• Published 3rd Jan 2017
  • 1,615 Views, 70 Comments

Nightfall - Thestoryteller

A parallel universe where Nightmare Moon wasn't defeated but instead Celestia was.

  • ...

Chapter 6. Buck till the sun goes down. (part 1/2)

Deep within every living organism is the double helix strand, information carrier, known as DNA. DNA stores genetic information inside rungs which make up every living thing, and it is famously known throughout all of the town that the Apple family's genes always have one thing in common. They have a hard time breaking habits. When the Apple family starts doing something in patterns it sticks to their brain like glue. This trait comes in use for so many things, like waking up at a certain time without the need for an alarm clock, or planting crops without needing to count how many seeds there needs to be, the list goes on. Of course there are flaws to this genetic trait the family shares. One of which is when someone from the family starts doing something and keeps on doing it even when there's no reason for it. This caused problems for some of the family and made things difficult. One such instance is about to happen right now.

In Sweet Apple Acres, a cry of delight was shouted from the cowgirl Applejack. She gazed at the enormous about of apple trees bearing their red fruit which glistened in the sun's light. Behind her was her mother and brother, who had bandages around his sides. Today was harvesting day, and due to Big Mac's injuries he couldn't provide any help. Applejack on the other hoof, was as, in her words, "healthier than an ox on steroids". Her words, not mine.

Applejack was so determined that she could do as good of a job as her brother that she swore she could clear the entire field by herself. Her mother and brother tried the to protest but like I said about the family's genetics. Once they start doing something, they have a hard time stopping.

Meanwhile, Queen Luna had used her magic to raise the sun just to the right angle before releasing her grip on the sun.

Fun fact, while some do not wish to believe it, the world is actually flat. It's shape similar to that of a coin. Long ago, about one thousand years ago, a chaotic creature by the name of Discord appeared. Wherever he went, havoc and destruction followed. One day, Discord did something that no one else's had saw coming. Back then, the world had actually been a round sphere, it wasn't until Discord used his magic that the world shrunk and became shaped like a coin. It was the most bizarre thing, of course you couldn't just walk of the edge and fall into deep space, the earth still had its gravity but it was lighter and not as strong. Because of this, the sun and moon could no longer rotate around the world as they normally did. Luckily, the twin sisters had a solution, every day and night they would control the movements of the sun and moon every second of the day.

This, of course, put an enormous strain on their magic and weakened them. Luckily, a short cut had been discovered. It was during the night when Luna had become so tired that she could no longer maintain her hold on the moon. But as it turned out, once Luna had lost her grip, the moon didn't stop moving. But rather kept on moving across the sky until it reached the edge of the planet. Scientists began to do research, and discovered that the reason for the moons continuing movement was because of earth's gravity. Even though it was weaker now it still had a strong enough pull to allow the moon, and/or sun, to graze over the surface of one side until it reached the edge. That's when it took Alicorn magic to pull it to the other side. This gave the sister's ease that they no longer had to pull something that had tremendous weight.

When Queen Luna had released the sun, it slowly moved its way into the sky all by itself. With her number one job completed, she approached her fine sitting chair and cracked open a book. Before she could finish reading the first sentence, her door was burst open and immediately shut. The sudden action startled Luna, she looked to the door to see an earth pony colt with orange fur and had dark blue mane and eyes. The colt had a resemblance to Flash, except this one was younger, an earth pony, and had a different mane style. The colt let out a sigh of relief as his back slid down against the door. It was then that he saw Queen Luna and went pale. The colt stumbled to his hooves and while forcibly laughing said,

"Why, this isn't the bathroom. My mistake." He said opening the doors.

And was met with the steel tips of four spears.

Four of Luna's guard, wearing golden armor, growled at the colt. No doubt it was them the colt had been fleeing from. One of the guard grabbed the colt by the back of his neck and lifted him so that they were face to face.

"Do you know the penalty for intruding on the Queen's chambers?" The guard demanded in a growl.

"A slap on the wrist and ten minutes in time out?" The colt asked meekly.

"Execution." The guard said with a satisfying growing on his face.

"You will do no such thing!"

All eyes turned to the almighty Queen of Equestria. Upon her appearance the four guards bowed. Luna stared into the scared blue eyes of the colt.

"Release him." She ordered.

The guard holding the colt sputtered in protest, "b-but your highness...this colt-"

"Is terrified that you're going to slit his throat." Luna said darkly. "Now release him." The guard dropped the colt, who then scampered behind Luna and peeked behind her foreleg at the guards. "Leave us." She ordered, and the guards left closing the doors behind them. Once they were gone Luna lifted the colt up with her magic and began examining him all over his body. "Do you have a name?" She asked while examining the colt.

"Um...First Base." The colt answered, nervous as Luna continued observing him.

"Do you have any parents?" She asked.

"Not that I know of." First Base answered.

"Do you have a home?"


"Do you have any family? Brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts?"


Luna stopped her observation and sat First Base down. She pondered, looking at First Base. His answers were almost exactly the same as Flash's when she and him had the conversation long ago. First Base couldn't have been lying, her spell forbid him from doing so. But this colt wasn't like Flash. Flash was careful, silent, making sure no pony saw him, whereas First Base was the exact opposite. He was loud, drew a lot of attention, and didn't come here with a purpose. She had to do something with him, she couldn't leave him with her guards, otherwise they'd rip him to shreds, he couldn't stay with her because she couldn't walk around with a colt for the entire day, and she was pretty sure she couldn't just drop him off at a daycare.

A solution entered Luna's head, one that she wished didn't have to happen but seemed the only thing to do.

Back in Ponyville, at Golden Oaks Library, Twilight's groggy and bloodshot eyes slightly opened. She shifted her body in bed and slowly rose from her bed to get a better understanding as to what happened, and instantly regretted it. The moment her legs touched the floor her vision became black, her ears started ringing, her sense of taste and smell were cut off, and she couldn't feel anything. She didn't know what was happening until all her five basic senses returned and she saw that she was now lying on the floor. With her sense of touch back, it immediately sent the signal of pain to her brain. Twilight tightly shut her eyes and bit her lip, trying her best to ignore the pain, as she slowly began to pick herself up. Which resulted in the loss of her five senses. Again.

When they all came flooding back, she had noticed that she wasn't lying on the floor like last time. Instead, she was leaning against the strong support of Flash.

"Easy now." He spoke softly, knowing that Twilight's ears were very sensitive at the moment. "It's a bad idea for you to be up right now."

Flash carefully guided Twilight back to her bed and laid her down before covering her up.

"What...happened?" She asked, her mouth dry and stunk of morning breath.

"Well..." Flash rubbed the back of his head rather awkwardly. "You got drunk." Flash said bluntly.

"Not that." Twilight moaned, covering both eyes. "I mean what happened just now?"

"Oh...that." Flash rubbed his chin in wonder. "It's probably just because of your hangover, that's all."

"Okay." Twilight said, beginning to sit up.

Flash, knowing exactly what Twilight was doing, gently pushed her back down so that her head rested on the pillow.

"You probably shouldn't move. I think it'd be best if you just stay in bed." Flash said, not leaving until he confirmed that Twilight understood what he was talking about.

"But I-" Twilight tried to protest but was cut off by Flash.

"No buts. Whatever you have planned can wait, for now get...some..." Flash trailed off, noticing Twilight had fallen asleep and was snoring somewhat softly. "Sleep." Flash finished before shaking his head and exiting downstairs.

He entered the main room where he saw Spike lying on the table on his belly, trying desperately to nurse it with his claws. He groaned loudly like an animal that had been overfed. At first Flash had thought that Spike had gotten into the raw sugar and was suffering from a stomach ache. Thinking nothing of it he made his way towards the kitchen.


Until Spike unleashed the most ungodly sounding burp in the world.

The burp had been triggered by his teleportation magic used for letters between Twilight and the Queen. Only this time something bigger than a letter seemed to be coming. A massive and thick cloud of smoke was sent flying like a missile from Spike's mouth. The smoke clumped together and stuck to the ceiling. It balled itself up very tightly until it popped,

And First Base jumped out. He gave Flash a smile and said with glee,

"Hiya brother."

Pinkie Pie was bouncing up and down like the giddy mare she was throughout Ponyville, only this time she had a specific place she was heading towards.

"Hiya Watcher. How's it going?" She asked, continuing to bounce.

Pinkie, your not going to do what I think your going to do. Are you?

"Of course not silly." Pinkie smiled. "All I'm doing is exactly what I'm supposed to do."

What do you mean by that? You're only supposed to do nothing.

"Silly Author." Pinkie giggled. "You may have the power to control time and space here, but that's only because of your fancy smancy book." She mocked.

What did you do?

"Oh nothing to big. Just sorta merged two chapters together, that's all." Pinkie said without a care.

You did what?! When?!

"While you were sleeping." Pinkie said to the sky. "I merged chapter 6 and chapter 7 together. So I guess you can call this chapter 6.5"

Okay...don't panic, I can fix this.

"I'm afraid you can't do that Author." Pinkie continued to show that evil and wicked smile. "What's done is done, and what has been done cannot be undone."

I'm going to get you for this. I don't know how. I don't know when. But I can promise you that-

"Hi Dashie!" Pinkie yelled to the rainbow maned mare watching something from a lone cloud.

Her head spun towards where she heard her nickname only to see that no one was there. Shrugging it off she went back to what she was doing and cane muzzle to muzzle with Pinkie.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked.

Rainbow Dash stumbled back before regaining her balance. "Pinkie." She frowned, grabbing the pink menace and pulling her away from the edge. "Keep quiet and sit still." She hissed, holding her muzzle shut.

The two sat in silence as they observed a house for a while until the mailmare, Bubbles, appeared. She wore her royal blue mailmare outfit along with her mailmare hat and brown saddle bag strapped by her side. She landed in front of the houses mailbox and opened up mail bag which contained a neatly organized set of mail. She pulled several letters from her bag with her mouth and opened up the mailbox.

In doing so, multiple long colorful rubber snakes were flung out and draped on Bubbles. The sudden act caused Bubbles to scream in surprise and drop the letters. Her ears perked up at the sound of laughter, loooking behind her and up a bit she saw Rainbow Dash laughing on her back. It was then that Bubbles figured out she had been the victim of one of Rainbow Dash's pranks.

A smile grew on Bubbles face as she too started laughing. "Good one Rainbow Dash." She hollered so that the mare could hear her.

Once Rainbow Dash had stopped laughing she swooped down and landed in front of Bubbles, picking up the letters she had dropped. "Thanks for being a good sport Depry." Rainbow Dash grinned, giving the letters back to Bubbles/Derpy.

"No problem Dash." Derpy smiled, taking the letters and putting them into the mailbox.

With her job done, Derpy flew away. Dash went back to the cloud she was watching from to see Pinkie, who had constructed a chair from the cloud while she was tapping her foreleg impatiently and was giving Rainbow a frown.

"What was that?" Pinkie asked, still frowning.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, knowing where this was going. "Let me guess, you think I was being mean to Derpy because I pranked her right? Well let me tell you what I've told Rarity and Applejack, my pranks are just practical jokes. If Derpy can take it then anyone can-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there." Pinkie said, petting a cat figure she had molded from clouds. "You see miss Dash, I'm not mad that you pranked Derpy." She said, throwing the cat away and closing the distance between her and Dash, pressing the tip of her muzzle against Dash's. "I'm mad that you used such a weak prank."

Rainbow blinked. "You're...what?" She asked confused.

"Your prank had no class, no structure, no punchline, and above all else, wasn't funny." She grabbed Rainbow and pulled her to her side where they good a perfect view of the towns center.

Derpy flew into the town square and hovered. She opened her satchel and pulled out a box that instructions written on it. She cleared her throat before yelling,

"Excuse me! Is there anyone here named," Derpy paused looking at who the package had been addressed to before shouting, "Iama Duffus!"

The town square stayed silent.

"Iama Duffus!" Derpy shouted again. "First name, I-am-a. Last name, Duffus."

Unable to hold it any longer, everyone in the town square burst into hysterical laughter. Derpy looked at everyone confused before realizing what must've happened.

Derpy facehoofed, "how could I have been such and idiot?" She asked herself. "I must've mixed up the address, boy what clutz I am." Derpy sighed before storing the box back in her bag and taking off.

"Now that is how you pull a prank." Pinkie declared, showing off her satisfied smile.

"Pinkie...I had no idea you were so good at pranks." Rainbow Dash said. "You gotta show me all of your tricks."

"With pleasure."

Flash sipped his hot chocolate calmly, trying his best not to flip out. Across from him sat First Base, holding his own mug of hot chocolate in his hooves. After First Base had said he was Flash's brother, he was a bit frazzled by what had been said. Luckily, a letter from Queen Luna containing information on First Base arrived thanks to Spike. In the letter it addressed that First Base was to stay with Twilight and Flash until she learned what to do with him. So now Flash was stuck babysitting a colt and a mare suffering from a massive hangover.

"So First Base." Flash sat his mug down. "Care to tell me a bit about yourself?"

First Base took a sip from his mug before responding. "There's not much to be said, I can't remember a thing besides being in the Canterlot castle."

Flash raised a brow, suspicious of First Base's memory. "You don't remember?" He asked.

"Not a thing." First Base made a goofy grin.

"Flaaaaaaash!" Twilight moaned from upstairs. "Can you get me some more soup?"

Flash facehoofed and groaned. "Don't move." He ordered First Base as he went into the kitchen.

There, sitting on the heated stove, was a tall black pot filled with tomato soup. He took a bowl and poured some of the soup into it. He took the steaming soup upstairs and gave it Twilight. He returned downstairs and to his horror saw that First Base had vanished. The door to house swung itself closed, giving a clear indication as to where First Base had went. "Spike, take care of Twilight for a while, I'll be right back." He said, rushing out the door.

"No...problem." Spike said wearily, weakly doing a thumbs up.

Flash bolted out the door and scanned the area for First Base.


Flash whipped his head to the left to find First Base a good distance away from him, waving at Flash with that idiot smile of his. Base stuck out his tongue before dashing off, Flash spread his wings and took flight after him. Flash chased First Base through almost all of Ponyville, waiting for a chance to swoop down and catch him. But every time Flash got close, First Base would make a turn and Flash would fall back.

The two continued this little chase of theirs until First Base ran to the outskirts of the town and, because he wasn't looking where he was going, ran into somepony. Base collided head first into a filly about the same age as him except she had dark orange fur, a darkish purple mane, and matching purple eyes. When the two collided they both landed on their rumps, rubbing the wound on their heads.

"Ow!" They both winced.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going." First Base apologized.

"Can't really blame yah, cause I wasn't looking either." The filly chuckled.

First Base's eyes widened when he saw the bruise on the filly's forehead. "Ohmygosh I'm so sorry." First Base immediately apologized.

"What? This?" She asked, rubbing the bruise. "Oh, I'll be fine. Trust me, my head's a lot tougher than you might think."

"Oh...kay." First Base said. "My names First Base by the way." He said, extending his hoof.

"Scootaloo, nice to meet ya First Base." Scootaloo shook First Base's hoof.

"Nice to meet you Scootaloo."

First Base went pale. He didn't want to, but his head began to turn involuntary and to his horror he saw Flash. Flash was looking at both Scootaloo and Base with the warmest and kindest of smiles. But First Base knew that beneath that look it was anything but warm and kind.

"Pardon my interruption, but I have to do this." Flash said, grabbing First Base and Scootaloo and taking to the sky.

Just as the stampede of cows ran over where they all once stood.

"What the-where did this stampede come from?" First Base asked.

"Not important, right now we need to stop them before they flatten Ponyville." Flash declared.

"Looks like she's already taken care of it." Scootaloo pointed.

Before any of them could understand what had happened, the stampede of cows had been rounded up and placed behind a wooden fence thanks to Applejack and her dog Winona. She caught sight of Flash and waved at him.

"Well howdy Flash, how's the weather up there?" She asked.

Flash landed in front of the pen that the cows were locked in and sat both First Base and Scootaloo down. "Applejack...how did you..." Flash was at a loss for words, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"Round up all these doggies?" She finished for Flash. "I'm a country gal remember? If I can't round up a couple of wild cows then I ain't no cowgirl. Speaking of cows," she turned to the trapped cows, "what in tarnation got into y'all?"

"Mooooo." Was the cows response before clearing her throat. "Oh terribly sorry about that dearie, it's just that Matilda here saw a snake after that Griffon took off and it scared the jelly outa us."

"I see, well next time try not to stampede towards ma hometown okay?" Applejack asked, opening the gate.

"We promise. Oh this is so embarrassing." The cow said, as she and the others walked away from Ponyville.

"Thanks Applejack, who knows what might've happened if you hadn't stopped them." Flash sighed in relief.

Applejack gave Flash a frown. "Flash, I know it might not seem like it, but the only bad thing that would've happened is someone getting a bruise or a scrape."

"But that was a full on stampede of cows, who knows what damage they might've caused." Flash protested.

"Not a whole lot really, maybe a few broken mailboxes and some dug up grass but nothin else really." Applejack said, looking behind Flash. "Say, where'd that filly and colt run off to?" She asked.

Flash looked all around and sure enough, both First Base and Scootaloo had disappeared.

"Buck." He muttered under his breath, facehoofing.

The next day

"Ah...nothing makes me happier than messing with your book." Pinkie smiled, sitting underneath a tree and talking to the sky.

Well this is the last time, I've used every inch of my power to keep you out and this time you will stay out.

"Pfft." Pinkie scoffed. "You can't stop me, watch." She braced herself and leaped into the air, disappearing into nothing.

Then reappearing and shot back beneath her tree.

"Ow!" She groaned rubbing her head.

Ah-ha! I knew I'd get you this time, no more messing with the book for you.

"Hrmph." Pinkie pouted, crossing her forelegs. "I might not be able to mess around with your book, but I still know what's going to happen."

Then I suggest you play your part.

"Yeah yeah, I'm on it." Pinkie sighed in defeat, putting on her normal smile and skipping off into town.

Pinkie continued to skip all the way until she reached Rainbow Dash's house, where she pulled out a microphone and shouted.


A brown figure landed hard in front of Pinkie and yanked the microphone away from her.

"What the heck is your problem?!" The figure demanded.

The figure was a female griffon. Whose race weren't exactly known for their nice behavior. Griffon's were harsh, rude, and straight up jerks. So it made some sense as to why one of them was friends with Rainbow Dash. This griffon had brown feathers and a white chest, she had white feathers on her head, and had yellow eyes.

"What kind of moron yells in a microphone when it's barely morning?" She demanded.

"Oh you must be Gilda, nice to meet you. My name is Pinkie Pie, the super duper party pony in all of Equestria." Pinkie introduced, grabbing her party Cannon off screen and firing a bunch of confetti onto Gilda's face.

"Look," Gilda shook off the confetti, "I don't know who you are, and I don't care. Just stay far away from me because if you don't, I will make your life a living hell." She threatened.

"Okay, I'll be sure to keep my distance." Pinkie said, putting some space between her and Gilda. "Is this far enough?"

Gilda flew away.

"Say nothing if this is far enough."


"Okay, thanks for the warning." She shouted. "Jerk." She muttered under her breath, beginning to plot the gruesome ideas she had in mind for Gilda's punishment.

Author's Note:

Finals. Were. The. Worst! Never before have I had as much trouble with finals as I've had with this year's. My brain is pretty much fried, so please excuse any dumb things in this chapter. This wasn't meant to be a two parter but I said "screw it." Got to a stopping point, and left it on a cliff hanger.

As always thanks for reading, now excuse me while I go take some Advil.