• Published 3rd Feb 2017
  • 744 Views, 6 Comments

Martha & Skits's Adventure in Ponyville - Zenitram Nadroj

The story revolves around two dogs from another world who travel to Equestria from a villains who plans to use them for his army. It's up to the Mane 6 and their friends to bring them back home before it's too late.

  • ...

Promise to Help

Keretomatus paces in his lair waiting for the minions he sent.

“Where are they?”, he says to himself.

Suddenly, he is interrupted by the minions who crash into the room. The emperor approaches the minions.

“Well, what have you found?”

One of them gives him the ball of magic. He then takes the magic and sees the memories of the dogs.

“So, there really is more to those dogs than meets the eye.”, he says. “Well, it seems that sending those controlled brutes to their kingdom may actually be a perfect bonus for those beings.”

He then waves his arms and shoots his magic to the kingdom. He then smiles as his magic travels away.

“Those creatures are as good as mine.”

At Wagstaff City Town Hall, all of the citizens have gathered around and talking at once.

“What's going on, cousin?”, Truman's cousin asks.

“I'm not sure. But that guy says he may have found a way to get all of the pets and animals back.”, Truman replies.

“Attention citizens of Wagstaff City!”, Agent Johnson says. “You're all probably wondering why I gathered all of you here.”

“You already told us. You said you knew a way to get all of our pets and the other animals back!”, Milo shouts.

“Right.”, the agent says. “Well, anyway, yes. We have found a way to get all of the animals back.”

“Well, don't just stand there. How will we get them back?”, asks T.D.

“Well, allow the professor to give an explanation on the dilemma.”

A bearded man wearing lab coat enters with chalkboard and a piece of chalk.

“Now, here's my plan for a machine that will open a portal to bring all of the animals that were taken.”, the professor says. “Now let me explain how this will work.”

He then takes the chalk and starts drawing plans.

Meanwhile in the back of the crowd, the crooks who helped that monster and eavesdropping at the town meeting using a microphone and a speaker.

“Well, looks like we may be able to get to that monster after all.”, Pablum says.

“Agreed. If we can be able to steal the professor's plans, we can be able to use it to bring that monster to us.”, Kablooey says.

“Now hold on a minute.”, a shrill voice says.

“Oh, no. Not her.”, Weaselegraft and Pablum say in unison.

The people turn to the voice and see an old woman walking forward and walks to the top of the stairs.

“Mrs. Demson?”, asks Helen, T.D., Truman and Alice.

“Que have ella aqui? What's she doing here?”, asks Carolina.

“Now, let's not go willy nilly about this.”, Mrs. Demson says. “I mean this could be a good thing.”

“What?”, the crowd says.

“No. Think about it. Pets are loud, obnoxious, messy, shed hair everywhere and do nothing but drool.”, she elaborates. “Without pets, we would be less stressful. And by 'stressful', I mean causing mental or emotional pressure or tension. So come on, are you with me?”

The audience remains silent. She then gets mad.

“You ingrates! Can't you see that those pets are nuisances.”, the old woman says.

“They're not nuisances.”, says the professor. “A 'nuisance' is a person, thing or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance. All of the pets are not nuisances.”

“Well, then let's put it to a vote, all in favor of not letting this nut job build a machine to let those obnoxious animals back in say: 'aye'. Aye”, she says.

“All oppose?”, the agent says.

“Nay!”, the crowd says.

“Notion carried.”, the professor says.

Everyone cheers as Mrs. Demson then growls.

“All right, this will require everyone's help.”, the professor says. “Now then, here's what you're all going to do.”

The pets and animals that were sent then arrive in the kingdom. The first place some of them go to is Manehattan. Some of the citizens wander around town.

“Honey, do you know what to get our daughter for her wedding day?”, a mare asks.

“I don't know yet.”, a stallion answers. “I just need to find something that's could be very special and meaningful to her.”

Suddenly they hear whimpering. They turn to the noise and see puppy triplets who are covered mud and are living in a box, that is labeled, 'We have no home. Please help us.'. They approach the puppies and look sorrowful at them.

“Oh, honey. These puppies really need help.”, the mare asks.

“Are you sure. I mean I think we can handle one dog. Two may be a hit and miss. But three, is a lot of work.”, the stallion says.

“Come on, you did say we need to find a present that could be special and meaningful to our daughter. How about we take these puppies.”

The stallion looks the their begging eyes and then thinks carefully.

“Well...OK, we can take them.”, he says.

They are about to take them until the puppies run out. The couple then chase after them out of the city. Soon, some other citizens notice the seemingly weak and helpless pet. They try to help them, but they lead the unsuspecting ponies out. More of the pets spread out to more of the kingdom. Including, Appleoosa, Fillydelphia, Applewood and Las Pegasus.

In Canterlot, Celestia and Luna approach the balcony where a telescope is.

“Well, since we have no leads to the aura, we better take a look to see how the citizens are doing.”, Luna says.

Celestia nods and looks through the telescope. She looks around sees nothing unusual.

“Nothing odd there. Nothing odd there. Nothing on the-”, she says until she notices something.

“What is it, Celestia?”, Luna asks.

“Luna, look down there.”, her sister gestures.

Luna looks through the telescope and sees what her sister has saw. Several citizens are following pets without any interruptions.

“Where are they all going?”, Luna asks. “And where did those pets come from?”

“Luna, I sensed the pets down there. And believe it or not, they're actually from the same world as Martha and Skits.”, Celestia says.

“What are they all doing here?”

“I don't know. But one thing is certain, we've got to find Twilight and the others.”, Celestia says.

She and Luna then spread their wings and fly off to Ponyville.

In Sugar Cube Corner, Martha and Skits are with their new pony and non pony friends celebrating Martha's birthday. They all sing songs and play games. Martha even gets a cake with edible bone candles.

“Pinkie, I really have to give you great credit for throwing me a very big birthday party.”, the dog says.

“No, problem, Martha.”, Pinkie says. “I really love throwing parties. I live and breath parties.”

“OK, that's a bit creepy.”, Martha comments.

“Yeah, she's always like this.”, Rainbow says.

Fluttershy then approaches the group.

“Attention, everypony.”, she says. “I have an announcement to make.”

“The chair recognizes Fluttershy.”, Starlight says.

“Last night, Martha had said that she and Skits have an owner.”

The group then gasps in surprise.

“You mean they're not lost pets?”, Trixie asks.

“No. We're not.”, Martha says. “You can tell because of our coll-”

She then feels her neck and notices something. Her collar was gone.

“Oh, no. My collar's gone!”

She then sees that Skits doesn't have his collar either. Skits notices and starts to panic.

“What? What happened to your collars?”, Applejack asks.

“We must have lost them. But we don't know how.”, the dog replies.

Fluttershy then hugs the two worrying dogs.

“Don't panic, you two.”, she says. “Wherever your collars are. I'm sure, we'll find them. Because we're all going to find a way to bring you back to your home world.”

“Can we really do that?”, asks Rarity. “I mean, we don't even know where their home world is.”

“Well, maybe the princesses can help us.”, she suggests.

“How? They only took one look inside Zecora's cauldron and they didn't even know where that place was.”, says Twilight.

“Maybe Zecora can show us that particular world again. I mean she did come back from her vacation.”

“Do you really think she can help us?”, Martha asks. “I am a bit skeptical about who helps us.”

“Skeptical?”, says Rainbow.

“Yeah. 'Skeptical', it means not easily convinced or have doubts.”, she answers.

“I know what 'skeptical' means.”, the pegasus says. “What I mean is, why are you skeptical about who helps you?”

“Well, we've only been here for two days. And we don't really know a lot about all of you.”, she says.

“Trust me when I say you really don't want to know too much about me.”, Discord says as he holds his head in front of the two.

“Don't worry. We promise no matter what, we'll get you two back home.”, Flutters says.

“Really?”, Martha asks.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.”, the group all say in unison.

“What was that?”, Martha asks.

“That was a Pinkie Promise.”, Pinkie says. “It's a super serious promise that nopony should ever break.”

“Oh, well that makes sense.”, the dog says.

“Yay. Let's celebrate.”, Pinkie says as she throws glitter in the air.

Suddenly, some glitter goes into Discord's nose and he gears up to sneeze. Flutters enters and covers his nose. He is relieved and they look at each other. He suddenly sneezes and magic shoots out. The magic strikes the dogs and they get pushed to the wall. The group are all shocked and rush to them. The two dogs groan.

“Martha, Skits are you two OK?!”, The CMC ask in unison.

Martha composes herself.

“I'm OK.”, she says. “Skits, are you OK?”

“Yeah, I think so.”, Skits says.

He then covers his mouth as Martha is shocked. The others are then shocked themselves.

“Skits, did you just...talk?”, Martha asks in disbelief.

“Hello, hello, testing, testing, testing.”, Skits says. “Oh, my gosh. I can talk!”