• Published 3rd Feb 2017
  • 744 Views, 6 Comments

Martha & Skits's Adventure in Ponyville - Zenitram Nadroj

The story revolves around two dogs from another world who travel to Equestria from a villains who plans to use them for his army. It's up to the Mane 6 and their friends to bring them back home before it's too late.

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Animals of Control

The pets and animals lead the citizens to the end of the premises where the reach a horrifying castle. The citizens then starts to panic.

“Why did those pets lead us here?”, a stallion asks.

“Honey, I'm scared.”, a mare says.

“Mom, Dad, help us.”, a colt and a filly say in unison.

A beam of light emerges from the top and it projects a hooded monster with big fangs and red eyes. The group is petrified at the monster. His eyes glow and all of the citizens are hypnotized. The zombified ponies then walk towards the castle entrance and enters.

“Perfect, the third part of my plan is complete.”, the emperor says. “All I need to do now is turn them as hideous as myself.”

Suddenly, the princes burst into the room.

“Father, something has appeared in the viewing pool!”, Horlagamous says.

“How dare you interrupt me when I'm about to initiate the final part of my plan?!”, he asks furiously.

He then notices what the prince said.

“Wait, at the viewing pool?”

“Yes. We were preparing the cages, when something has appeared in the viewing pool.”, Scorjosemal says.

“You have to look. It could interfere with our plan.”, Martarmus says.

He then enters the room and looks in the pool. In the pool are the creatures he stole the pets and animals from gathering technology to another creature wearing a white coat.

“This is perfect. At this rate, we'll get all of our pets and the other animals in no time.”, the creature with the red hair says. “I can already hear my dogs barking for me.”

“They're trying to take my army back.”, Keretomatus says. “This is preposterous.”

He then notices something.

“Wait a minute. What do we have here?”, he says as he enlarges the view.

Behind some bushes are the creatures who helped him go by the authorities.

“It's those creatures who you used.”, Scorjosemal says.

“Why show us this?”, Martarmus asks.

“What exactly are we going to do once we get a hold of that monster?”, the creature wearing a green suit asks.

“When I get my hands on the monster, I'm going to tear him apart.”, the burly creature says as he cracks his knuckles.

“If they think, it'll be easy to attack us?”, Horlagomous asks. “They're sorely mistaken.”

“No. I have a better idea.”, the creature wearing a brown suit asks.

“Huh? What's better than pummeling that beast?”, the burly creature asks.

“Think about it. That monster's magic was so powerful, he managed to capture all of those animals without breaking a sweat.”, the suited creature says. “If we manged to get a hold of that monster, we can use him to become the most successful crooks in all of Wagstaff City. Maybe even the world.”

“Yes. That's perfect.”, the creature wearing jewelry says. “All of us will be adored forever. Let's get to it.”

They all laugh evilly as they fade away.

“So those simpletons are going to try and use me as a weapon.”, the emperor says. “Well, if they're going to do that, they'll have to face some of my minions if they want to get to me.”

The citizens then enter the room and go into their cages. The then go out of they're hypnosis and look around. The emperor approaches the imprisoned ponies as they all scream in panic.

“Silence!”, he commands.

The prisoners then silence themselves.

“You are just a few of the creatures for my new kingdom. And I'll start with this.”

He then powers his magic and a colt gets encased with his magic. He then screams in agony as his beauty is then extracted from him. The emperor then takes the beauty and locks it in the viewing pool. The colt then bursts and the smoke clears. The colt is now a hideous monster just like Keretomatus.

The colt's parents and sister are horrified at what happened.

“You're all mine now.”, he says and then shoots all of his magic.

The citizens of Wagstaff City gather at the community center sitting and planning.

“All right. The professor said that it will take only one week to complete the machine.”, Carolina says.

“Yeah. But here's a thought.”, Truman says.

“What is it, Truman.”, Alice asks.

“What if that monster comes back and tries to take them all back?”

“Hey, yeah.”, Ronald says. “That monster will tear this whole town apart just to find them again.”

“Ronald's right.”, his dad says. “We all need to be on all of our guards for that monster.”

“Well, what exactly could we use against that monstruo?”, Carolina's dad says.

“Oh, we could use some sort of blunt objects to keep that beast at bay until it decides to leave.”, T.D.'s dad suggests.

“Do you know how many blunt objects we would need to arm everyone in Wagstaff City?”, his mother asks.

“Oh.”, he says. “I didn't think I'd get that far.”

“I don't know why we are planning to get those disgusting pets back.”, a voice says.

They turn to it and see Mrs. Demson approaching the group.

“Come on, Mrs. Demson. The professor and Agent Johnson said all of us have to contribute to this plan if we want to get our pets back.”, Milo says.

“Yeah. Can't you find it in your heart to help us?”, Carolina asks.

“No way.”, the old woman says. “I'd rather get the flu than help you get your pets back.”

Helen then gets angry and confronts her.

“You listen here!”, she shouts. “We're all sick of you saying that pets are nothing but trouble! Don't you realize how much our pets mean to us? My dogs are more than just my pets; They're my family! I've been crying myself to sleep ever since they disappeared. You could at least feel sorry for them for just two seconds. Is that too much to ask?”

“Forget this. I'm going home.”, Mrs. Demson says as she walks to the door.

Helen's friends then restrain her.

“What are you doing?! Let me go!”, she shouts.

“Helen's right. Everyone needs to lend a hand and that includes you.”, T.D. says.

“Look, I hate pets, period.”, she says.

“You need to help.”, Truman says.

“I'm not doing it.”

“You have to.”, Alice says.

“No!”, Mrs. Demson shouts.

“Yes.”, Milo shouts.


“Porque no? Why not? Why do you hate pets so much?!”, Carolina asks.

“Because my parents died from them, OK!”, Mrs. Demson answers.

The kids are shocked and release her. She then gets on her knees and mopes.

“What?”, they all ask in unison.

“The reason why I hate pets is because my parents died from them.”

“How did your parents die from pets?”, Milo asks. “What pets did they own?”

“I owned a pet.”, the old woman says dejectedly. “I was ten years old and our family was sad all the time.”

A young Mrs. Demson is walking by the town with her parents.

“Then one day, while we were talking a stroll around town I then noticed a timid puppy tied to a parking meter. She was also very thin and really weak.”, she says. “We look at her with pity and didn't want to leave her like that.”

She waits in the waiting room at the vet and her parents come out with the fully recovered puppy.

“We then took her to the vet and managed to save her from dying.”

She then hugs the puppy.

“I then loved the puppy like she was my own.”, she says.

“Can we keep her?”, the little girl asks.

Her parents smile at their pleading daughter.

“Of course, sweetheart.”, her mother says.

“Anything for you.”, her father says.

Years later, she plays with her full grown dog as a teenager while her parents are sightseeing.

“Soon, when I was sixteen, I was playing with my full grown dog in the country.”, she says. “I decided to play our favorite game of fetch.”

“Want the stick girl, you want it, you want it?”, she asks playfully to her dog. “Go get it, girl.”

She then throws a stick and her dog goes after it. She then sees her dog reaching a deep cliff.

“She then goes after it, but headed straight for a cliff.”, Mrs. Demson continues.

The sixteen year old girl then starts to panic and runs after her dog. She then reaches her dog before she reaches the end.

“I managed to stop her from reaching the end.”, Mrs. Demson says. “Until...”

Suddenly she slips and falls off the cliff. She manages to grab a branch before she falls further. Her parents are still sightseeing.

“Hey, honey, where's our daughter?”, her mother asks.

“I don't know.”, her father answers.

They hear their daughter's screams.

“Oh, no!”, they both say in unison.

They both run until they reach the cliff.

“Help me!”, she shouts.

“Hold on, daughter!”, her father says.

He then reaches his hand as he leans in further. Suddenly, he loses he loses his grip and falls off. His wife then grabs him.

“Keep a hold, honey.”, his wife says.

She then loses her balance and falls off with her husband. They fall off and hold onto a rock. Mrs. Demson's dog runs to her and sees the family hanging for dear life. They all shout and protest about who to save. The dog then reaches down and grabs her owner. She then pulls her up and her dog then collapses.

“Sweetheart!”, her mother shouts.

She runs to the cliff and sees her mother and father still holding onto the rock.

“Help us up!”, her father shouts.

She then reaches out her hand and they almost grab hold. Before they grip, the rock breaks and falls apart. Her parents scream as they fall into the chasm. The girl can only watch in horror as her parents plummet to their deaths. She then turns to her dog. Her dog snuggles her and she suddenly pushes it away.

“Get off of me!”, she shouts. “You could have saved them! Why didn't you save them?!”

She then breaks down crying and weeping as her dog then runs away.

The old Mrs. Demson frowns as she finishes her story.

“Oh, my goodness.”, Helen says.

“I never loved nor owned a single pet since.”, she says.

“I'm sorry to hear that Mrs. Demson.”, Helen says.

“I'm going home.”, the old woman says as she leaves the building.

T.D. tries to go after her, but Helen stops him.

“Let her go.”, she says. “She needs to find herself.”

“Come on, Helen.”, her father says. “I have an idea about how to deal with that monster.”

Celestia and Luna are still flying to Ponyville seeing more and more citizens following pets.

“This is improbable.”, Celestia says. “It seems everypony in Equestria are following those pets.”

Luna then stops and Celestia notices.

“Luna, what is it?”, she asks.

“Celestia, do you feel it?”, Luna asks.

“Feel what?”

“It's those pets, they have an aura.”, she says.

Celestia then closes her eyes and senses the aura. She opens her eyes in realization.

“Luna, it's the same aura we kept sensing.”, Celestia says. “Where did they get this aura?”

She looks down and notices something.

“Sister, look.”

Luna looks down and sees what's happening. The citizens of the Crystal Empire are also following the pets. Cadance, Shining and Flurry stand at the balcony.

“Citizens of the Crystal Empire, stay where you are!”, Cadance commands.

None of the citizens listen to the princess and continue to follow the pets.

“Why aren't they listening to you?”, Shining asks.

“Cadance, Shining, Flurry.”, Celestia shouts as she and Luna land by them.

“What going on?”, Luna asks.

“All of the citizens are following those mysterious pets.”, Flurry says. “And my mommy's commands are getting to them.”

“This is completely absurd.”, Celestia says. We need to find Twilight and the others.

“But I can't fly.”, Shining says. “I don't have wings or know any flying spells.”

“I think I can be of assistance.”, a voice says.

They turn and see Sunburst with a spell book.

“I know a spell that can get all of us to Ponyville without needing to fly.”

“Well don't just stand there. Cast it.”, Flurry says.

“Wait, don't go without me.”, another voice says.

They turn and see Thorax landing with the group.

“I've been looking for you.”, he says. “Those pets are leading the other changelings out as well.”

“OK. Here goes nothing.”, Sunburst says and then power up his horn.

Soon, a light emits and they all vanish.

Author's Note:

I needed to find a reason why Mrs. Demson hates pets so much. So I made up a reason. Also, don't worry; The part about Skits talking will come in the next chapter with something more to it.