• Published 31st Mar 2017
  • 996 Views, 14 Comments

Old Records and Spray Paint - Dunglord

All he does is stay inside all day, there has to be something that could get him out, right?

  • ...

Chapter 5


Fuck, what time was it? 9 AM? Fuck, it's too early for this shit. I haven't done anything illegal, have I? No, I haven't.


Oh fucking...

"It's 9 AM, I'm still sleeping for god's sake!" I screamed at the door before flopping down onto the bed. Next thing I knew, my door was flung open. "Alright, fine, I'm up. What do you want Celly?" I spat out angrily.

"You seriously forgot we had a meeting with the art director for the Canterlot Museum of Art?" She asked me, an infuriating smile planted on her face.

"Who?" Before I knew it, I was in the air being dragged away while in my PJ's. "Are you fucking serious?" I yelled out, Grabbing onto the door frame for dear life as Celestia dragged me away. "Wha- hey! Put me the fuck down!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Maxwell." Celestia said in a voice reminiscent of a psychotic AI, before ripping me from the door frame.

"You fucking cunt put me down right fucking now!" I yelled much to the enjoyments of the guards (And horror of the maids) As I tried to grab onto anything and everything that I could use to escape, resulting in many broken vases and torn curtains. Eventually, I was floated into a meeting room and flung onto a table.

"Asshole." I muttered, much to the horror of the Unicorn sitting at the table.

"Oh lighten up."

"You wake me up at 9 in the morning, dragged me out my room, and into a meeting with... Whats your name?"

"Ink drop."

"Into a meeting with Miss ink drop here." He continued without skipping a beat.

"Ink drop." She said quietly. She let go of my hand as I found a way off of the table and onto one of the seats. Celestia nodded to her to continue speaking. "I represent the Canterlot Museum of Art, recently a few of my colleagues were provided the opportunity to see you work on your art. We were wondering if you would like to do the same thing for our museum." I just stared at the pony. I could see her shifting nervously as I thought about it. My mind wandered on to what I might like for breakfast. Maybe a cup of coffee with scrambled eggs and toast, maybe a fruit salad. What's that sound?

"Maxwell." Celestia nearly shouted

"Pancakes!" I yelled in surprise, figuring out what I wanted for breakfast. This just earned a confused look from Ink Drop and a facehoof from Celestia. "Sorry I was thinking about breakfast. Anyways, I'll do it under one condition. Whatever I make is what you get, It will not be toned down or censored because it may hurt people- er ponies feelings or traumatize the foals or shit like that. Sound fair?" The pony nodded.

"So long as ponies are allowed to see you paint, then yes, that sounds perfectly fair." She said.

"Great!" I yelled out while abruptly getting out of my chair, toppling it over. "I'm going to find something to eat." I walked out of the room before walking back into it again. "Two questions. One, where the flying fuck am I exactly? And two, Where is the dining hall?" Celestia just facehoofed again.

[That Night]

[Luna POV]

"And that is why I believe that this scoundrel should be evicted. He plays loud music at 4 in the morning." The pony in front of me spat out, pointing to the defender.

"So allow me to understand this. Instead of being reasonable and going to the police, you decided to bring it here first?" I said.


"Case dismissed."

Both ponies trudged out of the courtroom as I rubbed my temples in annoyance. Please let there be something to get me out of this. Thankfully a night guard came into the throne room.

"Um... Princess? I thought that I should inform you that the human has been listening to the exact same album all day."

"Oh, sweet sister. Night court is temporarily adjourned until further notice." I said before trotting out of the room and towards Maxwell's room. He only listened to that song on repeat whenever something was on his mind.

[Listening Material]

I burst open the doors to his room.

"Sweet Christ, what the fuck!" Falling off the couch. "Not this fucking shit again! Fucking hell!" I levitate the needle off the record and sleeved the record. "What the hell are you doing Luna!"

[End of Listening Material]

"I am doing this for you own good." The human stared at me before sighing.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"What's on your mind? You wouldn't be listening to that song on repeat otherwise." She asked me. I just stared at her before walking over and picking up another record and putting on the turntable.

[Listening Material]

He sat down and stared at me before speaking. "How was your morning? Don't answer that, it was rhetorical." He said sticking his finger up when I opened my mouth. "Mine was shit, Celly woke me up at 9 in the morning for a meeting I forgot I had, and basically forced me into doing another mural for the art museum." I forgot that Maxwell had that meeting. "I basically promised to make something offensive to display, but I'm having trouble coming up with something, I mean I came up with something, But I don't know if it will be any good." I sighed.

"Just show it already you dramatic fool." I said. He stuck the paper out and I levitated it towards myself. It was edgy, I'll give him that. "I like it."

"Really?" This conversation reminded me of our first normal conversation that we ever held.

"It's... interesting, and there is a definitive message behind it."

"Sorta reminds me of /r/im14andthisisdeep."


"Nothing, it's something from back home." He sighed. "There I told you what I was planning, will you go now?"

"Fine." I trotted out of the room, but not before taking that specific Tyler The Creator record that caused me to come here.

"Oh come on!"

"You'll get it back tomorrow, find something else to listen to on repeat." I said, trotting out of the room.

"Fucking hell!" I could hear him yell as I trotted away.

[The Next day]

[Celestia POV]

"And that is why I believe the orange trees should belong to me." The pony to the left said before the doors to the throne room ungracefully slammed open, presenting a human with his hair sticking up in every direction, which seemed to accompany his bloodshot eyes rather well.

"CELLY! I HAVE FOUND THE PERFECT PROJECT!" He yelled before falling down face-first onto the floor, not having tripped over anything. I craned my head to make sure he was ok until a near ear-shattering sound filled the room causing me to face hoof.


"Can somepony please bring Maxwell to his room." I said with a deadpan.

Author's Note:

Welp, I feel like publishing the story at this point.

On an unrelated note, spring break ends on monday.

Kill me.

Songs used

Tyler the Creator - Answer

Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg - Deep Cover