• Published 8th Dec 2016
  • 3,728 Views, 70 Comments

The Farmer and the Princess - huntersunday

Love can be a small wave or the most powerful force in the universe. Twilight and Applejack have been given a golden opportunity to explore these new feelings. A simple mistake can lead to a love strong enough to conquer time, logic, and even death

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Limitations And Realizations

The Farmer And The Princess By huntersunday

Chapter 1: Limitations And Realizations

A giant flash of purple light exploded from the Castle of Friendship. Ponies could feel the very ground shake, all of them frantically looking around for the source. An ear shattering scream filled the air. Thankfully, a certain orange farmer was already heading in that direction.

Applejack wasted no time; she instantly knew who the screams belonged to. Putting all of her strength into her hooves she rushed to the front door. The doors busted open and a certain dragon instantly latched onto the first pony he saw. Spike for his part, looked like he had just been on the wrong end of a barbecue; most of his spikes had scorch marks. “Applejack, thank Celestia you're here! Twilight’s in trouble!”

That was all the farmer needed to hear, pushing back Spike, she rushed into the castle. Applejack never faulted pushing her body to limits she didn’t know she had, hearing Twilight was in danger was all she needed to push herself.

Thankfully, Twilight was not hard to find. All Applejack needed to do was follow the fresh burn marks that ran along the walls. Several shards of crystal also covered the ground, if they were hurting Applejack, she paid no mind. Applejack soon spotted the pony she was searching for laying on the ground.

“Twilight!” without delay Applejack darted forward to inspect her friend. Twilight’s body didnt move and seemed to be surrounded by a ring of soot. Applejack let out a breath when she saw no blood, only to scream as she went to touch her; a bolt of magic shot out and struck her. Applejack steadied herself, rubbing the new burn mark on her arm. “Twilight, it's me Applejack, your friend!” There was no response.

Applejack gritted her teeth as she touched Twilight once more. Just like last time, a bolt of magic struck her, but the farmer was too stubborn as she pushed through the pain, turning her friend over. Applejack gasped, seeing what was causing the problem. Twilight’s horn was cracked in several places and tiny sparks of magic kept erupting from the cracks.

Applejack did her best to avoid the sparks as she hoisted Twilight over her back. She groaned as the magic instantly started to jolt down her back. She wasted no time charging out of the room. Spike didn’t even have time to ask what was happening as Applejack darted by. “No time to explain, tell the others Ah’m takin’ her to the hospital!” Applejack shouted.

Spike saluted to nopony, Applejack was already out of sight. With tears running down his face, the poor dragon ran off to find the others. Applejack herself was crying but for different reasons; every other step another bolt of magic would jolt through her body. It felt like white hot liquid was flowing down her back all the way to her hooves, but she pushed through no matter how much the pain hurt. She would get Twilight to the hospital.

Finally, she busted through the hospital doors. Her whole body trembled as she used the last bit of strength she had to scream, “Princess Twilight needs help!” Those were the farmer’s final words as she collapsed.

Twilight groaned as she came to, she winced as her head started to pound the moment the light hit her eyes. Once she noticed the strange room, she jolted up from her bed. “Where am I?” Twilight asked. Nobody answered Twilight call. It took a moment to gather herself and take in the surroundings. It didn’t take long for her to realize she was in a hospital room. Twilight took a moment and tried to remember the events that lead her here. A small groan from beside her caused her to nearly jump out of her fur.

If it wasn't for a familiar hat, Twilight might not have realized it was Applejack. Her friend’s hooves and torso were completely wrapped in bandages. Twilight wanted to wake her friend, only to be stopped by a small cough. ”Perhaps we let her rest. She hasn't left your bedside since you got here.” Twilight visibly relaxed as Nurse Redheart entered the room.

“Why is she covered in bandages?” Twilight asked. The princess knew she wouldn't like the answer as Nurse Redheart’s expression hardened.

“She took a bunch of magic discharge getting you here. Your horn had many hairline fractures that kept discharging. If a unicorn had found you they wouldn't have been in this bad of shape,” Redheart paused, giving the sleeping farmer a sympathetic stare. Tears instantly fell as Twilight looked at her friend’s current state. She had made her friend hurt because of her stupidity.

Nurse Redheart continued, “She is quite a mare, I can only imagine how painful it was getting you here. She must care for you a great deal.” The nurse sighed before looking at Twilight. “Now, her injuries aren't that bad. As for you, well, I must say I'm surprised, I thought you out of all ponies would know their limitations and not cause a magic discharge.” Twilight only stared at her friend as the nurse berated her, not that she would or could argue. She had actually been trying to figure out her new limitations, but no matter how much magic she used, her body wouldn't grow tired. She should have thought about her horn’s limits.

Nurse Redheart did not stop her analysis. “Onto your horns condition. It will heal, as there was no serious damage. Honestly, if it wasn't for your massive magic reserves, it probably wouldn't have been so bad. I am going to suggest a month of no magic to give it time to heal.”

Twilight finally pulled her eyes away from her friend to look at the nurse.

“Only one month, I thought horn damage took almost half a year to heal?” Twilight asked, confused.

Nurse Redheart shook her head as she grabbed Twilight’s chart from the bed.

“Normally yes, but we think your alicorn blood is speeding up your recovery. Many of the cracks have already sealed themselves.” Twilight’s eyes widened. If what the nurse said was true, she was healing five times faster than normal unicorns. Her excitement died as Applejack’s injuries came back to her mind, glancing once more in the farmer's direction.

Redheart spoke, “As regulations state, I alerted all of your friends. You will be under some ponies’ supervision to make sure you don't use magic.” Twilight must have shown some sign of argument because the nurse’s gaze turned cold. “No arguing, your are not only a princess. Your special talent is magic itself. I will not let you live unsupervised, any magic could cause even more harm. Luckily, you're sleeping friend here already made plans and told the others she would take care of you.” Redheart smiled giving Twilight a sly look, “I must say you got yourself a real winner there, Princess.”

Twilight’s face light up, like a hearthwarming tree. Raising her hooves she quickly shook her head, “It...it’s nothing like… like that. She’s just a really good friend!” Redheart never stopped smiling as she left the room, leaving Twilight and Applejack alone.

Finally, Twilight got a moment to fully take in her friend’s body. Bile formed in her throat as she took in all the damage, several pieces of Applejack’s mane were shorter. Probably having the scorched parts cut. Heavy bags of unrest had formed under the farmer's eyes, and a couple patches of fur seemed to be missing. Even though Applejack didn’t look too damaged, it did not make the Princess feel any better, knowing she was the one who put her friend here in the first place.

Another shock came to her when she saw the calendar that sat on the wall, it had been five whole days since her experiment. Looking back at her friend, her eyes widened. Had Applejack stayed by her side the whole time? She could only stare as her mind took in the information.

She nearly fell out of her bed when Applejack spoke, “If you keep staring, Ah might think yer checking me out thare, ‘Twi.” Twilight once more felt her face heat up as she darted back, putting space between her and her friend. Applejack only laughed, “Ah’m just messin’ with ya. ‘Twi, don't get yer feathers in a bunch. It's about time you woke up! Me and the gals been worried sick about ya!”

Twilight felt tears reform as she spoke. “How can you be so calm? You should be the one they were concerned about.”

Applejack smiled, shaking her head.

“Oh really, as Ah recall Ah wasn't the one passed out in her bed fur five days. Ah think it's safe to say you were a lot worse off than me. Let's not make this a competition.” Twilight shook her head, tears flowing even faster, sniffing she went to scream, but stopped as a pair of hooves pulled her into a hug.

Applejack sighed as she held the trembling mare. ”Now, you listen here. Ah want none of this yer awake and Ah’m walking and talking.”

Twilight pulled back, staring straight into Applejack’s unwavering gaze. She couldn't understand it, but there was no sign of anger or regret. All she could see was pure care ‘till she needed to say something, “Applejack I am so sor-” her words were cut short by Applejack's hoof on her lips.

Applejack shook her head.

“Thare's no need to apologize. You can tell me what happened once we get you home. Ah don' know about you, but these hospital walls are freakin’ boring to look at.”

As Applejack got herself ready, Twilight could only sit in shock.

Why didn’t Applejack yell at her? Also, why had she never noticed how beautiful Applejack’s emerald eyes really were? Her face heated up once more as Applejack held out her hoof. These new feelings would have to wait. She would have to first make up for what she did. Luckily, as fate would have it, she had a whole month to look into it. She did, however, have a question that was sitting at the back of her mind.

“Why did you volunteer to be the one to help me?”

For the first time, Applejack faulted as her face heated up, she half-heartedly laughed, hiding her face from Twilight.

“Ah ummm… had the easiest schedule to work with. It’s gettin’ near winter and there wasn't much to do on the farm.”
Twilight’s brow raised as Applejack looked away from her.

“I kinda figured Fluttershy would want to help me, not that I don't appreciate it.”

Once more, Applejack faulted keeping her face covered.

“She umm did, but Ah had already volunteered. Yeah. Ah guess you can say Ah beat her to the punch.” Now Twilight was even more curious as Applejack’s hat went lower covering even more of her face. Did Applejack just lie to her? She wasn't able to think on it for long as Applejack spoke. ”Now come on, Ah want to go cook us a good meal. Not this nasty grub they serve here.”

At the mention of food Twilight’s stomach growled. For the first time since she woke, a smile broke through.

“That sounds amazing, thank you for taking care of me Applejack.”

Applejack smiled, pulling Twilight into another embrace. Things were certainly going to get interesting for the two, and for some reason Twilight was happy Applejack was the one with her.

Author's Note:

Well here it is, I hope you all enjoy it, many more will come out every day.I think you guys will like it. Please let me know what you think.