• Published 31st Mar 2017
  • 996 Views, 14 Comments

Old Records and Spray Paint - Dunglord

All he does is stay inside all day, there has to be something that could get him out, right?

  • ...

Chapter 9

I walked slowly through the halls of the castle, deep in though of both worry and curiosity.

It had been about three days after my outburst at the Museum, The wall that I had created had not yet gone up on display yet, due to the fact that I needed to create an explanation for the piece of, "art," that I had created, if you could call it that. Typically, whenever contemporary art was created today, the museum held off on displaying it for a week at most. The reason being that it would allow the producer of the art to create an explanation for the art that would be displayed publicly.

Obviously, the pieces of art that were done on a 3-day LSD binge had no explanation and were left up for interpretation.

For some reason though, Celestia and Luna both wanted to be present when I was to give Ink Drop the parchment with the explanation. I have no idea why, but I know one thing for sure, nothing good can come of this.

I finally reached the door the the conference room where the scheduled. I hesitated and stood in front of the door for a bit before mustering up the courage to open the door. I could hear both Celestia and Ink Drop speaking.

"I just find it concerning is all." I could hear Ink Drop say.

"I fully Understand, Oh Maxwell, there you are." Celestia said, looking up as soon as the door opened.

"Hi Celestia, Luna, Miss Drop." I said to them. They just simply nodded their heads when I said their names. I took a seat at the head of the table closest to the door. "Miss Drop, you usually send someone to get my explanation for my murals whenever I complete them, what is the occasion?"

"Princess Celestia asked me to hold off sending someone, instead she decided to kill two birds with one stone. We would like to go over the contract currently in place after you give us the explanation for your latest project." I nodded before looking down at the parchment I brought with me.

"Would you like to to read it out loud or just give it to you?" I asked still staring down.

"Out loud, please." Luna replied. I sighed before I started speaking.

"During the creation of this piece, I was not in a stable mind. I had just finished fighting with Princess Celestia, ending the fight with a choice of words not suitable for public ears. In my fury, I let my body go where it wanted, and it ended up at the Canterlot Museum of Art. I don't know why I was so angry. I had kept my emotions bottled up for too long, and the bottle was starting to crack under the pressure. I was angry about everything really, I tried to patch the bottle by painting that night. I tried to create a throw-up, a type of tag that you spray paint onto a wall, designed to be done quickly so that you could paint, and move on before anybody came around and caught you in the act. However, it did not go as planned.

"I was using black paint at the time, as you can see. I kept on messing up, making the crack in the bottle larger. Every time I messed up, the crack increased in size, until it broke. When that metaphorical bottle broke, so did I, In anger I threw the can of spray paint at the wall and started punching the wall in anger. The brownish red splotches all over the wall is not from me throwing a paint brush into the wall, it is actually my blood. The end result was three fractured fingers, multiple bruised bones in my hand and wrist, and many lacerations on my knuckle. Thankfully pony magic was able to fix my hand, and only three days later all I feel in my hand is just some soreness.

"After I let everything out, I stumbled back from the wall and fell into a heap, the once dark red brick wall had been replaced with random lines of black that one would find on a foals daycare art project, accompanied by my blood on the wall. I took some time to think about what I wanted off that wall, what did I want to create. When it came to me, I discarded the black can of spray paint by throwing it at the wall again, making me feel a little bit better. I picked up the white can of spray paint, finally knowing what I wanted. The end product that you are looking at is what I finally came up with when all of that rage left my body.

"The metaphorical bottle that had broken is still in use today, as a reminder of why to not bottle emotions. After everything that happened that night, I'm just happy that no one was hurt in my anger." I finished. The three ponies just stared at me with mixed emotions. I just slid the parchment over towards Ink Drop who levitated it into a folder. I cleared my throat. "Anyways, since that corny shit is out of the way, what is this about reviewing the contract?" Celestia nodded and started speaking.

"The current contract with the museum allows the crown to suspend the contract indefinably until further notice. Seeing as how we have the power to call upon such a clause in said contract, we have decided to do exactly that. Maxwell, until further notice, you are hereby suspended from painting for the Canterlot Museum of Art." Celestia said, her poker face in full force. "As cliched as it is to say this, we are doing this for your own good."

"What the fuck? You're the one who pushed me into taking this contract because I finally found something to do that does not involve being in the castle the whole damn day!" I yelled out in anger, I stood up and slammed my hands down onto the table.

"And that is a part of the problem, You have found something to get you out of the castle, but it is not what we had in mind. Admit it, other than your trips into the city with me, the only place you go is to the art museum. Am I correct?" Luna interjected. I Stared at both of the sister before sitting back down with a huff.

"No, you're right. You guys should be happy that I am going somewhere at least."

"And we are, we just want you to do more than just going to work then coming home."

"Fine, sure, whatever," I said. Celestia turned toward Ink Drop.

"Ink Drop, you are free to leave." She just nodded her head and got out of her chair before trotting out of the room. When the door closed, Celestia started speaking again. "So I hear that you would like to work with my sister."

"I was thinking about it," I replied. "She can use magic, I was thinking that with her help I might be able to get projects done faster."

"I said yes because I thought it would be fun to hang out with him again." Luna interjected once more.

"I don't disapprove of it, I just want to make sure that you two won't do anything illegal again."

"We'll try." I said, getting up out of my chair. "Now if you excuse me, I'll go back to drawing up designs for future murals." I said before getting up out of my chair and walking out of the meeting room.