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The meaning of life

Back in the main library, everypony was waiting patiently for Pinkie Pie to continue explaining. For once, she clearly knew more than anypony else.

Pinkie put her brainy specs back on, only to have Gummy whisper in her ear that she was wearing them upside down again. Needless to say, everypony was struggling to take her seriously.

She grabbed her pointing stick and pointed to the chalk board. “Now, since the multiverse is way too complicated to explain normally, let me explain it through visual example.”

“Imagine if you will, that the multiverse centering around Equestria is a library, in a town where every building is also a library. In our library, the centerpiece is a book called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It’s not really a book, but let’s simplify the explanation by saying it is.”

“All the other books in the library are fan made stories created by creatures who loved the book, and decided to write their own stories to test their writing abilities.”

“Our story however- By that I mean, our 2 dimensions, and the interaction between them.- Was based on a story based on the idea that in another dimension, our pets could be ponies. This was actually based on a drawing made for the sake of making it, but that’s irrelevant.”

“We are the rare example of a fan-fiction, being based on another fan-fiction.”

“Before you even consider the idea that us being characters in a set of stories makes our lives pointless, let me tell you the meaning of life. We are art, created because of one’s brilliant creativity, and even that was based on something else, like a brilliant fan-fiction that started a brony revolution. And with each and every “brony” that imagines something about us, there’s bound to be someone who will put pen to paper and make another story to share their imagination.”

“It may sound strange, but we exist so that more existence can be created. We are the parody, of an art parody, of a brilliant piece of art, that was based on a not so brilliant, but still nostalgic piece of art. We are the paragon of the fact that anything is possible, and living proof of the many worlds interpretation and multiverse theory in quantum mechanics.”

She took off her glasses. “Of course if you ask which dimension came first, you could also apply such theories to say that in one dimension we were written by someone, and thus came second. While at the same time in another dimension, we exist without the dictation of others, and someone wrote the stories because they felt the echo of our existence in their brains.”

She sighed heavily. “Man, all this brainy talk makes my head hurt. Your thoughts Twilight?”

Twilight said nothing, just staring at Pinkie. “Pinkie, you just told us the meaning of life. What could I possibly say in response?”

Pinkie rubbed her hoof on her chin. “Um… Ponies are awesome? That’s what the readers will say regardless. Anyway, what we need to do is simple. We just use Owloysius’s dimensional travel formula to get the pet-ponies back where they belong. I would say we could make a new formula to make the portal right here in the library, but numbers make my brain hurt.” She sat on her haunches. “Speaking of which, I need to lie down for a while. That’s the most brainy talk I’ve done in, well, forever!” She lied down and instantly started to snore, her right hind leg twitching in the cute way it usually does .

Gummy picked up the phone. “Can we order pizza now? I haven’t had my lunch break yet.”

Rainbow Dash, not even bothering to pretend she understood what Pinkie said, spoke in approval. “I feel pretty hungry too. Who’s up for cheese pizza?” She said raising her hoof.

Everypony except for Twilight raised their hooves. To which Twilight responded- “Are you kidding me? Pinkie just made the most profound speech ever to be spoken, and told us the meaning of life, and you’re more concerned about pizza!?”

Owloysius put his hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Let’s look at this logically. Pinkie Pie’s the only one who could get us home, and she’s asleep. We’re all feeling hungry at the moment, and have nothing to do while we wait for Pinkie to wake up. I think the only logical thing to do is to get something to eat.”

Twilight tried to come up with a witty come back, but gave up and decided it was a good idea. “You’re right. You know, you’re really smart.”

Owloysius held his head up in pride. “What would you expect from the owl of Ponyville’s best and brightest?”

Meanwhile, the author couldn’t help but feel this chapter was too short, and that Pinkie falling asleep didn’t make as much sense as he originally thought.

Even so, now burned out on the inspiration that got him writing this chapter, he decides to begin fixing spelling errors, and posts the chapter anyway.