• Published 8th Dec 2016
  • 3,720 Views, 70 Comments

The Farmer and the Princess - huntersunday

Love can be a small wave or the most powerful force in the universe. Twilight and Applejack have been given a golden opportunity to explore these new feelings. A simple mistake can lead to a love strong enough to conquer time, logic, and even death

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Two Gifts made For Love

Two Gifts of Pure Love

One month had passed since that beautiful night. Every pony had approved when they heard the news. The Apple’s threw a great hoedown welcoming the new member of family.

The Sparkles didnt go that far but had a great dinner in celebration. Celestia herself fell to tears hearing the news, Luna might have cried as well if her sister hadn't grabbed her in a death like vice crying into the poor alicorns shoulder. With so many happy smiles welcoming their union, it made their love feel even more special.

Applejack at the moment was not smiling, as Rarity messed with her eye liner for the thousandth time. “Consarn it Rarity, will you stop. The weddin still hours away!” Huffing the fashionista pulled away, so she could give Applejack a death glare.

Hanging her head Rarity sighed, “Fine darling, but don't blame me. It's your future wife's fault. I swear who in their right mind plans two meetings on the wedding day. “ Before Aj could respond a powder puff smacked her in the face once more.

Coughing the farmer had enough and left her chair “Ah know this upsets you, it’s like the hundredth time you've complained about it. Heck Rares, it's my wedding and you're more stressed than me.” Glancing at the clock Applejack shook her head.

“Listen Ah’ve gotta go, me and the family are supposed to meet Twi, in five minutes.” Rarity only humphed until Applejack was out of sight. When the farmer was long gone her pout turned into a small smile. It was time for her and the girls to get the second surprise ready.

Applejack never was one to question Twilight's plans. Heading to the castle’s garden she couldn't help but think Twilight might be pushing the time table. Twilight did tell her earlier it wouldn't take long and that it was one of the two wedding gifts she had planned to give her.

Still there was only six hours until the wedding, entering the garden Applejack’s worries went on the back burner. Her family was already there, sitting side by side near a very strange circle on the ground.

Applejack knew enough from the times Twilight taught her about magic that the circle was a spell of some sort. She wasn't able to question it further as her attention was drawn to her future wife smiling back at her.

Twilight sat at the front of the circle, Celestia and Luna sat at each side of her. Twilight smiled beckoning Applejack to sit beside her. Not wanting to draw whatever this was out she complied sitting down beside her.

Twilight then turned to face the circle taking Applejack’s hoof in her own “With the permission of Celestia and Luna, I princess Twilight Sparkle summon the demon Tirek to stand before us.” Applejack had no time to react as the circle flashed red oping a portal.

Soon Tirek emerged from the portal covered in chains. Discord appeared right behind him whistling while playing with the chains.

Twilight spoke before anypony could freak out “Tirek, I believe Discord has given you my terms. If you do this I will remove two thousand years from your sentance. Do you agree?” Applejack’s hair stood on its end ready to act, Tirek nodded while raising his cuffed hands.

Before Applejack could protest Discord snapped his fingers making the chains disappear. She turned to question Twilight, only to be stop by a small kiss.

Tirek groaned popping his wrists before extending one arm out to Twilight. Applejack had enough she went to step in front of Twilight only to be caught in the same bubble that Celestia used before.

Her protest could not be heard as Twilight’s horn glowed, a ball of pure magic shot from its tip straight into the demon's hand.

Tirek smiled absorbing the magic, extending his other arm the garden was filled by his booming voice. “I Tirek, second son of the demon king. Invoke a special rule; that these two spirits have access to the land of the living. Be it only a short time.”

Applejack and her family sat in awe as a portal of pure white light appeared from the demon's hand. The bubble surrounding the farmer disappeared allowing her to move, but she couldn't even budge as tears fell. Two ponies stepped through the blinding light causing every member in the Apple family to gasp.

Granny Smith was the first to speak, though it only came out as a whisper “Magnum and Sunkiss?”

Applebloom was the first to move darting forward in a flash she jumped into the mare’s legs.

The orange mare let out a sob pulling Applebloom close to her chest “It so good to see you, my little flower.”

The red stallion beside them also cried pulling them both into a strong embrace. Applejack could not believe her tear soaked eyes, directly in front of her now stood her dead parents.

Twilight pulled the farmer into a hug “It isn't permanent, There is no way to bring back the dead, but they will be able to see your wedding like you wished.” Applejack still couldn't speak burying her face into her lover's chest. What could she say?

Soon a gruff voice she hadn't heard in years spoke from behind her, “So you're the mare strong enough to reign in my little Applejack?”

Applejack froze hearing her father's voice. Twilight smiled and let Applejack go before meeting the stallions gaze.

“Magnum Apple, even though it's a little late to ask. May I marry your daughter?” Applejack still couldn't move she never thought she would have the chance to do this. A chance to see her Pa give her lover his blessing.

Magnum stood tall his gaze held raw strength as he looked at the two mares. Even though he towered over the princess Twilight never wavered meeting the gaze head on.

Soon Applejack epped as Magnum pulled her and Twilight into a hug “Ah’d be a darn fool to not let my daughter marry someone who would allow me and my wife to see her get hitched.” Letting them go Magnum smiled. Twilight smiled back, Applejack on the other hand still sat motionless.

Applejack tensed as a soft hoof ran through her mane. She turned to see her mother smiling back at her. It was the last straw as all of Applejack’s will power broke, she wailed wrapping herself up in her mom's awaiting arms. “Ma, Pa, Ah’ve missed you so much!”

Twilight smiled her own tears falling as the Apple’s reunited with their family. Celestia drew her attention “You did an amazing thing here today. I know you Twilight, don't fret even though you shortened his sentence Tirek has many years left.”

Twilight nodded her head “I do believe you have another surprise to get to though.” Twilight smiled as her mentor left to go to the next meeting spot.

Walking up to Applejack she spoke “Jackie, can I have a moment.” Applejack pulled herself from watching her brother and father wrestle like old times, to give Twilight her full attention. “Listen they'll be here until about an hour after the wedding. So you have time to talk I need to go get your next gift ready it will take an hour to prepare.” Applejack nodded giving Twilight a small kiss.

“Good meet me at the throne room in one hour, and bring your family.” With that Twilight left to let the Apple’s have some time to themselves.

The last hour had been everything Applejack ever dreamed of. It was truly magical it seemed her parents had been watching them grow ever since they passed away. Which gave them more time to just enjoy each other. Sadly it had to come to an end as they all left to got to the throne room.

Now Applejack happiness was gone as she butted heads with the guards who blocked her path “What in tarnation do you think you're doing?” The guards said nothing as they held their spears blocking the farmer’s entrance.

They didnt even budge when Applejack grinded her hoof into the ground preparing to charge, no stupid guards would keep her from Twilight.

Thankfully her rampage was cut short as Celestia’s voice echoed from the room. “Ladies and gentlecolts me and the princess’s stand before you as audience.”

Applejack tried her best to look around the guards in hope of seeing inside. The guards still did not budge “Beside us stand four heroes of equestria, who have fought and put their very lives on the line to save this land and its ponies.”

Applejack smiled as an applause erupted in the throne room, Celestia’s voice still boomed over the cheers “As you all know today is a day of celebration. My student, friend and your princess is to wed one of the heroes of this land. Her name is Applejack”

Applejack nearly fell on her butt as the guards stepped aside the moment Celestia spoke her name, letting her through.

As she walked ahead she quickly noticed all eyes were on her. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight and her friends waited at the end of the room. The princess all sat at their thrones and her friends stood on each side.

Celestia nodded signaling her to approach speaking “This mare before you has helped so many. Always putting family and friends above all else. So when my faithful student asked me a favor I could not decline.”

Applejack’s heated up at Celestia’s praise and soon stood only a few feet away from the throne. Twilight stepped forward and spoke ‘Fair Applejack, the princesses and elements have convened and decided to give you a gift. First you must answer these questions.”

Applejack could feel the power and love in Twilight’s voice, she could only nod in response “Do you hero of equestria swear to always put friends and family above all?”

Applejack gulped, she knew her answer would be in front of all ponies who bore witness “Ah swear.”

Luna was next to step forth “Does tho swear to honor the laws of these lands always?”

“Ah swear.”

Cadence was next as she step forward “Do you swear to always love all ponies even those who stray from the path of good?”

Applejack had to take a moment her entire body started to tremble, every word the princesses spoke felt like magic rolling over her “Ah, swear.”

Finally Celestia herself stood her eyes starting to glow, as did the other princesses. Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s bodies started to glow as they transformed into their elements.

Celestia’s voice boomed with power causing the very ground to shake as she spoke “Do you Applejack, swear to never misuse this gift and always protect these land and its ponies?”

Applejack’s whole body surged with power as she looked between her friends and lover. Celestia’s words hit her to the core as she felt the depth of their meaning. Glancing once to her smiling family she knew her answer “Ah will always serve equestri and never leave this land or Twilight’s side!”

As the words left her mouth her own body began to glow. She barely had time to gasp as her body became encased in pure magic, the last thing she saw was Twilight’s smile as her world went black.

The world around her was a strange site to see as the farmer came to. There was no floor or sky, All around her where windows of her past being played out all around her. Seeing nopony around Applejack shouted to see if anypony would answer. Soon a soft wing draped over her causing her to jump.

Applejack calmed down when she saw Twilight smiling at her. Twilight spoke her voice seemed to be all around them “Honeycrisp give me your hoof.” Applejack knew she could trust her even though she was scared it was still Twilight. Without hesitation she handed over her hoof.

Twilight’s horn glowed as the leather leg wraps Applejack had grown use to wearing were removed. The farmer went to pull away but was stopped by Twilight’s gripp.

Twilight frowned as she ran her hoof along the scars she had caused. They weren't all that bad it looked like tiny fractures that branched out all around and lead to the end of Aj’s hoof.

Applejack spoke “Twi Ah told you not to fret over this.” Twilight couldn't help but laugh pressing her head against Applejack’s

The farmer humphed “Ah dont see whats so funny Ah’m a might bit confused about everything right now”

Twilight’s first response was placing a small kiss on her lips, “Your what's funny Honeycrisp. Here you stand surrounded by magic, your parents have been brought back to see you. Yet still you only worry about me. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mare in my life” Applejack couldn't help but blush at the praise.

Twilight spoke once more touching the scar “These scars do not bother me as much as they remind me of my past mistakes, they will stay with me for an eternity. The only question is, do you want to be with me for that long?”

Applejack pulled back her eyes wide, it was all starting to make since. Twilight smiled noticing Aj had finally put the pieces together, “I know this is a lot to take in, but it's your choice to make.” Applejack sucked in a breath as Twilight continued “You told me your biggest fear was leaving me alone. So I got the princesses and our friends to offer you this gift. Take your time and think about it.”

Applejack was at a lost, taking in all that was being offered to her. Glancing around she saw her memories sail by, but the one that stood out the most was her and Twilight sitting under her parents apple tree. It all hit this amazing mare who defied death and now time, chose her a simple farmer to love.

Applejack knew her answer putting her head back against Twilight's, her voice came out just a whisper. “”Twi Ah already swore to myself that Ah would love you till the day Ah dye, Ah then swore to myself, Ah would find away back into your arms. So if you willing to put up with me for an eternity, then my answer is yes.”

That was all Twilight needed to here as tears fell down her face. Her horn glowed as she pulled Applejack into a kiss. The world around them glowed bright enough to engulf the ponies in a blinding light. Soon both ponies faded away their lips never parting.

Author's Note:

Wow this is now my longest fic ever :pinkiegasp: Still I'm glad everyone is enjoying it it has over 100 favs :rainbowkiss: It's going to be sad to see it end. Also my editor hasn't got to this one I apologize for any major mistakes. Any ways please comment below on what you thought.