• Published 3rd Jan 2017
  • 1,615 Views, 70 Comments

Nightfall - Thestoryteller

A parallel universe where Nightmare Moon wasn't defeated but instead Celestia was.

  • ...

Chapter 7. Buck till the sun goes down (part 2/2)

Silence, the absence of sound, truly there isn't a more peaceful thing. No interruptions, no noises, just silence. It was paradise for a reader like Twilight, who had just woken up. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming. Yes it was in fact a beautiful day, a perfect day one might say.

"I'm not some kid you know! I'm more than capable of handling myself!"

Of course, because the universe is a prick, because today was a perfect day that meant something bad was bound to happen.

"I don't care if you're a kid or not, the Queen gave me orders and I plan on following them to the letter!"

Twilight sighed, marking her page with a bookmark and closing up the book she was reading. She placed the book on her nightstand and walked downstairs, where she found the cause of all the yelling.

"I've been managing on my own just find without any help, why should I start now!?" First Base demanded.

"Maybe if you stopped and thought for a second, you'd see how stupid it would be if you left!" Flash shouted back.

Twilight watched from the steps as the two barked at each other for what seemed like hours. Finally Twilight had enough.

"SHUT UP!" She boomed, causing the treehouse to shake.

Both Flash and First Base braced themselves as the treehouse shook violently. Once the shaking had stopped both Flash and First Base turned to Twilight.

"What on earth are you two bickering about?" She asked.

First Base made a pouty face and his pupils grew. "Brother won't let me go out and play with Scootaloo because he's a meanie."

Flash rolled his eyes. "You're seriously not pulling the 'pout face' are-"

"You poor thing." Twilight rushed to First Base's side and hugged him tight, before glaring at Flash, "how could you Flash? This little colt just wants to play with his friend. Why should he be denied such a privilege."

Flash's mouth went unhinged, the gears in his brain slowly turning. "Note to self, Twilight has a will as strong as melted butter." Flash mentally said. "You can't be serious, do you even know why he's here?"

Twilight paused, "he's your brother. Right?" She asked looking between First Base and Flash. "I mean, the resemblance is uncanny."

"He is not my brother!" Flash's anger flared. "And if he was then I most certainly wouldn't let him out of my sight." Flash began to cool down, "his name is First Base, and he doesn't have any memory of parents or any family. The one thing he does know is that he's somehow lived on his own for about a year." Flash stated. "As for why he's here, that's because he broke into Queen Luna's castle and she can't do anything with him so we have to babysit him until our Queen can do something about it."

"Queen Luna." The words rolled off First Base's tongue. "I've always wondered, why is she called Queen Luna instead of Princess Luna? I mean, wouldn't you have to marry a prince to become a queen?"

Both Flash and Twilight thought about what First Base said. "He makes a good point, for a princess to become a queen she would have to marry someone, but I haven't seen any husband married to Luna ever since I became her apprentice." Twilight said.

"That is weird, you'd think we'd have a king but there never has been one for-" Flash shook his head. "Don't try and change the subject!" He barked at First Base. "We still have to decide what to do with you-"

As if by some miracle, and by that I mean completely coincidental, the door was burst open and a pink blur rushed in. I'll give you three guesses who it is.

"Twilight!" Pinkie squealed, crushing Twilight in a tight squeeze before releasing her. "Where have you been?! I was so busy plotting the demise-I mean birthday of a very special griffon that I completely forgot to check on you. It wasn't until I didn't see you at Applejack's award ceremony that I remembered so I got here as fast as I could." She then saw First Base. "When did you guys have a kid?"

"He's not our kid." Both Flash and Twilight blurted in embarrassment.

"Yeah I'm not their son." First Base declared. "I'm just his brother." He pointed at Flash.

"He's not that either. He's just some kid we have to watch for the Queen." Flash said.

"Oh, well you guys better find someone else to watch him. Because you guys need to go help Applejack." Pinkie said.

"Wait why? What's wrong with her?" Twilight asked, becoming worried.

"Oh it's nothing to bad, she just looked like she was very sleep deprived that's all." Pinkie smiled before rubbing her chin. "No wait, that is a bad thing and you have to get over to Sweet Apple Acres at once."

Nice safe.

"I would but..." Twilight glanced over to First Base. "I was ordered by the Queen to watch him, I can't just leave."

"Of course you can silly, you just need to leave him with Spike." Pinkie pointed to the snoozing dragon.

"I don't think that's the best idea." Flash pointed out, looking at the dragon. "He was up all night taking care of somepony. Flash said, glaring at Twilight. "I think we should let him sleep."

"He'll be fine." Pinkie said grabbing both Twilight and Flash. "Now move your lazy butts and let's get moving."

And with that, Pinkie dashed off out the door, carrying both Twilight and Flash in tow. First Base watched as they sped off until they could no longer be seen. He looked to Spike to see that he, was in fact, still sleeping. With nothing holding him back, First Base left the house. Making sure to lock the door behind him.

"Pinkie!" Twilight screamed. "Slow down!" She demanded, her hindlegs being plowed through the dirt as she tried using them as breaks.

"Not now Twilight!" Was Pinkie's response. "Were making great time!"

"Where exactly are you going?!" Flash demanded.

Pinkie came to a complete stop, her momentum disappearing. But Flash and Twilight's did not. When Pinkie stopped, Flash and Twilight went flying. Luckily, they were still being held by Pinkie's hooves, her forelegs stretched a good distance before recoiling, pulling the two back, and setting Flash on Pinkie's right and Twilight on her left. Despite their daze, they were able to make out the sign above them which had the words Sweet Apple Acres inscribed on it.

"Here we are." Pinkie smiled, hopping onto the farm before coming to a stop. She turned around to see both Flash and Twilight still standing at the entrance, frowning. "What are you guys doing?" Pinkie asked. "We gotta get moving."

Flash took a step forward. "Nopony's going anywhere until you explain what's going on." He said.

"I'm with Flash on this one." Twilight agreed. "What is it that's wrong with Applejack?"

"There's no time to explain." Pinkie tried to motion both Flash and Twilight towards the farm. "I've got things to do, and Griffon's to ki-I mean celebrate."

"It won't take long. Just tell us what's going-"

"Well howdy there...guys."

The slurred voice of the country mare caught everyone's attention, and they were shocked even more when they saw the condition she was in.

The mare before the group did have a resemblance to Applejack, but she looked....unwell. Strands of her once neatly combed mane stuck out from her hat, and it was dirty with a substance that could've been described as mud, there were also traces of mud on her fur coat and tail. Beneath her half opened eyes were dark circles which indicated that she hadn't gotten enough sleep the past few days.

Fun fact about the natural body, it needs sleep. It needs sleep just as much as it needs water. The body can go a day without sleep and have no side effects from it. However, if the body continues to not rest for more than a day, that's when things start to go downhill. Two days without sleep will cause your body to weaken and become frail. Three to four days without sleep will cause your mind to not function properly, and five to six days without sleep will start to cause permanent damage. Luckily, the body will most likely shut itself down after three or four days, unless of course some unknown variable is being used to stimulate the boy.

"What's all this here bickering going on between y'all?" Applejack asked, swaying a bit to the right which caused the apples in her basket to shift. "For petes sake, I could hear ya from the edge of the field. Think of the neighbors guys. Think of the neighbors."

For a second, Flash and Twilight starred at Applejack in disbelief before slowly looking to Pinkie, who gave them a look that said 'that's your problem'. With no reason for staying, Pinkie walked off the scene.

Twilight tried to get a grip of the situation and approached Applejack. "Applejack. Are you okay?"

"You look like hell." Flash pointed out, receiving an elbow from Twilight on his foreleg.

"Ain't nothin' ya two." Applejack slurred, walking towards both Flash. "Just a bit tired from workin, that's all."

Flash recoiled back and faced away from Applejack, trying his best to avoid her breath which reeked of alcohol. "Applejack, have you been drinking?" He asked, still avoiding her breath.

"Only a bit." Applejack said, not knowing the actual amount she consumed. "You know, just to keep me awake sorta."

"Why does it look like you haven't slept in days?" Twilight asked.

"I may've spent the entire last night working." Applejack yawned. "On bucking all these trees."

"When you say 'all of these trees' you mean-" Flash gestured to every tree in Sweet Apple Acres. "Every apple tree?"

"Darn tootin." Applejack hooted, swinging her foreleg.

"But that's..."Twilight paused doing some math inside her head. "If S.A.A is five thousand feet in length and width, and the area is a square, then multiple that number by four... and if each tree takes up about five feet...that would come to a total of..." Twilight's eyes widened. "Applejack, you're planning on bucking nearly four thousand trees?!"

"Four thousand?" Applejack scoffed. "Twilight, there's a lot more than four thousand apple trees in ma orchard."

"That's not making things better." Flash said flatly.

"Applejack, there's no way you can do this all by yourself." Twilight said, trying to convince Applejack to let her help. "We're your friends, and I bet that if we all work together-"

"Woah now missy." Applejack warned. "I said that I would do all this on ma own and that's exactly wut I'm gonna do."


"No if, ands, or buts. If y'all came here to try and talk me out of this then I'm sorry ta say that ya've wasted your time." Applejack said, walking past Twilight with a now sour expression. "Now if y'all would excuse me. I've got work ta do."

Twilight was about to protest, but stopped when Flash laid a hoof on her shoulder. "Don't bother, she's past the point of talking her out of it."

Twilight sighed, lowering her head to the point where it almost touched the ground. "There must be a reason for her stubbornness, if only we knew what?"

"Well if ya want ta know, all ya gotta do is ask."

Both Twilight and Flash craned their heads to the left where an aged mare with a light green fur coat which seemed to have faded thanks to her age, she had orange eyes, and the back of her white mane was tied up into a bow. She was sitting in a wooden rocking chair which slowly rocked back and forth.

Both Flash and Twilight shared a look before Twilight spoke. "Um...I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting miss..."

"There's no need for them formalities dear, you're on a farm for petes sake. Names Granny Smith by the way, I'm Caramel Apple's mother and Applejack's grandmother." Granny Smith introduced. "I hear ya folks are trying ta talk Applejack into getting help from her friends, is that right?"

Flash and Twilight nodded simultaneously.

"Gonna be mighty hard that is." Granny sighed, looking down. "Us Apple's have always been know for our stubbornness. Once we start something and get into the habit of doin' it, we have a hard time stoppin'. If ya want ta help Applejack ya might wanna go talk to her mother, Caramel." She craned her neck towards the barn. "You'll find her in there, she's most likely praying. Best of luck to y'all."

Pinkie Pie lived in the basement of Sugarcube Corner, curtesy of the Cake's generosity. When the shop first opened there wasn't a basement installed, it wasn't until Pinkie Pie showed up that she made the basement herself.

In two hours.

Nopony knows how she did it, but she did. The Cake's agreed that Pinkie could stay as long as she helped out around the shop. Pinkie agreed, just as long as no one set foot in the basement. The basement was the size of very building itself, large enough to have three rooms. A bathroom which took up 1/4 of the basement, a bedroom which took up another 1/4 of the basement, and finally the living room which took up 1/2 of the basement. The living room had four tables full of party supplies such as wrapping paper, balloons, piñatas, and a bunch of other stuff that I wish not to go into detail. In the corner was her party cannon sitting beside a filing cabinet which sat beside a wooden desk with pencils in a cup, some books in the selves on the back frame, and a quill sticking out of a cup of ink.

The door opened and Pinkie trotted in, closing the door behind her. She hummed a lively tune as she approached the filing cabinet and pulled out the top drawer. Inside was an assortment of files with tabs sticking out with names written on them. Names which had been organized in alphabetical order. Pinkie strolled through the files before stopping at the one labeled "Gilda". Pinkie lifted the file out and and opened it up, scanning through its pages. The pages she was reading contained information about everything on Gilda. Everything. Her personality, her interests, what she liked, what she disliked, what chapters she would appear in, what she would do, when and where she would it, and what would happen because of it. It was here, of course, that Pinkie learned to break the fourth wall and alter certain events. Speaking of which.

Hey Pinkie we need to talk.

Pinkie looked up and responded. "What? Can't you see I'm busy?"

I want to make a deal. I want you to stop altering the story, reading what's going to happen, and breaking the fourth wall.

To that Pinkie burst out laughing. "Or what? You have no power here."

Perhaps, this might change your mind.

A piece of paper appeared in front of Pinkie, which she picked up and read. She frowned, setting the paper back down, face down. "Alright, maybe I didn't account for that." She admitted. "Okay, I'll stop altering the story and looking ahead in the story. But you can't stop me from breaking the fourth wall."

Acceptable, do we have a deal?

"Only if you keep your end of the bargain." Pinkie said.

Wonderful, thank you for your cooperation.

The first thing First Base did when he left was try and find Scootaloo. But because he forgot to ask where she lived, he was currently wandering the town aimlessly, trying to find his new friend. Occasionally he would ask around, giving the ponies he talked to a description of what she what she looked like but it was to no avail as no one knew who she was. First Base knew he only had a limited amount of time before Flash and Twilight returned home to find he was missing.

"Lookin for somebody?" Pinkie asked, popping out of the bushes First Base was walking past.

He jumped back in surprise by Pinkie's sudden appearance, falling on his rump.

"Did I scare ya little one?" She asked, giving him that innocent smile of hers.

"More like startled." First Base answered, getting up. "Who are you?"

"Name's Pinkie Pie, but you can call me Pinkie." She extended her hoof for a hoofshake.

First Base glanced at the hoof before looking to Pinkie. "How did you know my name?" He asked.

"Oh, I know lots of things." Pinkie smiled before her pupils dilated. "Lots of things." She said a bit more darkly.

"O...kay." First Base said, taking a step back ready to bolt.

"Your looking for Scootaloo right?" Pinkie asked.

First Base took a step forward, now interested in what Pinkie had to say. "Yes! Do you know where she is?"

"The same place you should be right now." Pinkie pointed over to a building with a triangular roof that had a bell tower on top and a playground behind it.

First Base looked back to Pinkie with a confused expression. "School?" He asked.

Pinkie nodded. "Don't know why Flash and Twilight didn't put you there in the first place." Pinkie shrugged. "Doesn't really matter now, school's gonna let out any minute-" Pinkie cut herself off as she looked over to her right and her happy expression turned sour.

"What is it?" First Base asked, looking over to where Pinkie was looking.

It took him a while but First Base eventually saw what it was Pinkie was frowning at. In the crowd of ponies, Gilda stuck out like a sore thumb. She strolled on over to a stand which was selling various treats and had a stack of cupcakes out on display. Gilda looked over and saw that the pony working at the stand was busy with a customer. After making sure no one was watching her, she casually walked forward, her tail was used to pick up on of the cupcake's on display and dropped it in her claw.

"Excuse me miss."

Gilda continued walking, taking a bite out of the cupcake.

"Excuse me miss. You there, the Griffin."

This time Gilda did stop, but she didn't stop taking bites out of the cupcake. She turned around to the one calling her to see that it was the pony selling the cupcakes.

"Um, you didn't pay for that." He stated, pointing at the cupcake in Gilda's claw.

Gilda was midway from taking another bite, the cupcake a couple of inches away from her. She looked at the pony, an angry expression plastered on her face.

"Excuse me?!" She barked, closing the distance between her and the stand, slamming her claws against the wooden board.

The pony fell on his rump in surprise, a terrified look on his face as the Griffin's looming shadow covered him. He gulped before trembling, "y-y-you didn't...pay for...that."

Gilda grabbed the pony by the collar and brought him to her. "What are you, some kind of conmare?" She barked.

Confusion was added to the pony's fearful expression. "Wh-...what?" He squeaked, which ended up making Gilda even more furious.

"I paid you for that cupcake and now your accusing me of stealing!" Gilda barked, raising her balled up fist and then opening it, revealing her razor sharp talons. "I oughta claw out your eyes for doing that."

The pony, somehow, gathered up his courage and said, "you never paid me at all." He stated.

Gilda was so very tempted to leave a red mark on the pony's face, but instead she just dropped him. "Oh I get it." She said quietly. "You think that just because I'm a Griffin, just because of all the rumors going around that Griffons are nothing but thieves and liars. That gives you the right to accuse me of stealing something which I haven't even stolen."

"What?! No, it has nothing to do-" the pony tried to protest.

"Oh no, of course it has nothing to do with me being a Griffin. How much was the cupcake again, hmm? Was it ten bits? Twenty bits? No wait, it was fifty bits right?" Gilda said, opening her bag full of bits a laying some on the taple.

"Please stop." The pony pleaded.

"You know what your right. It's probably worth all of my money isn't it?" She asked, dumping the entire bag of bits onto the table and sliding it towards the pony. "Here's one hundred and fifty two bits, I'll take my cupcake which I have already paid for!"

The pony shoved the pile of bits away from him and back towards Gilda. "Take your money and take your cupcake. I'm sorry I caused you any trouble Miss." The pony apologized.

"Apology accepted." Gilda said, sliding the pile of bits off the table and into her bag. "Just make sure it never happens again." She took her cupcake and walked away from the stand. "Sucker." She said under her breath, taking another bite out of the cupcake.

First Base's jaw became unhinged and he was filled with shock. "Did she just...how did she...what?!" First Base yelled, trying to wrap his head around what he had just witnessed.

"Yeah that Gilda sure is a big meanie." Pinkie said, continuing to frown. She looked back to the school to see that students were pouring out of the doorway. "Oh hey, school's over." Pinkie said Base. "If you wanna go talk to your friend how's the chance to do it." She waved her hoof in front of Base. "Helloooo? Did you hear me?"

"I heard you but," First Base paused looking back and forth between Gilda and the School, "I can't just sit back and pretend that didn't happen. I want to do something about it, and not just be silent."

Pinkie laid her hoof on First Base's shoulder, giving him a nod of approval. "I know exactly how you feel."and She said before smiling sinisterly. "It just so happens that I've got a plan to get grid of Gilda, and it just so happens that I'm in need of an assistant. What'da say?"

First Base grinned, "deal." He agreed, as both he and Pinkie walked into Sugar Cube Corner.

Caramel Apple was kneeling before a wooden crate, her hooves folded in the prayer position. She wore a thin, transparent white veil over her head as she prayed to a small alter of the symbol of the sun carved from marble. Strands of hay were scattered all over the place, except for the area around the crate because Caramel had swept before praying. Her prayer was interrupted by the knocking on the barn door.

"Come in." Caramel said, standing up and removing her veil as Flash and Twilight entered.

"Hello Mrs. Apple, sorry if we're interrupting you." Twilight apologized.

Flash took notice to the small alter Caramel had been praying to. "I never knew you were a Solarestral Mrs. Apple."

"Indeed I am." Caramel said, looking to the alter. "It was actually my great great...well let's just say many great grandfather who founded the religion."

Twilight, now eager to learn more about the Solarium religion, quickly rushed up to Caramel. "Ooh, please tell me about your religion." Twilight begged. "I've always wanted to lean more about it but...Queen Luna forbid me from learning about and I never knew why."

"Well Twilight Sparkle, I'd be more than happy to tell you about ma culture." Caramel sat down, gesturing Twilght to do the same. "Sit." She offered.

Twilight sat and looked to Flash, who seemed uneasy. "Aren't you gonna sit and listen too?" Twilight asked.

"I already know about the Solarium." Flash stated. "So I'll just stay right here."

Twilight frowned. "I'm sorry about him Mrs. Apple."

"It's quite alright, not everyone is as understanding, and please, call me Caramel." Caramel said.

"Okay Mrs-I mean Caramel." Twilight corrected.

Caramel grabbed a small stick and drew two pictures in the dirt, a picture of two Alicorn's. "Long ago, there existed two Alicorn Sisters. The one of the sun and the one of the moon. They protected the world from darkness both the moon and sun shining down upon the world. But the ponies of the sister of the sun became fond of the elder sister and praised her, while the sister of the moon was not. The moon's light began to dim, the sun shining brighter than before. The darkness invaded the sister of the moon and took control of her. She brought nightmares to the ponies while they slept. The sister of the sun confronted the sister of the moon and the two fought. In the end, the sister of the moon defeated the sister of the sun. But before she was defeated, the sister of the sun absorbed all of the evil inside of the sister of the moon. We will never forget the sister of the sun's sacrifice, she saved us all from an eternal nightmare of darkness and for that we are truly grateful."

"Wow." Twilight said in amazement, before becoming perplexed. "But Queen Luna is the only Alicorn that ever lived. She never had a sister."

"Whether or not Queen Luna is the sister of the moon matters not." Caramel stood up. "As I said, the sister of the sun absorbed all of the evil inside of her before she was killed. Now then, you didn't come here to hear about ma culture did ya? You're here because of Applejack, right?"

Twilight stood up. "That's right. We were hoping you might have some idea on how to convince Applejack into letting us help her."

Caramel sighed. "'Fraid this is partially ma fault, or ma family's really. She ain't gonna see reason until she's passed out cold." Caramel slightly chuckled.

"So, were just supposed to let her run her course until she decides to accept our help?" Flash asked.

"'Fraid so." Caramel sighed. "I really wish I could help y'all some more."

"It's okay Caramel. We're sorry for interrupting your prayer." Twilight said as she made her way towards the door. "Let's go Flash." She said as they both left.

Once they were gone Caramel frowned, looking to the small alter she had been praying to.

"Where is she?" Rainbow Dash tapped her hoof impatiently, leaning against the poorly constructed tower made of wood that she had built. Which slowly rocked back and forth with the gentle wind. Rainbow Dash had zero patience, which made her very unhappy as she waited for Applejack.

"Heya Crash."

Rainbow Dash turned her attention towards the griffin descending towards her and with a cocky grin replied,

"Hey yourself, egg-for-brains." Rainbow joked.

"Whatcha doing out here?" Gilda asked before gazing at the tower. "And what the heck is that?"

"That?" She asked looking to the tower. "That's just a tower a built for AJ. See, she's gonna jump off it and crash on that end of the seesaw and while she's doing this I'm going to be on that end of the seesaw and once she crashes onto that end it'll send me flying. Pretty cool right?"

Gilda looked at her friend curiously before replying. "Firstly, why would you want to get launched from a seesaw? What's the point in this whole thing?"

"Uhh, I don't know. Maybe because it'll be freaking awesome!" Rainbow Dash declared.

"...right...secondly, there's no way that thing can support any weight at all. In fact it looks like it's about to keel over any second." Gilda said, referring to the wobbling tower.

"Pffft." Rainbow scoffed. "It'll be fine."

"I dunno Rainbow, the thing looks pretty unsafe. And why are you even doing this anyways?" Gilda asked.

"Because it's gonna be awesome!" Rainbow Dash declared, jumping into the air.

"Well I see there's no point in trying to talk you out of it. So I guess I'm gonna have to just sit here and make sure you don't hurt yourself." Gilda said, taking a seat on the ground.

Meanwhile, in Sugar Cube Corner, both Pinkie Pie and First Base were in the kitchen. Neatly kitchen tools laid out before them, along with a big bowl. Both First Base and Pinkie wore a chef hat and a white apron.

"So...you still haven't told me what we're doing." First Base stated.

"All will be revealed in due time young grasshopper." Pinkie patted First Base on the head. Then the bell attached to the door jingled, signaling someone had entered. "Or right now I guess." Pinkie shrugged as Applejack entered the room.

She looked terrible, and when I say terrible I mean terrible. She looked sleep deprived, drunk, completely out of it, and looked like she hadn't had a shower in weeks.

"Mornin' y'all." Applejack slurred.

"It's the afternoon Applejack." Pinkie stated with a smile. "And how are you today?"

"Good, lets bake us some cupcakes." Applejack declared, fumbling with each step she took.

"Okay then let's begin." Pinkie said pulling out a piece of paper with listed ingredients. "First we'll need three cups of flour."

"Sure thing." Applejack saluted, walking outside, scooping up three piles of dirt in her hoof, and dumping them in the bowl.

"Next we'll need one cup of sugar." Pinkie said reading off the next item.

"Alright." Applejack said, stumbling over to the cabinet and pulling out a box labeled 'salt' and dumping half of it into the bowl.

"Next we'll need one stick of butter." Pinkie said.

Applejack opened up the fridge and grabbed the thing sitting next to the butter. A block of cheese. Which she had cut in half and dropped into the bowl.

"After that we'll need three eggs." Pinkie stated.

The eggs part Applejack got right, only thing is she didn't crack the eggs open rather just dropped them into the bowl.

"Finally we'll need two tablespoons of baking soda." Pinkie said.

Applejack opened up the fridge, pulled out a can of Coca-Cola, and drained the entire thing into the bowl.

"Once all ingredients are in the bowl, take a whisk and start stirring the ingredients." Pinkie read, giving Applejack a whisk.

"Seems easy enough." Applejack said, taking the whisk and plunging it into the bowl. She tried stirring but the thick block of cheese and butter refused to budge.

"Oh silly me I almost forgot, we need milk to make the mixture all slushy." Pinkie giggled.

Applejack left the whisk in the bowl and walked back to the fridge. She pulled out a jug of coconut milk and poured a large amount of it into the bowl. She tried to mix up the ingredients once more but they still wouldn't budge.

"Why don't you try heating it up in the microwave?" First Base suggested.

"Great idea Base, that way the butter will be all mushy and easier to mix." Pinkie said, taking the bowl and shoving it in the microwave.

"How long does butter take to melt?" First Base asked.

"One minute." Pinkie answered, punching in the numbers.

After one minute had passed Pinkie pulled the bowl out and sat it in front of Applejack, who was finally able to mix it. Applejack put all of her remaining strength into mixing the bowl. After two minutes had passed she stopped.

"Alrighty then," Pinkie paused opening a cabinet and pulling out a large circular shaped metal object that looked like what you would find on a cupcake except larger in size. "Just pour it in here and we'll be on our way."

"Hold on a...second." Applejack said, having a brain fart. "I thought we was makin...cupcakes."

"We are." Pinkie answered.

"Except were just making one big cupcake instead of multiple little ones." First Base explained.

"Oh...well that makes perfect sense!" Applejack declared, tipping the bowl over the metal holder.

A greyish brown thick goop poured into the container, making sloshing and gurgling sounds as it moved. Pieces of broken egg shells stuck out of it along with pockets of air. Pinkie took a spatula and scooped every drop of the liquid out into the bowl.

First Base and Pinkie leaned over to behold their abomination. They both smiled wickedly as Pinkie sat it inside of the oven.

"How long are we supposed to cook it fer?" Applejack asked.

"Normally it would take about half an hour. But with author powers-"

"-it's done!" Pinkie declared, opening the oven and pulling out the large grey cupcake.

The...thing...did have resemblance to a cupcake, only it was three times bigger and grey. Pinkie pulled out a carton of white frosting and smeared it all over the top of the cupcake. Then she added rainbow sprinkles and a cherry on top.

"Mare, this special somepony must be pretty important ta deserve that treat." Applejack pointed to the cupcake.

"Applejack you have no idea how right you are." Pinkie smiled viscously. "Come on Base, let's go deliver this to that 'special someone'.

"Mare...this friend of yours must be the slowest pony in the whole world." Gilda said, pointing out that at least an hour had gone by since she arrived.

"She said that she would help me with this." Rainbow Dash grumbled.

"Maybe she realized how stupid your idea was and just decided not to show up." Gilda suggested.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "That's not like Applejack. She's not the kind who would just not show up without telling me something."

"Oh you don't have to worry about Applejack." Pinkie Pie said, her head popping out from off screen. "She's just a little bit sleepy that's all."

"Oh. It's you." Gilda frowned, narrowing her eyes.

"What's up Pinkie Pie?" Rainbow Dash asked, not looking in her direction.

"Oh nothing much." Pinkie Pie smiled innocently.

First Base walked up to Gilda presenting her with the cupcake. "Pinkie Pie and I made this just for you. Hope you like it."

Gilda took the cupcake in her claw and examined it. Since the bottom half was covered, she couldn't see the grey batter which had been used. She looked at Pinkie in disbelief and asked, "you guys made this for me?" She asked.

Both Pinkie and First Base shook their heads a bit to eagerly.

"Gee, thanks." Gilda said peeling off the thin paper which had covered the bottom. "Look...I know I've probably been kinda a jerk to a lotta ponies but the truth is...the truth is because I'm jealous." Gilda admitted, looking towards the ground.

Gilda's statement caught both Base and Pinkie off guard. They both shared a glance before Pinkie spoke, "You're...jealous?" She asked in curiosity.

"Yeah that's right, I'm jealous." Gilda sighed. "I look at how kind and selfless all you ponies are and compared to Griffonstone...well it's like comparing a beg of gold to a bag of trash. I mean all the griffins in my town are straight up jerks, and I guess that jerk-ness rubbed on me and made me be a jerk to you ponies." Gilda smiled. "But you know what? Tomorrow I'm gonna try and be better, be nicer to others and treat everyone the way I want to be treated."

Both First Base and Pinkie whipped away a tear. "That was beautiful Gilda." Pinkie sniffed.

"Well, enough sentimental crap. Time to dig in." Gilda said, closing her eyes and opening her mouth wide.

"Gilda wait!" Pinkie and Base protested, trying to stop her.


But it was to late, Gilda took one big bite out of the cupcake, chewed, and swallowed it in one big bite. Her eyes went wide, her beak dropped open in shock as her head slowly moved towards Pinkie and First Base.

"This." Gilda said pointing to the cupcake.

"Gilda I can explain." Pinkie pleaded.


"We didn't know that you were being a jerk because you were jealous." First Base pleaded.

"DELICIOUS!" Gilda shouted, happily taking another bite and chewing it.

Both Pinkie and First Base were at a loss for words as Gilda chewed the cupcake. "You...like it?" Pinkie asked, confused.

"Of course I like it, it's amazing." Gilda smiled. "Although next time don't add frosting and sprinkles. It makes it to-"


Gilda clenched her stomach, and covered her mouth, dropping the cupcake. "Oooooohhh." Gilda groaned in pain, her pupils dilated and her breathing increased. "Pinkie, did you put cheese in that?" She demanded.

"Um...yes. Why?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm can't digest cheese!" Gilda shouted. "Whenever I eat cheese it clogs up my-AAAAAAHHHHH!" Gilda yelled in pain.

"Oh colt." Both Pinkie and First Base looked at the other and cringed.

"Applejack." An echoed voice that sounded sweet and soft called out her name.

"Applejack." A new voice, this one sounded more deep than the other, most likely belonging to a Stallion.

"Applejack." The sweet voice called out her name once more.

"Hey Applejack, wake up!" The Stallion voice shouted.

"Wah-huh?" Applejack said startled, her hindlegs kicked against the trunk of the tree behind her causing all of the apples to fall from its branches. She looked in front of her to see both Flash and Twilight. Twilight looked worried, Flash looked somewhat annoyed.

"You were bucking in your sleep." Flash stated. "And I might not be any kind of doctor but I'm pretty sure that's not good for you."

"Flash is right Applejack. This isn't healthy, I don't know how much more your body can take of this." Twilight said, expressing her worry.

Applejack looked behind her and smiled triumphantly. "Heh, well y'all don't need ta worry any more. Look at that." Applejack pointed to the entire field of empty apple trees. "I did it. I bucked every tree without anypony's help."

"What about those trees?" Flash asked.

"Huh?" Applejack followed Flash's gaze and to her horror she saw that an entire area, equal to the one Applejack had cleared, still had apple trees bearing fruit.

"But...I...how...when...gnffbbdf." Applejack mumbled complete gibberish as she collapsed onto her back. "I can't do this." She admitted curling into a ball and rocking herself back and forth. "I bucked every tree. I know that I bucked every tree. Why are there more trees to buck when I've already bucked every tree? I don't understand, why-"


Flash had had enough and decided to take action. He walked up to Applejack and slapped her across the face, breaking her out of her insanity. He grabbed her by the collar and brought her close, "now you listen to me Applejack." Flash said angrily. "I don't care what kind of gene your family has that makes you prone to habit but this ends right now. So here's what you're going to do, you're going to march upstairs, climb into bed, get some rest, and don't come back out until you're ready to accept our help. Do you understand me?"


"I didn't ask for your opinion, I gave you an order and you will follow it to the letter! Do you understand me!" Flash barked.

"Yes sir." Applejack squeaked.

"I said, do you understand me!" Flash barked once more.

"Yes sir!" Applejack saluted as though she was a soldier.

"Now march up to your bedroom and get some rest on the double!" Flash ordered.

Applejack quickly ran into her house in the blink of an eye. Flash let out a deep breath as he returned to his calm state. He glanced over to Twilight who was completely flabbergasted.

"What?" He asked as though nothing had happened.

"Don't what me!" Twilight shouted. "What the heck was that just now?!"

"I gave Applejack an order and she followed it." Flash said simply. "Now let's go home, this day has been exhausting."

Pinkie and First Base watched in silence as Gilda was carried on a stretcher by two medical ponies.

"Gilda I am so sorry." Pinkie apologized. "I had no idea that you couldn't eat cheese. I promise that it will never happen again."

"Yeah, it won't happen ever again." Gilda said causing Pinkie to smile with hope. "Because I'm never coming back to this town!" Gilda roared, bolting upright. "You hear me Pinkie Pie! I'm never coming back because I don't want to see you ever again!" The two medical ponies restrained Gilda as she continued to shout and yell but it was muffled out as her mouth and body were strapped down then the medical ponies made their way towards the hospital.

"Wow...maybe it was a good idea to give Gilda that cupcake after all." First Base said.

"Yeah, can you imagine that living with us?" Pinkie asked. "No thank you."

"Still, don't you think that maybe it was our cupcake which drove Gilda off the edge and made her so angry?" First Base asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Golden Oaks right now?" Pinkie asked, dodging First Base's question.

"Oh shoot you're right!" First Base shouted running off.

Both Flash and Twilight entered their house and were welcomed by Spike reading a comic book. Flash looked around and after noticing First Base's absence he asked, "Spike, where's First Base?"

Spike looked up from his comic book and said, "I dunno. I'm not his foalsitter."

Flash facehoofed and groaned. "Spike you had one job!"

Comments ( 13 )

Huh...this Pinkie is much more tolerable. Definitely different way of telling season 1.

Ok I know this is AU but come on....AJ's mom? Really?
And Caramel is a guy btw, always has been

This keeps getting more and more AU as time goes on. I doubt this will even resemble MLP at all by the time its finished......and where's the romance!?


the romance has to be built on something, and that something has yet to come.


haven't you ever heard of two people having the same name? Just because one pony was named Caramel Apple doesn't mean someone else can't have that name.

7932254 I understand that, but others may get confused as they know the Canon Caramel

7932254 what is the shipping anyway?


Can't say, it's a secret. :derpytongue2:

7932617 I honestly hate authors who don't say, it annoys me to no end

jk not really lol


Didn't you say you were gonna stop reading because there were to many signs of Flashlight?

7945059 no i said I'd stop if it was confirmed. Are you saying that's the shipping that will happen?


Honestly, I just haven't decided yet.

7945133 I'd prefer to see TwiLuna

I may not be a fan of Flashlight, but if that's the shipping that will happen in this story then I'll be okay. You're actually having a base for it to grow upon instead of just throwing them together with no base whatsoever.

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