• Published 31st Mar 2017
  • 996 Views, 14 Comments

Old Records and Spray Paint - Dunglord

All he does is stay inside all day, there has to be something that could get him out, right?

  • ...

Chapter 8

The next day mainly consisted of me trying to ride out the full effects of the pain medication that Celestia gave me. That and listening to To Pimp A Butterfly on repeat until Luna came around for our weekly music session. When she entered she looked at me with concern, concern that was well placed considering my current state. I was lying down on the floor, face down with drool coming out of my mouth, awake as well.

"Maxwell? Are you alright?"

"I'm high as fuck, what do you think." I said, getting up out the pool of drool I happened to make. She just rolled her eyes and used magic to clean it up. I stumbled towards the record player and put away To Pimp A Butterfly, and switched it out with Deltron 3030. Doing that, I stumbled over the couch and plopped down, before letting go of my body, allowing my head to rest on Luna's shoulder. We sat like that for a while before she started speaking again.

[Current Song]

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why don't you write more?" I froze up. "I saw some of your writing among the drawing that you have created, and I have to say it's more creative than some of the novels that have reached the bestseller list in the past decade."

"No, no no no no no, Fuck that. I said yes to painting, but writing? The shit that I come up with will have people calling for my physic eval within ten minutes of it being released!" I yelled out. "Did you even see the demented shit that I wrote down?"

"If I hadn't saw it, I wouldn't be talking about it."

"Just, drop it, ok? I may or may not write something in the future. I promise you, that if I do write something in the future, you will be the first pony to know. Ok?" She just sighed.

"That seems reasonable." We sat in silence for a bit longer before she broke the silence. "Is this not the fourth time we have listened to this album, I mean I love the anti-consumer sentiment it has going for it, however listening to the same music over and over again does tend to get a bit boring after all." I just looked up at her.

"No. I know what you're planning, and the last time we went out together we ended up fucking with half of Canterlots empty walls. So no."

"Oh please, it's just a trip down the the record store, nothing more, nothing less."

"...Fine, now will you allow me to ride out the full effects of the pain medication? I really don't want it to go to waste." I said, popping another pill, Luna just face hoofed as I did so.

[Luna POV]

I had been switching records with my magic for about 2 hours at this point, Maxwell was fast asleep. I tried leaving Maxwell and letting him sleep on his couch for the rest of the night. But he just seemed to grab me in a bear hug while sleeping, I could barely make out him saying, "Mine," when he did so. Every attempt at escape has resulted in him clinging onto me for dear life despite being asleep and high on pain meds. Suddenly the door opened slightly. Sister stuck her head into the room looking around before laying her eyes on me. She started grinning like a mad pony when I mouthed the word, "help," before slinking back out of the room, leaving me to my fate. I swear the next time she tries to eat cake, I will chuck it out of the window for that stunt she just pulled. I suppose I could listen to Wolf by this Tyler the Creator fellow the for the third time again...

[The Next Day]

[Maxwell POV]

[Listening Material]

Luna and I walked down the street, with a grin planted on my face, and a frown on hers.

"Ya know, I'm getting a serious sense of deja vu here." I said to Luna who just responded with a groan.


"What happened?" I asked.

"You happened."


"Yes, you. You wouldn't let me leave last night, so I basically spent the entire night sleeping with my back propped up and now it's sore." She grumbled. I Stopped walking for a few second while I tried to figure out what she just said.


"You fell asleep and grabbed me in a bear hug, I wasn't able to leave because every time I moved you intensified your grip." I stared at her before laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh- Oh my god!" I yelled while trying to catch my breath. "You're telling me, the princess of the night, the literal goddess of war, was bested by a sleeping human high on pain meds!" As soon as I said that, I doubled over laughing. The look she gave me along with the mumbling underneath her breath just made me fall over and laugh even harder. "Oh my god! Wait till the press hears about this." By this point many ponies had heard about what was going on and were starting to snicker at it as well, causing Luna to become angrier and start talking in ye olden ways.

"Art thou done yet?" She growled. I took that as my queue to settle down. I lowered my laughing into chuckles. And stood up.

"Yeah, I'm done. Though next time, don't be afraid to use your magic on me if you really need to." I said. We walked in silence for a few moments before I spoke again. "Hey luna, you remember that night?"

"The night where I threatened to warp your Run The Jewels 2 album after we listened to it 3 times in a row?"

"I still feel like you were unjust in saying that. No, the night where we fucked up Canterlot."

"What about that night."

"You were the first creature that I ever collaborated with when it came to graffiti in a long time, and all things considered, I think everything went well enough."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to do something like that again in the future." She paused a bit before responding.

"I'll think about it." She said. we continued walking before eventually reaching the record shop. I opened the door for her.

"After you."


Luna and I were walking back to the castle. She was levitating all the purchased records with her magic, the

"About what I said earlier..." I said


"You wanna take this shit to next level?" I asked.

"Take it to the next level how?"

I pulled out my lock pick set I always had on me, 4 starter picks and 3 tension wrenches. "Little known fact, I used to pick locks for fun. Even lesser know fact, I laced Cellys bed sheets with itching powder a week ago."

"That was you!?" She exclaimed.

"Whatever, that's unrelated," I said, popping a pain pill. "The point is, I can access places, and with your help and magic, we can turn the entirety of this city into a goddamn canvas. My only question is, do you want to join me?"

"Yes," She answered immediately, "Only because you would do something stupid and end up getting yourself hurt."

"O ye of little faith?" I asked, walking sideways facing Luna before promptly tripping over my foot and falling down on my shoulder, causing Luna to face hoof. "Ow"

"I prove my point."

Author's Note:

Deltron 3030 - Positive Contact

Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle with You