• Published 3rd Jan 2017
  • 1,614 Views, 70 Comments

Nightfall - Thestoryteller

A parallel universe where Nightmare Moon wasn't defeated but instead Celestia was.

  • ...

Chapter 2. Greetings from Ponyville.

999 years later. 72 hours before Celestia's return

Queen Luna was between a rock and a hard place. She was in her bedroom sitting on her bed, lying against a wall of pillows. She wasn't doing anything but stare at the ceiling, contemplating. Thinking about the day.

*knock knock*

"My Queen?" A feminine voice belonging to a mare asked on the other side of the door.

"Speak." Luna spoke, continuing to stare at the ceiling.

"Um, well...I-I'm here to bring you your breakfast." The mare said.

Luna turned on her side, her back faced the doorway and her front faced the door to the balcony. "Just leave it outside, I will eat when I am ready." Luna stated, after a moment of silence she spoke again, "why are you still here?"

"A-apologizes your highness." The mare stammered. "It's just...well..."

"Speak your mind servant." Luna said, "there is nothing you need to fear."

The mare took a deep breath before speaking. "Were worried about you."

Luna turned on her side and faced the door. "Who's we?"

"All of us your majesty." The servant answered. "The Royal Guard, the staff, the Court, and Twilight."

Twilight. The mares name echoed inside Luna's ears. It made her heart sink a little further than it already was.

"Thank you for your concern." Luna said, sitting up in her bed. "But there is no need for it. Return to your duties and inform the rest of the Guard, Staff, and the Court that I am well. I'm just dealing with so many things at the moment."

"As you wish your majesty." The servant spoke. Luna didn't need to see her to know that she had bowed before leaving.

Once the sound of hoofsteps became faint the thought of Twilight Sparkle returned to the Queen. She arose from her bed and walked to the glass door leading to her balcony. On the balcony sat a rather large mechanical device, with gears visible on its long nose tube. The device was a modded telescope with a wheel of lenses each capable of measuring certain distances. The telescope was aimed at one thing, the thing that caused Luna distraught every time she saw it.

The sun.

Luna found herself gazing up at the bright ball of light in the sky once more. A weak smile spread across her face. "You should see what the marvels our subjects have created, Sister." She spoke to the sun. "Look at all they've accomplished in such a short time. Towering buildings that touch the sky, devices capable of letting ponies speak to one another who are miles away from the other, they finally found a cure to that annoying disease, I think it was called Equine Influenza I think." Luna sighed. "You would've loved to see the world our children have made. It's absolutely beautiful."

Silence. Luna wasn't surprised, she had spoken with her sister everyday and everyday she always got the same response. Silence. Pure and absolute. Luna sighed once more, she didn't even know if her sister was listening anymore. She closed her eyes and walked away from the glass doorway, fighting back the tears that were beginning to form. She opened her eyes and found herself staring at her reflection.

A mare, an Alicorn mare, with a dark royal blue fur coat, her forever waving mane was a lighter shade of blue with white sparkles in it. Upon her head sat a dark blue crown laced with precious gems and jewels, but in the center of the crown was the symbol of a full moon covering the sun. The crown was a symbol of her rule, of her power. Luna looked away from her crown and focused on the only thing that had changed. Her once piercing blue eyes were now teal with black slits for pupils. Her eye change was unexpected, it worried her subjects that she might've been cursed. Luna calmed their fanatic imaginations by telling them that it was merely a side effect of her growth.

Luckily they bought it.

Luna's horn glowed with magic, causing her mirror to do the same. "Show me my Apprentice." She ordered. "Show me Twilight Sparkle."

Luna's reflection faded, and was replaced with the image of the eighteen year old mare, Twilight Sparkle. From Luna's point of view however, she could only see Twilight.

"Mirror, zoom out please." She asked.

The mirror obeyed and the image changed. Twilight's appearance shrunk and now Luna could see everything. Twilight was in the Canterlot Library, lying on the floor reading an opened book with stacks of books surrounding her. It didn't take a genius to know what Twilight was doing, yet the sight of her actions caused Luna to frown.

The sound of the library's doors opening came from the mirror and Spike the small dragon entered the image, carrying a stack of books.

"I got everything you asked for Twi." Spike said. "Where should I set them down?"

"Right there is fine." Twilight pointed, not looking up from her book even for a second.

Spike walked to where Twilight had pointed and dropped the tall stack of books. Spike dusted his claws off and walked next to Twilight. "What'cha studying for now?"

"Botany." Twilight answered bluntly.

Luna was taken aback. "She's studying...plants? Why would she-" Luna mentally facehoofed, knowing full well that the question was a rhetorical one. She was Twilight Sparkle, she ate knowledge like Pacman ate those yellow pellets. Luna didn't mind her Apprentice studying, but a line had to be, no, needed to be drawn. Luna didn't want Twilight to spend her whole life studying, she wanted her to go outside and make some friends, do things that girls do, fall in love, start a family, those kinds of things. But instead, Twilight was wasting her time in the library. Reading books.

Luna sighed once again, using her magic, the image in the mirror faded and her reflection returned. She had tried letting Twilight make friends in Canterlot, but the residents in the city were...grouches is the word she used. Luna tried to find other places her Apprentice could go to make friends. But none seemed worthy. Luna spotted something in the corner of her eye, something white. She turned her head slightly and saw that it was only her white board calendar. A large white board with a seven by seven square pattern on it with words written in erasable marker. Luna approached the white board and examined it. She looked to the date three days from today because, unlike the rest of the board, it had only one thing written on it.

Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville

The Summer Sun Celebration. A day Luna had declare would happen every year on the day she had banished her sister. The day was celebrated by all and was more popular than Hearths Warming. But this year's celebration was special. Ever since her sister's banishment, Luna spent weeks looking over the spell she had casted to seal away Celestia. She never truly found the spell but the only one that sealed an Alicorn away the longest was the spell that sealed a pony away for one thousand years. In three days it would officially be one thousand years, in three days her sister would return.

Luna clenched her teeth and hooves. What would she say? What would she do? How was she supposed to act when she saw her sister? Millions of questions compared to the first three flooded her mind. Then she remembered, her Apprentice. The answer to her incapability of being social was starring her right in the face. A plan began to form in Luna's brain. One, she declared, that would be so foolproof that it couldn't fail.

But first, she had to quench the rumbling in her stomach.

The next day. 48 hours till the return of Celestia

"For the hundredth time Twilight, there's no secret code or message." Spike groaned, crossing his arms.

"But why would she go to all the trouble of sending the letter?" Twilight asked, removing the magnifying glass. "Why wouldn't she just teleport me herself instead?"

"Maybe she thinks you need the exercise?" Spike shrugged.

Twilight came to a halt and whipped her head around at Spike very very unhappy. "Are you calling me fat?!"

"What?! No!" Spike shouted in defense. "I just thought you needed the exercise because you've been cramped up in a library for an entire day."

Twilight glared at Spike before turning away from him and continuing on her path. Queen Luna sent a letter to Twilight, via Spike, that had only six words in the middle.

Meet me in the Throne room.

Twilight being Twilight, thought that her Queen must've put a secret message in the letter. So as she and Spike, who was riding on her back, made their way to the castle Twilight was examining the letter all over with a magnifying glass.

The two armored pony's who were guarding the entrance to the castle let Twilight and Spike enter without hesitation. Despite her eyes glued to the letter, Twilight was able to navigate the halls with ease. It wasn't until Twilight stood in front of the throne room doorway that she rolled up the letter and gave it to Spike. With her magic, the doors opened loudly and Twilight entered.

The Throne room was larger than any other room in Canterlot. With color glass paintings on the side walls, a luxurious red carpet leading up to the golden steps that was attached to the golden base upon which the two thrones stood. The right throne was made with a golden frame that had two armrests, red cushions sewn into the bottom and back of the throne, and the symbol of the sun embedded in the top of the throne. The left throne had a blue frame that also had two armrests, grey cushions sewn into the bottom and back of the throne, and the symbol of the crescent moon embed into the top of the throne. Sitting in the left throne was Queen Luna herself, in all her glory. Spike leaped off of Twilight and the two did as was customary and bowed.

"Rise my Apprentice and her assistant." Luna ordered and Twilight and Spike rose. "Do you know why I have summoned you?"

"I don't my Queen." Twilight answered. "Your, uh, letter wasn't very detailed."

"I preferred to discuss this importance with you personally." Luna admitted. "Tell me Twilight, do you know what will occur in two days?"

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. "The Summer Sun Celebration of course."

"Correct once again my Apprentice." Luna smiled. "This years celebration will be taking place in the small quaint town known as Ponyville. As you might've know, this year's celebration marks the one thousand of them all. As such I am sending you to Ponyville to oversee the preparations."

"What!" Twilight blurted.

Luna raised a brow.

Twilight cleared her thought and spoke more respectfully, "apologizes my Queen, but what about my studies here in Canterlot?"

"Oh please." Luna scoffed. "You've read every book in that dusty old building. Surely you have them all memorized by heart."

Twilight wanted to protest but failed to find any ground to build it on. With a sigh of defeat she asked, "when do I leave?"

"In one hour." Luna answered.

"An hour!" Twilight screamed. "This is all so sudden, can't you at least give me more time?"

"If I give you more time the only thing you'll do with it is waste it on more books." Luna stated. "Besides, this assignment of yours is also a test."

Twilight's ears perked up at the words test. "What kind of test?" Twilight asked.

"One that cannot be studied, cannot be taught, but can only happen upon instinct." Luna said in a riddle. "Now go pack, you'll be staying in the Golden Oak Library till the celebration has passed."


"Fifty minutes now." Luna stated, pretending to look at an invisible watch on her foreleg. By the time Luna looked up Twilight was gone and a trail of dust had been left in her place. Luna slightly chuckled to herself.

*knock knock knock*

"Enter." Luna ordered.

The door opened and a eighteen year old Flash Sentry wearing dark blue royal armor with the crescent symbol on his breastplate but no helmet. "You requested my presence my Queen?" Flash asked as Luna used her magic to close the doors.

"That I did Sentry." Luna confirmed as Flash approached her and bowed. "Do you know of my Apprentice, Twilight Sparkle?" She asked as Flash rose.

"Only by name my Queen. I here she is very intelligent and powerful when it comes to magic." Flash said.

"Well your not wrong." Luna muttered. "I have a task for you. As one of my most loyal and trusted guards, I ask that you guard my Apprentice while she is in Ponyville fir this year's celebration."

"I graciously accept." Flash bowed.

"Excellent." Luna but her two hoof tips together and smiled. "The train leaves in fifty minutes from now. You'll only be there for two days so there's no need to overpack."

"The only thing I will need is my armor and sword." Flash rose.

"I see. Very well then, you are dismissed." Luna said, before Flash could exit she added, "and Sentry."

Flash paused and looked back to Luna.

"Keep Twilight safe." Luna asked.

Flash grinned and responded, "I'll make sure she doesn't even lose a hair." He said, as he closed the door behind him.

The train station. One of busiest and crowded places to be. Especially in Canterlot. The train was said to be the fastest mode of transportation there was to offer, and after a race between the train and airship, it had become official. At the station, the Canterlot train sat puffing out clouds of steam and fumes all while the ponies waited for the train to be in ready condition. Flash Sentry stood at the station looking out away from the train. He still wore his dark blue lunar armor but this time he had the helmet and a sheathed sword wrapped to his side. The train would be ready in ten minutes, so he was curious as to where Twilight Sparkle was.

Then something caught his eye, or something's rather. An object flying at high speeds rushed towards him, he gripped his sword ready to strike. But before he unsheathed his weapon the object stopped right in front of him and dropped. Upon closer examination, Flash noticed that the object was a suitcase. Then, out of no where, two other suitcases came flying, stopped, and dropped on top of the first. More cases came, each stopping and stacking on top of the other. Soon there was a tall tower composed of at least nine suitcases.

"We gotta hurry Spike!"

The loud yell caught Flash's attention. He looked past the suitcases to see Twilight Sparkle, with Spike on her back, racing towards the train. When she was close enough Twilight skidded to a halt in front of Flash.

"Twilight Sparkle I assume?" Flash asked.

Twilight looked startled upon hearing her name from the Stallion. "Um...yes, who are you?"

"My name is Flash Sentry." Flash introduced himself. "My Queen sent me here to guard you while your in Ponyville."

"What?! No no no no no no no. There has to be some sort of mistake, I don't need a guard." Twilight protested.

"My Queen begs to differ." Flash said, then looking to the towering suitcases. "What is in all of those?"

"Well this one has all of my essentials." Twilight showed Flash the suitcase she pulled from the tower. "Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth wash, clothes, things like that."

"And the rest?"

"Books." Twilight said bluntly.

"Books?" Flash asked.

"Books." Twilight answered.

"Why do you have so many?" He asked.

"I just wanted to do some light reading, that's all." Twilight smiled innocently.

The train whistle blew. "All aboard!" The Conductor yelled. "Next stop, Ponyville!"

Flash looked back to the large stack of suitcases for Twilight's "light reading".

"Alright, let me just grab my books and-HRK!" Twilight's body locked up and the became limp as she fell. Before she could hit the ground Flash scooped her up and sat her on his back.

"What the-why did you-HRK!" Spike's body locked up and also went limp when Flash chopped him in the back of the neck, and just like he did with Twilight, he scooped him up and sat him on his back.

Flash picked up the suitcase containing all of Twilight's essentials with his mouth. He walked into the train and entered his designated car. He walked to the booth belonging to him and opened the sliding door. He took Twilight's suitcase and laid it in the shelf above the booth. He then sat both Twilight and Spike down in the booth across from him. He took his seat just as the train began to move.

Twilight's eyes slowly fluttered open. She looked across from her to see Flash sitting with his legs crossed. She groaned as she moved her stiff body and stretched.

"Oh colt...I had the weirdest dream." She rubbed her eye. "You, Spike, and I were at the train station and you purposely left my suitcases filled with books at the station." The gears in Twilight's head then begun to spin. Slowly her head lifted to Flash with wide eyes. "Flash...were are my books?"

"That depends." Flash said. "Are we in a dream?"


"Then there at the station." Flash answered.

Twilight starred at Flash flabbergasted. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. "Excuse me." She said opening the window she stuck her head out and shouted.


Due to this book being rated teen, the no no words coming out of Twilight's potty mouth cannot be written. Please wait while I skip to the end.

"-WITH A BUCKET FULL OF FROGS!" Twilight heaved, finished with her rant. She pulled her head back in and closed the window. She looked at the window for a couple of seconds before turning to face Flash. "Do you have problem?" She asked.

"Not that I know of. Why?" Flash asked calmly.

"You just left nine suitcases worth of books at the station! I was going to use those to study before the test begins, and thanks to you I'm probably going to fail!" Twilight complained.

"First, from what my Queen has told me you've read every book Canterlot has to offer ten times over." Flash stated. "Second, the test has already begun, and I'm the one who is grading you."

Twilight froze, she looked at Flash motionless for half a minute before clearing her throat. She shuffled her body so that she sat upright and put on an innocent smile. "I think you and I got off on the wrong hoof. My name is Twilight Sparkle, what's yours."

"Flash Sentry." Flash said. "Or would you prefer to call me 'the hairy egg stealer'?" Flash asked, talking about the name Twilight had called him during her rant.

"Oh that! I wasn't talking about you I was talking about someone else." Twilight chuckled nervously, sweat beginning to form on her forehead. "So mr. Sentry, can I call you Flash?"

"You may." Flash said.

"Wonderful." Twilight's smile grew. "So Flash, would you be so kind as to tell me what this test is all about?"

"Nope." Flash answered.

Twilight's left eye twitched. "Excuse me."

"My Queen was very strict with me, and ordered me to not give you any information or hints about the test." Flash explained.

"But...then how am I supposed to do the test?" Twilight asked, still holding up her fake smile.

"This is a test that cannot be studied for, cannot be taught, it can only happen by instinct." Flash explain, "and besides, the test has already begun."

"Can you at least tell me how I'm doing?" Twilight pleaded.

"I can." Flash answered.

"Yes!" Twilight cheered.

"And your failing."

Twilight's once cheerful face shattered and became one of sadness. Like her heart broke apart and was shattered into a million pieces. Her body slumped against the seat, the front of her mane covered up her eyes and the depressed state she was in seemed to be giving off a sad aura.

"I failed the test." Twilight's body fell to the floor as though she was made of liquid. She then curled up into a ball and rocked herself back and forth mumbling.

"I said you are failing. That doesn't mean you have failed. Yet." Flash stated.

Twilight jumped from the floor and pressed herself against Flash. "You mean I still have a chance?!" She yelled frantically.

"Um...yes." Flash responded in his uncomfortable state.

Twilight sprung back into her seat and sat. "So what do I have to do to not fail the test?" She asked.

"Can't say." Flash answered. "There's many ways to fail."

"Oh." Twilight's saddened state returned.

The train whistle blew and the wheels screeched as they tried to brake. The train jerked to a halt and steam hissed out from the wheels. "All disembarked for the town Ponyville!" The conductor yelled.

Twilight sat the still sleeping Spike on her back and Flash grabbed her suitcase. The two walked off the train and towards the town. On the way, Twilight used her magic to grab her suitcase out from Flash's mouth and levitated it next to her. She opened the suitcase and took out a piece of rolled up paper before closing the suitcase shut.

"Queen Luna gave me a list of everything I'm supposed to do tomorrow, one day before the celebration begins." Twilight explained. "Will doing what's on the list make me fail?"

"No." Flash answered.

Twilight sighed in relief. She unrolled the list and began reading.

"I thought you said you're supposed to do all of that tomorrow?" Flash asked.

"There's no harm in getting a head start." Twilight responded. "Besides, it says here that the first thing I'm supposed to do is greet somepony."

"If you insist, there's somepony right there." Flash pointed.

Twilight looked to where Flash was pointing to see an earth pony mare with a pink fur coat, a pink poofy mane, and light blue eyes who had three balloons for a cutiemark. The mare was bouncing up and down with glee while humming a tune.

"Greetings earth pony." Twilight waved.

The mare stopped mid-bounce, her head turned around like an owls then her body did the same. She instantly closed the distance between her and Twilight. She then inhaled very deeply and shouted,


The mare then shot through the sky and crash landed in the town. Leaving a perplexed Twilight and Flash.

"Um...you too."

Author's Note:

Well here's chapter 2 hope you enjoy it.