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Machines, and Pinkie Pie

After everypony "Except for Applejack" had gathered in Twilight's library. Each and everypony was talking about their experiences with one another in two separate groups. Twilight went through her check list of everypony who was supposed to be here, but had to keep Applejack's check box blank. She promised she would only start discussing all this transdimensional shenanigans after everypony was present and accounted for. So, to distract herself from the impatience growing in her head, she decided to go over the notes she had written on the subject to see just how much she knew, and write down her theories.

Back at Sugar Cube Corner, Refi was handling the orders everypony had been making. The amount of ponies in the room had lowered, but some of them still sat their, discussing amongst themselves the resent events that transpired. If their was one thing Refi took notice of when she worked in Pinkie Pie's stead, it was that pony gossip was always happening in Ponyville. Ponies from table to table were discussing one topic to another. Refi, of course, saw no real benefit to gossip. Being a reflection, she had a pretty simple life to live, simply mimicking the movement of her counterpart. But it didn't matter too much she mused, she had a job to do. Just like Pinkie said, her sense of direction wasn't the best, and she found her complicated maze of mirrors made a lot more sense then the singular patterns of the outside world. Still, the mirrors put on the bottoms of each table with numbers carved into them made navigating through the sweet shop much easier. Finding her way to mirrors labeled with numbers was much easier than finding her way to the tables they were attached to. One by one, she brought orders to the tables she had to, being as patient as a reflection can be as she awaited for her counterpart to return.

Applejack burst through the doors of the library, covered in sweat, and breathing heavily. “Twilight!” She breathed heavily for a second. “Twilight! Somethin's happened! My new worker's gone missin' and-”

Her desperate attempt to explain came to an abrupt stop as she noticed Winona was sitting there, smiling and waving at her. “Oh.” She said, now not so much worried, as she was confused. “Never mind then.”

Twilight cleared her throat, to catch the attention of everypony in the room. “If I can have everypony's attention. Now that we're all here, I'd like to discuss the topic at hoof.” She removed a sheet she had covering the chalk board behind her, revealing the words "Transdimensional Zoology". Pinkie Pie couldn't help but giggle at the fact that the stories name was being referenced so many times. Twilight pointed a hoof to Applejack. “You might want to pay attention Applejack. I think of all of us, you know the least about what's happened today.”

Applejack blinked, but decided that, of all ponies, Twilight had to know what was going on. She was the smartest pony in Ponyville after all. So Applejack sat down near the front of the group, and listened to what Twilight had to say.

Twilight cleared her throat again, thinking of how to start. “Perhaps I should start by introducing our new guests. They're just about as confused as we are I'm sure.” The group of strangers nodded. “These ponies are Owloysius, Opalescence, Gummy, Angel, Tank, and Winona.”

The group of ponies Twilight knew personally all stared at the group of strangers that had been introduced. Most had their jaws slightly agape, some had skeptical looks on their faces, and Pinkie Pie just grinned, and waved to them as if they were well acquainted friends.

The other side had different reactions. Some had awkward smiles on their faces, some just closed their eyes, not wanting to see the reactions, and Winona just smiled and waved at Pinkie Pie.

“As you may have figured out by now...” Twilight said, breaking the fragile silence. “They are ponified variations of our pets. After taking the time to learn from a few of them-” She lifted her book on the multiverse theory with her magic. “-I discovered that they are from another dimension, in which they have our positions in life. Owloysius for example has my position as a librarian in his dimension, and is also a student of a princess. A princess referred to as Princess Philomena. Each and every one of them woke up in our homes in the place of our pets. If not for Owloysius telling me that he was responsible for unintentionally sending them here, I would've never known about any of this as clearly as I do now.” She looked towards Owloysius. “Thanks by the way Owloysius.”

He nodded. “Pleasure to be a help Miss Sparkle.”

Gummy shook his head. “Wait a moment. You mean to say that this is really happening, and we're not in one of Opals dreams?”

“Well, yes.” Twilight said.

If anypony could here Gummy's heart break, nopony showed it. Gummy just stared at the floor, thinking about what he just learned.

“Which brings me to another subject. Opal somehow has a link to this world, and has dreams in which she sees through the eyes of her feline self.” She looked at Opal. “I still don't have any theories to explain how that's possible, but it is.” She looked at Pinkie Pie, who was raising her hoof in an excited manner like a young school filly. “Yes Pinkie Pie?”

“I can explain it!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed proudly. “But I have to graph it on the chalk board.”

Twilight blinked. “You're kidding.”

Pinkie shook her head. “Nope! I know how to explain everything.”

Before Twilight could react, Pinkie had gotten up, flipped the chalk board around to the side that was blank, and drew out a graph with the chalk. It was a circle, with lines connecting to smaller circles. Then the group of circles was labeled. The center circle was labeled FiM, and the circles connected to it were labeled Romance, Adventure, and Comedy. The circles connected to Romance were labeled The Party Hasn't Ended, Twilight's List, and Shipping and Handling. The circles connected to Adventure were labeled CRISIS: Equestria, The Feather of Fire, and Pony Gear Solid. The circles connected to Comedy were labeled There's a Gamer in Us All, Two and Two and Two, and R.A.I.N.B.O.W. Dash.

Pinkie donned a pair of reading glasses that she pulled out of thin air, putting them on upside down by mistake. “Now it's time I broke the rules of the forth wall. But first-” She pointed to Gummy. “-Gummy, tell me what you know about all this.”

Gummy blinked one eye at a time. “Pinkie, I can't take you seriously with you wearing your glasses upside down. Also I think you need to be more specific.”

Pinkie sighed, and adjusted her glasses to the right position. “Fine then. Tell me what you know about the story.”

Gummy raised an eyebrow. “What story?”

Pinkie face-hoofed. “Your story, this story, one of the stories written on the board, I don't care. Just tell me what you know about the fourth wall.”

The silence in the room was the only thing audible at that moment. Everypony who ever met Pinkie Pie had been confused by her, but none more so than they were now.

Owloysius raised his hoof, and Pinkie answered. “Yes Owloysius?”

“If I may, I believe your referring to the boundary of a story. The boundary preventing a story book character from knowing what he or she is.”

“Correct.” Pinkie Pie said matter-of-factly. “An example of breaking the forth wall is by breaking the laws of physics with the knowledge that physics don't always have to apply in a story.” The pointed to Gummy with a longs stick she pulled out of nowhere, bearing a glove with an index finger pointing forward. “And Gummy gave a perfect example of that at Sugar Cube Corner. Care to explain just how you did that Gummy? Hmm?” She was wiggling her eye brows as she said this.

Gummy just shrugged his shoulders. “I've done it in my day dreams, I found out I can do it in reality. I can't explain it. It just comes easy to me.”

Pinkie sighed, looking relieved. “Well now it makes sense. What kind of day dreams?”

Gummy tapped a hoof to his chin in thought. “Science fiction stories I guess. They're about some time traveling pony calling himself The Doctor. I don't try to understand it, I just enjoy the day dreams.”

Pinkie Pie pointed her pointer to Twilight. “Twilight, can you hook Gummy up to those machine thingies in your basement?”

Twilight blinked. “Uh, sure. But, where are you going with this?”

Pinkie crossed her hooves, with a smug smirk on her face. “Are you really going to question the opportunity to study something more advanced than my Pinkie Sense?”

If Twilight was carrying anything, she would have dropped it. Instead she was simply left slack jawed for a moment, which turned into a huge ear to ear grin, and a squeal of delight. “I'll get the machines started up!” She then ran like lightning to her laboratory.

Applejack blinked. “What just happened?”

Pinkie giggled. “I think Twilight had a nerdgasm. It was bound to happen sooner or later.” Pinkie walked over to the set of stairs that led to the basement, and pointed a hoof to it. “Everypony to the basement. We're about to make sense of something using Gummy's daydreams.”

The ponies shared glances with each other, save for Winona, who did as she was told, no questions asked. Begrudgingly, everypony walked towards the stair well.

Opal tapped a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. “Am I the only one who questions if this is a good idea?”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Sugar cube, this is Pinkie Pie we're talking 'bout. Either her logic 'll turn out silly, or she'll be right in some weird way. With her, ya never know which to expect.”

The ponies continued to the stair well.

The foreign sound of machines ran throughout the room. Nopony in the room, save for Twilight, Owloysius, and Pinkie Pie knew what computers sounded like, but they were pretty loud and recognizable. Computers weren't a common thing in Equestria. They consisted of several huge machines connected together by thick wires, and took up an entire room. In that sense, along with how complicated they were to operate, they were relatively useless in Equestria. The only purpose they served was for scientific research, which normally only took place in Canterlot. Twilight, however, being a former resident of Canterlot, and a high scholar as she was, got permission from Celestia herself to have one installed in her library. Twilight was probably the only pony in Ponyville to have any experience operating it, but it definitely did it's job for her scientific research. Not all things can be discovered by reading, and on special occasions, Twilight preferred to learn things first hoof. If anything made her more giddy than scientific research, and reading, she certainly didn't show what it was.