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Not His Dream

Gummy slowly opened his eyes, one at a time, then proceeded to wonder what he was doing on the floor.

His eyes had seen some strange things when he stared off into space most of which had to do with some sort of blue box, but this was stranger than he was used to. He knew that just after watching a gray pegasus take on several pegasus statues during one of his gazes, he went to sleep in his bed. Seeing random adventures involving space-time made sense to him, he accepted the idea of being connected to some sort of "power of the universe" years ago, and that he'd never be normal. But this made absolutely no sense at all. He went to sleep in his bed, and woke up on the floor in front of his bed, which was scientifically impossible unless there was magic involved. Also he was laying down on some sort of small cushion with green scales on it. He knew that cushion wasn't there before, and he doubted his employers would find any use in giving it to him. One weird thing after another, something was definitely going on, so he decided to stare into space again to see if it was "blue box related".

“Tuesday the 18th of July-
My latest apparatus is the only thing that's keeping her alive.
I had to stop her heart.
The mechanical replacement will ensure the other organs can survive.
Her body is destroyed;
But what nature has neglected, the fruit of modern science shall provide.
And I've broken every code of practice,
but for my love, I'd shift the planet's axis.
She'll return to me, when she's been repaired.
She'll live again.~”

Clearly The Doctor was in the middle of a musical number. Random musicals were nothing out of the ordinary in Equestria, and Gummy had nothing against it. But as much as he wanted to keep listening to this dramatic opera that was going on, he knew what he needed to know. It wasn't "blue box related". He looked at the clock.

“Oh, I'm gonna be late soon.”

He decided that whatever was going on could wait 'till later, he had a job to go to. He was the waiter of Sugar Cube Corner, an honor which he enjoyed having. It wasn't much of a job in his eyes "neither were things most ponies would consider impossible that he did on a regular basis" but it was convenient. Nopony was too judgmental of his strange condition, and stuck to enjoying their sweets. In fact, some ponies liked being waited by Gummy, and considered him fun to be around. He didn't understand this of course. What about him could've been enjoyable if he never even smiled. If anything his constant stares should have been enough to drive ponies away. But who could blame him? Watching this "Doctor" and his misadventures was too entertaining to avoid, and watching those misadventures brought him some enjoyment. Regardless, they liked having him work there, and that was all that mattered he mused. He went down stairs to put on his apron, and get ready for his job.

It wasn't there.

He looked at the rack to see were his apron was, only to find that somepony had taken it already. He had already washed it, so he doubted that anypony had decided it needed to be cleaned. He was the only pony working there, so nopony else could've taken it. And though he did hold the apron during one of his dazes, he knew he woke up from that daze with it in his hooves, and put it back in its place. This was getting too weird for him to handle.

“If one more weird thing happens, I swear on Philomena's sun I'm going to make The Doctor eat a pear!”

To anypony else, that statement wouldn't have made any kind of sense; But Gummy knew how much this "Doctor" hated pears, and he knew how to make slight reality alterations during his misadventures. Tricking him into taking a bite out of the wrong fruit was easy compared to making sure certain things fall in certain places. Which brought up another reason why he observed The Doctor so much. Altering reality, even if in really small ways, helped keep him safe. He was the lucky coincidence that kept The Doctor alive. Just as he began to rant in his mind about what was going on, he noticed somepony in the room with him. He spoke under his breath.

“That's it, Doctor. You're so eating a pear.”

“Hi there! I'm Pinkie Pie! Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner! Can I take you're order?”

“What? No, I'm just looking for my apron.”

“Really? Are you a baker?”

“No, I just need to wear one while I serve food. My shift begins in five minutes.”

She made a long gasp. “You're working here!?”


“Me too!”

“Make that five pears.”


“Ugh, nothing. I was just thinking something Doctor related.”

“Doctor? What doctor? Doctor Who?”

“Just The Doctor. Nothing else.”

“That's a weird name!”

“Says the pony named Pinkie Pie.”

“Oh, that's not my name. That's my nick-name! Say, why do they call it a nick-name? I don't get it. You don't change your name to Nick.”

“Because...Actually why do they call it that? It makes no sense. Like hack-saws.”

“Oh tell me about it. Or the word mellow-dramatic. Those are too completely opposite words, so why put them together? And then there's bittersweet.”

“Actually bittersweet makes sense if you think about it. It means sad but happy at the same time.”

“How can you be sad and happy at the same time? That's silly! You're a silly pony!” And then she started speaking in a sing-a-long voice. “Who's a silly pony? You're a silly pony. Who is? You is-” She stopped in mid bounce for what would be considered longer than possible. “Actually I don't know your name. I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie, but my friends call me Pinkie Pie!”

“Edge Q. Gummsworth, but my friends call me Gummy.”

“Really? I have a pet gator named Gummy!”

“How nice, I-Wait, what did you say?”

“I have a pet gator named Gummy!”

Now things were starting to click in his mind. “Why do you call him Gummy?”

“'Cause he ain’t got no teeth!”

“Oh! Now it makes sense! Huh, I guess Opal is like me after all.”

“Who's Opal?”

“She's my friend. And thinking about it, five pears is uncalled for, but maybe just one for the fun of it.”

“Pears again? You're a silly pony, you know that?”

“I get that all the time. So, where's my work apron?”

“Oh, it's right over he-hay wait a minute! I never saw you sign up to work here! And Mr. and Mrs. Cake never told me about you.”

“I'm working here for volunteer hours; A little community service with some fun thrown in. I'm not working for pay.”

“Oh, well in that case, it's wright over here.”

Gummy was lying of course, but he finally understood what was going on, and was willing to just go with the flow until things come to an end.

That's how dreams work after all, even it they're not his dreams.