• Published 3rd Feb 2017
  • 747 Views, 6 Comments

Martha & Skits's Adventure in Ponyville - Zenitram Nadroj

The story revolves around two dogs from another world who travel to Equestria from a villains who plans to use them for his army. It's up to the Mane 6 and their friends to bring them back home before it's too late.

  • ...

Traveling to the Animals

Martha and Skits perform their next gig and finish.

“Thank you all! You've been a wonderful audience.”, Martha says.

“We'll be there to perform for you always.”, Skits says.

They then go backstage and they slump to the floor.

“If I sing another song, I'll go insane.”, Martha says.

“Not only that, I'll go crazy.”, Skits says.

“That's what 'insane' means, Skits.”, she says “It means in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior or social interaction. In other words, crazy.”

“Well at least this is our last show for the day. Come on, let's go take naps.”

The two walk to their trailer and jump into their beds. But just as they're finally able to rest, they hear the door knocking.

“Ugh. Now is so not the time for an autograph.”, Skits says. “Whoever is out there, wait in line with the others.”

“Martha, Skits, it's us!”, a familiar voice shouts on the other side.

“Fluttershy?”, they both say.

They go to the door.

“It's OK, they're with us. Let them in.”, Martha shouts.

The door opens and their friends enter give a massive group hug.

Fluttershy then realizes.

“Wait! What are we doing?”, she shouts. “We should be hugging them.”

They all release and look towards the dogs.

“Guys, what are you doing here?”, asks Skits.

“We came to inform you both that the citizens are following scontrolled animals.”, Scootaloo says.

“Controlled animals?”, Skits asks. “What controlled animals?”

“Believe it or not, me and Luna found out that the animals are actually the same animals that came from your home world.”

Their eyes widen in disbelief.

“Oh, my gosh. Skits, they're all here, too!”, Martha says.

“I can't believe it.”, Skits says. “Where are they?”

“Well, that's the thing.”, Shining says. “They were being controlled and then they suddenly vanished.”

“Oh.”, the dogs both say in disappointment.

“Great, how are we gonna find them now?”, Skits asks. “Discord, can't you find them?”

“This magic is unlike anything I've felt. I don't even know where to start.”, he says.

“Well, maybe we can be of service.”, a ghastly voice says.

They all search around the room.

“Who said that?”, Cadance asks.

Three creatures then appear into the room.

“Wait, those are the creatures who took us into their dream world.”, Skits says.

“Yes. We are Prince Martarmus.”, the first monster says.

“Prince Horlagamous.”, the second monster says.

“And Prince Scorjosemal.”, the third monster says. “And we've come to offer our services for you.”

“We wouldn't get any offers from you three.”, says Martha. “If I knew what an 'offer' was.”

“An 'offer' is an expression of readiness to do or give something if desired.”, Horlagamous says.

“Oh. Well, we're still not interested in your offer.”, Skits says.

“We understand if you don't trust us. But we are willingly giving you an opportunity to give us a second chance.”, Martarmus says.

“And why exactly would they trust you three?”, Applejack asks.

“Because we know where to find those animals.”, Scorjosemal says.

The dogs then seem tempted.

“You mean the animals from the world me and Skits?”, Martha asks.

“Precisely.”, they all say in unison.

“We will take all of you to them. And we promise that we will not try to imprison you like before.”, Martarmus says. “Or would you rather spend the rest of your lives just singing and dancing everywhere?”

The dogs then turn to each other and take the offer into consideration.

“Skits, do you really think these strange monsters can take us to see our old friends again?”, Martha whispers to him. “I mean they tried to capture us and take us to whoever they're working for.”

“That's true. But think about it, they know where all of the others are.”, Skits says. “We don't know how or why they're all here, but maybe they can answer. And I really don't want to do any more song tours.”

She then thinks and then nods in approval. They both turn back to the monsters.

“Well?”, Martarmus asks.

They both take deep breaths.

“Show us the way.”, Skits says.

“Perfect.”, Horlagamous says. “Follow us. And bring your friends along.”

“Wait. Won't our manager and the fans wonder where we are?”, Martha asks.

“Not to worry. We've thought ahead.”, Scorjosemal says as he snaps his fingers.

Two minions appear and approach the dogs. They both tear some fur off of them and the dogs yelp in pain. The minions then absorb the fur and turn into the dogs.

“Wow.”, the dogs say in unison.

“And the best part, these dogs have the same abilities as the two of you.”, Horlagamous says.

A knock is heard on the other side of the door.

“Martha, Skits, are you both well rested yet?”, their manager asks.

They look at the duplicates and smile.

“Uh, yes. We'll be right out.”, Skits shouts.

They all snap their fingers and a portal appears.

“This way.”, the monsters all say.

The monsters and the dogs enter the portal.

“I've got a bad feeling about this.”, Thorax says. “We better follow them nonetheless.”

The rest of the group then enter the portal and it vanishes. The duplicates open the door and walk out to their manager.

Meanwhile, Helen and her friends reach Weaselegraft's hideout.

“We made it.”, Helen says.

“Hang on. What if they already activated the device?”, Ronald says.

“Well, if it's not a problem, go check.”, Alice says.

“No way. Helen led us here, so she should look.”

“What's wrong, are you scared?”, Helen asks.

“No. If I look we'll get caught.”, he says.

“He does have a point.”, Truman says. “Any one of us should be bold enough to look.”

“Well how do we decide?”, Milo asks.

“I'll go.”, T.D. volunteers.

“Alright. Go have a look.”, Ronald says.

He then opens his eyes.

“Um...”, he says.

“What are you waiting for, T.D.? Go look.”, Helen says.

“Well, I was actually hoping one of you would talk me out of it and look for me instead.”, he says with a blush.

“Ugh. This is stupid!”, Alice shouts. “Our pets are getting further and further away from us! How do we decide who goes.”

Soon, the all bicker and argue.

“Enough!”, Carolina shouts. “Alright, I think I know a way which one of us will look.”

“What?”, they all ask.

“We'll play rock papel tijeras. Rock paper scissors.”, she suggests.

“What?”, they all say.

“Are you serious?”, Truman says.

“No. But it's the only logical way to decide.”

They all look at each other and reluctantly do Carolina's idea.

“Alright. Last person left gets to look. Agreed?”, she asks.

They all nod.

They all play and the first round is a tie. They all groan and go again. This time, T.D. and Truman throw rock while the rest throw paper.

“Ugh. I always throw rock.”, T.D. says.

“How did I not see this?”, Truman asks.

Helen, Carolina, Ronald, Alice and Milo are left.

“OK. We're left. Now let's go.”, Milo says.

They play again. Alice then throws down paper while the rest throw scissors.

“Aw, I lost.”, she says.

“Ha ha.”, her brother mocks her. “Oh, wait. That means you don't have to check.”

“Stinks to be you, huh?”, his sister comments.

“OK, three down, three to go.”, Carolina says.

They both play once again and throw down. Milo and Ronald throw down scissors, while Helen and Carolina throw rock.

“Dang it. I should have picked paper.”, Milo says.

“Hey, on the bright side, we don't have to check.”, Ronald says.

Helen and Carolina look at each other.

“OK, prima. It's just you and me now.”, Carolina says.

“OK. Let's do it. It's all or nothing.”, Helen says.

They play one last game. The rest of the group then look in suspense as they throw down their last hands. Helen and Carolina slowly open their eyes and see what they both through. Helen threw down paper and Carolina threw down scissors.

“OK, cousin. It looks like you go check.”, Helen says.

“Wait, how about two out of three?”, Carolina.

“Carolina, you won. That means you check.”, Ronald says.

“No way. Let someone else go.”

“Carolina, playing this game was your idea and you're the only one left. So you go.”, Helen says.

She then sighs and goes to the window and takes a peek.

The dogs and other creatures exit the portal and arrive at their destination.

“Here we are.”, the monsters say in unison.

In front of them is a dark castle that's surrounded dark clouds.

“Gosh, I haven't seen a castle this ominous since the old changeling hive.”, Starlight says.

“Well let's get going, then.”, Trixie says.

“Hold on.”, Scorjosemal says. “Only the dogs and these six can come inside. The rest of you will have to stay outside unfortunately.”

“What?”, Scootaloo says. “Are you serious?!”

“Our leader only wishes to speak with these creatures in particular.”, Martarmus says.

“Very well. We'll just stay out here.”, Flurry says.

They walk across the bridge leading to the castle, while the rest wait outside. Until they begin to sense something near them. They look around and see other monsters surrounding them. Some of them try to use magic but they get their magic blocked. They start attacking the group and they avoid them. But this was only part of the ploy. The flying monsters then pounce on them and trap them all. They then begin to worry about what will happen to the dogs and their friends.

“What's gonna happen to them?”, Spike asks.

“They're all gonna get captured!”, Shining says.