• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,426 Views, 94 Comments

A Princess's Path - Bluecatcinema

Flurry Heart decides she needs to help ponies like a real royal does.

  • ...

Canterlot Criticism

The morning after her first mission, Flurry paid a visit to Moongleam's home, anxious over whether or not they would agree to let Moongleam join her on her royal missions. She nervously knocked on the door of their wizard hat-shaped house. She was answered by Starlight Glimmer.

Starlight hadn't changed much over the years, save for currently wearing her mane up in a ponytail, and wearing a necklace shaped like her Cutie Mark (an anniversary gift from Sunburst).

"Hi, Flurry." Starlight smiled.

"Hello, Starlight." Flurry nodded.

"Come on in." Starlight urged. "We've been expecting you."

Taking Starlight's jovial attitude as a good sign, Flurry followed her into the kitchen, where Sunburst and Moongleam were seated. Moongleam gave Flurry a quick smile.

"So... I guess you know why I'm here?" Flurry spoke up.

"Yes, indeed." Sunburst nodded. "Moongleam told us all about your, er... offer. And Starlight and I have been discussing the matter at length since then."

"And... what did you decide?" Flurry asked.

"It is quite a decision." Starlight smiled. "Whether or not to let Moongleam join you on your royal duties. It does sound really thrilling, though. Right, Sunburst?"

"'Thrilling' wouldn't be my first choice of words." Sunburst admitted. "From what I've seen, these royal assignments can be... troublesome at times. I'm not sure Moongleam is ready for something like that..."

"Dad..." Moongleam groaned.

"Seriously, Sunburst?" Starlight rolled her eyes. "It's not like they're going to be infiltrating a rogue Changeling hive, or something like that. Besides, our little girl's smart and talented enough to handle any problem." She lovingly ruffled her daughter's mane.

"Mom..." Moongleam cringed.

"That's kinda why I want her to come with me." Flurry declared, suppressing a snigger. "My first assignment was almost a disaster, mostly because I went in alone and unprepared. Having a little back-up, especially back-up as smart as Moongleam, would help make sure that kind of thing doesn't happen again."

"Well, you can't fault that logic." Moongleam smirked.

"I suppose not." Sunburst frowned. "But still... she's only fourteen."

"Age is but a state of mind, dad." Moongleam retorted.

"And you would know." Flurry smirked. "You act like you're older than me most of the time..."

"Well, acting doesn't make it true." Sunburst declared. "You're still a minor, Moongleam."

"So's Flurry." Starlight pointed out. "But her parents don't seem to have a problem with her putting herself out there."

"Not any more, at least." Flurry shrugged.

"So why can't we give Moongleam that same chance?" Starlight urged.

"Well, I..." Sunburst spluttered. "It's not the same-"

"I know you're worried something could happen to her out there." Starlight comforted her husband. "But she'll have Flurry with her. You know, a super-powerful Alicorn Princess?"

"I suppose that's true..." Sunburst mused.

"And it's not like Moongleam is a slouch in the magic department herself." Starlight said proudly. "She'll be just fine out there."

"Please, daddy?" Moongleam showed off an impressive set of puppy dog eyes. "I really want to do this."

"Come on, Sunburst." Starlight urged her husband. "How can you say 'no' to that face?"

"Ohh.... okay." Sunburst sighed, defeated. "You can join Flurry on her next assignment. Then we'll see how things go from there."

"Thank you, daddy!" Moongleam squealed, wrapping her hooves around her father.

"I just can't say 'no' to you, my little spot of moonlight." Sunburst returned the hug.

"Thank you both for this." Flurry smiled. "I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Flurry." Starlight grinned. "You just be sure to take care of each other, okay?"

"You can bet on that." Flurry nodded.

"Now I'm just as eager as you to go on an assignment." Moongleam smirked.

"Then I hope you're prepared to wait." Flurry snorted. "Royal assignments don't just grow on trees, you know."

"It'll be hard, but I can be patient." Moongleam declared. "And in the meantime, I will mentally prepare myself for what may come."

"Sure you will..." Flurry stifled another snigger.

The rest of the week passed without incident, save for talk spreading across the Empire regarding how Flurry had defused a clash between Crystal Ponies and Diamond Dogs. As a new week dawned, Flurry's parents announced that they had a new assignment for her.

"Every year over in Canterlot, they hold the Summer Social." Shining Armor reminded Flurry. "And your mother and I usually attend."

"But we have to pay the yaks a visit at the same time." Cadance revealed. "Since our last meeting went so well, they decided to invite us over to Yakyakistan to repay the favor."

"So you need me to drop by the social and represent you?" Flurry asked. "No problem. I was with you guys there last year, so it should be a breeze."

"That's the spirit, darling." Shining Armor smiled.

"And you don't mind if I bring Moongleam along, right?" Flurry asked. "I know it's not a major assignment, but I'd hate to leave her out of it."

"It's your assignment." Cadance declared. "Besides, going to a party alone just seems... wrong."

"Great." Flurry smiled. "Can't wait to tell Moony..."

The next morning, Flurry and Moongleam were preparing to depart for Canterlot. Moongleam's parents had come to see her off.

"I suppose attending a royal function is nothing for us to worry about..." Sunburst admitted as he handed Moongleam her saddlebags.

"What do you mean 'us'?" Starlight smirked.

"I told you it wouldn't be a problem." Moongleam declared. "Not a very big one, at least." She grimaced lightly. "I could do without the dressing up. But it is a formal occasion, so it seems I have no choice..."

"I made you some snacks for the trip, sweetie." Starlight held up a bag of cupcakes. "I know they have fancy food up at Canterlot, but there's nothing like home-made."

"Thanks, mom." Moongleam grinned.

"You have fun out there, Flurry." Shining Armor smiled. "But not too much fun..."

"Okay, dad." Flurry rolled her eyes.

"Show those Canterlot snobs what the Crystal Empire is all about." Cadance declared.

"Oh, I will." Flurry grinned.

As Flurry climbed into the carriage, Moongleam's parents gave her some last-second advice.

"Remember, try and think things through as much as possible before you do something drastic." Starlight told Moongleam. "Trust me, I've learned that lesson the hard way sooo many times..."

"I'll try." Moongleam nodded. "Wish me luck."

"You don't need luck." Starlight smiled. "You've got your dad's brains, remember?"

"And your mother's nerve." Sunburst added. "Though, granted, that's not always a good thing..." He said under his breath.

"I heard that." Starlight playfully nudged her husband.

"Seriously, though." Sunburst told Moongleam. "I know it seems like I'm being overprotective, but the truth is, I have the utmost confidence in you."

"We both do." Starlight added, as they both hugged their daughter.

"I know..." Moongleam blushed, aware that Flurry was watching.

"Okay, that's enough mush." Flurry smirked, sparing her friend any further embarassment. "Let's get going."

"My thoughts exactly." Moongleam joined Flurry in the carriage, which was pulled into the sky by the two Pegasi Guards.

While Flurry was used to the view, Moongleam couldn't help being awed by watching the clouds and the landmarks pass them by.

"Enjoying the view?" Flurry teased.

"It's... satisfactory." Moongleam shrugged awkwarldy. "Something to pass the time, at least..."

"Anything you say..." Flurry rolled her eyes.

A short while later, they arrived in Canterlot, landing just outside the castle. Flurry and Moongleam disembarked, and headed toward the castle.

"Welcome, Princess Flurry Heart." One of the Royal Guards at the front doors bowed.

"And... guest." The other guard acknowledged Moongleam.

"I'm honored." Moongleam said sarcastically.

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are expecting you." The first guard declared. "They're in the throne room."

"Thank you." Flurry smiled.

The Guards opened the doors, and Flurry and Moongleam passed through. As they made their way through the castle, Moongleam marveled at its interior.

"And I thought the Crystal Castle was a sight to see." She gaped. "But the architecture here..."

"Eh, it's okay." Flurry shrugged. "Wait until you've been here a few dozen times. The novelty wears off fast..."

They soon arrived at the throne room.

"Hello, Flurry." Celestia smiled. "Good to see you. Your parents did send word you'd be attending the Social in their place."

"Great-aunt Celestia. Great-aunt Luna." Flurry said respectfully.

"Hello, Moongleam." Luna took note of Flurry's companion. "It is nice to see you too. How is your mother these days?"

"She's doing great." Moongleam smiled.

"Good to hear." Luna smiled. "Do say 'hello' to her for me, will you?"

"I will, your highness." Moongleam nodded.

"...Hey, where are Gothic and Constell?" Flurry asked Luna.

"They went to visit Gothic's parents." Luna revealed. "I almost envy them. The Summer Social is such a stuffy, tedious affair. Fortunately, you two young mares may be able to help liven things up."

"Is it really that bad?" Flurry frowned.

"Admittedly, the atmosphere can be a little... dull." Celestia shrugged. "But it's just one evening. I'm sure the both of you can handle it." She told the young mares.

"Eh, it's better than just sitting around at home." Flurry admitted.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, my dear." Luna sighed.

"Well, I can definitely handle it." Moongleam scoffed. "From what I've heard, events like these are about sophistication and dignity. And I have plenty of that to spare."

"Sure you do, Moony." Flurry chuckled.

"The Social starts in an hour, so you'd better get ready." Celestia declared. "I trust you brought the requisite attire?"

"Sure did." Flurry patted her saddlebag.

"As did I." Moongleam nodded. "But that's not to say I'll enjoy wearing it..."

"Excellent." Celestia smiled. "Then we'll see you in the ballroom."

"Come on, Moony." Flurry smiled. "Time to dress to impress."

"Oh, joy..." Moongleam rolled her eyes.

The two young mares found a set of empty rooms, and changed into their formal dresses. Flurry was the first to get dressed. She was wearing a silver, floor-length gown, her mane tied back into a bob.

"Well, I'm ready to go." She declared. "Moongleam?" She knocked on the door of Moongleam's room. "You ready yet?"

"As I'll ever be." Moongleam's voice answered reluctantly.

Moongleam emerged from her room. She was a wearing a sparkly, midnight blue dress. Her mane had been released from its braids, and styled so it tumbled elegantly down one shoulder. She had also substituted her usual glasses for versions with silver rims.

"Wow, Moony." Flurry smiled. "You look great."

"If by 'great', you mean 'utterly ridiculous', then yes." Moongleam scowled. "I feel like one of those vapid little supermodels, stuffed into an over-the-top outfit, and made to parade around in front of hundreds."

"Hey, like great-aunt Celestia said, it's just one evening." Flurry reminded her. "I think you can tough it out."

"I suppose so..." Moongleam sighed.

"Great." Flurry grinned. "Then let's get going."

Flurry and Moongleam made their way to the ballroom. Celestia and Luna were waiting for them. Celestia wore a soft pink dress, while Luna had dinner a royal purple outfit.

"Ah, there you are." Celestia smiled. "My, don't you young ladies look lovely?"

"Thanks, great-aunt Celestia." Flurry beamed.

"With all due respect, your highness, that's your opinion." Moongleam pouted. "I happen to think I look
like some attention-seeking starlet."

"I know how you feel, Moongleam." Luna sympathized. "Dressing up isn't exactly my favorite part of these royal events. But one must make sacrifices in the line of duty."

"Unfortunately, yes." Moongleam sighed.

"Our guests will soon be arriving." Celestia declared. "Come, Flurry. Let us give them a royal greeting, then you can feel free to mingle and enjoy the festivities."

"And what about me?" Moongleam asked.

"Help yourself to some of the buffet." Luna smiled. "I know that's one of my favorite parts of these functions."

"I suppose a quick bite wouldn't hurt." Moongleam admitted.

"I recommend the kale niblets." Luna declared. "They are divine."

As Moongleam made her way to the buffet table, Flurry joined Celestia and Luna in greeting the arriving guests. The guests involved many of Canterlot's elite, well-to-do, and up-and-comers. Jet Set and Upper Crust, Fancypants and Fleur De Lis, Sassy Saddles, and more.

"Welcome to the Summer Social, everypony." Celestia greeted them.

"We hope you have a lovely evening." Flurry added.

"Thank you, your highnesses." Fancypants said humbly.

"Well said, Flurry." Luna whispered. "You're a natural at this."

"Thanks, great-aunt Luna." Flurry chuckled.

The guest filed into the ballroom, talking amongst themselves and enjoying the buffet. A band started playing a jaunty tune.

While waiting for Flurry to return, Moongleam decided to make conversation with some of the guests.

"Good evening." She told Fancypants and Fleur as they approached.

"And a good evening to you, young lady." Fancypants nodded.

"I trust you're enjoying the festivities?" Moongleam inquired.

"We certainly are." Fleur nodded.

"I recommend you try the kale niblets." Moongleam suggested. "They are a true treat for the palate."

"My, aren't you the intelligent young mare?" Fancypants chuckled. "I daresay I'll take you up on that suggestion, since you worded it so elegantly." He took a bite of kale. "Mmm, marvelous!"

"Thank you, sir." Moongleam beamed.

"Come along, Fancy, they're playing our song." Fleur urged.

"Very nice to meet you, young madam!" Fancypants smiled as Fleur led him to the dance floor.

"And you as well." Moongleam nodded. 'Hmm, just as I expected. I'm fitting in just fine with these upper-class types...'

Bolstered by her success, Moongleam decided to strike up a conversation with the next ponies who walked by. That pair turned out to be Jet Set and Upper Crust.

"It's a lovely evening, isn't it?" She smiled.

"I suppose." Jet Set said haughtily.

"We've been to better functions." Upper Crust added, just as haughtily. "Knowing Celestia and Luna, they probably wasted the better amenities on that ridiculous little charity ball last month."

"...And why exactly is charity 'ridiculous', may I ask?" Moongleam frowned.

"It's a waste of time, that's why." Jet Set sneered. "Raising money for the poor and the sick. Maybe if they'd get off their mangy flanks and actually worked for a living, they wouldn't need other ponies to give them money."

"Well, if you don't mind my saying so, that's some flawed logic." Moongleam frowned. "Sick ponies are hardly in a state to work for a living. Next, you'll be saying we shouldn't be raising money for orphans."

"And we shouldn't." Upper Crust snorted. "If their own parents didn't care about those wretched brats, then why should we?"

"Perhaps because caring about others is the right thing to do." Moongleam retorted. "And helping those in need is certainly a better use of money than buying fancier cider and food for some silly little social event."

"Clearly, you know nothing of high society, little filly." Jet Set growled. "Ponies such as ourselves appreciate the finer things in life."

"So you keep it all to yourselves?" Moongleam sneered. "That hardly seems like a decent use of your money or your time. You're just wasting both on these vapid little events, when you could be putting it to far better use. Seems rather selfish, if you ask me. Pointless, even."

"What did you just say?!" Jet Set roared.

"Hey, what's going on?" Flurry asked, as she joined Moongleam. "Moongleam?"

"You know this filly, Princess?" Jet Set frowned.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" Flurry frowned.

"We've just been having a rousing discussion about the distribution of wealth around here." Moongleam declared. "Mr Set and Mrs Crust seem to think more money should be spent on frivolous social events than on helping those in need. A faulty hypothesis if I've ever heard one."

"How dare you speak to us like that, you pompous little know-it-all!" Upper Crust growled.

Several of the other guests turned in their direction.

"A pony your age should know to respect her betters." Jet Set added. "Clearly, your parents did a terrible job raising you."

"...What did you say?" Moongleam faltered.

"Just that your parents never taught you proper manners." Upper Crust smirked.

"They taught me that and more." Moongleam growled.

"Poorly, it seems." Jet Set sneered. "Children these days, running their mouths off about matters that are other their head."

"I am not a child." Moongleam glared angrily.

"Well, you're certainly acting like one." Upper Crust jeered. "Another example of poor upbringing. Your parents sound like a disgrace."

"Far from it." Moongleam retorted, her voice cracking. "My parents are Starlight Glimmer, one of the heroes who defeated Queen Chrysalis, and Sunburst, Crystaller to Flurry Heart herself."

"Oh, how wonderful." Jet Set smirked. "And how terrible for them to have an arrogant, know-nothing child in their family. They must be so ashamed."

"You take that back!" Moongleam yelled, her eyes watering. "You take that back right now!"

"Or what, little filly?" Upper Crust taunted. "You'll throw a tantrum, in front of everypony here?"

Moongleam looked around, realizing so many eyes were currently upon her. The thought did not make her feel better at all.

"Okay, that's enough!" Flurry stepped forward.

"I realize it may not be my place, Princess Flurry Heart, but perhaps you should reconsider the company you keep." Jet Set said coldly. "Perhaps you could look for somepony less... socially inept. It would not do to have such an over-emotional little brat in your entourage."

Moongleam turned and fled from the scene, letting out a single gasp of anguish.

"Moongleam!" Flurry rushed after her.

In her pained flight, Moongleam pushed past the guests, but Flurry, despite her intent to help her friend, politely edged her way around them. As such, she lost Moongleam as she turned a corner.

'You're not getting away that easily...' She thought.

As Flurry looked around, she saw a door to the garden, wide open.

'Bingo.' She grinned.

Flurry went outside, ready to scour the entire garden to find Moongleam. Fortunately, she didn't have to look that far; she found Moonglean sitting forlornly by a fountain. As Flurry moved in after, she could hear the soft sounds of sobbing cutting through the night air.

'Oh, Moongleam...' Flurry thought, the sound cutting right through her.

Underneath her mature, intelligent facade, Moongleam was still a fourteen-year-old filly, with all the emotional vulnerabilities that came with it.

"Moony?" Flurry asked.

"Oh... Hello." Moongleam sniffed. "I was just... Enjoying the view. The royal garden at night is really quite a sight."

"Really?" Flurry frowned. "That's why you're out here? Not because those high-society ponies hurt your feelings?"

"Nonsense." Moongleam said weakly, her lower lip quivering. "They're just words. Why would such trite things matter to me?"

"Because words can hurt, no matter how much you try to pretend otherwise." Flurry pointed out.

"Only if you let them." Moongleam tried to save face. "And only little foals let words hurt them..."

"Moony, you don't need to act like you're so mature and grown-up all the time." Flurry smiled. "It's okay to act your age every once in a while."

"Even if it makes you look completely pathetic?" Moongleam sighed.

"You're not pathetic, Moongleam." Flurry assured her.

"I never should have agreed to come with you." Moongleam wiped her eyes.

"Don't say that." Flurry told her.

"You should've come here by yourself." Moongleam sighed. "At least then, nopony would think that you're associating with a 'pompous know-it-all' like me."

"You're my friend, Moongleam." Flurry declared. "I wouldn't want to do this without you."

"Because you need my brains?" Moongleam sighed. "They didn't exactly help much this evening."

"I didn't ask you to come along just because you're smart." Flurry declared. "I asked you to come with me because you're my friend."

"Like that matters right now." Moongleam retorted. "In fact, it's worse. Those ponies out there think I'm a disgrace. How will it look for you, being seen associating with me?"

"I don't care about that." Flurry frowned. "If there's one thing I learned from my aunt Twilight, it's to always stand by my friends, no matter what."

"Even if your friends are socially inept?" Moongleam sighed.

"Moony, you're perfect just the way you are." Flurry assured her. "And if those stuck-up snobs don't like it, that's their loss."

Flurry offered Moongleam her hoof.

"Thanks, Flurry." Moongleam sniffed, accepting it.

"Any time." Flurry helped her up. "Now, what do you say we get back over there, tune out what those snobs are saying, and actually enjoy ourselves?"

"I guess it's worth a try." Moongleam nodded.

"That's the spirit." Flurry hugged her. "And I'll be by your side the whole time. Promise."

"...You really are a great friend, you know that?" Moongleam smiled.

"I like to think I do okay." Flurry chuckled.

Together, the two young mares returned to the party.

"Well, look who's back." Upper Crust scowled.

"One wonders how long it will take before she runs her mouth off again..." Jet Set sneered.

"Just ignore them, Moony." Flurry whispered. "Let's have some fun instead." As she finished her sentence, the band started up a new song, a bouncy tune. "Hey, let's dance!"

"Dance?" Moongleam frowned. "Seems a little juvenile... Oh, why not?"

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Flurry beamed.

The two young mares began to dance. Flurry quickly got into the groove, but Moongleam was more hesitant, making her moves slowly and carefully.

"Come on, Moony!" Flurry urged. "Loosen up!"

"I'll try..." Moongleam said awkwardly, as she started to speed up her movements. "Hey, this is kinda fun!" She cheered, swaying in time with the music.

"Now you're getting it!" Flurry cheered.

"Yeah!" Moongleam cheered. "Whoo!" She swayed too far forward, losing her balance. "Whoa..."

Moongleam bumped into a waiter, causing him to drop the food he was carrying. Another waiter stepped into the mess and slid across the room, bumping a statue, which fell onto the buffet table, sending the punch bowl and its contents flying. The punch splashed onto Jet Set and Upper Crust, and the bowl landed on both of their shocked heads.

Moongleam looked upon the scene in stunned silence... then burst out laughing.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" She giggled. "Oh, that was hilarious!"

The rest of the crowd started laughing too, to Jet Set and Upper Crust's outrage.

"See?" Flurry chuckled. "Acting your age isn't so bad after all, is it?"

"Definitely not." Moongleam smirked. "I really should try it more often..."

Across the room, Celestia and Luna watched the whole scene unfold.

"I had a feeling those two would help liven up the evening." Luna declared. "How fortunate for us that they were able to attend."

"I'm not sure everypony would agree with you, sister." Celestia noted Jet Set and Upper Crust, who were leaving the party with what little dignity they had left. "But they have kept this from being a dull evening..."

Flurry and Moongleam spent the rest of the evening having fun, just as Flurry suggested. While it may not have turned out the way they hoped their first assignment together would have, they still looked back upon the evening fondly...