• Published 3rd Feb 2017
  • 746 Views, 6 Comments

Martha & Skits's Adventure in Ponyville - Zenitram Nadroj

The story revolves around two dogs from another world who travel to Equestria from a villains who plans to use them for his army. It's up to the Mane 6 and their friends to bring them back home before it's too late.

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The True Meaning

“All of my monsters will put all of you in your place.”, Keretomatus says. “Now prepare to face my ruling until you'll end up bowing to me in the after life. Attack!”

The monsters charge and the animals all charge themselves. The citizens all duck and cover from the intense battle. Keretomatus confronts the two dogs and power up their magic. He then fights the two dogs at the same time.

“This is insane!”, Helen says. “There is no way that this is proper. All of them seem their fighting to the death.”

She then sees the monster fighting her dogs.

“We've gotta help them!”

“No, Helen. It's too dangerous.”, Carolina says.

The dogs stop and confront the emperor. They then sense aura and turn to it. Approaching them are the princes.

“My sons. You've all returned.”, he says.

“What?”, Martha and Skits say in unison.

“What happened to our friends?”, Martha asks.

The monsters all snap their fingers and the group appears all in a cage. The dogs all look in disbelief.

“How were they defeated?”, Skits asks.

“Allow me to explain.”, Martarmus says.

On Flea Island, the monsters battle the group with all kinds of abilities. Suddenly, Martarmus then knocks out Discord.

“Discord!”, Fluttershy shouts.

Soon, the rest of the group gather around the unconscious draconequus. The monsters then confront the others and prepare to finish them off. The others try to fend themselves but are distracted by Discord's unconscious body. Fluttershy then goes into fetal position.

“Fluttershy, what are you doing?”, Spike asks.

“I can't fight as long as Discord is knocked out.”, she says.

Scorjosemal and Horlagamous appear and grapple her.

“Don't.”, Horlagamous says. “Not another step if you want this pegasus alive.”

“You wouldn't.”, Rainbow says.

They power up their magic.

“Don't temp us. We are not that easy to reason with.”, Scorjosemal says.

“Why you...”

“Wait, Rainbow.”, Twilight says. “Don't provoke them.”

“But, I can't...”, Rainbow says.

“Rainbow, just do what they say.”, Rarity says. “There's no talking them out of it.”

Rainbow stutters and then reluctantly accepts their offer. The monsters make a cage appear.

“In the cage you go.”, Martarmus says.

They all walk into the cage. Suddenly all of the unicorns and alicorns get their magic blocked.

“Just so you won't try to escape.”

Back on Wagstaff City, the draconequus wakes up and sees their all in a cage.

“What? Why are we in a cage?”, he asks.

“There's no escape from that.”, Horlagamous says.

“You all better surrender or we'll turn them into monsters like all of the other citizens in the other world.”, Scorjosemal proposes.

The animals then see how miserable they are in the cage and yield.

“Well it seems the mightiest animals will fall under severe blackmail.”, the emperor says. “Well done, my sons.”

“Now hold still while our father turns you all into slaves.”, Martarmus says.

The emperor then powers up his magic and prepares to shoot his magic. He then shoots his magic. Discord then uses his magic and puts the princes in front of the cage. They all get struck by the magic and scream in pain before being obliterated. The monster realizes what happened and runs to the ashes of his sons.

“No!”, he screams. “I just obliterated my sons!”

He becomes angry and turns to the caged group.

“You! I'll kill all of you!”

He then breaks the cage apart and prepares to murder them. Suddenly he gets hit by a burst of magic and turns to the source. It was Martha who shot the magic.

“Don't you harm a hair or scale on our friends.”, the yellow dog says.

He then growls.

“I'll put you and your other animals cretins first and then these colorful brutes afterward. Monsters, give me your aura.”

The monsters obey his command and transfer some of their aura to their leader. The emperor takes in the aura and starts growing bigger and becomes more hideous. Soon, he has gained enough aura and has become a monster more hideous than any other beast in existence.

“Attack!”, he commands.

The monsters then attack the other animals and the Equestria group. Martha and Skits stand their ground and face the more monstrous emperor. The monster powers up his magic as the dogs do the same thing. But what they never expected what that he makes a suit of armor appear and wields two swords. He charges towards them and swings his swords to them. They managed to dodge his swords as they shoot their magic. The dogs and monsters continue battling as the monsters battle the groups from their world and the Equestria world. The citizens watch in horror as the battle ensues. Suddenly they face each other and power up their magic and shoot. The beams collides as the dogs and emperor give it all they've got.

“This has to stop!”, Helen says.

She then grabs an axe and uses it to cut the chains.

“Helen, what are you doing?!”, her mom asks.

“You can't get out there!”, her dad says.

The beams explode and the dogs compose themselves. They notice the monster is nowhere to be found.

“Where is he?”, Skits asks.

“Right here.”, Keretomatus says as he appears behind the dogs.

Before they can attack, the monster blasts them down to the ground.

“Say goodbye, Martha and Skits”, the monster says as he powers up his magic.

Helen then runs out.

“Martha, Skits!”, Twilight says as she gets blasted by a monster.

“Helen, no!”, her whole family shouts.

“You've gotta stop right now!”, she shouts as she runs.

The monster then shoots his magic.

“Stoooooop!!!!”, she shouts as she pushes the dogs out of the way before being struck by the magic.

“Helen!”, her grandpa says.

“Oh, no!”, her grandma says.

The animals and group are in shock as they watch. The blast sends a shock wave across the city and then clears. The dogs compose themselves and watch in horror as their owner changes into a monster.

“Fool! Trying to stop our battle.”, the emperor says.

“Helen!”, Martha and Skits says as they run to their owner.

“Helen, are you OK?”, Martha asks.

Helen growls. The monsters and animals turn to what is happening.

“Helen, do you recognize us?”, Skits asks.

The monstrous Helen looks at them while completely unaware at who's talking to her.

“Helen. Helen.”, Martha says.

Nothing happens still. Martha and Skits then begin to shed tears.

“Helen.”, Martha cries.

Tear drops hit below the dogs as they begin to hug her. Soon the animals and the citizens shed tears themselves. The Equestria group shed tears as well. The monster watches as all of the citizens and animals cry buckets of tears at the monster.

“They're all crying tears of love for that monster.”, the emperor says. “Could it be that I've been missing the true meaning of acceptance since I've shunned myself for centuries?”

He then thinks and decides to power up his magic. The monstrous Helen is covered by the magic and the aura is extracted while the dogs watch. The monster starts to convulse and turns back to Helen.

“Martha, Skits!”, she says.

“Helen!”, her dogs say as they lick her.

The citizens and animals all rejoice. The group then approaches the dogs and their owner.

“Martha, Skits, are these the friends from the other world you two were going on about this whole time?”, Helen asks.

“That's them alright.”, Martha says.

“So this is Helen.”, Twilight says. “It's very nice to meet you.”

As Martha and Skits introduces the rest of the city to their friends, the emperor watches above and thinks about what had occurred.

“So all this time, the morals of acceptance have changed. And all this time, I've just been one dimensional about this predicament.”, Keretomatus says. “All of the circumstances have been relay brutally on my shoulders.”

“I'm sorry we didn't believe you, Martha.”, Helen says. “I just though you delirious from malnutrition.”

“Delirious?”, Martha and Skits ask.

“'Delirious' means in an acutely disturbed state of mind resulting from illness or intoxication and characterized by restlessness, illusions and incoherence of thought and speech.”

“Well we weren't delirious.”, Skits says.

“I have now seen the light.”, a voice says.

They look up and the monster descends to the citizens.

“It seems that no matter who is hideous, what matters is that who you give your own love towards is nothing short of loyalty.”, Keretomatus says. “And for that. I'll release all of my prisoners and return both world back to normal.”

The emperor powers his magic that results in all of the citizens being released, the city being restored, the monsters turning back to ponies and the emperor goes back to his normal self.

“It's too bad your sons are gone.”, Martha says.

“There's no need to worry. I was so angered by what happened that I forgot I created them so I can create them again.”

He power up his magic and his songs are brought back to life.

“Welcome back, my sons.”, the emperor says.

“Father, what happened?”, Martarmus asks.

“I have seen that I was wrong to judge these creatures and turn them into monsters.”

“You were wrong?”, the princes all ask.

“Indeed I was. I now see that we are all equal no matter who you are or what you are.”, Kertomatus says.

“Man I can't wait to tell my Abuela and Abuelo in Mexico and tell them about what happened.”, Helen says.

“Our parents will never believe what has occurred. They'll feel silly.”, Twilight says.

“I'm sorry, but I won't allow you to do all of that.”

“What?”, the groups say.

“You all know too much about our world and we know too much about yours.”, the emperor says. “If our worlds were exposed, it will make the balance collapse and will have catastrophic results.”

“Oh, my.”, Rarity says. “So what are we gonna do?”

“I'm going to use my memory spell to erase all of your memories about acknowledging both worlds.”

“You mean we won't remember any of this?”, T.D. asks.

“I'm afraid it's the only way to restore balance to both of our worlds.”, Keretomatus says. “This will also mean that Martha, Skits and their friends will have their abilities removed.”

“So, we'll go back to being normal animals?”, Skits asks.

“It would appear so.”

“Wait a minute.”, Martha shouts.

He then turns to the dog.

“Can me and Skits do one more song before you erase our memories?”

“Yeah. I want to hear my dogs sing.”, Helen says.

“Me too.”, Carolina says.

Soon more people wish to hear them sing. He then smiles.

“Very well. That I can allow.”, he says.

Everyone cheers and the dogs get ready for one last song. They perform a very colorful number, while this is happening, the goons that were scared off see the dogs as sitting ducks and try to get them. However, they are being beaten during the number and just when they are about to catch them finally, the song ends and they land on top of them. The audience then cheers in excitement. Soon, all of the citizens say their goodbyes to the group and the emperor powers up his magic.

“Farewell, other worldly friends.”, the emperor says as he releases the magic everywhere.

The citizens are at the fundraiser as the dog brings in the money for the new exhibit.

“Thank you everyone for your patronage.”, Martha says. “Our new lion cubs will be happy in their new home.”

Everyone cheers and celebrate their new zoo friends. In the Crystal Empire, Cadance's birthday is a great day for the princess.

“This has been the best birthday ever. Thank you, Twilight.”, Cadance says.

“You're welcome, Cadance.”, Twilight says.

Watching both worlds is Keretomatus as he and the other minions are in a different part of Equestria.

“The creatures of both worlds have no discrimination for whoever inhabits any world.”, he says. “And now that my eyes have been opened, all of these creatures can now live in peace and harmony. With the notions of all creatures being equal, how hideous can any loved one be?”

Comments ( 3 )

8048210 Thanks. That's a great gift from a good fan.

Tabitha St Germain

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