• Published 8th Dec 2016
  • 3,729 Views, 70 Comments

The Farmer and the Princess - huntersunday

Love can be a small wave or the most powerful force in the universe. Twilight and Applejack have been given a golden opportunity to explore these new feelings. A simple mistake can lead to a love strong enough to conquer time, logic, and even death

  • ...

Family, Royalty and Portals.

Family, Royalty and Portals.

Magic tests, fights with Gods, having to change time itself were all easy compared to the peril the poor Princess faced as she sat at the Apple table. Granny Smith sat at the head, never taking her fierce gaze off of her, when she and Applejack had entered the old mare was quick to act as soon as she saw the hat on Twilight’s head.

Like a trained machine Granny Smith had whistled, which had to be a signal of some sort. Because Applebloom and Big Mac were quick to act. Now Twilight sat with applebloom between her and Applejack, Big Mac sat across from her his gaze never leaving her own.

Speaking of Applejack as soon as Granny Smith whistled she hadn't said a word, which only made Twilight more nervous. So now they all sat in pure silence Twilight could feel the authority the old mare had.

Thankfully, she didn’t suffer much longer as Granny Smith spoke.

“We have a tradition in this family here, Princess. A little test to see if a suter is the right fit for an Apple. You will have to answer two questions youngun’. If yer answer is good, Ah will give you my blessin’.”

Twilight didn’t speak, afraid of what her words would do.

Granny’s look turned cold, “If Applejack was hanging from a cliff and your mother was also hanging. Who would you chose to save? There is only time to possibly save one. So choose”

Twilight had to sit back as the question ran through her mind. That had to be the worst scenario she could ever face, how could she possibly choose neither path was fair.

Twilight had the answer, well her answer and gulped. Meeting with Granny Smiths eye she spoke “I wouldn't choose either, I would sacrifice everything to save both.” Granny’s face never changed instead she gave Big Mac a look.

Seeing what to be another sign the massive stallion spoke “Why?”

Twilight meet his gaze and smiled “That's simple, if I saved my mother I would lose the love of my life and my mother would never forgive me. If I saved Applejack, I could never look my father or brother in the face again.” Twilight took in a breath, calming herself. “Worst of all, I would never be able to forgive myself if either happened. So I would give up everything even my own life to save both.”

Granny still didn’t speak, instead she nodded to Applebloom, who quickly moved over to Big Mac’s side, allowing Applejack to slide next to her. Applejack still said nothing but did place a small kiss on her cheek.

Granny Smith spoke once more “Second question, and this one is way harder than the first.”

Twilight steadied herself ready for anything. Granny Smith smiled “Do you want seconds, mind you, Ah only give seconds to members of the family.”

Twilight couldn't hold back her tears as the rest of the Apple’s smiled welcoming her into the family.

The day had been long and very eventful, so Applejack suggested they stay there. Now both mares laid in Applejack’s bed, staring at each other. The lamp next to them was light so the two could see one another. Twilight smiled squeezing Applejack, “I’m so happy your family accepted me. I won't lie, your Granny had me more nervous than my magic entrance exams.”

Applejack chuckled while she stroked Twilight’s mane, “Yea she can have that effect. After yer horn heals, we’ll go visit your family.” Twilight said nothing placing a small nip into the nape of Applejack neck, which caused the farmer to stiffen. Twilight pulled back to see Applejack’s blushing and troubled face.

“What's wrong, Jackie?” Applejack only shook her head as she turned away. Twilight wasn't having any of that rolling over her love to were the eyes meet. “Come on Jackie you're acting like I did when I wanted to ask you out. What's up? You know you can talk to me.”

Applejack tried to turn away but Twilight’s new position made it difficult seeing there was no escape she spoke. “Ah don' wanna ruin it.”

Twilight did not budge, keeping her gaze on her love. Applejack’s face grew even hotter as she spoke, “It's just that we have been together for a few weeks. An things between us tends to get a little heated.”

Twilight’s brow raised as Applejack started to stutter, “Ah… Ah just wanted you ta know Ah’m really happy to be with you and am willing to share things with you. That Ah never shared with anypony else. Whenever you're ready of course.”

Twilight only blinked as her face heated up as well.

Smiling she leaned down placing a kiss on her farmer’s lips. Applejack returned the kiss. Twilight reached over and grabbed the chain on the lamp pulling away she smiled.

“You really are a silly farmer.”


The final day had passed and Twilight’s horn was fully healed. Both her and Applejack went to get the okay from the doctor who said she could use magic fully once more. So with a clean bill of health, their planned trip to Canterlot was almost ready.

Applejack had just made her way back to the castle her saddle bags packed. She had a new skip in her step, the last week had been truly amazing her and Twilight were completely open to the town and nopony had anything negative to say. And now she was going to meet Twi’s parents. She had been so lost in thought she nearly ran into her brother who just exited the castle.

“Big Mac, what are you doing here?” Big Mac only smiled as he pulled a wagon covered by a tarp. Applejack went to question further, but stopped as a flash of purple appeared beside her. Twilight was quick on the draw placing her hoof over Big Mac’s mouth.

“He is helping me with something and it's a surprise you will get to see once we get back. So no peeking Jackie.”

Applejack had to laugh, Twilight had been doing something top secret for the past couple of days and would not let her see. Twilight would only write in her journal about it which she still hadn't showed Applejack the contents.

Big Mac only shook his head as he left the two mares to themselves. Applejack smiled giving her love a quick nuzzle, “Fine Ah won't ask, but are you sure about us teleportin’ there? We could just take the train.” Twilight rolled her eyes as she checked her saddle bags.

“For the last time honeycrisp, this magic is second nature to me I won't overdo it.” Twilight smiled giving AJ a quick peck “It's sweet you care though. Now come on my parents and brother are waiting for us.”

Applejack blushed at her new nickname Twilight had given her, she had no problem with it but made Twilight promise only to use it when they were alone. In return she would only call Twilight her little princess when they were alone as well.

Twilight draped her wing over Applejack and pulled her close, “Okay, this will take us to right in front of their house. A quick suggestion, hold your breath and close your eyes.”

Applejack did what she was told and soon felt her stomach churn as the world around her seemed to shift, she had never felt anything like that.

She refused to open her eyes, until a soft pair of lips pressed against her own. She opened her eyes to see Twilight smile at her before pointing at the house in front of them. Applejack took a moment to take in her surroundings sure enough they now sat in the center of Canterlot. Twilight’s magic would never cease to amaze her. It was something she could probably never grasp.

Her thoughts were pulled as a familiar voice spoke “Twily, how is my sister doing?” Applejack smiled as Shining Armor pulled Twilight into a hug, her smile didn’t stay as his gaze turned harsh when their eyes met. Letting Twilight go his eyes turned happy once more.

“Why don't you go see if you can help mom. I would love to talk to Applejack for a few minutes.” Twilight only rolled her eyes she knew where this was going whispering in her brother's ear she gave Applejack a wink before heading inside.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Shining Armor stepped up staring AJ down.

“So just so you know. I read all the letters Twily sends to Cadence.” As he spoke Shining Armor started to circle the farmer who for her part did not waver “And I hear you are courting her? Well, what would you say if I don't allow it?”

Applejack’s confusion instantly turned to anger as her eyes narrowed “Ah would say that even thought that you were once Captain of the Royal guard an’ Twilight’s brother. Don't think Ah won't buck you into next week for trying to step between us.”

Shining Armor stopped pacing meeting Applejack’s heated gaze he leaned in close enough that AJ could feel his breath. Applejack stood tall waiting for the prince to take a swing.

Instead, Shining Armor smiled pulling Applejack into a hug, “I think it's great Twilley found a strong mare like you to date. I probably don't have to tell you that if she gets hurt there will be Hell to pay. I think you know who her sister in law is.”

Applejack relaxed as Shining Armor laughed, leading her inside.

Lunch went rather well as did meeting Twilight’s parents. Velvet Sparkle did nothing but gush about how cute they were and ask when the wedding was. Night Light also welcomed Applejack with open arms even though he seemed bent on embarrassing Twilight with filly photos and stories about her first attempt at magic.

Soon Twilight noticed the time and smiled, “Well, I’m glad you are all okay with my choice in marefriends.”

Velvet laughed, “I’m just glad you didn’t bring home a book. I sometimes worried you would try to marry one.”

Twilight blushed while sticking her tongue out at her mom. Applejack was very surprised how smooth it went she was afraid there might be more tests after the Shining Armor thing.

Twilight spoke once more, “As much as I would love to stay, the Princesses are expecting us.”

Applejack felt her nerves return as they said their goodbyes. For some reason all three princesses wanted to see them together and that made her more terrified than meeting Twilight’s parents. Twilight's warm wing draped over her calming her a little. With one last goodbye the two mares flashed away in a purple light.

Applejack held her gut as it turned once more, giving Twilight a slightly annoyed gaze. Twilight smiled, giving her a small kiss. Applejack smiled taking in the door in front of her. She had seen this door many times heck she been in the throne room more times than most ponies. Today though the door looked terrifying as it towered over her.

Giving Twilight a pleading look she spoke “Can you please tell me why all three had to see us at once, Twi?”

Twilight laughed, draping her wing once more around the farmer, “I’m sure it's nothing bad, according to Cadence. Shiny had to do the same thing when they started dating. I’m sure it's just a formality.”

Twilight’s words did not really help in calming the poor farmer but it did help a little bit.. She gulped as the entered the room.

The first thing AJ noticed was all three princesse were wearing their formal gowns. Twilight was also confused at the great display of royalty. Celestia stood, walking toward the pair. the other princesses followed closely behind.

Celestia’s voice boomed as she spoke, her gaze never leaving Applejack’s, “Good evening Princess Twilight and Lady Applejack. It has come to this court's attention that a member of royalty and an Element of Harmony have started courting one another. Is this true?”

Even though Applejack’s nerves grew, she stood her ground as she nodded.

Celestia’s poster did not slack as she kept approaching the mares. Luna and Cadence said nothing as they followed suite. Soon Celestia stood directly in front of the pair. Her gaze seemed to pierce Applejack to the very core, “As it is tradition, you will be tested Applejack, just like Shining armor. We can not just let anypony date royalty.”

Twilight’s gaze hardened as she turned to her sister-in-law for answers,but Cadence said nothing, only keeping her gaze on Applejack. Celestia’s voice still echoed, “This will be the hardest test you have ever faced. My sister will push your mind to the brink making you experience your greatest fear.”

Celestia’s horn glowed as Twilight became encased in a clear bubble slowly drifting from the ground. Twilight trashed against the bubble to no avail, the bubble seemed to silence her as well. Applejack went to help but was stopped by Celestia’s voice.

“She is fine and unharmed, she will just be a distraction. As I was saying, Luna will test your mind, trying to break it.” Applejack had to fight to pull her gaze away from Twilight meeting Celestia's once more. If the Princess of the Sun was impressed, she didn’t show it. “Then Cadence will test your heart, making you suffer the greatest heart break you have felt over and ever again.”

Applejack did not back down as Celestia leaned forward, meeting her gaze just inches away from her face.

“Last I will test your body, I will push your body in ways you never imagined. Making you feel the heat of the sun itself. If you fail any of these test your union will not be allowed.”

Twilight finally gave up her struggle, sitting back on her haunches, tears falling. She never thought Celestia would separate her from Applejack.

“Now, Applejack, do you accept these trials or will Twilight seek another lover?”

Applejack was in shock, this had to be some sick joke. Looking at Twilight, her shock turned to anger, seeing her love’s tears. Soon any doubt washed away as she pressed her head against Celestia’s gritting her teeth.

“Now you listen here. Ah would do anythin’ for ‘Twi. Even if Ah have to fight yer whole army. Ah would. But let me tell you somethin’, Celestia!”

For the first time both Luna and Cadence showed emotion as their eyes widened. Celestia, however, did not budge.

Applejack continued, “Even if Ah failed yer stupid test, you would never keep me and ‘Twi separate. Ah don't care how powerful you are! Ah would climb to the pits of Tartarus to be with her. So give me yer stupid test!”

Celestia finally pulled away, glancing at the other two Princesses.

Turning back to the farmer, she spoke, “Then Lady Applejack, let me give you some advise before we begin.” Applejack did not budge, she would win. Celestia smiled as her horn flashed, making the bubble around Twilight disappear. Leaning in, she whispered, “I am a very renown prankster.” Twilight wasted no time putting herself between them while Applejack sat in shock.

Twilight's horn glowed and wings flared ready to protect her love, only to have her jaw dropped as the three Princesses started to laugh. Not hearing Celestia's whisper ,Twilight turned to see Applejack sitting in a state of shock.

Twilight turned still ready to fight and shouted, “What the hay is so funny, you threatened my lover! ”

Cadence was the first to act, pulling Twilight into a hug, “Oh Twilight, they did the same prank to Shiny. The prank is the test, trust me, I was just as angry when they did it to us.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped as she looked at her marefriend for answers. Applejack wasn't faring any better, still frozen in shock.

Celestia finally gathered herself enough to speak, “Though I must commend you Applejack, Shining Armor didn’t even get in my face like you did. For a moment I thought you might strike me.”

Applejack shivered, realizing that she did come close to striking royalty, she probably shouldn't have gotten as mad as she did.

Celestia smiled, placing her wing over them both, “First, let me apologise, I just wanted to test how much you cared for her. I think standing up to me is definitely a good sign.”

Applejack finally spoke ,“Ah’m sorry Princess, Ah just don't take threats very well, especially when it comes to ‘Twi.”

Celestia smiled, giving both AJ and Twilight a quick nuzzle.

“Now, enough games, I do believe there is a delicious meal waiting for us. You too can fill us in at the table.”

Twilight and Applejack both happily agreed.

Dinner went off without a hitch and it was quite enjoyable. Well, perhaps except for Prince Blueblood, but he got a buck in the flank from Applejack, so nothing bad happened. They laughed, told stories, and just enjoyed each other's company. Applejack got even more ammunition on Twilight when Cadence and Celestia shared filly stories with her.

Dinner ended and they went to say their goodbyes, Luna, however, asked for an audience with Applejack alone. Twilight was okay with it and spent more time with her sister-in-law and mentor.

Applejack sighed as they walked out on the balcony, turning to Luna she spoke, “Lemme guess, you want to talk about the dreams Ah’ve been having?”

Luna only nodded her head, allowing the farmer to speak.

“Ah think they're perfectly normal fears. Ah jus’ don' want her to suffer fur an eternity.”

Luna spoke, her voice calm as the night, “We do not fault the for those fears. They are fears made from love.” Draping her wing over AJ, she smiled, “We only want to offer advice, we have been around for a long time and have loved many.”

Applejack ears dropped as she listened to Luna’s words, “Even though they all passed, we never regretted loving them. Twilight will feel the same, do not let something as silly as time stop true love.”

Applejack smiled, giving Luna a small hug, “Ah know you're right. Ah already planned on talking to her about this anyways. Thanks.”

Luna said nothing but motioned for them to leave. Twilight smiled, seeing Applejack’s return.

Applejack stayed quiet as Twilight said her goodbyes. She still didn’t speak as Twilight draped her wing over her once more. In a flash, they both disappeared.

Applejack steadied herself as they touched ground, it was going to take a while for her to get used to that. It took her just a second to realize she was in Twilight’s room the only problem was there was no Twilight.

Before her search even began, she heard her name called from below. She couldn't help but smile, she guessed it was time to see her surprise. She rolled her eyes as an all too familiar sight came into view. Twilight stood smiling in a mess of charts and scrolls all filled with things explaining what she wanted to say.

Applejack chuckled, stepping over the mess to reach her smiling marefriend. Before Twilight could go into a giant rant about science she was pulled into a deep kiss. Applejack pulled away, smiling.

“Princess we had this conversation, you don't have to give a scientific reason just ask what's on your mind.”

Twilight blushed a small flash of her horn and the charts and scrolls disappeared. Applejack giggled, placing a small kiss on Twilight’s cheek.

Twilight spoke, “Sorry honeycrisp, I’ve just been thinking about this for a while now. I guess I just got nervous.”

Applejack said nothing, pulling Twilight into a tight embrace.

“We’ve lived together for a whole month and been together for most of the time. I know we talked about you moving in and the only problem was the distance your farm was from the castle.”

Applejack said nothing; she knew Twilight would get to her point soon.

“These past few days, I’ve been working on a solution, and found one, if you even want to live with me that is.”

Feeling Twilight tense, Applejack giggled.

“Is this your fancy way of asking me to live with ya?”

Twilight did not relax; she had been so nervous about this.

“To tell ya the truth ‘Twi, Ah had been thinkin’ the same thang. Ah love you, Princess. Me and the family were thinking of hiring some help to make up the time we’d lose from me taking longer to get there. Once we got our finances fixed, Ah was going to talk to ya.”

The farmer had no time to react as Twilight tackled her to the ground, bringing her into a kiss. After a few minutes of kissing, Twilight pulled back, a huge smile on her face.

“This is perfect! You really need to come see your surprise.” Applejack smiled as Twilight helped her up, pulling her toward her lab. “Spike, is everything set up?”

Applejack had to catch her breath as they entered the lab. She smiled, looking at the mess that was strone about.

Spike spoke, breaking her thoughts, “Yep, ready and tested. It works great, Twilight.”

Applejack finally noticed the mirror that the dragon was standing next to. Before she could ask, Twilight grabbed her hoof and pulled her toward it.

“‘Twi, isn't that the mirror to the world where we are different?”

Twilight only shook her head, making her horn glow, which turned the mirror on.

Twilight smiled before yelling, “Big Mac are you ready?”

Applejack was about to tell Twilight her brother was not here only to gasp as her brother stepped through the mirror. Applejack could only stare as her sister stepped through as well.

Applebloom was jumping up and down.

“Isn't it great, big sis’?”. Twilight made this portal connect to the one in the barn so you can come straight to the farm.”

Twilight nervously giggled, waiting for AJ’s reaction.Twilight spoke, trying to explain while Applejack tried to take it all in.

“You see, only we can activate it. So we don't have to worry about somebody coming through unannounced. I really wanted to live with you and I ho-”

Big mac was first to react covering Applebloom’s eyes as AJ tackled the princess to the ground their lips smashing together.

Applejack pulled back a giant smile plastered on her face. “Of course Ah will live with you! Mah silly little princess!”

No words were spoken as Twilight pulled Applejack into another kiss. Big Mac only smiled as him and his sis’ left the two lovebirds alone.

Author's Note:

First here is the next chap. I apologize if it has some mistakes it hasn't been fully edited.
So quickquestion? Is that little hint at love enough for a sex tag, this will be the only time I hint at it. Mainly because I believe any relationship needs passion just tell me your thoughts.
Also please comment and let me know what you guys think. The edited version should be on its way.