• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,426 Views, 94 Comments

A Princess's Path - Bluecatcinema

Flurry Heart decides she needs to help ponies like a real royal does.

  • ...

A Princess's Choice

Flurry's eighteenth birthday had arrived. Her parents had thrown her a surprise party inside the castle (organized by Pinkie Pie, of course), with many of her friends and family invited. Flurry had wasted no time throwing herself into the festivities.

"I'm so glad you could make it, aunt Twily!" She hugged her favorite aunt.

"Wild Windigos couldn't have dragged me away." Twilight chuckled.

"Don't forget about us, cuz." Dusk grinned as he joined them, little Starlight at his side.

"Never." Flurry hugged them too.

"What's it like?" Starlight asked.

"What's what like?" Flurry frowned.

"Being a big pony." Starlight clarified.

"It doesn't feel all that different." Flurry admitted. "But it's what comes after today that matters."

"Huh?" Starlight tilted her head, confused.

"It's a little hard to explain." Flurry shrugged.

"Hey, sis." Dusk stepped in. "Wanna grab some party food? I see your favorite: Pear fritters!"

"Yay!" Starlight cheered. "Let's go!"

"Don't eat too much, you two." Twilight warned them. "You'll want to save room for cake."

"Will do, mom!" Dusk called, as he and his sister rushed off.

"Kids, am I right?" Flurry joked. "I remember when I just to be like that..."

Discord suddenly appeared, making his customary flashy appearance. He was wearing a party hat and carrying a noisemaker.

"Nothing like a good party, I always say!" He cheered. "And how is the birthday girl?" He smiled at Flurry. "Enjoying your little milestone?"

"It's more like a big milestone." Flurry corrected him. "Today, I'm officially an adult."

"Well, congratulations, adult pony." Discord bowed playfully. "Any grown-up activities you're planning on embarking on?"

"Not just yet." Flurry chuckled.

"Not to sound dismissive, but when you're an immortal chaos spirit, eighteen years is barely the blink of an eye." Discord pointed out. "So excuse me if I'm finding it difficult to relate."

"I guess that makes sense." Flurry declared. "Still, thanks for coming."

"Thanks for the invite." Discord replied. "I don't get asked to attend that many parties, you know. You'd think a charismatic, hilarious fellow like me would be at the top of every guest list, and yet, my social calendar has some surprisingly large gaps in it."

"Yes, it's a real mystery." Twilight joked.

"The real mystery is where my best friend has been so far." Moongleam joined the group.

"Sorry, Moony." Flurry apologized. "I was just making the rounds. Didn't want to make any of the other guests feel left out."

"Classic Flurry." Moongleam hugged her. "Always makes it difficult to stay mad at her..."

"Call it a gift." Flurry chuckled.

"Speaking of 'making the rounds', I think I'll go mingle for a while." Discord announced. "Happy birthday, little Princess."

Discord disappeared, leaving a cloud of confetti behind.

"Four figure age, but single figure maturity." Moongleam rolled her eyes.

"At least things are never dull with him around." Flurry grinned.

"I think I prefer 'dull'." Moongleam snorted.

At that moment, Flash, who had been catching up with Shining Armor, joined Twilight.

"Miss me?" He nuzzled her.

"Always." Twilight chuckled.

"What say we hit the dance floor, show 'em how it's done?" Flash offered.

"With pleasure." Twilight nodded. "See you later, Flurry."

"You two have fun." Flurry sniggered, knowing full well what her aunt's dance moves were like.

"I pity the poor ponies who have to share the dance floor with your aunt." Moongleam joked.

"Even the Princess of Friendship can't be good at everything." Flurry shrugged. "Shall we get some punch?"

"I am feeling a little parched." Moongleam nodded.

Flurry and Moongleam made their way to the refreshments table, and got some of Pinkie Pie's mixed berry punch.

"Mmm, great stuff." Flurry smiled.

"No argument here." Moongleam nodded.

Just as they finished their drinks, they were joined by Shining Armor and Cadance.

"Hey, sweetheart." Shining Armor grinned. "Enjoying the party?"

"How can I not?" Flurry beamed. "You guys really went all out this year."

"Well, it is a special birthday." Shining Armor pointed out.

"Can you believe it, Shiny?" Cadance sighed. "Our little filly is now a grown mare."

"It seems like just yesterday we were feeding her mashed peas and changing her diapers." Shining Armor recalled fondly.

"Dad!" Flurry cringed.

Discord loudly snickered behind her.

"It's not too late for you to be uninvited, you know." Flurry scowled.

"Oh, come on, little Princess." Discord chuckled. "Have a sense of humor about yourself! ...Maybe you just need some mashed peas to calm you down."

Moongleam found herself chuckling at that remark, though she tried to mask it with a cough

"A-ha!" Discord said triumphantly. "Made you laugh!"

"Really, Moony?" Flurry pouted. "You too?"

"I wasn't laughing." Moongleam lied. "I just... need more more punch!" She filled another cup and quickly drank it. "See? All good!"

"No matter how old you get, you'll still be our little filly at heart." Cadance told Flurry. "But that doesn't mean we won't acknowledge the wonderful young mare you've become."

"Thanks, mom." Flurry smiled.

"No matter what happens, we'll always be here for you." Shining Armor added as he and Cadance hugged their daughter.

"Aww..." Moongleam cooed.

"A little too mushy for my tastes." Discord rolled his eyes. "Now, how about those snacks?" He floated over to the refreshments table.

"Here comes the caaake!" Pinkie sang as she wheeled in the confection.

The cake was a baking masterpiece. It was pure white, with marzipan filling, several layers, and with frosting in the colors of Flurry's mane. Eighteen candles stood on the top layer.

"Wow, that is one big cake." Flurry gaped. "Pinkie's really outdone herself this time..."

"You know the rules, everypony: the birthday girl gets the first slice." Pinkie carved out a piece of the cake and gave it to Flurry. "Okay, now everypony else line up for some birthday deliciousness!"

Flurry took a bite out of her slice.

"Mmm-mm!" She smiled. "It tastes even better than it looks!"

"And it looked amazing to begin with." Moongleam declared, enjoying her own slice.

Everypony there seemed to have the same opinion, happily indulging in the cake. Twilight had to clean some of the frosting off her daughter's face, as Starlight had devoured her slice in one go.

Meanwhile, the adult Starlight and Sunburst, having gotten their own slices of cake, joined their daughter and Flurry.

"Hi, Flurry." Starlight smiled. "How's the young mare today?"

"I'm great, thanks." Flurry grinned.

"I guess I'm done being your Crystaller." Sunburst mused. "You're a grown mare now. You won't be needing this old stallion for guidance."

"Don't be so sure." Flurry smiled. "I could always use the guidance of a smart pony like you."

"She's right, dad." Moongleam added. "The whole Crystal Empire would be lost without you."

"You're going to make my head swell if you keep this up." Sunburst said modestly.

"Besides, I'm pretty sure even grown ponies need help from time to time." Flurry pointed out.

"I can personally guarantee that." Starlight declared. "And if there's ever any time you'd like my advice, don't be afraid to be ask."

"I'll keep that in mind." Flurry nodded. "Guess being smart really runs in the family, huh, Moony?"

"It took you this long to figure that out?" Moongleam joked.

After the cake was finished, Flurry started opening the gifts her guests had brought. The first was from Twilight; it was a rare first edition copy of Predictions & Prophecies.

"In a way, this book was what started me on the path that made me the pony I am today." Twilight declared. "And now that you're an adult, and about to start on your own path in life, it seemed like the perfect gift."

"Thanks, aunt Twilight." Flurry smiled, touched by the gesture.

"A wonderful gift, it must be said." Discord declared as he appeared at Twilight's side. "But it's about to get blown out of the water by my gift!"

"It's not a contest, Discord." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"We'll see about that." Discord smirked.

A small gift-wrapped box appeared in Flurry's hoof. Flurry unwrapped it to see a snowglobe, figurines of herself and Discord inside. Inscribed on a gold plaque were the words "To my favorite little Princess".

"Aww, thanks, Discord." Flurry beamed. "This is... really sweet."

"You're quite welcome." Discord chuckled. He leaned over and whispered in Twilight's ear. "Jealous much?"

"More like impressed." Twilight admitted. "That was a really thoughtful gift, Discord. I'm pleasantly surprised."

"Not my favorite kind of surprised, but I'll take it." Discord shrugged.

Flurry's next gift was from Moongleam; It was a bracelet with two jewels set into it. One was pink, like Flurry's coat, while the other matched Moongleam's coat.

"My way of saying we'll always be friends." Moongleam smiled.

"Best friends." Flurry hugged her.

After Moongleam came Anthem. His gift turned out to be a shirt with the words "World's greatest big sister" stitched on it.

"Need I say more?" Anthem grinned.

"Actions speak louder than words, squirt." Flurry hugged her little brother.

"You're welcome, sis." Anthem beamed.

The next gift came from Flurry's parents. It was a gold, heart-shaped locket, with a picture of the family inside.

"So we'll be with you no matter where you are." Shining Armor explained.

"Always right next to your heart." Cadance added.

"Okay, that's a little mushy." Flurry admitted. "But I love it anyway."

"And we love you, sweetheart." Shining Armor beamed, as he and Cadance hugged her.

"But that goes without saying." Cadance chuckled.

"It sure does." Flurry hugged them back. "But thanks for saying it anyway."

Not long after that heartwarming scene, the party came to an end, and the guests departed. Barely an hour lately, an exhausted Flurry went to bed.

'My first day as an adult.' She thought. 'The first day of the rest of my life. This is just the beginning... but the beginning of what?'

Over the following days, Flurry continued to think about what lay ahead for her, but was unable to gain any traction.

'What will I do?' She thought. 'What path can I take?'

She couldn't very well keep those thoughts to herself, so she called in Moongleam to discuss them.

"What's the problem, Flurry?" Moongleam asked as they sat in the castle library.

"I've been thinking about what I should do now that I'm eighteen." Flurry admitted.

"Do?" Moongleam frowned.

"Yeah." Flurry nodded. "What the rest of my life is going to be about. My destiny."

"Well, that's... All well and good." Moongleam admitted. "But not very precise."

"I know." Flurry declared. "But I just know that I have a purpose waiting for me out there."

"What about the royal assignments we've been going on this past year?" Moongleam pointed out.

"I have enjoyed those." Flurry smiled. "Traveling around Equestria, making a difference... But those assignments were given to me by my parents."

"And that's a problem because...?" Moongleam asked.

"I'm not a filly anymore. I'm a grown mare now." Flurry pointed out. "It's time for me to stand on my own four hooves."

"And how will you be doing that?" Moongleam inquired.

"... I have no idea." Flurry admitted. "All I know is that I'm an adult now, and I've got to start acting like one."

"Makes me glad I'm fourteen." Moongleam joked.

"Aunt Twilight said it herself." Flurry mused. "When she wasn't that much older than me, she started on the path that led to her becoming the Princess of Friendship. There's a path out there for me. I just have to find it."

"Normally, I'd suggest researching the problem." Moongleam declared. "But I highly doubt there's a book on finding paths for a Princess."

"Probably not." Flurry sighed. "But I know a pony who will definitely know the answer..."

Fortunately, Flurry's schedule was clear for the week, so she made her way down to Ponyville to speak with her aunt.

"...So that's pretty much it, aunt Twilight." She finished explaining.

"This takes me back." Twilight mused. "Nearly a year ago, you were talking to me about how you felt like you weren't living up to your role as a Princess."

"This is different." Flurry declared. "Everything I've done on my royal assignments makes me feel like it's only the tip of the iceberg. Like I can do so much more... help so many more ponies. Not just in royal matters, but in all kinds of matters."

Discord suddenly appeared.

"Does that include chaotic matters?" He smirked. "Because I've been toying with the idea of hiring an apprentice..."

"Eavesdropping again, Discord?" Twilight asked.

"Noooo!" Discord snorted. "I was just in the neighborhood, and happened to overhear young Flurry's woes. Is that a crime?"

"Not technically..." Twilight admitted.

"Perhaps I can assist her." Discord offered. "I've done it before, after all..."

"Right now, I'll take all the help I can get." Flurry nodded.

"Well, for starters, I was only half-joking about the apprentice thing." Discord smiled. "Think about it: 'Flurry Heart, Princess of Chaos'. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"That's... a nice offer." Flurry said awkwardly. "But I don't really think that's for me."

"Your loss." Discord shrugged.

"In the end, it's up to you who you become, Flurry." Twilight declared. "I chose to be the Princess of Friendship. And do you know why?"

"Why?" Flurry asked.

"Because that role is a reflection of who I am." Twilight smiled. "Since that day, I and my friends have helped to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria, because we truly believe in its power to change the world. I've seen the miracles friendship can bring to life, and know that it's one of the greatest forces in Equestria. Knowing that, how could I have chosen any other path?"

"How indeed?" Flurry smiled. "I believe in friendship too, but I don't think there's a need for two Princesses of Friendship..."

"Not unless Twilight steps down." Discord joked.

"Let's put a pin in that idea for now." Twilight frowned.

"Fair enough." Discord waved his lion paw. "Still, there are plenty of other options out there, little Princess. Your mother's the Princess of Love. Maybe you could become the Princess of some other mushy concept."

"As long as you listen to your heart, I'm sure whatever path you take will be the right one." Twilight encouraged Flurry.

"Thanks, aunt Twily." Flurry smiled.

"A-hem!" Discord cleared his throat loudly.

"You too, Discord." Flurry rolled her eyes. "You've both given me a lot to think about."

"I couldn't call myself the 'best aunt ever' if I weren't ready to help my favorite niece." Twilight grinned. "Especially in a matter this important."

"Well, I should be getting back." Flurry declared. "Thanks again."

Flurry departed from the study.

"Nice speech back there. Little heavy on the sap, don't you think?" Discord teased.

"Better too much than too little." Twilight declared. "Whatever happens, I know Flurry will make us all proud."

"On that, we agree." Discord nodded. "That little Princess is something special..." He nudged Twilight playfully. "Must run in the family, huh?"

"You said it, not me." Twilight chuckled.

Upon her return to the Crystal Empire, Flurry's mind was racing. Usually, talking with her aunt made things clearer, but this time, it had just raised further questions for Flurry to focus on.

"Maybe I could just go around Equestria, fighting evil." Flurry considered, as she sat in the living room of Moongleam's home.

"What little evil is still out there." Moongleam pointed out. "It seems your aunt and her friends may have done too good a job in that regard. If you choose that path, you'll barely have anything to do at all."

"Good point." Flurry admitted. "So maybe I should look somewhere else..."

"For what?" Starlight asked, she and Sunburst entering the room.

"Flurry is just mulling over her options for her future." Moongleam declared. "Namely, what path she should take."

"That sounds familiar." Sunburst mused. "After failing at magic school, I really struggled with where to go and what to do with my life. I ultimately chose to come here and live in secluded shame."

"No offense, dad, but that doesn't seem very encouraging." Moongleam declared.

"Well, I did end up finding my path eventually... with a little help." Sunburst smiled. "Sometimes, that's all you need to find out you're meant to do."

"As for me, I had pretty much the opposite problem." Starlight admitted. "When I was eighteen, I was already sure of the path I thought was meant for me. The path I thought was right. But I couldn't have been more wrong. It took your aunt Twilight to help me find the path I was destined to take."

"She did give me some good advice." Flurry nodded. "She told me to listen to my heart. Easier said than done, though..."

"It can be tricky." Starlight mused. "Sometimes, you don't quite understand what it is your heart wants. You can get confused, and make mistakes."

"I never thought of that..." Flurry fretted.

"But that's only if you let things like loneliness and anger blind you." Starlight assured her. "I sure did. But after I became your aunt's student, it became easier for me to listen."

"And if anypony can listen to her heart, it's you, Flurry." Moongleam smiled.

"Thanks, Moony." Flurry smiled. "Thank you all."

"You did say you'd still need my advice from time to time." Sunburst pointed out.

Over the next few days, Flurry thought long and hard about what it was she wanted to do, deep down in her heart. She remembered how she had felt a year ago, when she wanted desperately to live up to her role as a Princess.

'That seems like so long ago.' She thought as she lay in bed one night. 'I've seen and done so much since then...'

Flurry reflected on all her experiences: the travels, the fun... but most of all, she found herself reflecting on the times when she helped others. How she had negotiated peace between the miners and the Diamond Dogs, helped both Dodger and Mrs. Greyfeather in Trottingham, helped to capture the Changeling spy at Thorax's hive, and exposed both Iron Will and the Flim-Flam Brothers' scams in Las Pegasus, protecting the ponies from being conned. She found that it was those memories she cherished most.

'It felt so good to help them.' Flurry smiled. 'To brighten up their day, make things better for them. I think those were my favorite moments of the assignments. Sometimes, I wish there were more of them...'

At that moment, everything fell into place.

'That's it.' Flurry thought. 'It's all so clear now. Thanks, heart...'

At breakfast the next morning, Flurry made an announcement

"Mom, dad, I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want to do with my life." Flurry announced. "The path I want to take."

"You have, have you?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yes." Flurry nodded. "And I've come to a decision. On all my royal assignments, I've learned a lot. I've seen a lot of amazing sights. But most of all, I've helped a lot of ponies. That, more than anything else, is the part of my assignments I've enjoyed the most: helping others. And I'd like to do more of that. A lot more."

"That's very thoughtful of you, sweetheart." Cadance smiled proudly. "But how do you plan to do so?"

"By getting out there." Flurry said boldly. "Providing help and support to those who need it. And not just in Equestria. I want to help the beings beyond Equestria."

"Beyond?" Shining Armor frowned.

"That's right." Flurry nodded. "There's a whole world out there, and not every place is as peaceful and idyllic as Equestria. But that can be changed. If there's one thing aunt Twilight taught me, it's that helping others is always the right thing to do. And there are no doubt plenty of lives out there in need of help."

"Are you sure you want to do this, Flurry?" Shining Armor asked. "Don't get me wrong, whatever you choose, we'll support you. But you have to be certain that this is what you truly want."

"I've never been more certain of anything in my life." Flurry pledged. "I know I can make a difference out there. Provide help where it's needed, and spread the values I've learned and been taught all my life."

"You might be onto something there, Flurry." Cadance mused. "You could be Equestria's very first goodwill ambassador to the world beyond our borders."

"I really could." Flurry nodded.

"But in order to do so, you're going to need to prepare like never before." Shining Armor pointed out. "Research the lands you want to visit. Their customs, their peoples, everything."

"And I'm more than willing to do so, dad." Flurry pledged. "This is the path I've chosen, and I'm going to stick with it, no matter what?"

"Wait, so you're just gonna... leave?" Anthem spoke up, his bottom lip quivering. "Just like that?"

"Not forever." Flurry assured him. "I'll come back as often as I can. The Crystal Empire is still my home, you know. And I'd have to be crazy to never want to see my family again."

"That's good to hear." Anthem smiled. "I'm still gonna miss you though, sis."

"I'll miss you too, squirt." Flurry ruffled his mane. "But I'm not going anywhere just yet. Like dad said, there's a lot to be done before I'm ready to go out there."

"We are so proud of you, Flurry." Shining Armor smiled. "You've become a stronger and kinder young mare than we could have hoped for."

"We know you'll make us proud out there." Cadance beamed.

"Thanks, guys." Flurry blushed. "I promise, I won't let you down."

After breakfast, Flurry made her way to Moongleam's home, eager to break the news.

"So that's the path you've chosen, huh?" Moongleam mused. "Goodwill ambassador for Equestria."

"Wow, your heart really knows how to make itself heard." Starlight joked.

"This is certainly a surprise." Sunburst declared. "But, having known you since your were a foal, I suppose I should have expected something big from you."

"Thanks, Sunburst." Flurry chuckled.

"I think this calls for a celebration." Starlight smiled. "I'll whip up some of those parsley and garlic fritters I've been saving."

"I'll help, sweetheart." Sunburst followed her into the kitchen.

At that moment, Flurry noticed that Moongleam wasn't as excited as she was.

"Is something wrong, Moony?" She asked.

"No, no." Moongleam shook her head. "I'm happy for you, really."

"Come on, you can't fool me." Flurry rolled her eyes. "Spill it."

"It's just... I'm not sure if I'll be able to come with you." Moongleam told Flurry. "My parents may not be willing to let me leave the country. Not until I'm a little older."

"I can wait a few years." Flurry declared. "Believe me, I have everything intention of making this a lifelong gig. And until then, I'll bring back every single tidbit of info and souvenirs from the countries I visit. It'll be the next best thing to actually being there."

"You'd do that for me?" Moongleam smiled.

"Of course." Flurry held up her left front hoof, which had the bracelet Moongleam had given her for her birthday on it. "Best friends, remember?"

"Best friends forever." Moongleam hugged her. "No matter what."

"That's the spirit." Flurry grinned. "And I promise, I'll be counting the days until you're old enough to join me."

"Me too." Moongleam promised.

"Hot fritters, coming through!" Starlight announced as she returned to the room, carrying the food on a tray. "Better try some before Sunburst eats 'em all!"

"I only had one!" Sunburst pouted. "Can I help it if you're such a good cook?"

"Flattery will get you... another fritter." Starlight floated one over to her husband.

"Thanks, dear." Sunburst nuzzled her gratefully.

As Flurry enjoyed the fritters alongside her best friend and her family, she made sure to savor not only the food, but the moment.

'No matter how far I go in the future, I'll never forget moments like these.' She thought, sharing a smile with Moongleam.

One chapter of Flurry's life had closed, with another about to open. At the moment, Flurry could only imagine what awaited her in the future. But she would see for herself in due time...

The End... For Now.

Comments ( 5 )

That was a great story of featuring the beautiful Flurry Heart into your universe.

Ooohh, I smell sequel

I was wondering how realistic it would be for a teen to be jealous of a new sibling...apparently, it's not uncommon! Interesting.

The dialogue is really good and engaging (especially poor Moony's slip-ups with the Yaks :rainbowlaugh:), but I'd like it if you put in a few more details to really bring the setting to life.

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