• Published 3rd Feb 2017
  • 744 Views, 6 Comments

Martha & Skits's Adventure in Ponyville - Zenitram Nadroj

The story revolves around two dogs from another world who travel to Equestria from a villains who plans to use them for his army. It's up to the Mane 6 and their friends to bring them back home before it's too late.

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Invading the Fundraiser

At Cadance's birthday party, all of the citizens, especially Pinkie Pie, are having the time of their lives. Soon, Cadance confronts her sister-in-law.

“My first birthday in the Crystal Empire is amazing.”, Cadance says. “I'm really glad you all came to my party, Twilight.”

“Would I be here if you weren't?”, she asks as they both hug each other.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie pops up and goes between the two alicorn.

“Alright. Enough bonding.”, she says. “It's time for presents!”

She then bolts out and the two alicorns follow her.

“Let's hope nothing goes unusual.”, Pinkie says.

Discord raises an eyebrow at her.

“Aside from you.”, says the mare.

Meanwhile at a city zoo, an orchestra is below a stage where the animals are performing an opera. The opera then ends and all of the patrons applaud at the show. A suited man and a basset hound walk onto the stage.

“Thank you all for coming to our animal opera.”, the suited man says. “Thanks to you, we have raised enough money to open a new exhibit for the new lion cubs.”

A zookeeper walks onto the stage carrying three lion cubs in a cage.

“These cubs have recently lost their parents to poachers and we managed to save them.”, the zookeeper says. “These cubs have to learn to live in the zoo before we're ready to release them.”

“And now let's give a big hand for our guest of honor, the one who started this whole fundraiser opera, Martha Lorraine.”

Everyone applauds as a yellow dog wearing a dress walks onto the stage and the suited man lowers the microphone to her.

“Thank you all.”, Martha says. “Back when I couldn't speak, I had no idea how human functions work. But now, I have managed to start a fundraiser for my new friends to have a better and safer home. I wish to thank everyone in this very room. I also wish to thank my human friends, Carolina, T.D., Alice, Ronald, Milo, Truman and also my owner, Helen.”

“You're welcome, Martha.”, a girl says under her breath.

“I also wish to thank my animal friends, Jeffy, Ralphie, Nelson, Polly, Bob, John, Kitten, Pops, the triplets, Lily and Cora.”, she continues. “As well as my mom and my siblings. But most of all, I would like to give a very big thank you to my adoptive brother, Skits. Come on up, Skits.”

A bigger and brown dog wearing a suit walks onto the stage and sits next to her.

“Skits, you have been a very supportive dog in my life; I didn't accept you at first, but when I got to know you more, you became a very valuable part of my life and I'm so glad to be your adoptive sister. I love you, Skits.”

Skits barks in approval. They smile at each other and then hug.

“Awww.”, the audience exclaims.

“And now for a moment of silence.”, she says. “As I wish to sing in tribute to all of the zoo animals we've lost for the past year; These animals were what made this zoo into what it is now and without them, we wouldn't be where we are today.”

The lights dim and a screen lowers. The zookeeper starts the projector and a slide show of animals starts showing. As the go past each animal, Martha sings a very powerful ballad to honor them. The song and the slide show ends and the audience applauds.

“Thank you everyone. Thank you so much.”, she says.

In the power room, a figure approaches the generator and smashes it with a sledgehammer. On the stage as the audience continues applauding, all the lights and equipment suddenly go out. The audience starts to panic.

“Mom, what happened to the power?”, Helen asks her mother.

“I don't know, honey.”, her mother says.

Her little brother then starts crying. The audience continues panicking as well as all of the pets and zoo animals.

“Enough!”, an echoing voice shouts.

The audience then stops and turn to the voice. They see a gigantic cloaked figure walking past the audience to the stage. Three other figures follow the bigger figure. As they do, they look at the audience and growls at them. The audience start to tremble in fear from their action. The orchestra and maestro flee from the stands. The men, dogs and cubs flee from the stage. The big figure climbs onto the stage as the three others stand below the stage. The figure opens his eyes to reveal their red with white pupils and opens his mouth to reveal sharp teeth with big fangs.

“Good evening, all of you specimens.”, the monster says. “I have traveled to your world to rally all of these brutes to use for my army.”

“Psst, Helen.”, the dog whispers to her owner. “What does he mean by 'rally'?”

“'Rally' means to gather a group to use for something opposing.”, Helen whispers.

“Who are you?”, Truman shouts.

“I am fear itself. I am the depiction of hideousness in creature form. I...am...Emperor Keretomatus.”, the monster says.

T.D. starts laughing.

“Keretomatus?”, he laughs. “That almost sounds like carry tomatoes!”

One of the three figures appproaches him and growls. T.D. gets scared and hugs his parents.

“Do not mock the emperor's name. Those who insult the ruler will suffer massive consequences.”, the figure says.

“At ease.”, the emperor says. “That is not what we are here for.”

“To be continued.”, the monster says as he bolts out.

“I have come from the kingdom of Equestria, because of how I've been discriminated for being a monster.”, the monster says.

“'Discriminated'?”, Martha says.

“'Discriminated' means to be judged because of who you are, how you look or what you do.”, Helen whispers.

“Oh, come on. I'm sure you're just misunderstood and don't see you can be accepted.”, Carolina says.

The emperor raises his paw and uses magic. Carolina levitated and flies out.

“Carolina!”, her father shouts.

The girl comes face to face with the hooded monster.

“Alright, let's put your theory to a test.”, the monster says. “What do you all think of me now?”

He removes his cloak revealing himself. Carolina then screams in horror as well as the audience and the orchestra. The monster is huge and covered in dark fur, with massive hooves, paws with lizard claws the size of cleavers, big dragon wings protruding from his back, a lion's tail trailing down his lower back and two minotaur horns on top of his head. Everyone still screams the the sight of the monster.

“Silence!”, the emperor shouts. “This is what I was referring to.”

He then uses magic to put his cloak back on.

“Is he using magic?”, Milo asks his dad.

“It seems so, son.”, his dad says. “Can't there be just one day where nothing unusual happens? Just one?”

“Because of how I am, I've escaped from the royal dungeon to conceal myself from those other beings.”, the monster says. “I've had to use magic to create my own children to not be lonesome.”

“I am Prince Martarmus.”, the first figure says.

“I am Prince Horlagamous.”, the second figure says.

“I am Prince Scorjosemal.”, the third figure says.

“But even then, it didn't change what all of those creatures viewed me as.”, Keretomatus says.

“Well how did you get past the police?”, Alice asks.

“Oh, I had some help.”, the monster says as he points to the front gate.

They turn and see the police bound and dragged by the other crooks.

“Weaslegraft and Pablum? Louie Kablooey and Jimmie Gimmie? Fildgemarker and 001? Stubble and Grumbleyum?”, Martha shouts.

“It's 'Bumblecrumb'!”, the older woman shouts. “Wait. Did that dog just talk?”

“It's a long story.”, Pablum says.

“Why are they here?”, Martha shouts.

“I sent them letters to assist me in finding a talking dog.”, the emperor says.

“Wait. I'm a talking dog.”, Martha says.

Back in the Crystal Empire Celestia watches her niece watching a show when she starts to feel pain. Luna notices her sister's expression.

“Sister, what's wrong?”, Luna asks.

“I'm getting that feeling again.”, Celestia says.

Luna then feels pain as well.

“Now I feel it, too.”, Luna says.

They spread their wings and fly off.

“This show looks good, don't you think Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna?”, Cadance says before she notices her aunts are gone. “Aunt Celestia? Aunt Luna? Where did they go?”

They enter a small room and pace.

“I don't understand. I felt this aura before, but where have I felt it?”, Celestia says.

“There's got to be a way to find out.”, says Luna. “Maybe we can use a memory spell on each other to shed some light on this.”

“Good idea, sister.”, the white alicorn says. “I'll go first.”

She then closes her eyes and powers her horn. Hers and Luna's touch each other and Celestia uses her magic. She then opens her eyes in horror.

“Oh, no.”, she shouts.

“What is it, Celestia?”, Luna asks in worry.

“Luna, this is impossible.”, Celestia says. “It can't be.”