• Published 31st Mar 2017
  • 996 Views, 14 Comments

Old Records and Spray Paint - Dunglord

All he does is stay inside all day, there has to be something that could get him out, right?

  • ...

Chapter 6

[Maxwell POV]

I made my way to the museum, still trying to wake the fuck up. Why the fuck was I even doing this right now? The Sun wasn't even fucking up yet! As I passed many ponies who waved at me, I resisted the urge to flip them off out of annoyance. It took a great deal of effort not to do that. Why the fuck do they get to be so fucking cheerful, bitch I just fucking woke up, do I look like I want to be fucking waved at?

Thankfully the museum was not far away. I walked in through the entrance, immediately being greeted by Ink Drop. I noticed that the museum was open 24 hours a day.

"Good morning, Maxwell."

"Good morning to you too."

"If you would please follow me." Ink drop said, leading me towards a room labeled, 'Human' The door was large, and the room even larger, On display was a wall. I stood in front of the wall and stared at it in wonder. It was unpainted, which was a minus, however that is something that could be easily rectified in a matter of hours. There was also an abundance of ponies who were staring at me waiting to start. I turned to Ink Drop.

"Mind amplifying my voice a bit?" I felt a glow around my throat. "Thanks." I said, hearing a louder version of myself. I turned my head to face the crowd.

"I would like to inform you of a few facts. Fact one, you are going to be wasting your time today watching me whitewash a wall, fact two," I put my bandanna on and took off my sweatshirt. "The spray paint cans back on my planet contained harmful chemicals when inhaled, so much so that prolong exposure would cause problems with the body, almost always resulting in major complication in later life. You think I'm kidding but I know MANY of my elders who died of lung cancer years after graffiti left its infancy stages because they did not know at they needed to wear respirators when they were creating dope as fuck murals. Something that graffiti artists now know. Thankfully here in Equestria, there are no harmful chemicals in the paint (or water) so the use of respirators is not a requirement, allowing me to wear my trademark bandanna."

I poured out the white paint into a paint pan and dipped the roller in the white paint. "Now, I only have two rules. Don't touch the wall, and don't ask what my end product is because it spoils everything. Do feel free to ask questions, however, because I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. If you ask stupid questions, however, I will answer them with anger, sarcasm, and snark. In some instances, I will answer with a combination of the three. Now, does anyone have any questions?" An earth pony in front raised his hand. "You, there."

"Is it true that you like annoying Celestia?"

"Buddy, you have no idea how true that is. Any other questions?" No other pony raised their hands. "Alright, I'll start then."

[Listening Material]
I turned to the wall and started painting it white. I was approached by many ponies that day, and I answered all of their questions. A few of them were press and wanted to confirm rumors. Apparently, there was a rumor floating around that I was banging Luna, seeing as how it was becoming common knowledge that she visited me once a week. To which I responded, "All we do is listen to records with each other." Many of the questions took place during the beginning of the day, allowing me to work faster in the afternoon. The evening, however, was a completely different. Many ponies got off work at that time. So the museum was jam packed, and the crowd increased three-fold. By that time the wall had dried and I was ready to move on, only to be interrupted by a surprise visit from the royal sisters.

I was shaking up a can of black spray paint at the time when I saw both Celestia and Luna enter the room, almost simultaneously every pony in the room bowed.

"Rise my ponies, there is no need for that here." Celestia replied in her motherly voice as she walked towards me.

"Hey Celly, Hey Luna," I said while ripping off the default spray cap of the can with my teeth before spitting it out. "Hows it hanging?" I placed a wingtip cap adapter with Lego cap on top. Allowing me to create thin lines.

"Everything is well at the castle, though both the maids and guards do miss hearing music pour out of your room." I smiled underneath my bandanna as I sprayed the spray paint can towards the ground trying to get the paint to come out, which is successfully did. I turned towards the wall and started spraying.

"Oh well, that's too bad. Anyways, if you don't have any questions, then I'm afraid that you can't be this close to the wall, that goes for you too Luna." I said to them both. The rest of the room was slack-jawed at my response, even more so when Celestia just chuckled and turned to her sister.

"Let us go, Luna. we should watch from afar anyways, seeing as how we are blocking a good portion of the room from seeing the wall." Celestia said before trotting off, Luna soon followed, but not before giving me a hoof bump which I returned in kind. Lowering the jaws of even more ponies, something that I had no idea was physically possible. Eventually, when the sun fully set, many ponies were treated to the sight of Celestia and Luna using both of their magic in unison. A rare sight to see. Soon after the sun set, however, I left. Much to the disappointment of many ponies.

The next day was more or less the same, albeit with a larger turnout than the last day. There was, of course, many more question than yesterday. I was, however, able to complete the project it was working on, Luna was right, it did hold a message.

The picture was of two men facing each other. One man wore a blue suit and another man wore a red suit. Both of them were shaking hands with each other with phony, creepy grins planted on each other. Both of them was holding a knife behind their back, however, making the picture more sinister. When Ink Drop asked me what I called it, I told her 'Peace Negotiations.'

For the next few weeks, it was just that. make a mural, which took four days, and take a break for a day or two to let the ponies come and see what I made.

It was like that for the next few weeks until the fight...

Author's Note:

No, Don't worry, there won't be a fight scene next chapter. It's not that kind of story.