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A Tank Crash

Tank woke up to the crisp early morning air as always. He lived high in the mountains, and loved watching as the clouds flew by. This early breeze however was noticeably different. He felt incredibly heavy, and it seemed as if the wind was coming at him at full force.

He was falling.

He panicked; His screams could be heard for miles. He felt himself going faster and faster as he came closer to the incoming ground. He closed his eyes, and decided to say his final words before the inevitable came.

"At least I know I lived a full life."

Just as he was going to hit the ground, he felt something strong crash into his side, changing his momentum to a completely different direction. Rather than killing him, he was sent into a painful crash landing.

He tried to get up slowly, but his aching body begged for another few minutes of laying on the now welcoming ground. His head ached, his back hurt, and he may have twisted an ankle, but he was alive. He slowly opened his eyes to see his savior.

She was a cyan-blue pegasus with a mane that had just about every color of the rainbow in it. He couldn't help but admire the beauty of this particular mare.

“Dude. Are you alright?”

Tank woke from a daze he didn't realize he was in, and tried to think of an answer for this curious 'and beautiful' mare. “Alright about what?”

The mare raised an eyebrow. “You just fell from, like, a jillion feat! Aren't you a little shook up about it?”

Tank wasn't quite sure how to explain. “I woke up in the middle of falling to my death, and got saved by a beautiful mare. I wasn't awake long enough for the fall to traumatize me I don't think. And quite frankly, I'd rather remember the part where you saved me.”

The mare blinked twice, trying to think of a response. “Uh, thanks, I think. Are you sure you're alright?”

“If by alright you mean, able to walk, let's find out.” He got up very carefully, trying to avoid getting too much pain going through him. “Well, I can get up. That's a good sign. May have to lay down for a while though. Think you can get me to Ponyville from here?”

The cyan pegasus tapped a hoof to her chin in thought. “Well, I'd need to get another pegasus, but I think I can get you there. Mind waiting here a bit while I go get somepony?”

Tank chuckled at the idea. “I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Go ahead.”

She let out a small, slightly nervous chuckle. “Yeah, right. I'll go get them.”

She flew off into the distance, the still rising sun complementing her already beautiful body.

“I had a lot to be thankful for, and now I'm in love. Life really is kind to me.”