• Published 11th Dec 2016
  • 1,550 Views, 56 Comments

Cursed Eyes - Knight Gear

A group thousands of years old now stands in the shadows of the modern day. With one young-ling of their up bringing making head way on new grounds. But what will the journey do should he waver.

Comments ( 20 )

It's fine, everyone has stuff they need to deal with once in a while


Thanks for understand. The things I had to deal with are my younger sister heading off the college and my dad being diagnosed with skin cancer. Also the auto shop I work at gotten broken into so we had to replace all the tools and such. Soooo just been a stressful month.

I'm surpised to see this update. I havent heard from you in awhile so i thought you just stopped working on it. Glad to see you have done more. My offer still stands to help you if you were worried.
Also, this chapter is so hot. I'm into petplay <.<


I"m not done with this story life just got in the way both good and bad. And I've had to deal with a few personal problems. I dont give up on things easily just like life. As my grandpa always says I'm too stubborn to die. But anyways I'm still working on it just haven't had the time like before. And honestly I didn't contact you mainly because I feel like I need to starting editing on my own more. Just to improve my self.

Understandable. But as i said, the offer still stands if you ever want help. I wouldn't mind. But its good your trying on your own, and this was pretty well written so i saw improvement.


Thank you! *Says in funny voice.*

Now I must plan the next chapter. *brain fart.*

That also includes if you have any questions about Eclipse or how she acts.

This is an enjoyable chapter... the part with fluttershy being captured/initial trained at her house seems a bit short and simple to me... but really like where this is going

Thanks and I thought of making the training a bit longer but I was having trouble. So I decided to split the story in half.

When can we expect the next chapter? I really would like to read the whole story.

I’m sorry I haven’t added anything yet. Things have been crazy life wise. I honestly can’t tell you.

I haven’t given up on the story. I’ve just been having writers block. Don’t worry you’ll have another chapter. I promise.

I hope so. I don't like Cliff hangers.

I know you and I are the same. It’s just I kind of wrote my self into a corner that I haven’t figured a way out yet. Also thank you for being patient.

I hope you get out of your funk soon. I hate seeing good stories die.

I’m working on it now. And while your on. Mind telling me what you like so much about it?

Truthfully I haven't started reading at the moment. I like to give the story a while so I could really get into it. But I like the idea of it.

Oh got it. Well if you have any ideas please share. I’m trying to turn this into an open world group. Where if you want you can write a story based in the world.

Sorry not a very good righter but I can help you with ideas for spells for combat I watch a lot of TV and read a lot of fan fiction story's.

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