• Published 3rd Jan 2017
  • 1,609 Views, 70 Comments

Nightfall - Thestoryteller

A parallel universe where Nightmare Moon wasn't defeated but instead Celestia was.

  • ...

Chapter 1. Apprentice


Time had passed, and in that time Equestria prospered under the rule of Queen Luna. All bowed and respected their Queen with love and loyalty, even the moon and sun bowed to the goddess as she moved both with ease. Queen Luna was said to be the most powerful being in the whole world. No creature in existence even had a sliver of power that could compare to hers.

Except for one.

In the eyes of her subjects the Queen looked happy and cheerful, but when she returned to her chambers the face of happiness turned to remorse. Not a day or night went by that the Queen missed her sister. She desperately wanted to bring her back. To see her again, to hold her, to say one word that she had longed to speak to her. But she knew that day would not be today. She knew that her sister was gone and that it would take a miracle to bring her back.

Every night the Queen would sleep alone, visiting the dreams of her subjects. Every night she would cry softly so that the guards outside her room would not hear her. Every night she felt a cold and dark emptiness inside of her. A feeling that she refused to escape from.

The feeling of loneliness.

The Queen had her subjects, but like all things they withered away and died. The friendships she had only lead to heartbreak. There was only one who had stood by her for many millennia, and compared to all the others she was the furtherest away.

But one day, while the Queen was walking along the streets of Canterlot, something rather peculiar happened. A thunderous explosion echoed throughout the city followed by a rainbow colored shockwave that flew over the city. Frazzled by what had just happen, Queen Luna didn't know what to do. She didn't have time to react to the colorful explosion as the sound of broken glass and cracking stone came from behind.

The Queen instantly turned around and gasped. Large and meaty vines had wrapped themselves around the building. The vegetation poured out of broken windows and newly formed holes in the wall and ceiling. Queen Luna acted on instinct and spread her wings, she took flight towards the house. She searched for an opening, but couldn't find one. So she made her own.

Her horn glowed dark blue before she unleashed a beam of magic onto one of the vines. The beam shot clean through the vine, and with a tilt of her head, the beam sliced through the vine as though it were made of butter. The vine dropped to the floor with a loud *THUMP*. The Queen used her magic to push back the chopped off piece of the vine connected to the wall.

Once the vine had been pushed back, Queen Luna landed in the room. Smaller vines clung to the walls, floor, and ceiling. What the Queen found most odd was that there was a large purple scaled dragon with green spiked scales from the top of his head to his tail who had green eyes was cramped in the room. There was a cactus sitting in a pot with a squeaking mouse next to it. Sitting in chairs behind a desk was a beach ball, a muffin, and a goldfish which was swimming in a fishbowl. Huddled in the far corner of the room were multiple young ponies, literally shaking in fear.

The Queen gave them a quizzical look. One of the ponies, a colt, slowly pointed his shaking hoof at something. Luna turned to where the colt was pointing and saw the source of what was happening. A unicorn filly with a lavender coat, a dark purple mane, and eyes that were completely white hovered in the center of the room by a light purple magical bubble. Sparks shot out from her horn uncontrollably as the filly had no control over her magic.

The Queen faced the filly and her horn glowed. She casted a spell that would disrupt the filly's connection to her magic. But the moment she casted the spell it instantly recoiled at Luna. She pressed against her head, hoping to suppress the sudden and unexpected pain. She looked at the filly with a face that was more confused than angry. The spell should've worked, it should've cut off the connection between the filly and her magic. Yet somehow the filly was able to reject the spell. Such a thing was impossible, the only one capable of countering the disruption spell was......her sister.

Luna looked at the filly with eyes now filled with determination. Luna shut her eyes for a second before opening them, her eyes now completely white. Her horn glowed bright blue and after taking a deep breath she shouted,


A light blue bubble formed on the tip of Luna's horn, the bubble instantly grew to the size where it entrapped the entire building. The growing vines ceased and began to shrink and recede back into the building. In a bright flash the cactus turned into a unicorn Stallion by the name of Nightlight, the squeaking mouse turned into the unicorn mare known as Twilight Velvet. The beach ball, muffin, and the goldfish turned back into the three judges for the 'School of gifted Unicorns' exam. The one who had turned into a goldfish had the bowl on his head, taking the bowl off the water poured onto him, soaking his clothes and fur. The once large dragon shrunk and returned back to its infant form. The large vegetation receded back into the pot it had been planted in.

"Oh...my head." The filly, no longer in a magic state, rubbed her hoof against her forehead. She looked forward to see a pair of tall legs. The filly's eyes climbed up to see that the legs belonged to Queen Luna. The filly's eyes went wide as she scrambled to her hooves and bowed so low that her head pressed against the floor.

The filly knew that she was in trouble, she knew that she was about to receive the most awful punishment ever invented. She closed her eyes and waited for her Queen to speak.

"How did you do it?"

The filly opened her eyes and slightly gazed upward to the all powerful goddess who was looking down on her. She licked her dry lips before speaking softly and frightened, "...I, um...excuse me..."

"How where you able to repel my spell. It takes an irregular amount of magic to do such a thing, so I will ask again little one. How did you do it?" Luna asked once more.

"I uh...I don't know." The filly answered quickly before cowering in fear.

Luna frowned and sighed. "You don't know...I see." Luna began to ponder. "This pony doesn't even realize the power she processes. In the wrong hooves...she would be a danger to Equestria itself. Luckily there's a simple solution."

"What is your name little one?" Luna asked.

"My name?" The filly asked, Luna nodded. "My name, is Twilight Sparkle."

"Twilight Sparkle." Luna repeated her name. "Tell me, Twilight, were you trying out for the 'School for gifted Unicorns'?"

"Y-yes your highness." Twilight answered.

"I'm afraid that a unicorn with your kind of magic cannot be allowed in that school." Luna stated.

"Oh...I understand your highness." Twilight said saddened.

"Therefore I have a proposition for you." Luna said.

Twilight sat up, "huh?"

"How would you like it if I gave you a position greater than a student in the 'School for gifted Unicorns'?" Luna asked.


"Twilight Sparkle, I offer you to come with me and become my apprentice." Luna offered.


"Will you accept my offer?" Luna asked.

Twilight's mouth was agape and her eyes wide, she looked to her parents for an answer. Her parents nodded so fast they looked like complete idiots.

"YES!" Twilight screamed, leaping into the air. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!" Twilight said repeated, bouncing up and down around Luna. Just brimming with joy.

A smile spread across Luna's face, it made her feel happy knowing that she would have some new company in her castle.


In the royal castle, in one of the many hallways, a royal unicorn guard with white fur adorned in golden armor patrolled down the halls. Passing by windows and priceless objects sitting on display. The guard rounded a corner and his hoofsteps began to become faint until they could no longer be heard. The hallway became silent, which was short lived as one of the windows creaked open. A figure quickly entered and quietly closed the window.

The figure was a teenage looking Pegasus colt with orange fur, a spiky blue mane, and matching blue eyes. An empty sack sat on his back. The Pegasus looked left and right before running silently down the halls. The colt ran through hallway after hallway searching for something in particular. The colt peeked from behind a corner and saw his target. A large double door painted black with the shape of a white crescent moon painted on the doorway. Standing guard were two Thestral guards wearing lunar armor and were armed with spears. The colt grinned, reaching into his sack and pulling out a tennis ball.

The colt eyed a brown vase as he threw the tennis ball up and caught it back in his hoof. The colt reared back his foreleg and threw the ball. The tennis ball soared towards the pillar holding the vase and the two collided. The base wobbled and the vase fell, causing it to break.

"What was that?" One of the guards asked.

The colt clung his back to the wall and when the two guards passed by and ran towards the sound, they left the colt undetected. While the guards were busy observing the broken vase the colt made a mad dash towards the door. The colt slightly opened the door, and peeked into the room, once he was sure that it was empty he entered and closed the door behind him.

The room was lit as the sun's light entered the room thanks to the drawn back curtains. In the center of the room was a king sized bed with an oak frame that had transparent curtains around all four corners of the bed which hung from the wooden stands. The floor didn't have a speck of dirt or dust on it, it was so clean that the colt could see his reflection. The colt didn't have time to look at the furniture, he had a job to do and he couldn't return empty hoofed. The colt went to work, he began searching the room, pulling out drawers and shutting them, opening the closet door and bathroom, looking under the bed and sheets for something.

In the middle of the colt's search the door nob jiggled. The colt dashed to the closet and hid just as the door to the room opened. The colt peeked out from the small crack in the closet to see Queen Luna had entered the room. His blood ran cold and he gulped.

Luna's hooves clapped with each step she took as she approached her bed. She stood before the bed and looked at it carefully.

"I know your there." Luna spoke, her eyes still on the bed.

The colt's body became pale and sweat started to drip from his forehead.

Luna looked up from the bed and laid her eyes to the closet. "Do not be afraid, if you come out I promise that you will receive no harm."

The deal was tempting. Very tempting. The colt didn't know what else to do, he was trapped like a cornered mouse by a hungry cat. The colt's foreleg began to move towards the closet door involuntary, and opened it. The closet door creaked loudly as it swung open and the colt stepped out. There was a moment of silence between Luna and the colt, before Luna spoke.

"What is your name?" Luna asked.

The colt remained silent before responding, "Flash Sentry."

"Why are you here?" Luna asked.

"I'm here on a job." Flash said.

"What's the job?" Luna asked.

Flash shrugged, "I was told to search for something, they didn't tell me what. Just that I'd know it when I saw it."

"Who offered you this job?" Luna asked.

"Can't say, they both wore masks and cloaks." Flash responded.

"Why did you accept their job? What did they offer you?"

"Money, food, and a place to sleep in for a week." Flash said.

"Where are your parents?" Luna asked.

"Don't know, they abandoned me when I was little." Flash said.

"How did you sneak past the guards?" Luna asked.

"I created a distraction by smashing one of your vases." Flash smiled, almost like he was proud of his actions.

"Clever." Luna admitted. "You have no home or family you say."

"That's right." Flash said.

"Well then mr. Sentry, I have an offer for you. Would you like to here it?" Luna asked.

"Sure." Was Flash's response.

"I will give you food, a place to stay, and a salary on one condition."

"I'm listening." Flash said.

"You have to become one of my guards. If you prove to be loyal and worthy, then you may stay. But," Luna's tone turned dark, "if you betray my trust I will have you executed on the spot. Do we have an understanding?"

"Yes your highness." Flash gulped. "Um...may ask a question?"

"Certainly." Luna smiled.

"Why am I so willingly telling you these things?" Flash asked.

"I apologize mr. Sentry, when I discovered you had entered my room I cast a persuasion spell onto you. The spell prevents you from causing any harm to me and makes you do whatever I tell you to do. This includes telling the truth."

"So it's mind control?" Flash asked.

"Try not to think of it like that. But rest assure that when you wake up you'll be given a better life than before. Now sleep."

Flash's mind obeyed the Queen's command and shut down. His body became like jello as his eyes shut and he collapsed, sleeping soundly. Luna used her magic and levitated the guard towards her, smiling at her new recruit.

As night rolled in, the streets of Canterlot became barren and vacant. The once bustling and noisy city was now quiet. The residents of the city were now tucked away in their homes and beds. Except for one, a white Pegasus Stallion with a blonde name and green eyes trotted nervously down the stone paved streets. His eyes darted left and right, constantly looking behind him, worried that he was being followed. The Pegasus walked up to a restaurant with a hanging sign that read, Eclipsed Moon.

The Pegasus opened the door and entered the building. There were empty seats and tables with dropped food and dirt on the floor, which was being cleaned up by the maids. At the bar a grey coated earth pony with brown eyes and a black mane with a black mustache was wiping down the counters. The Pegasus walked up to the bar, the earth pony's responded by saying,

"Were closed."

The Pegasus leaned forward and whispered, "Daybreak."

The earth pony said nothing, instead he eyed a door next to the bar. The Pegasus walked to the door and opened it, inside were stairs leading down. The Pegasus closed the door behind him and walked down. The basement had a cold concrete floor with metal pipes attached to the ceiling. Some dripping water onto the floor. The basement was poorly lit further away from the stairs, but the Pegasus knew he wasn't alone.

"Your late."

The deep voice made the Pegasus jump back in fright. He cleared his throat before speaking, "I-I bring bad news...it's about the colt."

Two figures walked out from the darkness. Both wore red clothing with golden lining that covered their entire body except for their tails. The two wore a red hood over their head and a white mask that covered their face. The figure on the left was clearly a stallion and the figure on the right was a mare.

"What about the colt?" The Stallion figure demanded.

"Th-the Queen discovered him and...she...well, um...she-"

"Out with it damn it!" The Stallion roared, grabbing the Pegasus by the throat.

"She recruited him." The Pegasus cried, holding his forelegs over his face as a shield.

The Stallion said nothing, his mind processing what had been said. "The Demon...recruited him?" He repeated what the Pegasus had said, in hope of getting a better understanding.

"Y-yes sir, that's what happened." The Pegasus whimpered.

The Stallion released the Pegasus, "how?" He demanded.

"She...she hypnotized him, I think."

"Ya mean the Demon took over his mind?" The Mare spoke.

"I guess that's one way to put it." The Pegasus scratched his head. "We have to tell the rest about this, we have to warn them about what she is capable of."

"We will do no such thing." The Stallion growled.

The Pegasus looked at the figure flabbergasted, "Wha...what!"

"If our troops find out that the Demon is capable of turning the, against us then they'll run away in terror. Their hope will turn to fear and we won't stand a chance against her." The Stallion explained.

"If...if you won't tell them then I have no choice but to-"

Before the Pegasus could take another breath the mare swung her hoof against his throat. The Pegasus coughed and in doing so spat blood. He raised a hoof to his throat and examined the now bloody hoof. By the time the Pegasus had realized what had happened his body fell.

"A shame." The Mare sighed, wiping the hidden bloody blade, that was attached to her right hoof, against her clothes. "He didn't deserve death."

"Yet it welcomes him so graciously." The Stallion sighed, "we cannot let anyone learn of what has transpired here."

"I understand. But what if he found it?" The Mare asked.

"Then we've lost it. We'll have to rethink our strategy before continuing onward." The Stallion said.

"What about him?" The Mare asked, pointing to the corpse of the Pegasus in a puddle of blood.

"We'll deal with him later. For now we must vacate the area." The Stallion said. "May the Light be with you."

"And with you."