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Dream Come True

Opal was greeted by the morning sun, which was not normal. The room she slept in had curtains to block out the sun during her morning wake ups. It made her grouchy to be greeted by so much sun light. She covered her head with her pillow to make things not so bad, but that made her realize something.

This wasn't the soft feather filled pillow she was used to, it felt much more like her couch cushion. Which made her notice something else, she was on her living room couch. Normally she liked waking up on the couch, it meant she was in her dreams as a cat, but if it was her dream, she would be looking at her feline self right then, and she distinctly remembered going to sleep in her king-sized mattress. She slowly opened her eyes to take a good look around. Nothing seemed different. Everything was in perfect order as always, though she did smell tea being made, and of course this drew her attention to the kitchen.

She was left wide eyed and slack jawed as she looked at the mare in her kitchen.

There she stood, the white mare who owned Opal in her dreams. Pacing around as she awaited the tea to finish heating on the stove. She was surprised to see Opal up and about.

“Oh, you're awake! How marvelous! I was worried you were in a comatose. How are you feeling dear, are you alright?”

She didn't answer, she kept staring at the ebony white mare that stood before her. She's here... Opal thought to herself. She's really here! I'm here...

“Oh, I do beg your pardon, where are my manners? My name is-”


Rarity gave a confused look before she spoke again. “Yes, how did you know?”

Opal wasn't sure how to answer. How could she explain anything that was happening? The mare that cared for her in her vivid dreams was standing wright in front of her. How do I know?

“I-uh, am a...fan of your work! You're the owner of this boutique, am I correct.”

Rarity brightened her expression after hearing this. “Why yes I am! Oh how marvelous it is to see I have a fan. Oh, but, you didn't answer me. Are you alright dear?”

Opal raised an eyebrow. “What would make you think otherwise?”

Rarity frowned. “Well, I found you unconscious in my boutique, I was worried something might have been wrong with you. How did you get in here anyway?”

Opal froze at this. Of course she thought to herself This isn't my home, it's hers. “I'm...not sure myself. I honestly don't know how I got here. I suppose that must make no sense, you have every right to think I'm lying, but....that's just how it is.”

Rarity dismissively waved her hoof and gave a faint chuckle. “I never said I didn't believe you darling. If anything, with how long you were asleep, I was worried you might never wake up. Being up and about is, in it's self, a miracle in your condition.”

Before she could say anything more, the whining noise of the tea kettle interrupted them, and rarity removed it from the stove with her magic.

Opal thought this was the time to act. “Miss Rarity. Perhaps, I could tell you a little more about myself. I should think it to be common courtesy for barging into your home uninvited.”

Rarity smiled. “But of course darling. Please, do have a seat at the table.”

Rarity was just as Opal had dreamed of, well mannered and beautiful. Opal certainly didn't feel attracted to her, her door didn't swing that way, but she had to give credit where credit was due. Rarity's appearance would leave models jealous. Even without accessories, Rarity had a way of looking refined as if she were ready to stroll through the streets of higher society. While Opal took pride in her appearance, she just thought she didn't try as hard as Rarity must have.
They both sat down on the cushions set at the opposite sides of the small circular table, sipping politely on their cups of hot tea. It was certainly a great way to make up for her rude awakening. Opal breathed a sigh of relief at how comfortable she felt in her...Rarity's lovely cushions. The thought of this brought discomfort to Opal, as she now had to explain herself to Rarity.

“I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name is Opal. I'm a dress maker, much like yourself, and a lot of my work is inspired by yours. None of them are knock-offs mind you, but your dresses did influence their appearance some.”

“Well how wonderful! I knew by your appearance you were a higher class pony, but I would have never guest you were a dress maker. And a fan of my work no less.”

“Thank you.” She took another sip of her tea before continuing. “I've heard a lot about...life in Ponyville, and decided to come and find a place to stay. Though, judging by the fact that I'm in your home for no apparent reason, I can only assume I hit my head somewhere along the way, and collapsed here.”

She was lying, but what else could she do? This was her dream come true. She could finally speak face-to-face with her owner Rarity, and maybe get some answers regarding her dreams. And aside from her personal desires, what would a pony think if another pony said that in this world they were a cat? Opal could only think of one response, and she didn't want it.

Rarity decided to interrupt. “Speaking of which, are you feeling alright?”

Opal politely smiled. “I'm perfectly fine, no need to worry about me. If anything I feel great, and I'm certain I can take care of myself.”

“Very well, I'll take your word for it. Do you have a place to stay?”

Opal stopped in mid sip. She wasn't sure weather to answer. On the one hoof, why not simply say the truth? Knowing Rarity, she'd probably do the generous thing and give her a guest bedroom, or perhaps help her pay for a hotel room. On the other hoof, this would be a big blow to her pride, as she didn't want to ask anything of a mare as generous as her. To Opal, that was just too unladylike.

After thinking for a few seconds, she decided to swallow her pride, and chose the former decision of being truthful. “I...don't have a place to stay. I never booked any hotel rooms, and I don't think any of my friends are near by.”

Rarity had a sincere smile as she spoke. “Well, you needn't worry about that darling. I already prepared for such an occasion, and have a guest bedroom for you to stay in.”

“But, Miss Rarity, I could never burden you with such an intrusion.”

She waved her hoof dismissively again. “Think nothing of it. I'll be more than willing to let you stay for a few days. Perhaps a few weeks if you help me with dress making.”

Opal wasn't sure what to say. She expected Rarity to offer her a few nights stay, but the opportunity to make dresses along side Rarity was a better offer than she could ever have received. After a several seconds, she finally put together something to speak.

“I don't know what to say, but...thank you!”