• Published 8th Dec 2016
  • 3,728 Views, 70 Comments

The Farmer and the Princess - huntersunday

Love can be a small wave or the most powerful force in the universe. Twilight and Applejack have been given a golden opportunity to explore these new feelings. A simple mistake can lead to a love strong enough to conquer time, logic, and even death

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The Decision, Question and Answer

The Decision, Question and Answer

Twilight woke from her slumber with a smile. It had been almost two weeks since her accident and her new feelings toward her friend had started. The two couldn't be more closer, they did everything together, such as teaching each other new things and spending as much time together as possible. Applejack would teach her how to do more things the Earth Pony way. In return, Twilight would help Applejack with mathematics and taxes all to help the farm.

Everything they did brought them closer together, even their baths would end up with them fur-to-fur. Twilight had already accepted her feelings for the farmer and they only grew deeper. Twilight glanced around, in hopes of spotting her friend, though the only thing she found was Applejack’s stetson hat sitting on a chair.

Twilight bit her lip as she looked for the farmer once more. Seeing she was truly alone, she proceeded to put the stetson hat on. She headed towards a mirror and smiled at her reflection, taking a moment as she ran her hoof around the brim. It felt comforting. It was like she had a piece of Applejack with her. She never noticed the smiling mare that leaned against the doorway.

“Ah think it looks real good on ya, ‘Twi.”

Twilight, for her part, did not scream, she did however shoot into the air and grabbed onto a chandelier. She caught her breath as she looked down at a smiling Applejack. Once she landed, she went to try to explain what she was doing with the hat. Only to be stopped by Applejack’s hoof touching her shoulder.

“Calm down ‘Twi, Ah’m not mad, but can Ah have my hat back?”

Twilight’s face light up, she couldn't even look her friend in the face as she handed the hat over, cursing herself for being careless.

Applejack smiled, giving the embarrassed Princess a nuzzle and taking her hat back.

“Now, Ah got up early to make you some breakfast. Ah’m going to go check up on the farm and buy us some groceries. Ah should only be gone a couple of hours.”

Twilight only nodded, still not wanting to look her friend in the eyes, her face still red from earlier. Applejack just shook her head and said her goodbyes.

As soon as the door shut, Twilight flew into action and rushed down stairs. Pulling her saddle bags out, she dug in to pull out the very same journal Applejack had seen before. Many more pages had filled since then. Opening to a new page, she wrote down Applejack’s reaction to her wearing her hat. Twilight cringed as she remembered when Rainbow Dash took it and put it on as a prank. Applejack would have skinned her alive if Big Mac hadn't stopped her.

After Twilight read through all her notes she had compiled and the last entry was all she needed, her decision was made. Quickly she rushed to eat the meal AJ had prepared for her. As soon as the food was gone, she headed out toward the Carousel Boutique, she had wound up spending most of the time Applejack was gone. Rarity was always more than willing to help answer any questions she might have. Rarity had also told her she had a crush on a mare as well but wouldn't tell her the name. It kinda become a game between the two mares.

Rarity could only smile as she watched her friend pace around like an excited school filly.

“So... I have it all planned out, I did exactly what you said and I know I want to be with her. Now all I can do is hope she returns the feelings.”

Rarity shook her head even with all the stories Twilight had told her. She still had doubts that Applejack had feelings for her, heck, the little Sweetie Belle had eavesdropped on would make most ponies say the farmer wanted to be little more than friends with the Princess.

“Well Twilight, after going over your many different charts, I must say, this is a very romantic idea, it's simple and very sweet. She should fall head over hooves for you.” The princess slowed her pacing down a little, but continued to pace around. Sighing, Rarity shook her head, “I know you're nervous, but seriously darling you have nothing to worry about. Since the two of you been living together you've practically been joint at the hip.”

Twilight finally stopped her pace, only to pull more scrolls out of her satchel. Rarity hung her head in defeat as the Princess started reading her many notes. Many of them were just different ways it could turn out, ranging from Applejack asking her hoof in marriage right on the spot to getting bucked in the face. Rarity tried once more to breach through her friend’s paranoia.
“Twilight, I’m telling you that you're digging to deep!” Rarity snapped. ‘It's going to be fine!”

Twilight finally stopped, giving Rarity a cocky smirk.

“Really, if you're so positive why haven't you asked your own crush? I believe you said you two would be perfect together?”

Rarity had to give her that one as her face light up. Twilight only smiled, going back to her notes.

Rarity was not to be bested, after taking a moment to compose herself she smirked back.

“True, but our situations are totally separate. My crush is a loose cannon and a hoof full already, where your crush is simple and already a very mature mare. Plus, and I mean this in no demeaning way, but Applejack is very predictable, unlike my crush.”

Twilight said nothing as she read her notes, snapping up she gasped.

“Your crush is... Pinkie Pie?” Rarity could not control herself, bursting into a laugh the fashionista almost fell out of her chair. Twilight blushed looking away, “You don't have to laugh so hard, it kinda makes sense.”

Sucking in a breath, Rarity calmed her laughter, giving Twilight a small smile.

“Don't get me wrong dear, Pinkie Pie is a very sweet mare and will make somepony very happy. Alas, she is a ball of chaos. I don't think I could handle that. You misunderstood. my crush is a loose cannon but not that loose.”

Twilight went to question only to be stopped by Rarity’s hoof.

‘’Now enough about me, I do believe we have a very special night to plan.”

Many things at the apple farm were repetitive, a day-by-day routine. Applejack had her fields to tend and her brother had his own, heck, several times they wouldn't see each other ‘till the end of the day. So when her brother approached her it was a rare sight to see, Applejack’s curiosity grew as her brother pointed to their talking tree. Now she was starting to get worried. Her brother never stopped work unless it was important. The last time they talked was when he wanted her opinion of him dating a certain zebra.

Sighing, she pushed her last bucket of apples to the side and headed over to where her brother now sat. Several minutes of silence passed as the two sat beside each other, Applejack knew not to push her brother. If he had something to say he would say it when he was good and ready. Finally, his strong voice broke the silence.

“Sis, Ah’m not blind nor am Ah dumb. These past two weeks Ah have never seen you this happy in a long time. So my only question is... when are we having the Princess here for dinner?”

Applejack blushed as she hung her head, of course her brother would see right through her. They had always had a close bond, she knew for weeks that her brother was seeing somepony. She only wanted him to tell her when he was ready, when there were no secrets between them. Readying herself, she went to speak, only to be stopped by her brother’s hoof. His attention was straight ahead, to her surprise the very Princess they were talking about was approaching them. Big Mac said nothing as he walked away, not that he needed to. His silence spoke a thousand words.

With haste, Applejack headed toward her friend.

“Howdy ‘Twi, what brings you all the way out here. Did something happen while Ah was gone?”

Twilight smiled and blushed at her friend's concern, but shook her head.

“Nothing like that, as a matter of fact I was planning a night of stargazing together. I know how much you don't want me to over push myself, so I figured I would ask you to prepare us a picnic basket so we could have some dinner while we looked at the stars.” As the words left her mouth, Twilight’s blushing intensified as she pretended to look at a very interesting piece of grass. Applejack couldn't help but smile. Twilight always looked cute when she was nervous.

“That sounds like a real hoot ‘Twi, of course Ah won't mind making the grub. Are ya sure you don' need help getting everything else set up?”
Twilight shook her head while trying to fight the urge of clapping her hooves together. Reaching into her saddle bag, Twilight pulled out a note and passed it to Applejack. The farmer froze in place as Twilight brushed up against her, nuzzling her neck before pulling away.

Twilight said her goodbyes and told her the time. All Applejack could do was sit in shock. She almost didn’t notice the location Twilight had put in the note. A smile bloomed on her face when she read it, she knew the spot all too well. It had to be a sign, there were no more excuses tonight. She would ask Twilight out. Applejack was so excited, she never noticed her smiling brother off in the distance.

“Go get your Princess, sis’. Eeyup.”

Applejack’s nervousness grew as she neared her destination. The confidence she felt earlier was nearly gone as the night grew closer. Her brother was right though, being with Twilight, these past week had made her truly happy. She didn’t know who to thank but it had been an amazing couple of weeks. She didn’t want to count her chickens yet, but the Princess slowly came out of her shell and was showing a lot more affection for the farmer.

Applejack smiled as a familiar and very important apple tree came into view. She also couldn't help but giggle at her panicking friend, who at the moment kept trying to see if the quilt she had laid down was perfectly straight. Twilight would pull one corner only to go to the other side to pull on it as well. Applejack stared watching the cute display.

Letting out a laugh, she spoke, “Twi, Ah think it’s straight enough.”

Twilight, for her part, did not squeal in surprise, but her heart did skip a beat as she took in her friend’s appearance.The farmer’s coat seemed to shine. It look very well brushed and clean, even her hair had a gleam to it. There was no make-up, not that Applejack needed it, her natural beauty would make many mares jealous. Applejack smiled as she walked up to the tree Twilight had picked for their spot and put her hoof on it.

Twilight’s mind went into instant overdrive, as Applejack sniffled. Had she done something was there some strange apple tradition she broke. She could have sworn this tree was off the apple land. Thankfully, Applejack didn’t let her freak out much longer.

“Ah’m guessing you use this spot a lot?” Twilight only nodded, afraid to speak.

This spot was one of the most open areas around ponyville Now she was sure the tree belonged to the Apples.

Applejack must have noticed Twilight’s distress, smiling she spoke, “You did nothing wrong ‘Twi, this tree is not part of the farm. It does hold a very strong meaning though.” Applejack smiled running her hoof up the bark, like she was feeling the tree’s very life. A small tear fell down her face as she spoke, “To be honest, Ah’m glad someone uses it, this tree was planted by my parents.”

Twilight gasped in surprise. She had no idea this tree was that important. Her ears fell against her head. Her perfect night was ruined. She went to apologize, only to stop as Applejack gave her the biggest smile she had ever seen… from anyone other than Pinkie, that is..

“Thanks fur picking this here spot, mah parents had planted this tree away from the farm on purpose. Mah Pa was always a sweetheart, he told mah Ma that if this tree grew with no help, it would be a symbol of their love’s strength.”

Twilight soon found herself crying as well with a small smile on her face. This was the most Applejack had ever talked about her parents, they sounded like very sweet ponies. Applejack dried her tears before sitting down beside the Princess.

“Ah’m glad you brought me out here, Ah need to visit it more often. Enough about the past. Don't we have some stargazin’ to do?”

Twilight smiled. It may have not been the start she wanted to their night but Applejack had just opened up to her in ways she had never seen.

The night had gone great, Twilight was in a state of complete bliss. Every passing moment had been amazing; Applejack had been truly curious about the constellations. More than once the mares found themselves side-by-side laughing and enjoying each others’ warmth. Sadly, as the night grew to a close, Twilight found herself growing more nervous by the second she wanted to ask the question that sat at the back of her mind. She still had her doubts though.

Rarity's voice echoed through her head, ‘What's life without a little risk, darling?’ Twilight took in a very deep breath as her confidence grew, looking straight into her friend’s emerald-green eyes.

“Applejack, can we talk?”

Applejack leaned back in curiosity, Twilight lost some of her willpower looking away, not meeting her friend’s gaze. She kept her eyes away as she spoke, “I’ve had a lot of things on my mind and plenty of time to think about my feelings.” Twilight steadied herself. She could do this, looking up she meet Applejack’s gaze once more.

“These past few weeks have been the happiest weeks I have had in a long time. Everytime I wake up, I’m so happy to see you there, when you're beside me I feel safe.” Twilight sighed, her hooves started to shake as she neared her point. “What I’m trying to say is, I don't want to ruin our friendship.” Twilight almost yelled as the words got caught in her throat, “I don't know why this is so hard to as-” Twilight stopped as Applejack’s hat was placed on her head, before she could respond a pair of lips pressed against her own.

All natural thought flew out the window, as time itself seemed to stopped. Twilight could only close her eyes as she leaned into the kiss, there were no fireworks, no marching band. It was just her and Applejack sharing their feelings in a simple kiss and that was magic in itself. Twilight’s mind had almost gone blank as Applejack pulled her into a tighter embrace their lips never parting.

Even though time seemed to stop, the moment of bliss had to end as Applejack pulled away with a smile.

“So, Princess Twilight Sparkle, would you do the honor of being this simple farmer’s marefriend?”

The reaction was instant as Twilight’s wings flared darting forward. Both mares rolled of the blanket as Twilight pulled Applejack into another kiss. Pulling back Twilight smiled.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes!”

Applejack laughed as she pulled Twilight down for another kiss. Neither mare saw the two comets fly through the sky right above them and they didn’t have a care in the world.

Author's Note:

Wow this story is doing great. Thank you all for your likes and comments please keep me filled in to make the story better :pinkiehappy: