• Published 8th Dec 2016
  • 3,729 Views, 70 Comments

The Farmer and the Princess - huntersunday

Love can be a small wave or the most powerful force in the universe. Twilight and Applejack have been given a golden opportunity to explore these new feelings. A simple mistake can lead to a love strong enough to conquer time, logic, and even death

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True Friendship and So Much More.

True Friendship and So Much More.

Many ponies would say that most of your problems stayed at the hospital. This may be true for most, but to a certain princess who now couldn't use magic, it was not so. One problem Twilight found was being waited on head and hoof, not that she didn’t mind the help nor the show. However, she was going mad.

“Applejack, not that I don't appreciate your help, but you do know I'm a grown mare and not a newborn filly, right?”

Applejack only smiled, continuing to clean the kitchen from the earlier food. Twilight wanted to scream as Applejack babied her, however every time she came close to snapping, the bandages on her friend’s body would stop her. Applejack had already given so much. Who was she to yell at her?

Calming herself she spoke, “Can you at least let me make the tea, I’m growing restless just sitting here watching you do everything.”

Applejack shook her head, giving Twilight a small smile, “No can do ‘Twi, it's only been a day since we left the hospital and you can't use any magic. Doctor’s orders.” Twilight had enough. Leaving her spot at the table, she grabbed the empty kettle with her teeth. Making sure to give Applejack a triumphant smirk she placed it in the sink. The farmer only laughed, “Alright Miss Smartypants, why don't you turn on the sink and fill it? And remember - no magic.”

Twilight smirked. This was going to be easy. And maybe after she proved herself, Applejack would lighten up. With determination, she tilted the tea kettle with her mouth while trying to find the faucet handle with her hoof. Soon she found it and turned it only to shierk and fall back as her head became soaked in cold water. Applejack let a giggle. Escape looking at Twilight's shock and wet face, turning off the faucet she grabbed a towel and ran it through her friend’s mane. “Sugarcube don't take this the wrong way. Ah’ve only ever seen you use magic for well almost everything. Remember your first Winter wrap up?”

Twilight blushed as she grumbled, sporting an adorable pout. Applejack chuckled as she filled the kettle. Twilight sat in silence, sulking as she watched Applejack make everything look easy. What her friend had said was true: almost all unicorns used their magic for all small tasks.

Applejack sighed, noticing Twilight’s displeasure.

“Ain't nothin’ to be ashamed of sugar, Ah haven’t been doing this in forever. Heck, you losing yer horn would be like me losing one of my front legs. Trust me, it would take a little time for me to adjust as well.”

Twilight’s mood brightened, but only a little as Applejack finished the kitchen. Placing the kettle on the burner, she smiled. Glancing at Twilight, she frowned as the smell hit her nostrils. Applejack gulped she knew what had to be done, but also knew the Princess was not going to be happy about it.

“Now, Ah know your not going to like this ‘Twi, but Ah think it's high time Ah gave you and me a bath. We both kinda smell.”

Twilight’s reaction was instant as her wings sprung up erect, her face turning a deep shade of red as she stuttered. “Wh...What? Me, yo...you. Bath together!”

Applejack shook her head as the purple princess started to frantically wave her hoofs. She knew this was going to be an issue, giving herself a second she took her big sister stance and locked eyes with Twilight.

“Now you listen here, ‘Twi. You can barely fill a kettle let alone be able to wash yourself effectively. We are both mares and close friends. Please let me help you! Ah don't want you hurting yerself by mistake.” Twilight’s flailing stopped as she found herself once more lost in her friends beautiful emerald eyes. Yet again, she could only see pure honest concern in those eyes. Twilight gulped as she steeled herself, soon she gave Applejack a small nod. Besides, it wasn't like she really had a choice. She knew Applejack wouldn't let up.

Offering her hoof, Applejack smiled, helping Twilight off the floor.
“Now let's go get cleaned up. Ah don't know about you, but Ah don't like smelling like a barn.”
Twilight didn’t respond. She seemed to be in a daze, so many thoughts rolled around in her head. Was this really happening? Was she about to bath with not only a close friend but a mare who she started to have mixed feelings about?

She was so lost in thought, that it took Applejack’s voice to pull her from them. “Wow Twilight, this bathroom is huuuuge. Man, Ah bet Rarity was a might jealous when she saw this.”

Twilight only nodded, still not trusting her own words. The bathroom, like many other rooms in the castle, was pretty huge. The tub itself could easily sit three ponies. Twilight felt a tiny pang of sorrow the big rooms only showed how lonely the castle could be.

The sound of running water pulled her out of her thoughts. Turning, she went to thank Applejack for being here, only to have her words die in her throat. She could only stare as Applejack removed her hairbands allowing the golden locks to fall around her face. Beautiful was the only word that came to her mind as she watched Applejack shake her mane. Realizing what she was doing, the Princess shook herself as her face heated up once more.

If Applejack had noticed her stares, she paid them no mind. Placing her hoof in the water, she smiled, “Well, Ah believe it is ready. So, Ah think the Princess should get in first.” Twilight sat frozen; only her eyes moved as they darted between Applejack and the tub.

The farmer took the matter into her own hooves noticing Twilight wasn't budging. Twilight’s reaction was instant as she was lifted from the ground, “Applejack, what do you think-” her words were cut short as she was dropped into the tub. Gasping for air, the Princess trashed around only to glare at her snickering friend.

Applejack smiled, wasting no time as she plopped into the other side.

“Sorry fur the surprise, but we didn’t have all day, ‘Twi. So, Ah treated you like my little sis’. Besides, stop freaking out.”

Twilight humphed, turning away from her friend. Applejack just smiled while she grabbed the soap and brush that lay beside her.

Twilight yelped as the brush ran down her back causing her to shiver at the contact. After a few more brushes Twilight felt herself start to relax as Applejack lathered her coat. Applejack’s slow hums only helped the poor Princess relax even more. Applejack did her best to get Twilight clean. As she scrubbed, she noticed the poor condition of the Princess's wings.

Gulping, Applejack steeled herself as she spoke, “Sugarcube, how long has it been since you last preened your wings?” Twilight stiffened at the question but did not answer. In all honesty, she didn’t really remember when her last preening was. Applejack just shook her head, this wouldn't be the first time Twilight didn’t take care of herself. “Listen ‘Twi, Ah’m gonna go ahead and preen them for you. Just extend your wing.”

In a flash of speed Twilight darted to the other side of the tub. Her eyes were wide as saucers and her face a bright scarlet. “What! Applejack! I know you want to help, but preening to Pegasi is a very intimate act of affection! Only your special somepony should do it!” Applejack sat and blinked before busting up laughing.

“Oh sugarcube, you sometimes read waaay too much. Ah have helped Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy before. Yes, preening can be done by your special somepony, but it can also be done by close friends and family.” Twilight still didn’t looked convinced, but slowly started to move closer to the farmer. “And since Rainbow Dash kept crashing into my trees, Ah took it upon myself to learn so Ah could help her. Ah guess Ah do a pretty good job, ‘cause soon enough, Fluttershy came by askin’ fur help as well.”

Yet again, Twilight found herself drawn toward Applejack’s eyes. They still only held honesty and comfort in their green depths. Biting her lip, she turned around, extending her wing. Applejack thanked her before grabbing the appendage and getting to work.

Twilight's mind was going a mile a minute. So many confusing emotions hitting her all at once and feeling Applejack's mouth on her feathers did not help. She couldn't help it as a moan left her lips, causing her to try to pull her wing away only to have a strong pair of hooves stop her. “It's fine ‘Twi, Ah know it feels good just sit back and try to relax.” Twilight visibly shivered as she relaxed, closing her eyes once more. She did everything in her power to keep quiet but to no avail; Applejack’s work felt like pure magic she felt like pudding in her hooves.

Soon enough, Applejack had finished both wings. Twilight was too far gone to notice sometimes during the preening she had completely pushed herself against her friend. Her head now lay against the farmers shoulders. If Applejack minded, she didn’t show it. Applejack smiled, placing her hooves in Twilight’s mane as she scrubbed shampoo in it.. Twilight hissed as the hooves dug into her scalp.

“Applejack, could you be a little more gentle with my scalp?”

It was Applejack’s turn to blush as she pulled back.

“Ah’m sorry Twi, Applebloom gets so dirty some times Ah kinda got use to having to scrub reel hard to get all the dirt out.”

Twilight only nodded as Applejack went to work, she couldn't remember the last time she felt so relaxed and she definitely couldn't remember the last time she had felt so safe.

Soon she felt the hooves leave her mane and the water shifted around her.

Twilight turned to see Applejack stepping out of the tub. Before she could speak Applejack beat her to the punch, “You go ahead and rinse off, Ah’m gonna go check on the food. Just holler if you need help out of the tub, Twi.” Twilight only nodded as her friend headed out.

Once she was finally alone, Twilight had time to gather her thoughts. First, why was she just now noticing Applejack’s beauty? Second, when did she start having feeling for the farmer? Everything was happening all too fast for the mare and not having her magic didn’t help. Sighing, she slowly got out of the tub and dried herself off. These thoughts would need further study for now. She would just have to sort things out.

Twilight smiled as Applejack’s food hit her nostrils, her smile only grew as the farmer came into sight. Applejack smiled as she sat at table.

“Well, Ah’m glad we had that bath, don't know about you, but Ah feel great.”

Twilight smiled, sitting down next to her friend and watched as Applejack started to eat.

Applejack paused when she noticed Twilight staring before sitting up, “Shoot ‘Twi, Ah forgot you might need help eating.” Twilight snapped out of her trance when she saw Applejack lift some food to her.

Shaking her head she spoke, “I can eat just fine, I was just entranced by the beauty… of this meal you made.”

Applejack's cheeks flash pink, “Ain’t a big deal, sugarcube. Now, after this here meal, Ah need to go check on the farm. It will only be a few hours Ah’ll be gone, will you be okay alone?”

Twilight smiled as she nodded. This alone time would allow her to look into her new feelings. It would be kind of hard to do that with the pony who was causing them to be right beside her.

Applejack chuckled, finishing the last of her meal, standing up she smiled at Twilight. “Well, Ah will see you in a few hours and remember - no magic.” Twilight nodded as Applejack left the kitchen. She spoke once more, “Also, the cast on your horn will let me or Spike know you tried to use magic, so don't try.”

Soon the only noise Twilight heard was the clicking of the front door.

Twilight wasted no time as she hurried to stuff down her food. Once her plate was cleared she darted to her study to grab some parchment and quills. She needed answers and she knew just the pony to give them. Quickly she told Spike of her destination and promised the dragon she would use no magic she soon departed.

As she neared her destination she felt her nerves catching up to her. Soon an all too familiar door stood in front of her, she couldn't figure out why it was so intimidating now. She had been at this door so many times before, but she never had been here seeking romantic advice. Twilight steeled herself as she walked in only to be pulled into a hug.

“Twilight, darling, it's so good to see you!”

Author's Note:

here is the second chap hope you guys enjoy.