• Published 3rd Jan 2017
  • 1,614 Views, 70 Comments

Nightfall - Thestoryteller

A parallel universe where Nightmare Moon wasn't defeated but instead Celestia was.

  • ...

Chapter 5. The Tickets

The day was like any other. The moon made way for the sun, signaling to everyone that it was time to get up and do something. What was unique about this day was that Twilight, along with Flash and Applejack, were carrying baskets full of this weeks harvest. Spike rode on Twilight's back as the three ponies walked, picking out apple after apple from the basket and tossing them out.

"Glad ya'll could help me with this weeks harvest." Applejack thanked the two ponies beside her.

"Think nothing of it Applejack." Twilight proclaimed. "After all, we're more than happy to help out a friend."

Spike threw another apple out from the basket and it hit Twilight's head. Spike dug into the basket, pushing away any of the apple's he didn't like. Spike was then pulled out by Flash, who gave him a scowl.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked, holding Spike by the back of his neck.

Spike responded. "Just trying to find myself a snack, that's all."

Flash turned Spike around so that he could see the trail of apple's he had left behind them. "What's all this then?" He asked.

"I couldn't find the right one." Spike said with a terrible excuse.

"Speaking of snacks," Twilight said, using her magic to pick up all of the apple's in the trail and sat them back in the basket, "I skipped breakfast and would love to have a daffodil sandwich right about now."

"Perfect!" Spike proclaimed, holding up a bright red, visibly juicy, delightfully delicious apple that seemed to be shining.

Twilight couldn't help but stare. Hunger on the brain, she licked her lips, imagining how good the apple would taste."Oh Spike, that looks absolutely delic-"


In an instant the once shining apple of juicy goodness was shoved into Spike's mouth in one big bite. Spike slowly mushed up the apple, letting its juice swim around in his mouth before swallowing. He let out a sigh as he slouched and patted his belly while Twilight scolded him. However though, karma took affect and Spike's eyes went wide. His stomach gurgled and his claws clasped over his mouth. He tried to hold it in but failed to prevent himself from burping up a green puff of smoke, which tightened into a ball and transformed into a rolled up letter.

The letter dropped into Flash's hooves, unfolded it, and then read it out loud.

My faithful Apprentice. As you might've known, this year's Grand Galloping Gala is coming up. As customary, I have given you, your assistant Spike, and that guard of yours a ticket to this event along with an extra ticket for your plus one. Be sure to meet the dress code by bringing a dress and the guard to wear a suit. The same applies to your plus one. I await your appearance presence.

Your Teacher and Queen, Luna

Flash pulled out four golden tickets from the letter, which glistened in the sun. The gears inside Twilight and Applejack were turning until they both came to the same realization. They both gasped and yelled, "THE GRAND GALLOPING GALA!" They both squealed like little school girls, bouncing up and down.

"I can't believe I'm going to the Grand Galloping Gala!" Twilight exclaimed. "I mean, sure I knew what it was at the time. Back then I didn't give the event a second thought, but now that I have friends this is going to be wonderful!"

"Ya said it girl!" Applejack hooted. "I can't wait ta go. I can picture it now."

Applejack's idea of what the Gala would be like

A line of ponies stretched all the way to the very entrance of the castle could be seen. Everyone waiting and just buzzing with anticipation for the sweet, sweet goodness of good old fashioned apple's. Everyone would pay mighty nicely for their fill of apple grub. The wooden stand which Applejack was running had all kinds of apple treats.

Here's a list: they had apple pie, apple crisp, caramel apples on a stick, apple fritters, apple fries (a real thing), sliced apples with peanut butter, apple juice, apple cider, apple salads, apple chips, apple cake, apple cookies, apple sundaes, apple smoothies, and of course, apple sauce.

"And with all of that money we could replace that sorry old barn, Macintosh could replace that sorry old plow, and Granny could replace that sorry old hip." Applejack explained.

"That's nice and all but," Flash held up the four tickets, "there's only room for four of us."

Applejack did the math and counted Flash, Twilight, Spike, and herself. "There's already four of us. I don' see why y'all can't bring me along."

"She makes a good point Flash." Said Twilight. "Alrighty then, Applejack would you like to join us at the Grand Galloping-"

"Now wait just a second!"

Before anyone had a chance to be confused, a rainbow colored blur shot from the tree and landed in front of Twilight, but also causing Applejack to stumble back. The object was Rainbow Dash.

"Did you say you guys have an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala?!" She demanded, squishing Twilight's cheeks.

"Um...yesh." Twilight spoke through her puckered face.

Rainbow released Twilight and said, "you've got to take me! Every year the Wonderbolts show up at the Gala and they're my hero's. I've always wanted to be one, and if I show my stuff to them. They've gotta let me join."

Rainbow Dash's idea of what the Gala would be like

High up in the sky, a cloud shaped race track with Pegasi dressed in Wonderbolt tracksuit's, wearing circular goggles, flying with a trail of smoke behind them, soared around the track in circles with a cheering audience in cloud stands. They had come for a show and were about to get one they'd never forget. From out of no where a rainbow blur sweeps past even the fastest Wonderbolt. Who was this speed devil mare that clearly surpassed any existing Pegasus. The blur crossed the finish line and came to halt. The crowd gasped before exploding in cheer upon the blur's appearance.

It was Rainbow Dash. The most fastest, famous, and sexiest mare in all of Equestria. While the crowd cheered her name, the Wonderbolts offered Rainbow Dash for the um-teenth time to be their supreme and awesomest leader. Rainbow Dash thought 'why not' and accepted.

From that day forward, Rainbow Dash became the most known mare not just in Equestria, but in the whole world. Every Stallion wanted to be with Dash, every mare envy Dash, and in some cases it was the other way around. But all that matter to Rainbow was that she was worshipped as a goddess among everyone.

"So you gotta take me." Rainbow Dash said, no one actually seeing her vision. "The Gala is my one and only shot of becoming a Wonderbolt."

"Well..." Twilight paused. "I guess that does make sense-"

"Now wait just a dang minute!" Applejack interrupted, not giving Twilight a second to reconsider who she was taking. "Firstly, Rainbow you said you were to busy to help me out with the harvest, and now I find out that you were napping. In one of my tree's no less." Applejack stated, eyeing a blanket on the tree branch above them and pillow back against the truck.

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, knowing that the cat was out of the bag. "Heh heh...I uh...was tired from all the clouds I had busted. Yeah that's it."

Applejack snorted and narrowed her eyes like a bull eying a red toreo. "Secondly, Twi already said she was taking me to the Gala." Applejack stated firmly, pointing to herself.

"Actually I haven't decided on who I'm giving the ticket to yet." Twilight admitted, holding up the extra ticket she took from Flash.

"Then I say we hoof wrestle for the ticket." Rainbow Dash declared. "Winner gets the ticket."

"Deal." Applejack agreed, both of them zipped to a stump, locked hooves, and began to wrestle.

Until Twilight ended their little match by pushing the two apart. "Girls! Who gets the ticket is my decision and my alone. Now I'm going to need some time to think about it, "her stomach grumbled, "and some lunch."

"But-" both Rainbow Dash and Applejack tried to protest but failed to do so as Twilight cut them off.

"But nothing. I'll decide when I want to and possibly after I've eaten lunch." Twilight declared as both she, Spike, and Flash walked off.

The moment the three were gone both Applejack and Rainbow returned to their hoof wrestling match.

As Flash, Twilight, and Spike all walked along the roads in Ponyville Twilight was in deep thought as she tried to figure out who the extra ticket would go to.

"You can't do it, can you?" Flash asked, breaking Twilight from her thoughts.

"Huh?" She asked in a slight daze.

"Choosing someone who gets the extra ticket." Flash said. "They're both equal friends with equal reasons as to why they should go. No matter which one you choose, the other one is gonna be heartbroken."

Twilight sighed and her head sunk. "You're right. I hate to admit it but you're absolutely right. I can't decide between the two if I know I'm just gonna hurt someone."

As the three were passing by Sugar Cube Corner, a pink blur dashed out from the shop and collided with Twilight. The two tumbled until they unfolded and came to a stop. The pink blur was Pinkie Pie, she opened her eyes to see the four tickets on her nose. She gasped,

"Line?" She asked in a whisper.


"BATS!" She screamed, standing up and dancing on her hoof tips in disgust. She then stopped and took a closer look at the so called "bats". She jumped into the air and gasped once more, "are these tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala?" She asked.

"They are." Twilight answered, taking the four tickets back with her magic.

"The Grand Galloping Gala, I've been wanting to go ever since I was a little filly. Role the thing."

Pinkie's idea of what the Gala would be like

A large party with ponies of all kind, from the strongest earth pony to the smartest unicorn. Everyone was dancing and singing and drinking punch and doing party stuff, and it was all thanks to Pinkie Pie. Bringer of joy and laughter, the world just wouldn't be the same without dear Pinkie. Everyone was lucky that Pinkie was there to give them all a wonderful party.

"The Grand Galloping Gala." Rarity, who has appeared out of nowhere, exclaimed with excitement.

Pinkie cut Twilight off by saying, "yep, Twilight, Flash, and Spike have an extra ticket." Pinkie, still smiling, furrowed her brow in anger. "You interrupted my idea, I hope you realize that Pinkie Pie will not forget what you have done this day."

Rarity, ignoring Pinkie's threat, said, "the Grand Galloping Gala. The very symbol of elegance and class. I can see it now, mare's partnered with stallion's as they danced with the utmost form of grace."

Rarity's idea of what the Gala would be like

The dance floor was abuzz with ponies wearing suits and ponies wearing dresses. Dancing with one another in both grace and dignity. Every mare seemed to stand out with their colorful dresses, but what's this? Who is that entering through the doorway.

The royal guards bowed, mistaking Rarity for royalty, they'd never even assume that she was a simple mare from Ponyville. No one could stop themselves from starring at the beautiful gem that walked amongst them. But Rarity didn't care, she had only one thing in mind.

In the center of the dance floor was a unicorn mare with a pure white coat, a long silky royal blue mane and tail, ruby colored eyes, had three musical notes for a cutie mark, and wore a simple blue dress. The mare's name was Symphony. Adopted niece to Queen Luna, and the one Rarity envied above all else. She was dancing with a handsome young Stallion, Rarity tapped the Stallion's shoulder and got his attention.

The Stallion would turn away from Symphony and to Rarity. The Stallion would be a gentlecolt, how could he possibly refuse such an offer from a beautiful mare. The Stallion would smile at Rarity and give her hoof a slight kiss, accepting her request. As the two danced with even more grace and beauty than everyone else, Symphony became overcome with jealousy and left the Gala in humiliation.

"You simply must take me along." Rarity begged. "I can't allow a mare like her to whisk away my Prince Charming."

"Well...I guess you do-HEY!" Twilight shouted as a white bunny snatched the four tickets away and ran off.

The bunny hopped to Fluttershy, who was passing by, and showed her the tickets. "Angel dear, you know that stealing isn't something very nice." She protested until she got a closer look at the description on the tickets. "Oh goodness, these are tickets to the Gala."

Flash approached Fluttershy and asked, "Miss Shy, may I please have those tickets back?" He asked, extending his hoof.

"Oh, of course." Fluttershy said, giving the tickets back to Flash. "I see there is four of them, who's all going? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

"These three are for me, Spike and Twilight." Flash explained, holding up the three tickets then holding up the fourth. "This one goes to a guest that Twilight has to decide."

"Oh...I see..." She paused. "Do you think...maybe...I could go?"

"That's Twilight's decision, not mine." Said Flash. "If you want to go, you'll have to ask her."

Fluttershy and Flash went back to Twilight and Fluttershy asked her, "um...excuse me."

Twilight whipped around and sighed in relief instead of frustration. "Thank you Flash." She said, taking the tickets back before noticing Fluttershy. "Oh hi Fluttershy, how are you doing?" She asked, hoping to avoid any mention of the tickets.

"Well, actually Twilight..." Fluttershy hid behind her mane. "I was wondering...if you would..." She tapped her hooves together timidly. "Take me...to the Gala...as your plus one."

Twilight facehoofed, she should've known that it was pointless to try and avoid the subject concerning the Gala. "Uggghhh. Go ahead, tell me why you should go?"

Fluttershy, ashamed with herself that she was causing her friend such distraught, said. "Oh no, it's quite alright. I don't wanna go if it means I'm gonna hurt you."

"It's not gonna hurt me Fluttershy. I'm just having a hard time deciding. In fact," Twilight's lit up. "If your reason is good enough, then maybe I can choose you and everybody else will understand."

"Um...okay then..." Fluttershy whispered. "Well...I don't really care all to much about the dances and the party. The only reason I want to go to the Gala is because of all the wondrous creatures in the garden."

Fluttershy's idea of what the Gala would be like

While everypony danced and bellowed with laughter inside the castle, Fluttershy found comfort in the peace and quiet of the royal gardens. As she passed by the colorful blooming floors, the calm and cooling sensation had begun to set in. The gentle breeze slightly swayed her mane back and flung the tender sent of the flowers right at her. Fluttershy felt at peace with herself, no longer afraid but rather warm and comfortable.

Her ears perked up in attention to the soft chirps of baby birds. The chirps, rather than loud and annoying, were soft and delicate. Other animals began to make their appearance to Fluttershy the further she went into the gardens. There were chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, birds, and a bunch of other animals. They would come to Fluttershy and surround her with comfort and love, and in return she would do the same. Just as she would do for any other creature.

"And that's why I want to go." Fluttershy finished before adding, "but only if you'll take me that is Twilight. Twilight?"

Fluttershy had become so caught up in her story that she failed to notice that Twilight, Flash, Spike and the other girl's had left. Something tapped her foreleg, she looked down to see her bunny Angel holding a sheet of paper in his paw. Fluttershy picked up the paper and began to read what had been written.

Dear Fluttershy.

Thank you for telling me your reason for wanting to go to the Gala. But unfortunately, your story has only made things harder all of my friends story's, yours included, all have a very good reason to go. But I need more time to decide on who should go. Please understand, I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but I needed to leave for lunch because I can't think straight on an empty stomach.

Your friend: Twilight Sparkle

Fluttershy sighed as she let her foreleg set back down, releasing the paper and letting it fly away with the wind. "I don't deserve to go Angel. My reason's really stupid, I mean...why go to the Canterlot gardens when there's so much wildlife right here? I understand why Twilight would choose someone else...so why do I feel like I should go?"

Angel Bunny gestured with his paw for Fluttershy to lean down. She did so and Angel whispered something in her ear.

"Your right Angel Bunny!" Fluttershy proclaimed. "I do deserve to go...but how do I convince Twilight?"

Angel whispered something else in Fluttershy's ear, which caused her to recoil in shock and gasp with a deep blush on her cheeks. "Angel Bunny no! I could never do something like that. I'm not that kinda mare."

Angel facepalm before he hopped onto Fluttershy's back, climbed up her neck, sat on the top of her head, pulled back her ear, and whispered something else.

"Oh...is that all? I thought I was going to...well the way you said it...I'll just go get dressed now." Fluttershy said, flying off to her cottage.




Twilight raised her head only to instantly bring it down and smack it against the table, creating a small bruise on her forehead. Sure it hurt like hell, but if it meant she would forget this day in the near future she was more than happy to kill some brain cells.

"That isn't going to help you, you know?" Flash asked, before taking a sip out of the straw in his strawberry banana smoothie.

Twilight's hunger was still very present, her stomach grumbling every minute, constantly reminding her to eat. She ignored Flash, raised her head, and instantly brought it down onto the table, where she remained motionless.

"Finally given up?" Flash asked.

Twilight remained silent for a second before responding. "I'm stuck.".

"What was that?" Flash asked.

"I'm stuck!" Twilight shouted with irritation.

The Stallion waiter approached the table and asked, "would Madame like some assistance?" He asked in a Prench accent.

"Yes please." Twilight said in defeat.

The Prench waiter dislodged Twilight's horn from the wooden table, and after she thanked him he pulled out a flip book and a pencil and asked, "is Madame ready to order?"

"Yes, I would like a daffodil sandwich please." Twilight placed her order.

The Stallion wrote on the flip book before turning to Spike and Flash, "and for the gentlecolt's?"

"I'm good." Flash said, taking another sip out of his smoothie. "Maybe another refill later."

Spike eyed Flash's drink before saying to the waiter, "I'll have what he's having."

The waiter wrote on the flip book and repeated what he had wrote, "1 daffodil sandwich, 1 strawberry banana smoothie, and one refill later on. Your order will be ready as soon as possible." The Stallion said, putting away his flip book and pencil before heading towards the restaurant.

"So, now that he's gone, any idea who you're gonna give the ticket to?" Flash asked.


Twilight wished she could go back to temporarily forgetting about the Gala and her decision. But thanks to Flash's reminder, such a thing seemed out of reach. Twilight raised her head and threw it at the table. But before she could collide with it something stopped her.

"As much as I enjoy watching you get dumber with every hit, I'm afraid that if you don't stop then I'll have to use force." Flash said, holding Twilight back.

"Flash is right Twilight." Spike agreed, siding with Flash. "That bruise is starting to look really bad."

Twilight sighed and slumped down in her chair. "Applejack wants to go so she can raise money for her family, Rainbow Dash wants to go so she can meet her hero's and possibly join them, Pinkie Pie wants to go because it's said to be the greatest party in all of Equestria, Rarity wants to go so she can meet this 'Prince Charming' guy, and Fluttershy wants to go so she can meet all of the animals." Twilight listed off as she held the spare ticket in her hoof. "Only one gets to go, while the others have to miss out." Twilight groaned. "There's so many variables, not only does my decision reflect off on their stories but it also reflects off of how bad the others will feel, how badly their trust will be broken, and how damaged our friendship will be." Seeing no other option, she asked, "Flash what should I do?"

Flash slurped the last bit of his smoothie very loudly for an awkward minute. When Twilight tried to speak Flash would hold up his hoof, telling her to wait. Once he was done slurping he let out a sigh of refreshment and responded, "Twilight, if you were to go to the Gala what would you do?"

The question caught Twilight off guard. "Huh?" She asked, tilting her head.

"If you went to the Gala, what would you do?" Flash repeated his question.

Twilight thought for a moment before responding. "I guess I'd just talk with Queen Luna and be with her."

Flash shook his head in disappointment. "That has to be the worst idea I've heard yet." Flash said. "You can talk with the Queen anytime you want via letter through Spike. Why waste a ticket to the Gala over something like that?"

"Great Flash." Twilight huffed. "Now you've made things even more difficult by adding an extra variable."

"Well if it helps I could always give away my ticket." Flash offered.

"Stop it! You're not helping!" Twilight shouted, her mind beginning to involuntarily form equations.

"Your sandwich Madame." The waiter said, placing Twilight's plate and sandwich in front of her as well as Spike's smoothie, and a new smoothie for Flash. Twilight licked her lips in anticipation as she levitated the sandwich to her mouth. Just as she was about to take a bite she stopped herself when she realized the waiter was walking away without her paying.

"Um, excuse me sir." Twilight said to the waiter, who turned around. "I forgot to pay you."

"Keep your money Madame. Consider the food and drinks on the house." The waiter said.

"How come?" Flash asked. "What's the occasion?"

"There is no occasion good sir. Consider it thanks for your Pegasus friend in keeping the rain away from the restaurant." The waiter said before entering the restaurant.

Twilight and Flash shared a look before turning up to the sky. The sky had turned from its beautiful blue to a sorrowful grey as dark clouds mashed into one covered the entire town. Except for a large hole that had been punched into the cloud layer above the restaurant. Standing on the edge was the culprit of the hole in the clouds, Rainbow Dash.

"Hi bestest friend in the whole wide world who I've know forever." Rainbow Dash said, with a very large smile.

"Rainbow." Twilight spoke, looking up at the hole in the cloud. "Why is there a hole in the clouds?"

"Well, I know how you said you were hungry and once I saw you were sitting outside I knew you were gonna get soaked. So I decided to put a little hole in the clouds to keep you guys dry." Rainbow Dash explained.

"You wouldn't happen to be doing this so you'll try and persuade me into giving you the ticket." Said Twilight, seeing right through Rainbow and discovering her intentions. "Are you?"

"Pffft, What? No." Rainbow brushed off the accusation. "I do this for all of my good friends."

"You mean the good friends who are trying to find shelter from the rain?" Flash asked, talking about the wet ponies scurrying to their homes and out of the rain.

"Um...yeah." Rainbow said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head.

Twilight, now very agitated, said to Rainbow, "I'm only gonna say this once, put the clouds back right now."


"No buts!" Twilight roared, not giving Rainbow a chance to speak. "I won't let anyone else try and add more variables to the equation. So you put those clouds back right now."

"But then-"

"Do it or I'll make sure you'll never even get a glimpse of this ticket." Twilight threatened.

Rainbow Dash flew off and dragged back a large clump of clouds which she used to fill the hole. Satisfied, Twilight was about to enjoy her meal until it was ruined by the rain as it fell from the clump of clouds.

"Smart Twilight." Flash grumbled, his entire body now completely soaked. "Real smart."

Rarity then appeared and instantly noticed Twilight, "Twilight dear." She gasped, wearing a purple raincoat with the hood over her head and a matching umbrella on her saddle. "You're wet."

"No, really. I hadn't noticed." Twilight grumbled sarcastically before she was pulled away by Rarity.

"You must come with me at once." She stated, galloping off with Twilight in tow.

After Flash had finished drinking the last of his smoothie, he grabbed Spike and took off after Rarity.

Rarity burst through the doors of her Carousel dramatically, lightning flashed behind her with her raincoat floating in the wind. She quickly entered and pulled Twilight in, after Spike and Flash entered they closed the door behind them. Rarity dragged Twilight upstairs and into the bathroom, she locked the door and began working her magic.

First, she dried Twilight's entire body with towels. Then she wetted her mane and styled it, after that she quickly dried it off via blow dryer, and finally she put a beautiful six petal pink flower in her mane. Once she was done, Rarity took Twilight back downstairs where Flash and Spike had already dried off.

"Let me guess." Twilight spoke in a monotone. "The only reason you're doing any of this is so I'll give you the ticket right."

Rarity looked appalled as she gasped. "Twilight, how could you think so little of me? Just because I wanted to help you doesn't mean I'm doing it for the ticket. I'm the Element of Generosity remember, if I stooped so low as to try and persuade you into giving me the ticket then what kind of mare would I be?"

Twilight blinked. "Gosh I...I'm sorry Rarity. After Rainbow Dash tried to get the ticket by clearing a hole in the clouds I just thought...well...never mind, thank you so much for helping me out. Now if you'll excuse me I'm still really hungry." Twilight said making her way towards the door.

"Did somepony say they were 'hungry'?" Applejack bursted through the door and yanked Twilight outside. Where she met the most welcoming sight she ever laid eyes on.

The rain had stopped and Pegasi were clearing away the clouds. One of the Pegasi had removed a piece of Cloud and allowed a ray of sunlight to shine down upon the wooden stand of apple foods, making them shine like holy fruits from heaven itself. The mere sight was enough to break Twilight's frail spirit.

"We got apple-" before Applejack could list off the numerous amounts of apple treats, Twilight threw the extra ticket, which stuck to Applejack's face and said,

"Take it!" She shouted like a crazy pony, grabbing anything she could get her hooves on and hoarding it like a dragon.

Applejack peeled off the ticket and watched in horror as her friend gobbled down food like a machine. The sight disgusted Applejack, then her eyes fell on the ticket. The bright shining golden ticket which would ensure better finance for her family. Then she looked back to her friend, who was still eating. How easily she had given up the ticket over a couple things of food, it just didn't sit right with Applejack. Actually, it didn't sit with her at all.

She gripped the ticket and spoke, "Twi stop." Twilight stopped, with a green apple inches away from her open mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't think this was gonna happen. Take your ticket back Twi, I don't deserve it."

Twilight ate the apple before taking the ticket back. She let out a sigh of relief, her hunger now satisfied. "Thank you Applejack, that really hit the spot."

"Twi, can you do me a favor?" Applejack asked.

"After what you did for me. Name it." Twilight said.

"I'm gonna round up all our friends and meet ya back at your house. Sound good?" Applejack asked.

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy." Twilight slurred.

As it turned out, there was apple cider at Applejack's stand. Which Twilight drank all at once. No one could ever learn the secret recipe of the Apple family's famous cider. But, thanks to a scientist in Ponyville, two major components were discovered that gave it its rich flavor. Apple's and alcohol.

"And then, he fell down a flight of stairs with the bucket on his head." Twilight burst into a fit of laughter, drunk out of her mind, after telling Flash the story about her babysitter and her brother.

Twilight was incapable of walking home due to her intoxication, so it fell down to Flash to carry her back.

"He looked like a turtle! He squirmed on his back trying to get up like a turtle!" Twilight laughed hysterically on Flash's back.

"Is she always like this when she's drunk?" Flash asked Spike.

"This is the first time she has been." Spike replied.

Flash looked at Spike bewildered before letting out a groan, imaging the bumpy ride he had in store. They approached the Golden Oaks Library and saw that the lights had been turned on from the opened window. Flash had thought maybe they had left the lights on when they had left. That thought, along with the majority that is used for brain function, was thrown out upon entering the tree.

Critters of all kind were working on dusting and cleaning the bookshelves and books themselves. They were doing it much like an organized machine. The birds would pick up the books and fly them over to the beavers who would then use their tails to beat away the dust, then it would be flown to the squirrels who would clean and dust off the pages, after that it would be given back to the birds who took them back to their shelves. Raccoons where picking away dirt and cobwebs in the hidden cracks, and the bunnies were using their bushy tails as dusting swabs.

But what had caused Flash to come to a dead stop, his brain fried, and his jaw unhinged was Fluttershy.

Wearing a maid outfit.

Proped up against a short stool was Fluttershy, wearing a French maid outfit with leggings. Her propped pose left her rear visible underneath her black skirt as she dusted a row of books with a duster in her mouth. While all of this was happening, Angel bunny was laughing and pointing at her. Twilight rolled off of Flash's back and made a loud thump, catching Fluttershy's attention. Her head swung around and a slight blush swept across her cheeks when she saw an opened mouthed Flash.

"Welcome back." She said meekly. "I hope you don't mind...the animals and I thought about helping you guys out with spring cleaning."

Flash, who was still trying to desperately understand the situation, remained mute and unmoving. Twilight stood up and slurred,

"So...you think you can just waltz on in here, wearing that, and think I'm gonna give you the ticket?" Twilight asked approaching Fluttershy, swaying with each step.

"Well...it wasn't my idea." Fluttershy protested. "Angel said it might help."

"Well guess what missy?!" Twilight shouted throwing her hooves into the air. "I quit!"

Fluttershy blinked twice. "You...quit?" She asked.

"That's right, I quit!" Twilight shouted, using her magic to summon forth a piece of paper and a ready to write quill. "Spike, take a letter." She said, shoving the paper, quill, and tickets at Spike.

"Dear Queen Luna, it's me, Twilight Sparkle. I just wanted to say that these tickets of yours were the most absolute worst thing you could've given me. So you know what, take your tickets back and shove them back from what ever butt you pulled them from! Because I don't want them, and I'd rather let nopony go if none of my friends get to! Sincerely, your Apprentice, Twilight Sparkle." Twilight spoke as Spike wrote down everything she said. "You get all that?" She asked.

"Um..." Spike clawed his head, re-reading what he had wrote. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean what if-"

"Send the bucking letter before I shove it down your throat!" Twilight roared.

Spike rolled up the letter and burned it, upon which it turned into a green smoke and faded from the room.

The green mist traveled at sound breaking speed towards Canterlot. Where the smoke was then sent to the mail room. The room was filled with letters and paper and ink and quills all together in one place. In the crowded room sat a unicorn Stallion with a pale yellow coat of fur, grey mane and mustache, blue eyes, and wore a red sweater vest. The green smoke appeared in front of him and turned into the letter from Twilight. The Stallion picked up the letter and read it.

Once he was finished, he leaned back and bursted out laughing. But his laughing ceased when the four tickets dropped out. He quickly brought to him a piece of paper and a wet quill with his magic. With the two now in his magic he wrote,

My dear Apprentice. You're clearly drunk or on some king of drug. The way your letter is written makes it painfully obvious. But I shall forgive you, this isn't the first time I've received a drunken letter. I understand your problem and have an easy and simple solution, it was foolish of me to send four tickets when I should've sent eight, one for you and your friends. I have corrected this and sent you eight tickets this time, however the dress code remains. I await your arrival my faithful Apprentice.

Your Queen, Luna.

With that, the Stallion put four extra tickets into the letter, rolled it up, and roasted it over a candle with a green flame. The letter became smoke and lifted the room. As it did, the Stallion thought to himself,

'I guess it was unavoidable. We had hoped to not drag anyone else into this but there's no going back now. What's done is done, and our goal is almost complete.' The Stallion though looking at a sun shaped symbol on his hoof. "We have hid in the shadows for to long. Soon the world will see the light." The Stallion said inside his head before returning to his work.

Author's Note:

I'm afraid I have some bad news. Finals for my school are coming up and I have been nonstop studying for them. Because of this there might not be a new chapter this week or the next. Sorry, :ajsleepy:.

Luckily though, I was able to get this one done just in time. So that's something I guess.

Also, this is the picture that inspired me to dress Fluttershy up as a French maid.

That's all for now, I'll get back to you all when finals are over.