• Published 31st Mar 2017
  • 996 Views, 14 Comments

Old Records and Spray Paint - Dunglord

All he does is stay inside all day, there has to be something that could get him out, right?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Luna POV

Here I was, standing right outside of Maxwell's room. Why am I so nervous, I shouldn't be this nervous. I'm just here to talk to the human is all. Reluctantly I raised my hoof and rapped it against the door, there as no turning back now.

The door opened.

Maxwell POV

I grinned at Luna, who was obviously very nervous.

"So I see you got my message." I said.


"Please, come in." I said while opening the door, she reluctantly walked inside.

[Current Record]

As she sat down on the couch, I pulled up the chair from my desk and set it in front of her.

"Let me guess, you're here because you're worried about me. Right?" She paused for a few seconds before replying.


"So what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to make friends."

"Then why don't I start with you?" That seemed to throw her for a bit of a loop. "Let's become friends." I stuck my hand out. "Maxwell." after a few seconds of hesitating, she stuck her hoof out.

"Luna" I grabbed her hoof and shook it before letting it go. "You know, there was one thing I wanted to ask you, what did you do before you came to our world?"

"I worked a simple desk job, it paid the bills and kept me fed. But at night, things got interesting." That seemed to grasp her attention. "I did street art, it got to a point where I had made a name for the outrageous shit that I did. You name it, I probably did it. That includes spray painting a pig on the side of the police station." Her mouth dropped open when I said that.

"Surely you are not serious! You defiled a police station?" She nearly yelled

"Yes, I did, and don't call me Shirley."

"Unbelievable" She muttered

"I never worked with groups, though, I always worked solo. There was too much risk, too much liability." She looked towards some of the papers on the floor.

"And let me guess, you're still trying to come up with ideas?"

"Well, I did come up with one idea..." I said sheepishly.

"Mind if I take a look at it?" She said with a smirk planted on her face.

"Promise you won't be mad?" I asked

"No guarantees." I sighed and got up out of my chair. I walked over to my desk and picked up a piece of parchment before bringing it over to her. I set it in front her.

"Here." I said.

[Visualize This]

I tried to read her face, she looked at it for a solid thirty seconds before breaking out into a huge grin.

"This is amazing, this is absolutely amazing." I rubbed the back of my head with my hand.

"You really think so?"

"Maxwell, It's simple, but brilliant. But pray tell, how are you going to get this all over the city?" She cocked her head to the side as she set down the parchment. I gave a huge grin and started speaking again.

"Tell me, have you ever heard of spray paint?" Her eyes widened.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Absolutely not." I could see the gears turning in her head as she thought to herself. All of a sudden she burst out into a huge grin.

"I won't tell Tia about this, and I'll get you all the spray paint you'll need under two conditions." Her grin seemed to widen even more. "When the time comes to defile the city, you'll let me help you out." I nodded at that. "You have to go and get the spray paint with me, out in public." Wait, what?

"No, absolutely not."

"Why not." she asked with a smirk planted on her face.

"I am not going out there, no way, no how. What if they stare at me? What if they start laughing at me?" I started panicking.

"You'll be with me, everything will be fine." She replied, calming me down a little bit.

"My answer is still no. I am not going outside." I said, crossing my arms.

"Is that so? I'll just take this to Tia then." Luna said while getting up and levitating the parchment I gave her.

"Wait wait wait. Fine, I'll do it. She grinned and dropped the parchment.

"Perfect, We'll go get the supplies tomorrow." She said before trotting out of the room.

I sat there wondering what just happened.

Sweet Jesus, what had I done.

[The next day]

[Current Mood]

"Luna, they are staring at me." I whispered harshly.

"It's fine, they have never seen a human is all." She replied in the same level I did.

"I don't like it." I said harsher this time.

"Too bad, Maxwell. You decided to come with me."

"Decided? I was forced!" More eyes were on my at this point.

"Forget about the semantics, it's too late anyways."

"Sweet fucking Christ." I muttered as we walked into the local hardware store.

"Hello there, can I he- oh my Celestia, Princess Luna!" The employee yelled before bowing down.

"Rise, my little pony. There is no need for that." Luna said gracefully.

"I- Is there anything I can do for you?" The employee said nervously.

"Could you please point us in the direction of the spray paint?" Luna asked.

"Certainty, please follow me." She replied before turning around and walking I held back and grabbed a card before catching up. We soon reached the spray paint and I started dumping a whole bunch of black and white spray paint cans. Luna just face hoofed.

"Seriously? Isn't that a bit too much?" grabbing some other brighter colors I replied.

"Nope, the scale of this project is gonna be fucking huge."

"Um... How huge are we talking here?"

"Really fucking huge. I just wanna make sure, you know what we are planning is technically illegal, right?" I said, pushing my cart towards the cashier, drawing more stares as Luna followed behind me.

"Yes. But it's going to be fun." She replied. More stares came my way.

We quickly left the store and started walking towards the castle. This was going to be fun.

I spent the next few week exploring the city, much to the surprise and joy of both Canterlot and the Princesses. They all knew that there was a human living in the castle, but he was too shy to come out for some reason. Next thing they knew, the was walking among them seeing the sights and talking with them. of course, they would be happy.

I was constantly approached by curious ponies at first both of us were apprehensive. They had no idea what I was like, and I had no idea if they were going to be friendly. Thankfully everything went well due to the help of Luna on my first day out of the castle. I made many friends who I ran into on the streets.

My true purpose outside however was more sinister than the residents of Canterlot, minus Luna, knew about. I was scouting for empty walls and marking them down in a small notebook I was carrying around.

'If only they knew' I chuckled to myself as I jotted down a potential street into my book.


Luna knocked on the door, quickly stopping the record I ran over to the door and opened it. it was about 11 at night. She had set up a new rule that night court would no longer be in session on Wednesday nights.

Don't look at me like that, she did it herself.

"Luna! So good to see you, please come in, come in." I opened the door, allowing her to step inside.

For the past few weeks, Luna had been visiting me weekly, I had taken this opportunity to make her listen to the music I constantly too. Of course, many of the words were lost on her due to cultural differences. I had to explain some of those words really meant. She was shocked at the context of one word in particular.

I'll give you three guesses as to what word that was, and the first two don't count.

"Please take a seat." I ran over to the record and sleeved it before picking out one of my favorite records. To Pimp A Butterfly. It was time. I walked over to Luna and started speaking.

"Alright, here's the deal, I'm gonna put this record on, if you don't like it, then too bad. Because this is not only one of my favorite records that I own, but it is considered one of the best records of all time among its competition." She scoffed at me before speaking.

"Don't be so dramatic, just play the record already.

[Listening Material]

She listened to the first minute of it, her face visible with confusion before turning to me.

"It's not bad..."

"Just overwhelming, right?" She nodded, "Anyways, let's move on." I pulled my notebook out of my pocket and set it down on the table. "That should be all the possible locations we can hit during the night." She looked over the locations and started grinning.


"Just to make sure, do you really want to go through with this?"

"For the love of- yes, OK? the last five times you asked that I gave you the same response." She scoffed at me again.

"OK, then can you do me a favor, and make a bunch of replicas of this cutout?" I tossed the cutout in front of her, it was the same picture of Celestia looking evil with the word 'OBEY' Underneath it.

"Easy." Within 30 seconds, I had 20 exact replicas of the cutout.

Now it was my turn to say "Perfect" as I sat down next to Luna.

"Well, what now?" She asked.

"Now, we just listen to this record." I said to her as I leaned back on the couch, she followed suit moments later.

Author's Note:

Fun fact, Lunas reaction was the same reaction my mom had when she first listened to Westly's Theory

Songs used.

Tommy Dorsey & Orchestra -Tea For Two Cha Cha (instrumental)
Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle with You