she’s here, so she simply observes. She can feel some magic being channeled…there. She opens her eyes and gestures for her friends to follow. There is a presence she can feel, but it seems to be human, and she doesn’t think it’s Grogar. In fact, she’s pretty sure Grogar isn’t in the manor at the moment. That’s good news; if they can destroy his bell without raising any alarm, they can end this.

Sunset ducks through a doorway, leading with her wand, she turns and nearly sticks her wand in a young wizard’s eye. He recoils back, raising his hands. The terror on his face is only amplified when Sunset embraces her magic, more accurately snatching at it. With a flash of her wand, she calls for a pair of potted plants to grow, lashing out and wrapping round him, leaves covering his mouth in an instant. The branches pull him to the ground holding him as tight as steel chains. It would take some advanced spellwork to get him out. But it’s the only way to prevent him from being a danger without actually killing him. Sunset finally lets go as she watches him struggle, she leans down, “Be glad you aren’t dead -- be silent and you might live through this.” She whispers in his ear as she lets the binding cover his mouth.

Rainbow Dash whistles appreciatively, “That was pretty awesome, Sunset.”

Sunset flashes a smile as they continue on, though loud footfalls get gasps from the girls, “I’m guessing someone felt that.” Twilight snarls as she moves up next to Sunset, “Are we ready?” Applejack and Pinkie dart up to the door and flatten themselves against the wall next to it. Rainbow and Fluttershy flank on each side of Rarity, Twilight and Sunset. The three with operable wands stand ready as the footfalls get closer.

The door bursts open and five wizards burst through the door. Applejack and Pinkie tackle one of them as Sunset moves forward, entangling spells bursting forth as she slams her magic into them, and in a matter of moments, all five are bound and sunk half into the floor of the manor.

“Oh, my dear, you realize you do not have to do this all on your own Sunset,” Rarity says softly as her wand glows, summoning all the fallen wands to her hand.

Sunset grimaces. “They have to know we are here; any mage within a mile could feel that. We need to be quick!” She darts through the door, her friends hot on her heels, “Oh no! There’s a whole herd of mages in there. Scatter!” She shouts as she rolls and pulls the teddy bear that Hermione had given her from behind her belt and tosses it at the floor. She doesn’t know what to expect, but when the bear just lies there, she groans and deflects a spell aimed at Rainbow Dash. She takes a moment to gather her magic and unleashes a fire spell, several mages disappear and pop in elsewhere, continuing to defend as the girls continue the assault.

“Stupefy! Stupefy!” Comes a voice next to her, Sunset glances as Hermione Granger fires a spell, knocking two of the mages back. She glances the other direction, and both Fred and George are laughing as they press ahead.

Pinky, has pulled out a party cannon and somehow is firing it like a fixed machine gun, putting out cupcakes at a rate of ten per second into the mages. “Surprise! Try some Chocolate lava cupcakes with Raspberry and Reaper Chili icing!” The impacts of the cupcakes leaves nasty burns on the mages as they fall back against her assault.

Ginny lets go of the bear and moves up beside to take a position behind Applejack, back to back. Applejack is smacking spells aimed at them into the ground with her gloves, her face showing intense concentration as Ginny smoothly moves from one spell to another, deflecting and attacking almost in one move.

Fleur Delacour is moving slowly protecting Fluttershy as the pair of them advance on another group of mages. Rainbow Dash flashes forward with Viktor at her side. Even Neville Longbottom is with Rarity, they are combining their magic and presenting a unified front. All the Death Eaters and their acolytes are falling back. Sunset grins as she helps to press their advantage.

“Where is the bell, Sunset?” Comes Snape’s voice, he’s in a classic dueling stance, keeping up the attack next to her.

“I don’t know exactly. It’s in this building.”

He blasts another Death Eater back with a slash of his wand, “Well as interesting as this is, I suggest you do something to actually find it.”

Sunset groans as she gets a telekinetic hold on a wizard. She flings him at a group of other mages, some are able to apparate out of the way, but he still connects with the others, knocking them to the ground. She gathers herself and leaps forward, she remembers the feel of the bell from the vision. The evil and hatred, the smell of death, “This way!” She shouts as she darts through another doorway. “There it is!”

“Oh, I shan’t be defeated so easily,” comes a voice from everywhere. Sunset finds herself bound in a telekinetic hold. She tries to reach towards the bell, her body doesn’t move. Lightning flashes across the room and coalesces into Grogar. He strides forward, “You puny Equestrian!” His horns flash, and the bell on his collar tolls. She falls to the floor, her wand clattering away. She glances down and moans, she’s a pony again. A quick glance around confirms all of her friends are now copies of their pony selves. She struggles to her hooves, struggles to embrace her magic, her horn sparks and sputters as she shakes her head. Another toll of the bell has her groan as she’s forced to the floor. Judging by the sounds, the other girls are also being forced to the floor as well. And some of the human mages that made it into the room with her.

Heavy hoof steps announce him coming closer, she tries to lift her head, but it feels as though it weighs tons, “Why are you doing this?”

She can feel his fetid breath on her cheek. “Because Equestria belonged to me. It was my kingdom and you ponies and your Princesses, have taken it from me!” Grogar states firmly, his dark voice filled with pure hatred, “I was the rightful ruler of Tambelon.” Turning, he moves away, “And your kind took that away and renamed my home, you take and take and take. You make other creatures your slaves. Sheep, goats, cows, so many others are lesser species to you. Your subjugation and rape of the donkeys! Mules do not exist in nature! They don’t deserve the same respect, they can’t go to school, they are slaves to you ponies.” He stops, glaring at Sunset, “And why is that? Because ponies have the more powerful magic, so you rule the world. And who rules you?” He very nearly spits, “The Princesses, because they have the strongest magic of all the ponies.” His horns light and his bell tolls, picking Sunset up and slamming her into the wall. Before she lands on the floor, he’s got her in his magic once again, and she’s zipping across the room, slamming into another wall. This time, she’s allowed to collapse to the floor.

She lies there, trying to breathe, though it feels as though something just might be broken at the moment, each breath produces a sharp jab of pain. His hoofsteps impinge on her consciousness, she looks up and she finds she’s nose to nose with him, “Well, guess what, my little pony. You don’t have the strongest magic anymore. Your Princesses don’t have the strongest magic anymore.” He smiles as Sunset coughs hard and suppresses the urge to cry in pain, “I have the greater magic now.” Again, she’s picked up and thrown across the room, “Your Princesses solution is to banish those who present a threat. Let’s see them try to banish me now.”

His horns light again, and a blue beam of energy slams into him, knocking him sideways. Sunset glances over, Professor Dumbledore is there, wielding his wand as he throws spell after spell at the demonic ram. Grogar growls as he absorbs the human’s attack and sends magic back. Sunset turns her head, the bell. She can end this right now! She levers herself to her hooves and limps slowly towards the bell.

“Oh no you don’t!” He growls as he diverts from his attacks on the Hogwarts headmaster. He turns into lightning for a moment and appears right in front of the bell. “I’ve learned to deal with stupid ponies that find my bell. I was summoned here, and here I shall stay, until I choose to go back to Equestria. Where I will take my rightful place.” His horns light up brightly, and with a loud toll of the bell on his neck, he’s gone. Along with the mages with him.

Sunset coughs, yes, something is definitely not right, judging by the blood she’s leaving on the floor. “Sunset!” Twilight’s voice urges. In moments, her hands pull Sunset’s head into her lap. She opens her eyes to see Professor Dumbledore tap Rainbow Dash’s head with his wand, returning her to her human form. The former blue pegasus runs her hands down her body, her eyes wide.

Professor Dumbledore comes and kneels down before Sunset. “I’ve never been all that skilled at healing. I think you should be taken back to the school.” He says as he taps her on the head with his wand. Instantly she’s back to her human shape. Though she finds it hard to not curl up into a ball. She coughs again, Rarity produces a handkerchief from somewhere and wipe’s Sunset’s face with it. Sunset gets a glimpse of more blood as her friend folds the cloth to dab at Sunsets chin and cheeks, helping to clean her up.

“Twilight, I need you to bind my ribs; this isn’t over.” She can barely speak. She can barely describe how much this hurts.

Twilight sighs, “We need to get you to the infirmary, he’s escaped.”

“I need you to heal me, or at least stop this pain. He’s not gone far. I can feel his magic, the Equestrian components to it. We are close enough, I can still feel him. He can’t teleport through the ward just like we can’t. We have the exits covered. He’s trapped in here with us. We need to press this attack. Please, Twilight. Bind my ribs so I can breathe, and we need to get back in this fight.”

Twilight chews her bottom lip for a long time, glancing up at Dumbledore and the other girls, then back down at Sunset. Finally, she makes her decision, she pulls her wand and runs it’ along Sunset’s ribcage. As she can feel the bones moving back into place. She screams, her nervous system ablaze. Twilight turns pale. Finally, Sunset collapses as Twilight pulls her wand away, “This is a temporary fix, at best, Sunset. You really need to be seen by a real healer. I have very little skill with this, just basic anatomy.”

Sunset gasps for air. “You did good, just didn’t expect it to hurt quite that much.” She rolls off her friend and gets to her knees. “Thank you all; you pulled our rears out of the fire by showing up.”

Hermione picks up an identical teddy bear from her belt, “You just had to set the portkey for us to arrive. I knew we would have to deal with a ward against apparating in here.” She draws her wand again, “Where is he then?”

Sunset closes her eyes, feeling with her magic as best as she can, finally she points, then opens her eyes, her finger is pointing at the ground. Fleur flourishes her wand and points the tip in the direction that Sunset is pointing, she brings that tip onto the floor. Sunset can feel the magic surge within the witch as her eyes flutter closed. After a few long seconds, she opens her eyes. “They are in a sub-basement, though it seems there is an escape route that goes underground. We have to hurry before they get outside the ward!”

Sunset groans as she works her way to her feet. She holds out her hand, summoning her wand to her, “It’s not over, Grogar.” She growls as she joins the rest of the mages in winking out in a mass teleport.

They appear in a large underground chamber, and Sunset’s heart drops to the floor, a good hundred mages are here, flourishes her wand, and a shield springs into place before them, she grunts as the mages start to assault it. She glances around, where is he? She growls as she has to pour more energy into the shield. There he is, she watches as he ducks through a door. She glances around, no one here can keep up the shield like she can. She looks around, “Applejack!” Her friend’s head whips to face her, “He went that way, please, get him! All you have to do is ring the bell!” She points.

Applejack nods as she grabs Ginny’s shoulder. She whispers into the ginger haired girl’s ear and she raises her wand and both of them wink out, only to appear next to the door. Applejack rips the door off its hinges and throws it at the other mages as she drags Ginny through. Sunset grimaces as she opens small portals in her shield for the other mages to fight back, this is not going to be easy.


Applejack can hear the fleeing ram ahead of them as they run. A few of the Death Eaters have joined him in this as well. Ginny is huffing as she runs next to the farmer. They both skid through a turn, Ginny snaps her wand up. “Stupefy!” She shouts as she points her wand at one of the fleeing humans, his wand flies from his hand as she follows up with a jellylegs curse, dropping him. Applejack makes a point of stepping on his wand as she passes by, his groan as the wood snaps under her boot is satisfying. A large steel door is before them, she sprints forward, leaping into the air with a strong kick. The door doesn’t stand a chance and crashes to the ground. Ginny looks at the crumpled steel. “Wow.”

“Aw shoot, tis nothing to someone who’s been harvesting apples most of their life,” Applejack says as she moves through the door, then she stops. Grogar is there, apparently, they decided to make a stand here.

One of the death eaters, Applejack remembers him from the ministry office, pulls his wand from a swagger cane he was carrying, he points it at Ginny, “One of the miserable Weasley children, go back where you came from girl.”

Applejack moves to stand before Ginny. “Ya’ll better hold on there, partner. She smacks a spell sent at her into the ground. “I may not understand all the magic here, but I know that monster needs to be stopped.”

Emotions war across the pale haired man’s face, he glances back at Grogar for a moment. Grogar’s horns light momentarily, then he turns back to Applejack, “He is my master, and I will protect him with my life.” He points his wand at a statue in the room, then at a second. Both of the statues stand. “Guardians, defend your home!” He shouts as the two statues draw wicked looking swords and heft their shields.

Applejack simply smiles as the large stone statues lumber towards her, she adjusts the gloves on her hands, she can hear Ginny backing off behind her. The red headed girl calls out, “Watch out, Applejack!”

“Aw, don’t you fret none,” Applejack says with a farmgirl smile as statues finally get closer. Slapping her hands once, she leaps forward, punching the first one, which explodes as her fist hits it, she uses that to deflect herself into the second one, her gloved fist destroying it as well, she flips and lands on her feet. She stands up slowly. “Ye-haw! Rocks are more a Pinkie and Maude thing, but I figure that’ll do.”

Ginny puts her hand on Applejack’s shoulder, getting the farmgirl to move to the side quickly as Ginny shouts out a spell, Malfoy is caught as a giant slug slithers from his mouth. He falls to the ground, vomiting a second slug. Applejack ignores the other shocked Death Eaters as she strides up to him, she grabs him by his collar and his belt and throws him across the room, where he slides along the floor and crashes into the wall. She turns to the other mages. “Who’s next?”

Several wands are raised, but no spells shoot forth. Applejack smirks, “I thought so.” She turns to Grogar, smacking a spell sent by him into the ceiling. She glances at her smoking glove, “You are powerful, but you don’t belong here partner.” She steps forward, and the ram takes a step back, “I know you are protecting your bell, but it’s a futile gesture. You…” A shouted spell from Ginny slams into Grogar, knocking him sideways a bit. But most notably, his magical grip on the bell ceases. Applejack leaps forward and grabs it, planting a boot on his head for a moment to leap away. She holds the bell up, “Now to get rid of you!” She brings the bell down onto the concrete floor with all of her might. At first the bell makes a short ring, but the force crumples the metal. As the bell is deformed beyond recognition, a wind comes up, blowing hot everywhere. She grins at the look of horror on the demonic ram’s face as the bell is ruined. “There, now git back to where ya came from!”

The ram stands up, looking at the ruined bell as Applejack drops it to the floor. Then he looks at her, “You stupid, stupid human. Destroying the bell doesn’t send me back.” He smiles and charges his horn, blowing Applejack back, “You don’t have enough in you to send me back!” He slams another beam at Applejack, but Ginny leaps before her, wand active with a shield spell. She deflects the spell into the ceiling.

“Come on, slaves! We are leaving.” Grogar looks around at the Death Eaters, many of them are dropping their wands and backing away. “Now!”

One of the other mages steps back, “I’m done. Did you see what she just did?” He turns tail and runs.

“Stand! Cowards!” He shouts at the fleeing Death Eaters.

With a loud pop Sunset Shimmer, the rest of the girls, and the Hogwarts mages appear. Sunset looks around and darts to Applejack's side. “Where is he?”

Applejack turns and looks, only an open door greets her. “He just ran that way!” She gets up and joins her friends as they press on after the ram.


Sunset leads the rush down the corridor. She holds one arm over her chest, trying to keep her damaged ribs from hurting too much. This is miserable! A set of stairs is before them, she charges up and slams through the door into the dark night. They are a good distance away from the manor now, out in the countryside. She skids to a stop as a spell misses her by inches. She throws a spell back and is gratified by hearing it smack into the demonic ram.

“If we had the Elements of Harmony, this would be over by now,” Sunset growls, deflecting another spell as the ram advances, throwing spell after spell at her. She’s been casting for well over an hour now, she’s exhausted. A blast from an unexpected direction shatters her shield and knocks her to the ground. In an instant she’s enfolded in magic. She struggles against the magic, but it’s too strong, she’s too tired.

“Oh, the poor pony has magical exhaustion?” comes Grogar’s voice. She’s able to turn her head a bit, he struts towards her, “You may have destroyed my bell. But you can’t defeat me. I’ve had too much time here to be destroyed by the likes of you.”

“Not alone, you don’t!” Come’s Twilight Sparkle’s voice. Grogar looks up and the satisfaction on his face turns to fear. Twilight continues, “Alone, we are tough, but we can be defeated. As a group though, a herd, we become something else. Together, we are a force of nature, and none can stop us.”

Sunset finds herself being lifted off the ground feeling a warmth and safety envelop her. She looks over and looks at Twilight, who’s eyes are glowing pure white, her pony ears have sprouted, and her wings. She’s showing the true power of an Equestrian alicorn. The power of her connection to the Twilight back home. Twilight’s magic surges as she raises her ebony wand, the magic washes over all of the mages. Hermione, Fred and George gain pony ears and their hair lengthens into manes. The Equestrian magic flowing and expanding further, Sunset gasps as the magic of friendship flows from her, a ghostly form appears in front of her, her pony self! A quick glance shows the same has happened to her friends, a ghostly apparition of their pony selves stands before each of them.

Another surge hits, and a magical otter frolics in front of Hermione, a hyena and a coyote snarl at Grogar, standing before Fred and George Weasley. A horse stands before Ginny, who is fingering her pony ears in wonder, her long red hair has expanded to brush the ground. A ponified Fleur looks on in wonder as her own patronus, a unicorn, steps forward aggressively. Viktor seems to not have been ponified, but he’s been altered as well, large wings have grown from his back and his face has taken on a more gryphon like appearance, as his hands have turned into claws as well. His patronus is standing before him, a golden eagle. Even Professor Snape has been changed, with the ears of a deer peeking out from his greasy bangs as his patronus snorts and paws at the ground. A loud cry of a phoenix rings out and Dumbledore’s patronus appears as well, the Hogwarts headmaster also having grown red glowing wings as he joins the other mages in flourishing his wand.

Grogar takes a step back as he watches the magic from all the mages coalesce and shoot skyward, the entire sky lighting up as clouds move around, revealing an enormous alicorn, made of pure magic, standing in the cloud. The shape tosses its head, its massive horn lighting and its magic slamming into the demonic ram. Grogar screams as the magic binds him, magical chains forming around his body as the magic rips a hole in reality. Sunset gasps as she recognizes where that hole leads. The magic again surges as the bound ram is shoved through the rip in space and time, leaving him to be stuck in Tartarus, for all eternity. His screams fade away as the rip closes, leaving the mages to all fall to the ground in exhaustion. Sunset’s eyes close as the pain and exhaustion of the last several hours catch up to her. Her consciousness fades to nothingness.


She was in pain, it hurt to breathe, she was so damaged, what happened? Now, she doesn’t just feel fine, she feels good, comfortable, happy. Sunset takes a moment to feel that lack of pain, of worry, of fear and stress, before she opens her eyes. Twilight Sparkle is there, sitting on her bed, smiling at her. As Sunset smiles back, her friend lets her wand quiet and she puts it back in her school robes.

“Hi.” She’s able to croak weakly.

Twilight smiles and gestures, in moments, all of her friends are around her, she furrows her brow, “What happened?”

The bed shifts as Rarity sits on the bed next to her, “You were, by far, the most injured. We got you back to the castle for you to heal. The healers fixed up your ribs, and did you know you had a punctured lung? And several other internal injuries! It took Madame Pomfrey hours to get you fixed up. But she’s one of the best healers at Hogwarts. So, she got you fixed up lickety split.”

“But the Death Eaters, the mages that Grogar was able to take...”

“The spell he had on them was broken. Most of the death eaters fled. A few were captured, and have been sent to Azkaban. That’s the wizarding prison,” Twilight says softly as she adjusts her glasses. “The mages he was able to take with his magic, they are being treated in London. They should be released before too long.

“That Malfoy person?”

Twilight shifts uncomfortably. “He claims he was controlled by a spell from Grogar, which the ministry now believes. He also ratted out a couple other Death Eaters, so he’s just fine, sadly.”

Sunset grimaces and pounds a fist onto her bed. She glances around, not just her American friends are here. But everyone involved with the fight against Grogar. Professor Dumbledore smiles, “We are just about to go out and handle the second Tri-Wizard Tournament task. Do you want to join us?”

Sunset tries to sit up, but sharp jabs of pain get her to gasp, “I think I need a few more hours.”

He smiles, “That’s just fine. We have informed your Principal Celestia that the threat has passed, you all will be reunited, and you’ll be able to take your plane home. Possibly as soon as tomorrow.” He looks at all of them. “You all have done a great service to the wizarding world here in the United Kingdom. We will, of course, get you back home. The Hogwarts Express will be on its way back to London tomorrow, with you on it.”

Sunset smiles, “Thank you.” She leans her head back on the soft pillow, all feelings of pain forgotten as the soft bed just enfolds her body. She almost feels as though she’s lying on a cloud. She closes her eyes and drifts off to a comfortable slumber.